Monday, August 3, 2020



These are all the events that brought me to that night of September 30, 1969. When it was almost midnight, I had completed the farewell letters. Everything was ready for the sacrifice demanded by Prince Lucio.

I also left some money for my funeral. I was prostrate, I watched the hour advance. It's horrible, terrible the last night of a suicidal person. 

"Why was I born? What is the purpose of my presence here? I'm not worth anything as I was born to die and suffer."

15 years in complete occultism. 22 years of life for Prince Lucio. How many misfortunes, lies, hatred. A witch who serves a dark and shadowy lord. A lord who taught me to kill, to steal, to destroy. I was an alcoholic, I had lost the will to live. I was the black sheep of the family. All these thoughts were gripping my soul enormously when I thought of God again. Does He really exist as the religious people say or was He a fable created for simple folks?

At that moment I heard an audible voice, "And if I tell you that God exists?"

I reacted quite violently because I had a lot of hatred and revolt in me. This concept undid what my daddy taught me.

I reacted with violence, "If God exists, why are there so many misfortunes, wars, famines, poverty, and violence?"

"What if I tell you that there is an Almighty God?"

Almighty God? It scared me because it meant I had to be accountable to Him. This second sentence made me feel all the evil that was in me. I again reviewed the movie of all my sins.

I replied as if to defend myself, "If He exists, He certainly won't want to know someone like me, and besides… I don't like Him either.”

For the third time, this very soft voice answered, "There is an Almighty God, who loves you.”

I was crying, I couldn't hold back my tears. It was the greatest declaration of love I ever heard in my entire life. I told myself that I finally wanted to live if God loved me despite my past, despite the trash that I was. It would be so good if God could free me from death and Hell.

I hid my face with my hands, yet I saw a very strong light in my room. There was something new to me. I knew several demons and princes of darkness. All my life I have been in the occult. Since my birth, I have had a connection with the spiritual world. I knew a lot of things but not the light.

This light blinded me. I wanted to go towards this light because I did not understand who was hiding there. My body started to move in a disjointed way, I fell backward. Demons were coming out of my body, I watched the demons utter profanity, swear words, and curses as I squirmed like a snake on the ground. I immediately understood that I had in me spirits totally opposed to the light in front of me. I started to cry in the spirit. I insulted God because I understood that He existed. Why had He allowed me to come into the world and do all this evil?!

I received in my own body, the wages of this evil. So I avoided looking at this light, but the light was looking at me. So I tried to approach the light which said, "I would like you to realize that I suffered more than you and I am the Child of God.”

“What?" No one told me that God had a child!"

He lifted me up, I felt I was flying through the air. At that moment I felt the greatness of God's love. He led me to a place where I could contemplate a scene that changed the course of my life.

I saw myself walking down a narrow, muddy street. The houses were made of stone. Something strange was happening there. People in long tunics walked quickly towards a large square. I also ran in the same direction as the others. I didn't know if I was alive or dead, I wasn't afraid.

As I walked, I saw a large building filled with tall columns similar to a courthouse. There were thousands and thousands of people in front of this building shouting frantically, raising their fists.

I got as close as I could. Someone was being judged there by a man. In front of me, I saw a lot of soldiers, dressed as the Roman soldiers of antiquity. The man who was judging pointed to the young man tied to one of the pillars and asked, "What will I do with Jesus of Nazareth?"

I tried to see His face but His hair covered His slightly slanted face. Several soldiers in front of me were preventing me from having a better view. After the question asked, the multitude shouted, "Crucify Him, crucify Him!"

To my surprise, I saw myself shouting the same thing. I turned around and looked around me. I recognized all my friends and comrades from macumba, candomblé, spiritualism, balls, drunkenness, carnival, etc. These individuals were of all races and nations. I did not understand anything.

I really wanted to see the man we were judging, but I just could see that He had a long white tunic. The judge shouted again, "What will I do with Jesus of Nazareth?"

And we all cried, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"

So the judge washed his hands and then handed the Accused over to the soldiers who took Him to the building.

They lowered the Accused's clothes to the waist and tied Him to a column in the patio. A soldier took a whip made of strips of leather with a piece of metal at each end.

They started to hurt Him. Each blow opened His flesh, and His blood flowed profusely. The crowd was cheering, shouting, hissing and entertaining themselves with this show.

