Wednesday, September 19, 2018



I went through a great storm and the currents seemed to throw me behind. My faith was not enough for me to face this storm. I was carried away like a dry leaf carried by the wind. What I went through, if many Christians had passed through the same, they would have diverted from their faith.

I lived a prosperous life full of blessings. I had a high salary and paid the expenses of the church alone. I was well accommodated and trapped in materialism.

When I got fired from the company, the difficulties came and I started to remember God. I prayed and made several prayers; I was desperate. The church knew of my need and helped me with basic food and some paid my bills.

God was not pleased with my position, He wanted me to pray and trust Him to come in with providence. My complaints of misery reached the ears of the church, everything that happened to me I would speak to the church and vent with them. I did not talk to God about my problems, the only one that could solve them. My despair denounced my lack of faith.

Several people were in difficult situations: A young man for not having the money was stealing. A girl had her unrequited love and committed suicide with a razor. A man lost his wife and became an alcoholic. Boys got addicted to drugs and went to live in the street.

Despair drives people to do crazy things, destroying their lives and making them lose hope. I saw Satan destroying lives around me.
Depression wanted to distract me for not living an abundant life. 
Being a Christian on the difficult path is not easy, my heart revealed who I really was. Passing the valley, I thought of leaving Jesus' ways, I would only return when I got a job. 

I opened the Bible and read about the cross of Jesus' crucifixion. 
He felt pain, was wounded and endured all for the love of humanity. If it were not for love He could not bear it, because He was a man of flesh, fragile and had no physical strength.

That day I said, "I will go through all this bad phase for Jesus' sake," and every time I do not endure the tests, I will think how much He suffered on the cross for me. This my suffering does not compare with that of the cross, if He suffered for me, I will go through all this for Him. If I backslide the situation would become worse for me.

It was in my difficulties that I was raptured. I was in my room without understanding why people who hurt others do not suffer. Knowing that Jesus took the sufferings of the saved on the cross so they do not suffer but yet the saved continue to suffer in life. But the ungodly who are not saved continue to enjoy the pleasures of this life.

I thought to myself if the wicked are not saved, then Jesus did not bear His sufferings on the cross, because they continue to enjoy the good of this life.

I received a revelation of the Holy Spirit that said He would give me answers to my questions to God when I pray.


Earlier, I did not state the reason why people who are raptured said that souls are tortured by demons in hell, knowing that the parable of the rich and lazy did not mention the demons torturing the rich.

Jesus told me through the Bible that demons torture souls in hell.

My wife and I prayed in the bedroom when a light shone and my body fell down like a dead man. My wife was terrified and wanted to call the doctor's help.

The angel said, "Do not do this! He will be raptured and will soon be back."

I was standing before hell, a black body that fed on souls. I saw the mouth of that place opening and swallowing millions of souls. The more people hell swallowed the more its size grew; the place grew like a bladder. Hell is a living organism that feeds on sin. The place devours sin, becoming more and more gigantic. All kinds of sin go to this place, the variety of iniquity is the vitamin for that body.

Revelation chapter 20 verse 14, says that “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.”

This organism together with all the souls within it will be cast into the fire to be eternally burned.

As I approached the mouth of hell, it opened to me and the padlock that closes the door has been opened. Even besides the angel, I was too afraid to enter, the horror of that place ravaged my soul, screams of despair disturbed my mind, shrills of laughter caused chillness down my spine.

My emotional frame wanted to go crazy with the scenes of torment I saw at the entrance. The negativity of that place was so terrible that I felt a great weight in the soul, the charge of energy that radiated from the darkness crushed my being.

When I entered that place, souls carried crosses on their backs and received lashes. They groaned in pain, carrying those crosses eternally. The whips that lashed those souls were of fire.

The angel said, "They are bearing the burden of their sins forever, all who do not forsake their sins will carry them into hell. These people will live with their sins, oppressed and dejected, they did not accept the Gospel, they despised salvation."


Jesus came to free the captives, but they did not want liberation and accepted their status as slaves, here in hell they are eternally slaves for sins. Jesus carried the cross so that no one would carry it forever. Those souls were being muzzled, pierced, cut, nails entered their bodies.

The angel said, "Jesus went through all suffering, took lashes, was mocked and cut to the ground by all so that no one should go through it.”

All who deny Jesus, the curse of the cross will accompany them in eternity. Souls have their hands and feet pierced, and the demons cast their lot to see who would torment that soul. I remembered the Roman soldiers who cast lots on Jesus' garments. Souls are accused by demons in hell, repeating the story of Jesus who was accused by the witnesses at the crucifixion.

