Wednesday, July 15, 2020



In my vision of dawn, I saw a black horse flying over me. I realized there was a rider on it. It flew in several of the countries in the world. I noticed that the horse was releasing a black smoke wherever he passed and that smoke was to damage the population of the world. 

I looked for an answer in the Lord. 

He told me that it is the hungry knight that is coming over the world population. The Lord said, "He will consume all food, thus causing many to suffer from great hunger and various deaths and conflicts due to him.”

Revelation 6:5-6 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and see a black horse, and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the middle of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see you hurt not the oil and the wine.

The Black Horseman carries a pair of balances or weighing scales, indicating the way that bread would have been weighed during a famine.


The Lord took me in a rapture to a country that at the moment I did not know where I was. I was spinning in this place almost everywhere at a speed that only God knows. While turning, the Lord was there with me and told me, “You are in Venezuela.” 

So I paid attention to see and to understand what was happening. I saw a lot of misery in several parts and I saw a lot of dirt in the city in other parts. I was amazed because it looked like a very poor country. I saw people living in a critical state. 

The Lord said the following to me, “This country has a great number of people involved in prostitution. Young children and teenagers already sell their bodies to be able to eat because the situation is very precarious. They are addicted to cigarettes, drugs, and many toxic addictions.” 

But the Lord told me that this nation has 3 young people that He is raising up with great authority from the Word and that a great move from God will turn that nation from various aspects. Soon there will be news of great power from God manifesting in that place although it will be accompanied by a lot of pain and suffering, saith the Lord. 


The Lord also told me about Croatia. I saw a huge white serpent who was the god-principality of that nation. Everyone there worshipped that serpent, thinking that he is the true god because that serpent was Satan who is behind his religions. He controls the parents in that place doing many satanic sacrifices and worshipping many statues. 

The Lord said that we should pray for this country because it is in great danger of catastrophes along with some countries. but the Lord is awakening a true Christianity in that place. Glory to God. 


The Lord also told me that Africa is full of false prophets and apostles who are deceiving many people because Africa thinks that it is saved. Most of them are going to hell when they die because they didn't let go of their customs and traditions that mix Christianity with the occult. 

The Lord is angry with Africa because he is completely turned away from God. His pastors are concerned with making names, having great wealth and showing that they are well with God confusing divine favor with worldly prosperity. 

The Lord says, “I want hearts and not perishable riches. I urge you, Africa, to repent urgently. My judgment is in the 4 corners and you will be damaged terribly. With open hands, you dance the music to Christ but in your prostitution, you welcome all corrupt presidents and rich people to satiate with their pleasures. Africa, wake up to the truth because you are cooperating for the destruction of true Christianity. There are few in Africa being saved. Most are going to perdition. Woe to your pastors who are at the president's table. eating and drinking to the disgrace of their peoples.”


In my vision, I looked again at the statue of Christ in Brazil and the same statue was rocking a lot and very intensely. Then I saw a dragon which had the face of a man. This dragon launched great fires on the statue and the fire did not reach the statue but instead hit a good part of Brazil. 

When I woke up, I understood that that dragon was coming to annihilate Brazilian economies and politics and after that take possession of it. This dragon wants to proceed in this way for many countries, thus provoking great revolts and demonstrations. 

So says the Lord to the shepherds of Brazil, “You are doing the work in a hypocritical way, pretending to show to the masses that you are close to Me when all you do is seek popularity and followers. Repent urgently from your vanity because I will arrive and I will remove your candlestick.” 

The Lord told me, “The time for regret, repentance and change has come for Brazil. It is not a time to play and seek fame. I regret that ministers in this country are in competitions. Some people showing off that they are better than the other. Repent! The provinces have made their own gods and placed them in the high houses like the pagans do.”

Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom He has chosen for his own inheritance.


Then I was taken by the Lord for a clear vision. I was standing, where I don't know. I saw this man with a giant spirit with a gorilla face. The same spirit played with him and stored him in such shape. 

I heard the Lord telling me that he got into business that he should not have. That caused a great spiritual revolt. The Lord has already signed his day of death and that it will be a very brief death. He will be transported by that same ugly giant demon. I saw them entering a dark tunnel. They went to Hell. This demon tormented him a lot and he cried a lot with all his broken bones. There are a few days for him to live before he enters into his eternal torment. The Lord told me that he doesn't want to repent. 

The Lord said, “Behold, you will weep for this man who has deceived the nations. My judgment is at work." 

The Lord continued, "I sincerely want you to repent. I am not kidding. I am giving you time. You had enough time to play. I am correcting you out of love, announcing to all My Son's imminent coming.” 

Jeremiah 50:36 A sword is on the liars; and they shall dote: a sword is on her mighty men, and they shall be dismayed.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.