A young Malagasy woman from Madagascar brought by the Lord to visit Heaven and Hell on December 4, 2010.
The peace of the Lord Jesus to you readers. This message is to let you know the two paths you must take if you leave this Earth, and to help you learn more about yourself and your spiritual life.
My name is Fabiola and my job is intercessor or a prayer leader for those who have problems. It is my custom to pray at the Lord's feet, and it lasts for hours. My greatest happiness is rejoicing in Him and abiding in His daily presence.
As an intercessor, I often pray alone, in addition to praying together in church. But one day I was praying with four of my friends for several hours and this is exactly what I saw.
Two angels stood by me and smiled at me and said, "Come with us and we will go to Heaven. I have a great message to convey to you, both useful and your very future depends on it."
An angel named NatanaĆ«l said to the angels who brought me, "Bring her in for she is in the Lord.”
We entered a gate that was as bright as the sun. On entering that gate, my clothes and my appearance were transformed. I saw the redeemed souls there - beautiful, all dressed alike in white and long garments. The crowns were not the same because some had many bright and large stars, but some had very small stars, like barely three stars. However, these large crowds were full of beautiful smiles and pure glory of God like no one here on Earth because their way of life is very different.
There is no land nor sand, but the gold is very bright there, like a mirror. All the places are gold and the houses are also made of various colored gemstones. There is no sun or moon, but light and brightness in Heaven are very different.
There are a lot of children and men but the women were few. As we entered a house, a voice told me, “Come here.” A force drew me in front of the Person, and I fell down.
He said, "Look up."
I looked up and saw a Man sitting on a white throne. He was wearing a shiny white garment with long sleeves and a gold belt around His chest, and His face shone with the sun, and His eyes were as a flame of fire; and His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice was as the sound of many waters.
It is frightening to see Him. There are colorful rainbows around Him and many angels behind Him holding trumpets of gold and silver.
When I saw this, I trembled. My whole body was troubled, and there was no strength in me; for I was weak, but I heard His words to me, “Let your eyes see what I will show you, and let your ear hear what I say, and your mind meditate on all that you see and hear. I am Jesus Christ to whom you shall pray.”
When He told me this, there was a force going on all over my body to my bones and He spoke, "I have seen the affliction of My people which seek Me day night and day, but they have gone astray and are suffering. That is why I have brought you into My presence that I may declare the iniquity of your people, a sinful nation, and full of idolatry. As a result, there are many conflicts, famines, and tragedies that occur and will yet occur. There too are those who pray without knowing the truth. There are many churches that rise up and do not preach the true righteousness and not doing the will of God for their intention is only to build very large churches and not building up holy and righteous people.”
“To create a true revival among your people, I will send and appoint My servants who will proclaim the holiness and truth of God's word. They are to gather all people and to make known the real truth. Many Christians have experienced mercy and grace, but have not seen the true power of God to this day. Shepherds are distracted from winning souls and many have fallen due to the hatred, slander and persecution hurled at them. As a result of this, the character of many church members are formed like the character of their shepherds and no one rises up as a true saint.”
When the Lord spoke, tongues of fire were coming out of His mouth.
He also told me, “Many people claim to be Christians but they deceive themselves because they have no special relationship with God. They make themselves their own gods, they do not walk in righteousness, without holiness, without humility and purity and integrity.”
I said to Him, "Jesus, what must we do to be saved?"
He answered me, “Do the will of God and strive to increase holiness. Hebrews l2:14b, "Without holiness, no one can see the Lord." Walk in the truth, have the purity of heart. Matthew 5: 8 “Blessed are the pure in heart; for he shall see God. Know what you need to do and pray for your church and your leader (your pastor). Do not associate with evil, depart from the life of the world, study the Word of God and pay attention to what it says, know the commandments, stand firm, do not change the truth for it is the Word of God and the Word of God is Jesus Christ. If any man does not stand in the way of God and obey not the Word of God, and the truth, I, Jesus Himself will reject him.”
The Lord said, “Many pastors and evangelists or the preachers of the Word of God lead people to Hell, as a result of twisting the Word of God. By not preaching the true truth, therefore many souls are lost. These lost souls, however, I will ask of every overseer in every trial before they are sent to Hell and to the lake of fire.”
The angel next to me knew what I was thinking and said, “You could ask.”
I thought almost to say to Him, “I have many friends doing the work of the Lord, what about them?”