Souls are hated in hell without reason by demons, just as Jesus was hated without reason. John 15:25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. 

Just as Jesus drank vinegar when He was thirsty, there in hell souls ask for water and drink acid.

Jesus became a sinner for us and had the cup of God's wrath poured out on Him, there Jesus was representing sinful humanity because of this He suffered greatly.

Jesus drank the cup of God's wrath so that you do not drink today, but many souls prefer to go to hell through their choices, there they drink from the cup of God's wrath that is suffering.

The souls that are in hell are suffering the cup of God's wrath upon them because they did not accept the holy sacrifice on the cross of Calvary that would reverse suffering in their favor if they accepted.

They did not accept the atonement to escape the torment. Jesus became the sacrificial sheep in their places so that they would not become sheep of sacrifices of the devil in hell.

Jesus was a suffering servant of the cross so that you would not be a suffering sinner in hell.

Jesus was abandoned by His Father on the cross of Calvary.

Matthew 27:46  And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

God forsook Jesus at the cross and He felt alone. He no longer felt the presence of the Holy Spirit because He had departed from Him.

The Father looked at Jesus at that moment not as His holy Son, but as a sinner for He is representing all that sinful humanity - imagine the punishment that Jesus carried on Himself suffering the full burden of the sins of every person on the planet.

Our sin that was upon Jesus caused Him to be separated from His Father, that is what our sin does - causing a separation of the Holy Spirit from us.

Just as the Father left His Son because of our sins leaving Him alone, when we die in our sins we are alone in hell, in solitude without God and without His family, all the anguish that Jesus experienced on the cross of Calvary are now experienced by souls in hell.

Today I understand the sacrifice of the cross as Jesus being our substitute lamb who suffered in our place so that humanity does not go to that place.

A sewer receives all filthiness, so hell receives all manner of sin.

The cross was like hell to Jesus, He suffered and was humbled so that you would not be humbled in hell.

Our sin is so terrible that it was upon Jesus at that moment that caused Him to be separated from His Father, and if we die in our sins, the presence of God will be far away from us there in hell.

Where there is a sin, there is separation from God and man and hell is this place. A profane, filthy place where sin and evil dwell.

Hebrews 10:27, but only a terrible expectation of judgment and intense fire that will devour the enemies of God.

The Roman soldiers tormented Jesus, slapped Him, pierced Him, cut His body with their whips and mocked Him.

He went through all this with iniquities bearing upon Him, but all those who deny Jesus and His grace will be tormented, slapped, cut, pierced, and mocked here in hell by demons, just as Jesus was by the Romans.

Isaiah 53: 6 All of us were wandering like sheep; each one went astray on his way, but the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

According to 2 Corinthians 5: 21, He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

1 Peter 2:24 And He bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, might live unto righteousness; and by His wounds, you were healed.

He has borne the pains of hell upon His body to save them, and all ungrateful ones who do not accept the grace offered by Him will go through the pains of the cross forever.

I saw the torment in that place, the souls going through various levels of torture and mutilation.

Today I understand why the suffering of the cross was judged and condemned by the Romans so that you would not be judged and condemned. Isaiah chapter 53 verse 4, Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. He was wounded, thrown to the ground and took our pains so that we don't have to carry all this for eternity.

We wandered like sheep and all our iniquities fell on Him, today we have the choice to walk with Him or walk as stray and lost sheep to the way of hell and take all our own iniquities upon ourselves.

He was guilty of your sins, lest you carry the guilt to hell. He was your substitute, you can be free, the choice is yours, you do not have to suffer in hell for your sins, death and life are in your hands.

He died in your place for you not to die eternally in hell.

Jesus groaned in His place, and when He was thirsty they gave Him vinegar.

In hell people groan and when they feel thirsty demons give them acid or liquid embers.

Just as the Romans gave vinegar to Jesus and He died thirstily, the souls that are very thirsty in hell, are forced to drink larvae of burning fire, those liquids of magma.

Jesus died for you to be free of all this, renounce the world for you, Jesus renounced the kingdom of the world for you and sacrificed for you.

This was Jesus' proof of His love, return this love by renouncing the world for it, if you want you can be free.

People have lost hope of life, for those who hear my testimony at that moment, hope is Jesus, do not let despair take care of you and not madness dominate your mind, surrender your way to the Lord,
trust Him and He will do everything.

I saw evil and good people in hell, who were there for not having accepted grace, there are a variety of people, types of sin and personalities.


