Sunday, January 26, 2020



I greet you all in the name of the Lord. In the previous episode of this testimony, I died as a sinner and I went to the abode of the dead on the 17th of January 2005. I testified about what happened when a sinner died in his sin.

And in the second part of this testimony, the Lord wanted to show me what happens when a man dies in Christ. In 2007, I came to the Lord and I was baptized in water in the same year. And in 2013, I was already serving God when this incident happened. I was hit by a huge stone on my forehead.

As a result, I went into a coma. I still have a scar around my eyebrow. When this incident happened, I was taken to the hospital for treatment. After treatment, I recovered consciousness but I was not well, so I was still under the care of doctors. Then everything went well and I recovered completely my memory and consciousness.

Not long after recovery, I was still in the hospital when I received an angelic visitation. When you see an angel you won't be able to distinguish whether he is a male or a female because they are extremely beautiful. They are always shining and their garments are also brightening and they have wings.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “Irene, we came to take you on a visit, so warn your mother.”

I said, “Mommy, the angels of the Lord are here. They have come to take me on a trip.”

My mother replied, “In the name of Jesus Christ, you are not going anywhere.”

Actually, there were many people around me when these angels came, but no one could see them except me.

I said to these people, “You must move away. You are hindering the work of the Lord.”

They replied, “We are not going anywhere. We shall be around here.”

Then I became uncomfortable. I said, “Okay.” 

Then I hid my face away from these people and then I passed out. I was gone.

A few minutes later the doctors said to my family, "Your daughter must be transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital because there is no reanimation machine here. Over there in St. Joseph's Hospital, they have reanimation and resuscitation operators.”

The doctor said to my family, “Your daughter is already gone and there is no guarantee she will respond to reanimation. But you can still go there and try.”

While the doctor was talking to my mother and family, I was already out of my body and I was observing them. But quickly I realized that I had a new body. This body was made up of light. I mean intense light, this body of glory was transparent. This new body of light had no flesh and no bones.

Then I noticed that I was dressed in a garment of the purest white that was luminous and resplendent. I was amazed by my new body and my garment of light, so I was admiring myself and I was in wonder and amazement.

While I was in admiration about my new body of light, I saw my mother crying around my corpse. I moved close to my mother. I observed her wailing, but I felt no sadness and no negative earthly emotion.

I also came to realize that I was not touching the ground anymore. I was moving in space, my feet were above the ground, I was devoid of negative terrestrial emotions like sadness or regret. I felt no emotion while my mother was crying for me. I did not mind her.

In the meantime, I lifted my arm. I was contemplating my transparent and luminous arm, which was shining with light. I was blown away by this phenomenon.

Then I saw another member of my family mourning for me, but strangely, all these crying and mourning did not affect me mentally or emotionally. In fact, these crying and wailing meant nothing to me, because of the nature of the glorious body of light that I put on.

Dear believer when you die, you will not be bothered or affected by the cries and mourning of people around your corpse. Even if your own children are crying for you, it will not affect you emotionally and mentally. There will be a disconnect between you and them. In fact, you won't have the normal usual terrestrial feeling of regret, sadness, and pity because you are clothed with the celestial body of glory that is deprived of earthly negative emotions.

The implication of putting on a heavenly body was that I was overwhelmed with felicity and unspeakable joy. I was so overjoyed that I did not mind people crying for me, including my own children. I did not mind my mother who was wailing for me, that emotional connection between daughter and mother was lost. Everything that was said by my family did not affect me. I did not feel their sadness and misery. I could not realize that the person who was crying and feeling the pain was my mother who carried me for nine months in her womb.

You cannot understand the joy and the ecstasy that was abounding. when I was clothed with a celestial body, I was overflowing with a joy that I could not understand, which was abounding and overflowing in me. I even forget that I left a child who needed me.

Previously, when I died as a sinner, I did put on a body of humiliation that was worse than our terrestrial body. I was calling for my mother and father, I was complaining about my child that I left behind. I was wondering who is going to take care of my child.