“The people, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast seen, open the door of Hell forcing people into it. They are not doing the work out of love for God. It is written in John 14:15, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." These friends of yours who are doing the work of the Lord, are also leading people to Hell. They are baptizing people who are unfaithful in marriage and baptizing thieves without teaching them to repent. In this way, they reject the words in Ephesians 5:5 For this you know, that no fornicator, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God."
He also told me, “All Christians should love and honor one another. Many people go to Hell but Hell was not meant for man in the beginning, but a place prepared for the devil and his angels. Men who chose to follow the devil instead of following the Word of God, will have the same end as the devil. It is a place full of suffering and Hell is misery and sinners will suffer in it forever. They will weep and gnash their teeth. The devil knows this terrible doom to come, he is happy to deceive people into following him there. Not only Gentiles will go to Hell but also Christians when they do not have a trusting relationship with the Lord. Your donation to a church or your pastor cannot save you. There are even people who preach the Word of God and established beautiful churches for the people of God, yet these men did wicked works and are full of hatred and disobedience to the holy and pure law that the Lord requires of the church. The unrighteous will be tormented with fire and will be tormented forever in the lake of fire because they did not do the will of the Lord.”
Matthew 25:41 Then shall He say also to them on the left hand, Depart from Me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
When He had finished speaking, He said to an angel, "Take her to Hell. Let her know all things there.”
An angel took me out and he said his name was Michael, the leader of the militia - he is the Captain of the army of Heaven. He fought against Satan and he fell to the Earth. He explained to me Lucifer and his work and his end to me.
Michael was tall, handsome, and taller than all the angels. He showed me the palace made of many kinds of precious stones, and of different colors. I found there were many saved people, so they all bowed down and raised their heads and hands together. The melody is not played but comes out of the throne of God. It should be noted that there are no old people here but they are all young.
Then we found a large house with lots of unoccupied and nice and very rare chairs. There were also many angels there at work.
These angels, as Michael told me, arrange these chairs every day. He told me, “Ask these angels what they are doing.”
I asked, "Whose chairs are these?"
An angel said to me, “The many seats you see are for true Christians, who still dwell on the Earth. According to his righteousness and holiness and purity of heart and passion of love for God, he will have a seat here. But when a true Christian leaves his first love, his seat is relocated to the end of the table. The chairs you see way back are the seats of Christians who are cold in their work and are unloving in their service to God.”
Then he spoke again, “If you want to enter and inherit Heaven, keep yourself in holiness because it is a commandment and not a choice. Walk in righteousness, have purity and humility and love and kindness and joy. Finally, go straight before the Lord in all things, and then you will come here and get a seat in front.”
As we left, we saw crowns in the same nearby house. They are very bright and diverse, but they are better than real gold. There are many stars adorning them depending on the number of persons you are preaching the truth and who have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in their personal lives. The number of souls you have attracted is the number of stars on the crown - your honor. It should be noted that the people who own these chairs and crowns are true Christians still remaining on the Earth but at the time of their earthly departure, Jesus will give them their seats and crown them on their heads.
As we left, we saw a pool full of blood that was crying and shouting. I asked the angel.
And he said, “The voice which thou heardest is the voice of the blood of men weeping. These are the blood of true Christians who have been slain on Earth, but their souls are here, but the blood will still be asked of those who shed it. If there are parents who beat their children so if the child bleeds even a little, it will still be asked of his parents. But because he who sheds blood sheds life.”
I saw a lot of water accumulating and asked because this water is clean but it is moving.
Then the angel said to me, “This water is the tears of the true Christian who weeps over persecution and oppression by men on Earth for following Jesus Christ and love of God and walking in the truth. If a true Christian cried as a result of torture and persecution, his/her tears gather here waiting for trial of the people who persecuted them.”
I saw a little girl and the angel let me talk to her. This is what she said, “My name is Samirah, I am 8 years old now, I know you are a passerby, because I know by your clothes.”
And I said unto her, “How do you know by my clothes?”
And she answered him, “For the Heavens are holy and full of glory, so that the sinner and the unclean may not enter into it, but the saved who comes here and stays here are spotless.”
The angel said to me, “All these people know that you are passing by here.”
A woman was allowed by the angel to speak to me, saying, “I am a poor woman in Heaven because so many people exalt me and make me God.”
In fact, people are worshipping this woman on Earth.
The angel and I left and he said to me, “Look below.”
I looked and I was amazed to see people standing in the water, very many people, some to their ankles, some up there to the knees, hips, and even the chest and very few actually swim in this water. Those to their ankles moves, sometimes up to the dry ground, sometimes down inside water.