I was where the actress Marilyn Monroe is, this woman was used by the satanic elite to promote fashion, addictions, and sensuality on the movie screens.

This woman is being tormented by the demons. I saw how much they abused her body, piercing her and throwing her into the fire.


I went to where Emperor Nero, who persecuted the church, was frying in the fiery furnace, He was used by the devil to shed the blood of the Christians.


I saw three American pastors who committed suicide; they are in hell suffering.

The angel said that the spirit of depression entered into these three shepherds, causing them to take their own lives; these demons have made several shepherds commit suicide.

I told the angel, "How could this happen?"

If they know the truth, they would be set free. The angel replied that they were never freed by the truth and that the pastoral seminaries in which they were formed were false and had the lie of Satan in the teachings.

What sets you free is pure truth without mixing with deception.


The angel took me to the place where there were people who died at the same time in a bar. They were drinking and celebrating, two Christian boys entered that bar and evangelized them, leaving with them pamphlets with the word of God. They mocked those young men, crumpled the pamphlets and threw them to the ground. They did not read the word that was written and the young men left.

Three months later, these youths gathered in that bar, a group of armed boys came firing, making a slaughter. Those men died and are in hell being tortured and burned by eternal flames.


I went to the place where there is a pastor who went to do a mission in communist North Korea. The regime of that country is dictatorial, the police caught him evangelizing and arrested him in the cage. This pastor had a family and wanted to be released to return to his country, he loved his family.

One of the policemen, demon-possessed, pointed the gun at his head and said: “If you deny Jesus you will survive, say you are no longer a Christian and you will be free.”

That pastor promised that he would not be a Christian anymore and even after saying that, the cop shot him in the head.

He's in hell for denying Jesus, he's traded salvation for the chance to be free and stay with his family.

Matthew, chapter 10 verse 37 says, "He that loveth father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he that loveth son or daughter more than Me, is not worthy of Me."

We get out of hell and stay on the road that leads to hell.

The angel showed me fatigued people walking down that narrow road, they were tired.

The sky opened and the branch came down on them, giving them strength. Their spiritual recovery made them walk quickly. Those without a doubt are the remnants who walk in truth.

The angel continued to show visions to me.


At the first vision, I saw two men holding torches in their hands, they lit their way at night. One of the men let his torch go out and fell into the hole in front of him.

The second man who had the torch realized that in his way had holes ahead. He went another way, turning away from that there were holes, it was for one that there were no holes.

The angel said, "The first man is a shepherd where you gather. He walks on a false path that will take him to the abyss. His torch will go out and he will not be able to see the danger ahead."

The second man is his new shepherd, who will keep the flame of God alive in his life. When he enters the path of falsehood, he will be able to see danger ahead and turn to another path, which is the truth. All those who have vision will see the future consequences of a false path and will deviate from it.


The angel showed me the second vision, with churches.

A pastor received a spiritual vision. He perceived evil entering the church and cut through the root. A group of brothers who sowing tares in the church was publicly rebuked from the pulpit. These brothers left their ministry for not accepting the prohibition that the pastor placed on them. The pastor continued to be warned and prevented evil from happening.

A group of siblings was plotting to make a false slander against his wife. He received revelation from God and knew that evil was hidden in the church. He fought with the Word and destroyed the evil darts. The demons were hiding and setting the right time to enter, but they were seen by the pastor.

A group of brothers was wanting to get their evangelism leader out with false arguments. The pastor held a meeting and ended all this conspiracy. The Holy Spirit revealed what was happening inside those people and all the evil of their hearts was exposed and the evil work was undone.

The angel showed me another shepherd, but he had no vision, the mysteries of the spiritual world were hidden from him.

The demons with their strategies infiltrated the church, the pastor did not notice and the evil projects like dances, choreography, theater, and profane rhythms were allowed inside his church. The flock of his church walked on a dark path, they were blind and they fell all inside the hole. Only one managed to escape for not being blind.

The angel said, "The one who has strayed from the hole is you; when you return to earth you will receive a spiritual vision through faith, not through the eyes."

A blind church is helpless and without action, they do not see the devil coming in and acting. The church ceased to shine, they see with their physical eyes only the material, and the spiritual eyes see the kingdom of God and everything that is part of paradise.

Demons dig holes in the way of these blind and they keep walking without knowing what awaits them, and when they fall into the deep abyss it is too late.


The angel showed me the third vision, a white polar mass entering a church and freezing it, hardening the hearts of many. People were not built up spiritually and the illusions of the world prevented them from asserting themselves. That cold, when it entered the church, made people no longer pray as before and lose faith in the effect of their prayers. They were knocked out, they gave up fighting for the truth and even going to church every day did not worship God and did not live the Word anymore.