But in this instance, I was so full of joy that I even forget about my own child. I did not bother that I left a child and I did not wonder who is going to take care of him.

Then the angels of the Lord said to me, “Irene, we have to go.”

Dear believer, today if you die in Christ, you will definitely forget all the suffering of the Earth the second before you even reach the region of the heavenly world. The moment you leave your terrestrial body you shall be clothed with a body abounding with unspeakable joy, ecstasy, and felicity as it is written in 2 Corinthians 4:17 RV For our light affliction, which is for the moment, worketh for us more and more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory.

Then one of the angels of the Lord said to me, “Irene, let's go.”

Immediately one Angel stood on my right and the other Angel stood on my left side. Then we went out of the hospital. And while we were going out, I saw the vehicle that was called by my family in order to transfer my body to St. Joseph's Hospital for reanimation.

Not long after leaving the hospital, I saw a staircase going from Earth and reaching the cloud in the sky. We stood around this staircase, and all of a sudden, a cloud surrounded us. And we began to climb the staircase at a great speed. We were cruising at a prodigious speed, I was overwhelmed with transcendent joy in this body of glory. I was watching and admiring my glorious resplendent garment.

Actually, this body that I had is called the body of glory. It is written in Philippians 3:21, who shall transform the body of our humiliation to its becoming conformed to the body of His glory, according to the working of His power, even to subject to Himself all things.

Let me tell you that we do not get this body of glory when we die. But the moment we receive the Lord Jesus Christ in our heart as Lord and Savior, we become a new creation and we get a new body of glory.

It is written in John 3:5-6 AKJV Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

When we were born again we became a new creation and we receive this transparent and resplendent body of glory. I mean, as you are in Christ, you already have the body of glory, because you are a new creation, although you cannot see it. It is after you leave this body of flesh that you will see it.

It is written in 1 Corinthians 15:40 AKJV There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

Let me inform you that you already have that glorious body of light, although you will see it only after death. On top of this celestial body that we have when we were born of the Spirit we have also received a bright garment of the purest white. The day you were born again you have received from the Lord Jesus Christ, a garment of the purest white.

In fact, you are dressed in a white garment, and you have the obligation of keeping this celestial garment pure and spotless. But every time you sin and you fail to confess your sins, you must understand that there is a spot or dirt on your white garment.

It is written in Revelation 22:13-15 AKJV I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and whoever loves and makes a lie.

Dear brothers and sisters, if your garment is with dirt, you're going to have to confess your sin.

We continued going up and finally, we entered the celestial regions. We did travel quite a distance and we arrived at our destination. The cloud that surrounded us was gone and we landed on the foundation of the kingdom of Heaven. The ground was gold and the wall around us was golden. I saw many mansions. On Earth, we use marble but these mansions were built in gold and diamond.

When we arrived in Heaven, I stopped admiring my body of glory. My attention was now on the Eternal City of Gold. I began to admire the beautiful shining and gold Kingdom of glory built with precious stones.

Then one Angel gave us goodbye. And I was left with the other angel who said to me, “Irene, you heard about Heaven, this is it.”

I was in felicity, I cannot describe the joy and the feeling to you. Let me tell you Church, Heaven is real. Heaven is a tangible reality. It is big and it is beautiful.

Then I saw residential houses being constructed. Some houses were on the foundation level, others were halfway being built. Other houses were abandoned.

I was wondering who is building these houses. The Angel of the Lord said to me, “These houses are built by believers who are still on Earth.”

I was confused by the angel’s declaration. How can a believer on Earth be building a house in Heaven?

Then suddenly I heard a voice from far, saying, “Transmission of material.”

Then the angel said to me, “Irene, come let's see what is happening.”

Then I saw the Earth. In fact, I saw a Christian opening the Bible in order to meditate. As a result, the angel of the Lord who is assigned for the construction of his house received material for construction.