The only person who remained in silence in this din was the young man who was in pain. His body was shaking from the force of the blows that gave His face an incredible expression of pain as His lips moved… He was praying.

Isaiah 53:12, And He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors.

I had never heard of this man-God before. I had never known the Bible where these facts are related. And here I am participating in this scene in a vision. I knew Christ wanted to show me His incomprehensible and incredible love throughout the story.

A few hours later, the soldiers moved away, handing Him over to the crowd. The multitude continued to shout, to hiss, to mock this man, spitting in His face, beating Him. Blood was coming out of His nose and mouth. He had several bruises on His eyes. I observed and this time I was petrified, I found that several of these people were cowards, they would each take their turn to hit Him. Some were slapping Him, His face going side to side. His eyes were closed. I tell you, as I saw it.

Isaiah 53:3-4 He is despised and rejected of men; a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. 4 Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 

There were people of all social classes there, thousands of people against one person!

The man was helpless and did not react. I was wondering, why isn't He fighting back? Why doesn't He insult everyone?

In reality, I understand that if I was there, it is because of my sins that this man was sacrificed. I was also guilty. There was a sacrificial lamb there, because of my sins. He didn't retaliate for the love of you and me. He went to the end of His sacrifice.

In the vision I had, His body was in worse shape than the pictures you see in churches. His flesh was raw, the thin iron whip tore His skin. Until that moment, I still didn't know what exactly I was seeing. Later, as I read the Word, I saw that Christ had suffered, that He had been beaten and hurt. He was punished for our sins.

Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes, we are healed.

I can tell you, that while He was getting the beatings and the spitting and the slapping, He was praying, He was praying for us as the blood ran down His swollen face, He was beaten so much.

Isaiah 53:11 After the anguish of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied. By His knowledge, My righteous Servant will justify many, and He will bear their iniquities.

The soldiers returned. This man was no longer a normal human being, He was just a human mass. Then they came up with something that looked like a pillow, on it was a crown. What I saw was much larger than the crown of thorns that you see in drawings in Christian literature. They didn't just put the crown on His head, they hammered it in with something like a piece of wood. The man was pulling His neck in pain. The blood flowed even more down His face.

I was outraged to see that a man could suffer so much and be silent.

I shouted, "Stop, that's enough!" This man did nothing, I am a miserable witch and no one did that to me.

There everyone looked at me. In this vision, the man opened His eyes and looked at me. I thought He would have hated me, because He was suffering instead of me. Yet no one has ever looked at me with such mercy, such love. I wanted to say something, but tears were falling. He said, "Vilma.”

I said to myself, "He knows me, He knows my name, I am not a nothing, I am not a nobody."

Then He said to me, "No one could suffer so much, but I am doing it for you, so that you are saved.”

At that moment I opened my eyes. The alarm clock was ringing at the time when I had to go to the train tracks to carry out Lucio's order to kill myself.

The vision was over. I fell to my knees, I had peace mixed with shame because of my sins. I then made my first prayer to God.

“My life is not worth a penny, but all the time I have left on Earth, I give it to Your Son Jesus. Today I understood that He suffered and died because of me. All my life is destroyed, I now believe in Your Son, I want to put my life completely in Your hands, You can do with it what You want.”

When I finished my prayer, I was a new creature. Around me, I no longer saw any demons. I felt at peace, something inexplicable. I went to the kitchen, my mom was in bad shape with her tuberculosis, I gave her my first sermon, my first message.

"Mom, God exists! Jesus died for me, mom!"

This God changed my life. 

My mother reacted with amazement, "Have you gone mad?"

Yet she was even more astonished when her illness miraculously disappeared. 15 days later, no more traces of tuberculosis showed up in her x-rays. She didn't attribute that healing to God, but I knew it.

After my vision, I was totally free from Lucio's grip and suicidal thoughts. What a beautiful day, the sky seemed more beautiful to me than ever. I saw that it was the work of God, the One who presented Himself to me. I wanted to sing, dance and tell everyone about the transformation.

The words of the psalmist have become mine, “He pulled me out of the pit of destruction, From the depths of the mud; And He set my feet up on the rock, He established my steps. He put a new song in my mouth, A praise to our God; Many saw it, and were afraid, and trusted in the Lord. (Psalm 40: 2-3)