The angel told me about these people, “Water is the Word of God. These people are Christians still living on the Earth. Those who have water up to the sole of their foot are those that goeth out to the Word of God, and doeth that which is good in God’s sight.”
“Those with water up to their knees begin to thirst for the truth and obey the Word of God. Matthew 5: 6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."
“The people with water up to their loins are those who truly do and accomplish the will of God, and give up all because of the Word of the Lord.”
“The ones with water up to their chests are people who really live by the life of these Apostles, preaching the gospel, and drawing men to Jesus, and baptizing them those in true baptism of righteousness. The Lord will allow them to work miracles and many great signs because they believe and trust and fulfill truth and holiness so the power of the Holy Spirit will be great.”
“Those people who swim in the water because the Word of God causes them to crucify their flesh and their desires on the cross. Such people have entered into deep holiness, fulfilling the truth. They are the happiest people in Heaven. Paul an Apostle during his life on Earth had perfect holiness. These people have special signs when they get to Heaven and given a very great reward and an everlasting name which cannot be taken away from them, to dwell in the wall. They are of more value than gold.”
Isaiah 56:4-5 For thus said the LORD to the eunuchs that keep My sabbaths, and choose the things that please Me, and take hold of My covenant; 5 Even to them will I give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.
I also saw a lot of people within the fence. These people are still living on Earth. They were complaining about wanting to get out but couldn't. They were wandering looking for a way out but unable to. Proverbs 13:15b, "The way of the treacherous is hard."
These people have served Jesus and have accepted Him as Lord and Savior of their lives but turned again to wickedness and sin, and the life of the world. They desired to depart from bondage but were not free again.
Hebrews 6:4-6 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the Heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again to repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame.
Some have their hands and feet bound, while others are still praying bound by bad habits so that they are both unsaved and unrepentant but also unchangeable, so it is just a waste of time and effort.
I asked the angel why people were praying without knowing what they were doing.
He told me, “These people do this as the result of ignorance of the Word of God. There are 2 types of work that every Christian should do. First, Do and perform the will of God. Second, All ministry and evangelism and miracles. Often, however, Christians find urgency in the second task but in fact, the first task should be done before the second task. That is why since they do not work the will of God, they are finally rejected.”
Matthew 25:41-42 Then shall He say also to them on the left hand, Depart from Me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
We must understand that these people in the water and those people within the fence seen in Heaven are souls still living on Earth. Their lives on Earth are reflected in Heaven, whether they are in the water of the Word or whether they are bound by fences of bondages.
Going further, we saw a big, round house made of colorful and gems glass and another similar house but made of stone so that it is clear and clean and bright in appearance. It is the house of the 24 elders to judge all nations. They sit on their respective thrones. Before each of them are the two large stone tablets, containing the Ten Commandments. A variety of living things are in front of them.
If a person is being judged, he stands in front of them all with angels on the right and Satan will come. If he is a true Christian, then Jesus Christ is his advocate with the Father. If he is a false Christian he is bound and cast with a bond in Hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
The angel said, “Often baptism is the cause of Christians' trouble because many are baptized but have not repented. They did not give up their bad habits, especially fornication in the home. That is why so many people go to Hell.”
The real food of the people of Heaven is the song of praise.
There are many different kinds of houses in Heaven but the angel said to me, “These houses are not built by hands. Each one has its own category, depending on the person's spirituality as well as the size or size of his house.”
The buildings are lined with bright and interesting white crystal stones. There are also those made of precious stones blue, green, red, yellow.
The angel said, “These are the houses of the redeemed. Some of them are the houses of men who are still living on Earth. We are waiting for them to come here. Fear God.”
The angel said, “When someone comes to Heaven, Jesus and the many angels meet him, because the Lord sends angels to Earth to take him to Heaven. We angels all lined up with Jesus in front to welcome the redeemed back and praise God.”
When he arrives, the Lord Jesus embraces him in His arms with a big hug and said, "Come in to the joy of your Lord."
All day long is a great joy in Heaven. But often this is something that happens. As soon as he sees the face of the Lord, he weeps loudly and saying, "My dear Lord Jesus! I can see You! I am crying tears of joy.”
When the Lord sees him, rejoices and embraces him and wipes away all his tears. The Lord puts a crown of gold on him and gives him a seat to sit on. He and the Lord speaks, but the redeemed and the angels continue to praise the Lord and the feast progresses.