Actually, there are angels in Heaven that are assigned for the construction of houses for believers. Each born again Christian has an angel assigned to build his house in Heaven. Even if 1000 souls were to be born again today, each of these souls will be assigned an angel for the construction of their respective houses. Most of the time these angels are not busy because we are not giving them construction materials.

The moment you begin to read the Word of God, you are transferring construction material to the angel who is commissioned to build your house.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “The reading and meditating of the Word is the first principle of transmission of the material of construction. It is written in Joshua 1:8 AKJV This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success."

As the angel was talking to me we heard again a voice saying, “Transmission of material.”

When we went to check we saw on Earth a Christian praying, the angel of the Lord said, “This is the second principle of transmission of construction material, you must be committed in prayer. You must be dedicated to prayer. You must learn to spend time in the presence of the Lord.”

As we were still around these constructions we heard again, “Transmission of material.”

When we look down on Earth, we saw a believer doing evangelism in the street and winning souls, consequently sending construction materials in Heaven.

But dear brothers and sisters, you claim to be a Christian yet you don't read the Bible. You don't pray and you don't evangelize.

As we were in this residential area, I saw houses that were on foundation level and I saw houses whose construction was stopped and houses that were abandoned, despite the fact that there are angels with the mission to build these houses.

As the angel was talking to me about evangelism I heard again, “Transmission of material.”

Then we saw a believer on Earth worshiping and praising the Lord. Beloved, this was a personal devotion and dedication, not in the Church but at home. A born again Christian must learn to sing songs of praise and worship to the Lord. You must have songs that glorify the Lord because there are many songs out there. Despite the fact that they are Christian songs, they do not glorify the Lord but the evil one.

Actually, I met the gospel singer Brother Alain Moloto who died recently. He is in Heaven. And he warned me about many gospel songs that are not in the glory of God. I saw Brother Alain Moloto in Heaven shining intensely.

The Angel of the Lord asked, “How did you recognize him?” Because previously the angel of the Lord showed me a pastor that I failed to recognize, but I recognized Brother Alain Moloto easily.

Brother Alain Moloto was like 35 years old in Heaven. People are dressed with youthful vigor in their immortality in Heaven. And there is no old man in Heaven.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “You must be careful about Gospel songs. Not all these musicians are of God. Many of them are singing in the glory of Satan although they are quoting the name of Jesus Christ. Christians must discern the songs that are inspired because not all of these songs are from God.”

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “Many dances that Christians are dancing in the Church are not from God. The world is entering the Church.”

While I was talking to the angel of the Lord, I heard again, “Transmission of material.”

I saw a Christian paying tithe in the Church. And when his pastor was praying for him I saw the angel of the Lord responsible for the construction of his house receiving construction material.

Many believers are unfaithful in terms of giving tithes, they steal God’s tithes.

The Lord said to me, "Tell believers who do not pay tithes, they are stealing from Me and they are thieves.”

The Lord has shown me the demon of poverty. He has many chains and with his chains, he is holding many people. This demon of poverty resists prayer. Most of the time, we waste our time in casting out demons of poverty in prayer instead of giving. Giving and bringing tithes must be combined in order to break bank poverty.

The Angel of the Lord made it clear to me that offering must be prepared at home. There are people who always prepare their offering in the Church during offering time.

Then we observe on Earth Christian practicing charity. As a result material of construction was sent to their Angel of construction in Heaven.

The question is which material do you send to Heaven since you only pray and read the Bible in Church on Sunday.

The angel of the Lord said to me, “Many believers will be homeless in the celestial kingdom.”

After visiting these construction sites, I heard a melody resonating in the city. It was beautiful. And when I looked in order to check where it was coming from, I saw countless crowds of the redeemed and the holy angels worshiping the Lord. I do not have words to describe the effect of these new songs of worship unto the Lord.