These people were diverted from the church. That polar mass of the world cooled the church, froze hearts; the members no longer loved God or neighbor, went through negative transformations, was deluded with the world and buried their gifts. They were no longer used by the Holy Spirit.


The angel showed the fourth vision, the demon of prophecy to the left of the altar of the church, to the right side the demon of revelation, in front of the altar the demon of strange tongues, on top of the pulpit, standing, the demon of praise and behind from the pulpit I saw the devil of the ministry and that of the priest.

The altar of that church has many demons.

The angel said, "This is the Baal altar that is full of deceitful spirit, sin begins in the life of leadership and enters the altar, you who is not a shepherd, will lead more people to the path of truth than these shepherds."


The angel showed me the fifth vision, a very large church before the meeting began the pastor of that church hired actors from the theater to do scenarios to deceive the people.

When the meeting begins, those actors are paralyzed, blind, dumb and deaf. Some say they have diabetes, others say they have cancer and others say they are sick. All these artists were given money to cheat.

That pastor was praying and an explosion of false miracles happened, the people were astonished, that church has grown deceiving people.


The angel took me in the air to see the flying saucers. They were not from another planet, technology is from the earth. The angel said that a Satanic company has manufactured flying saucers to deceive the people, making them believe that there is an alien.


The angel showed me the sixth vision.

I noticed that there were large-scale possessions, seductive spirits coming out of Facebook and into people's eyes, coming out of television and video game too, demons of addiction came through people's eyes like black shadows.


Demons coming through the ears of people who listen to songs that are not Christian.


Demons entering through the mouths of people who use their tongues to speak what displeases God.

I returned home, the church where I was, did not walk in the truth, the pastor does not like to be questioned. He is the authority and considers as rebel everyone who is against his teachings. I could not confront him so as not to cause scandal and challenge his authority.

So I left this church to go congregate in a serious ministry. Today I am happy with my family in that church.

All that the angel revealed in the vision about the two shepherds happened. 

Sin offers a passing happiness that causes scarring. The soul goes through pain and through a very great emptiness. Sin brings the oppression of demons and destroys people's lives without them realizing it. The world with its sins transforms the personality of the people into the diabolical model.

The customs of the world are sinful and their culture is depraved, it transforms a generation and influences into evil. Sin is self-indulgence to God, destroys the emotional, moral, and spiritual life.
Sin causes spiritual deafness by covering the ears so that they do not hear the voice of God.

I have preached in churches and heard people question my experience, they do not accept because it hurts. People of the church have attacked my life, calling me a liar.

I was in my house when I was raptured. No one who judges my character was with me, except my wife, who saw the light, she is the proof.

The greatest sin of people is in their unbelieving tongues, which try to destroy a personal experience that no one else had but me. They say it's a lie and judge what they did not witness.

I have prayed for these, for God to have mercy, but God has revealed His wrath, which will not quench itself until they repent of their false slander.

The Rapture is biblical and is in the Word as well as hell.

God has not changed, He continues to use His children in spiritual experiences. Deafness prevents them from coming to hear the voice of God to free them from their sinful lives. The world is influencing this unbelieving generation, their faith is dead, they no longer believe in the supernatural of God, they have become Christian atheists.

Sin causes blindness so they do not see what God is doing at the end of time, they need to be healed of their blindness, their lamps must be lit so they can see; have faith in seeing the spiritual mysteries.

Sin causes spiritual death, the Holy Spirit has moved away and is not in the life of the majority. Sin came near the church and defiled their garments, leaving them unclean. I see Christians every day sinking into the quicksand of sin. They are walking the road of death, approaching more of the darkness.

They are closer to hell, the devil has taken away the life that God offered. Jesus is offering the water of life and the devil is offering rotten sewage water that leads to death. They have made the wrong choice and live in corruption. Sin is the worst cancer, kills the flesh and corrodes the soul and yet condemns to the fire of hell. A person can be cured of the cancer of the flesh, but if he is not cured of the cancer of the soul he will go to hell.

Healing is living the Word of God, and all sin is crucified on the cross. Jesus forgets and buries the sin of those who obey and is in the depths of the abyss, trapped and without strength to leave. He rescues you from where you are and back to the light that is Himself. Jesus goes to the depths of the abyss and sets you free from the hands of Satan, just as He took Jonah from the belly of the whale.