As I was observing the innumerable multitude worshiping the Lord, I recognized a pastor’s wife among the crowds.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “Irene, do you recognize the pastor's wife?”

I said, “Yes, I do. I recognize her. But how come she is here in Heaven?”

I remember that I left her on the Earth, and she is not dead.

The Angel of the Lord said, “Sure, the pastor’s wife is not dead, she is alive on the Earth. I know you are wondering how come she is here. You must understand that most of the born again Christians are here in Heaven although they are alive on the Earth. The spirits of born again believers attend praise and worship service all the time in Heaven.”

The angel explained to me that true Christians dwell in the presence of the Most High in Heaven. I was astonished to hear this from the angel. It is written in Ephesians 2:6-7 AKJV And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 7 That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

The angel of the Lord said to me, “Many of the people you see in those innumerable crowds of the redeemed are not dead, they are alive on Earth.”

Actually, many people who are living on Earth are already in Hell and many people on Earth are already in Heaven. Many souls are on the spacious road to Hell and few souls are in the narrow gate to Heaven.

The angel of the Lord said to me, “Christians on the Earth do not tread upon the ground. In fact, their feet do not touch the Earth. They are in space.”

This is a mystery that witches and wizards do not understand. When they try to collect Christians’ foot marks on the ground, they become confronted with the spiritual reality. The angel said that the believer walks in space, he does not touch the ground.

Then the angel of the Lord asked me, “Irene, do you know that God dwells in the midst of praise and worship?”

I said, “Yes, I do.”

The angel asked me again, “Irene, do you know that the true worship is to worship the Lord in truth and in spirit?”

I said, “Yes.”

He said, “But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him.” (John 4:23)

The Angel of the Lord said again, “The Church does not know how to worship the Lord on Earth. The day you shall understand the ministry of praise and worship, you will be experiencing healing, miracles, and wonders among the people. 

Those who worship God in truth and spirit cause the presence of God to come down among the people and they transmit peace to the Church. People will be filled with joy, peace, and God’s presence as a result of their praise and worship.”

I wanted to join the crowds of the redeemed but the angel said to me, “Irene, you are not worthy to join them.”

I was stunned because I was serving God on Earth before dying. Then I began to observe the throne of the Lord. I noticed that it was not a static throne. The Throne of the Lord is dynamic, and it was like moving.

When I gazed at it, it was as if it was approaching towards me. Sometimes it seems like it was expanding, the more I was contemplating it.

When I decided to gaze at the face of the Lord I saw and I experienced waves and flashes of light emanating from the throne and sweeping me. This intense light affected me. In fact, on Earth, an intense light will cause you to close your eyes but this light caused me to close my eyes and bow my head. I stood in God’s presence with my head bowed.

I tried to see God but intense waves and flashes of light were sweeping my being. It is written in Matthew 28:3 AKJV His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow, and in Revelation 1:14 AKJV His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire.

The angel said to me, “Irene, tell the Church in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven, they must be committed to the full. They must be hundred percent dedicated, not 99%.”

I was sad and I said in my heart, “This is tough,” but the angel replied, “It is not difficult.”

I said in my heart, “How can the angel say it is not difficult.”

Then the angel said, “The principle of 100% commitment implies that you cannot hide sin in your heart. You must always confess your sin, and you must always check your daily walk and have self-control. Always remember where you have fallen and repent because failure to do so may deprive your soul of spending eternity in Heaven. Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)

In fact, when you are hiding your sin, you are actually making your garment dirty with spots. But the moment you confess your sin, the blood of Jesus cleanse your garment by removing all the spots and purify you.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “Irene, you can spend 35 years in the presence of God in prayer and dedication to His kingdom. But if one day you sinned and you failed to confess that sin, the moment you did it, if the rapture happens, you won't be in the rapture, despite the fact that you have spent 35 years in the presence of God. You must always confess your sin when you fall and continue your walk with God. If you spend 25 years in the presence of God, and you sinned but you failed to confess your sin, the moment you fell and you died like that, you will end up in the place of torment in the abode of the dead. Despite the fact that you have lived 25 years in the presence of God.”
The angel said, “Tell believers to be extremely prudent. They must control and check their walk every day. They should not wait when they fall in sin, they must confess their sin the moment they have fallen. Christians should never delay their confession because they don't know when the trumpet will sound and they don't know when death will come. Your garment must be white and spotless. It is written, therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day on which your Lord will come. But understand this, if the owner of the house had known in which watch of the night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. (Matthew 24:42-43)

I felt painful to hear this. I said to the angel, “This is tough.”

Then we moved to a mountain.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “Look down.”

When I looked down on the ground, I saw Planet Earth. I saw continents and countries. I saw houses and people getting on with their lives.

The angel zoomed at part of the Earth precisely a compound. Then I saw a Christian coming out of this compound, I noticed that there was poverty in this compound, and the man, a Christian was dressed in clothes that revealed lack and poverty.

Then I saw in the street, another Christian driving a beautiful car. He had an envelope containing money. I saw this well-to-do Christian talking to the poor Christian, and afterward, he gave him money that was in the envelope. Once this poor believer got the envelope containing money, I saw him lifting his hand to the sky and saying, “Let glory return to the Lord.”

This Christian thanked God first before thanking the other believer who gave him money.

The moment this Christian said, “Let glory return to God,” something happened in Heaven. I saw an angel sounding the trumpet intensely. The moment he finished sounding his trumpet, another angel began to glorify God by reciting all the glorious names of the Lord. And the moment he finished glorifying the Lord, another Angel began to sing a song of praise and the whole choir of angels joined him in praise and worship. This seems like a celebration in Heaven.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “You people on the Earth are ungrateful to God. The Lord likes people thanking Him for the good things He is doing for them. Believers must learn to be grateful in His presence.”

The angel said to me, “When Jesus healed the 10 lepers, He expected them to come back and thank Him, but only one of them came back and thanked Him.”

Brothers and sisters, when you wake up in the morning, you must thank the Lord for the breath of life and the new day He gave you because you don't deserve it. It is by grace.

Then the angel of the Lord said to me, “The place we are now is called the place of rest.”

Actually, I remember when I arrived in this place of rest, I saw the saints welcoming me with joy. They were delighted and happy for me because most of humanity and Christians who are dying are going to the place of torment. Only a minority are going to Heaven. I was received with joy because I have overcome.

Every believer that is worthy to enter the celestial kingdom get the title of an overcomer. I was treated as an overcomer when I arrived because the saints of Heaven thought that I have joined them forever. Later they were informed that I am just a visitor. But when I arrived, they gave me the impression that I came out of the greatest battle ever against the devil, the world and the flesh and I have overcome.

Dear brothers and sisters, living in this world is a great battle and there are traps everywhere. And when you win this battle, you will be welcomed with excitement, joy, and celebration at the gate of Heaven by holy angels and the saints of Heaven.

I was impressed by the way I was welcomed because everybody was excited and congratulating me on winning the great battle and they were happy for me.

Dear brothers and sisters, living on Earth is a great battle, but there are also great promises for the overcomer. It is written, “To him who overcomes, I will grant him to eat the Tree of Life which is in the paradise of God. I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows, but he who receives it. I will give him authority over nations and he will be clothed in white garments. To him who overcomes I will not erase his name from the book of life. I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God and he will not go out from it anymore. I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of Heaven from My God, and also My new name. To him who overcomes I will grant him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. To him who overcomes he will not be hurt by the second death. (cf Rev 2 and 3)

Beloved, Jesus is the first overcomer because He accepted to die a painful death by submitting Himself unto death, but unfortunately many are not overcomers. They are going to the place of torment because of the pleasure of this passing world. Many are not using the narrow road in order to enter in the place of rest, but they are using the spacious way leading to perdition and gnashing of teeth.