Repent, live a holy life and all this will happen. The light of the Holy Spirit reflects on people's lives, making them see their mistakes and look into themselves. They will see their weaknesses and how sinful they are, and so they will make a new alliance of holiness. He makes you recognize your sins, transcending through the light.

The humble heart has quality and recognizes its sin, its weakness and how much is dependent on God. God loves those who have a contrite heart for repentance. The Holy Spirit will remove hidden sins, the land of hearts is being prepared for planting.

It will happen to the true change, that is God's dream for your life.
It is at the time of regeneration and transformation that your qualities as a servant of God will appear. Look at your filth, correct and clean yourself and the Holy Spirit will shine in your life. It will help you in this spiritual change. The transformation begins in the spirit and goes to the physical.The change of the body accompanies the spiritual and the works of the flesh will be nullified.

I have never seen a person who has undergone a spiritual change walk in the customs of the world or lives the model of the world.

A Christian boy, a member of my ministry, was not taking himself seriously and underwent a painful transformation. Jesus allowed his suffering. He suffered a car accident. His parents died and he escaped death.

The sin of his rebellion caused this. Jesus wanted to make him a missionary and he did not want to live a holy life. He prostituted himself with women and harlots of the world. Jesus wanted to transform and the door of his heart was locked. He went through great emotional pains for the loss of his family. His heart was broken, and the Holy Spirit gathered the pieces to rebuild it.

Before all this happened, the servants of God warned of the dangers of his rebellion. It was five years of warning, God's patience was long. The oppressive spirit was keeping him from seeing sin. It was broken like a pot in the hands of the potter and then was redone with quality. I see people falling ill so that they recognize God and come to Him.

The boy, today, is a God-fearing missionary. His painful transformation, took away his fear and his weakness, making him strong and brave. It is better to go through suffering on earth and have the second chance than to go to hell and suffer eternally.

The best transformation is that the person surrenders to God and sprouts from the bottom of the heart, without having to go through the pain.

Those who wish to serve God from the heart will be transformed by love and affection. The Holy Spirit will water like a gardener who takes care of a plant, making the tree grow strong and beautiful.

He cools the plant with the wind of tranquility, bringing the heavenly breeze, warming the plant with the sun, bringing freshness and pouring oil over the heads.

It fills everyone that is empty.

I want to thank all the members of the church, where I congregate, for the support and the spreading of the testimony.

May the full peace of God pour into the life of each brother, Amen.


  1. He was a True person? I ask this becouse many they just make up a story but not real.

    1. I'm actually highly dubious that this "Harry Beckford" was a real person, and this actually applies to a lot of the testimonies on this site. Not all of them--some do clearly seem to be from actual people, though whether their testimony itself is true or not is another question--but a good amount seem to be made up people.

      Let us consider this one. If you do a search online for the text of this testimony, you will only find this page and nothing else. There is a video on YouTube that has a robot voice read this out loud, but that's clearly based on this.

      The original source of this post appears to be this page:

      However, that does not say exactly where it was from either. Actually, a number of the visions here are taken from that site and translated into English for posting here, though from what I can determine the translation process is just to throw it into Google Translate. It looks like there's at least some degree of editing after the fact to fix obvious errors, but some remain; for example, this article oddly says "City Auckland" rather than "Auckland City", presumably a relic of the translation.

      Now, if that site is the original source, which it seems to be, various questions arise. Why is the original version of a testimony of someone from New Zealand, an English speaking country, in a Brazilian site in Portuguese? That is exceedingly odd.

      Additionally, I can find no confirmation that this Harry Beckwith exists at all. Searching for "Harry Beckwith" and New Zealand turns up nothing, except this page of course.

      As a result of the above considerations, I strongly believe this testimony is false, likely made up by the linked Portuguese blog.

    2. Whether it's false testimony or real testimony is irrelevant
      the message is very powerful if your not too proud to receive it

  2. Deep. Thanks for this revelations.

  3. Dear Child of God, ask the Holyspirit and confirm...Awesome revelations

  4. Из-за преследований люди пишут из разных мест. Ещё демоны не хотят, чтоб находилось что либо полномерное и уводят из поисков.
    Находит тот, кто ищет всем сердцем, Господь их приводит к тем, куда надо.
    На интернет не стоит полагаться... Здесь так себе.. Чисто детали некоторые.
    Но все основное в Духе, не в интернете. Не забывайте, интернет вообще от сатаны. Кто в него переместился и все доверил, то.. Сами понимаете. Слышащие да услышат, аминь.

  5. Amen God bless thank you !

  6. Amen que Dieu soit louer et qu'il vous bénisse