I noticed that only a few are entering the place of rest in comparison to the abode of the dead because many are dying in sin. I noticed in this place of rest people was dressed in brightening garment and they were all clothed with youth and vigor.

The angel said, “People are strong here because they are worshippers. They must have strength in order to glorify the Lord.”

Then the angel of the Lord showed me the Earth and it was really dark. I said, “It is night on the Earth.”

The Angel of the Lord said, “The darkness you see covering the Earth is the center of the world and it is increasing. It was really thick darkness. People are going to Church but they are always committing sin. And every time a man sins, he is adding more darkness on the Earth. And every time a Christian commits a sin, he is nailing Jesus’ hands. Every sin is a nail in the hands of Jesus who is crying for your soul.”

When the angel was explaining this to me, I saw the hand and the feet of Jesus. I could not see His face because of the light. But He was wearing a white garment and golden belt. It was written on this golden belt, “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Then I noticed big scars on His hands and feet. And every time a born again Christian is falling in sin, blood is coming out of Jesus' hands and feet and He is crying for our souls.

I heard Jesus crying and saying, “My children, I gave My life for you, can you not abandon your sin and repent?”

Beloved, how many times are you crucifying Jesus Christ every day with your sins? It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the Word of God in the powers of the coming age, and then have fallen away to be restored again to repentance because they themselves are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to open shame. (Hebrews 6:4-6)

Then we continued to observe the Earth again with the angel and I saw figures that looked like stars. 

Then the angels zoomed to many parts of the Earth. I noticed these stars were in fact, believers. They had celestial bodies and they were dressed in brightening garments of the purest white.

I noticed that each of these Christians was accompanied by the angels of the Lord. And when the Christian is walking in the street, the angel of the Lord always go before him to prepare the way for him.

I observed how the angel of the Lord operates during a traffic car accident. I saw the angel of the Lord grabbing and pulling a Christian out of a car during an accident. I was happy to see angels working for the Christians.

I said, “Well, we don't know what the Lord is doing for us.”

Then the angel said to me, “Observe the Earth again.”

I was observing and I saw two houses on the Earth. There was a house of light and a house of darkness. I saw people leaving the houses of light going in great numbers to houses of darkness.

The angel said, “These houses are churches. Many people are joining churches of darkness. The Church of light is a true Church with God's presence. Houses of darkness are churches where pastors are living in fornication, idolatry, and occultism. These pastors are no longer in covenant with God. The Lord has turned His back on them.”

The angel said, “Most of these churches are no longer regarded as churches by the Lord. Most of the churches with crowds of people are not valued by the Lord. The Lord is no longer dealing with the leaders of churches that are overcrowded.”

The Angel of the Lord said, “You shall know these false pastors by their works and their teaching. They are no longer of God. Be careful with these mega-churches. Members of these churches have become fanatic.”

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “Irene, a true Church of Jesus Christ will preach these four messages.”

Beloved, if you are hearing me and that your pastors do not preach these four messages get out of that Church because many pastors are already in the occultism.

Let me tell you, many pastors are working like princes of the devil. They are preparing for the devil souls that will join him in the lake of fire. 

These churches are so overcrowded that human sacrifices that are offered by these pastors are undetected. You won’t not feel the impact of the loss because of the crowds. People die in these overcrowded churches in human sacrifice.

If your pastor does not preach repentance, let me tell you to get out of this Church. This is not the time to hear things that are pleasing your ears.

If your pastor does not mention sin in his preaching, get out of that Church.

If he does not insist on fleeing from sin, then you're going to have to leave that Church. Otherwise, you will join him in the lake of fire.

Secondly, the Church must get people to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Many people are coming to Church but they never gave their lives to Christ. They never surrender to Him.

The third message is sanctification. It is written, “Pursue peace with all men, as well as holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)

The fourth message is rapture and prudence because we don't know the time. We must watch and pray so that we will not give in to temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.