Tuesday, October 16, 2018



After this meeting, the devil took us to Spain where he had a disciple in charge of hotel and restaurant businesses. After he took us to the United States where we visited the guardian of the bulls of the United States, also called the "bulls of Chicago". This animal is a demon and this demon is the principality that governs the United States. The devil made me understand that every country on this earth is ruled by a principality that is a superior demon. This principality is represented in the image of a beast or a totem, and that of the United States is represented by a bull.



Then a light shone in my room, the angel of the Lord came down to me and took me to the air. We entered the universe where I found stars and celestial bodies. The angel pointed his hand to a place in the universe where he could see thrones floating in the universe. These thrones were in various parts, and those who were seated on the thrones had at their disposal a legion of devils who worked for them. The principalities commanded those demons of the air to attack the churches on Earth. Their main targets are the churches since those who are in the world already belong to them.



The angel took me into the air where millions of demons stay. I saw 2 principalities, great demons called Astaroth and Baal. These two demons still act in Israel, Palestine, Jordan and the entire Middle East region.

The angel took me to the bottom of the Euphrates River, down to the abyss. And we come to a part of hell under that river. The angel said: When these 4 chiefs are released, much of the population of Israel will die in war. The angel took me in a part of the abyss, where I saw thousands of demons imprisoned, they looked like beasts in the cages wanting to devour who approaches. These demons are far more ferocious than the ones that are loose.

The angel said: These are the 200 million demons that will be loosed on earth. And when that happens, a third of the world's population will die through wars, famines, and disease.



I saw in the vision the four corners of the world. Territories of difficult access, full of barriers for the believer to enter. Demons marked their territories in places in Asia and Africa. I saw a great veil covering the eyes of various peoples and languages. Their wrists had chains that enslaved and oppressed them. They were Buddhist, Shinto, Hindu and Muslim people.

I saw legions that oppressed a multitude of these people. These people followed a road that in its end, had a cliff and soon falling into an abyss of fire. The Lord said, “Many of these people have not yet heard of Me, others ignore Me. They are dying and going to hell, because of the blindness of their religions.”

The demons fight against the gospel; they do not allow the gospel to enter those places where Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism reign.

Jesus showed me the east of the earth, I could see a terrible monster. I was terrified. That demon was in the clouds. I asked the Lord, “What is this devil?” The Lord said, “He is the ilmaka, the demon who commands Islam.”

I saw a terrible demon named Tianhuang Dadi who commands Buddhism. This demon is also giant. These boss demons have a mission to take care of their religion.

I saw another chief demon called Brahma, who commands Hinduism. These demons are territorial. They guard their flock, lest Christians win them over to Jesus.

These chief demons are under the authority of the principality of the religion. Their functions were each to take care of their religion. These chief demons defended their territories. Each demon of that one had an army of demons that constructed fortresses, preventing missionaries from entering those places.

The Lord said that He is preparing His army, not of angels, but of last-minute missionaries, who will enter these places to overthrow the walls that keep the faithful from entering. And that the guardians of these territories will be defeated when the word enters. Many captive souls will be taken from the hands of Satan. This will be the greatest offensive of all time. To rescue the lost souls, undoing their evil traps, plucking away all that does not belong to the devil, afflicting all the demons.



The Lord revealed to me that I have to do a mission in a country called Congo in Africa. When the Lord told me, I saw a vision of myself entering Africa. The sky was polluted with demons. They looked like grasshopper clouds.

I saw one giant boss demon is a legion of demons running up to that chief demon and said, "Emperor Semiries, Kenzo Atsushi is here.” This emperor demon said, "Who is this man who caused a revolution in the spirit world?” And those devils began to speak of my fame where I passed. The demon emperor Semiries said, "Why fear? We are many.” I saw when other demons came heads to the Emperor Semiries and said, "He is not anyone. He has a legion of angels by his side. Wherever he walks the sky is in his favor. We never managed to kill him to get him out of our way. He comes to our territory to steal our treasure. Nothing is worth in this world for us, neither money nor gold. All this are temporary; what counts for us is what is eternal - the souls. And this Kenzo already noticed that souls are more valuable than all gold on earth. They cost the price of divine blood. If they are valuable to God, they are valuable to us as well. This missionary will go to war with us, because of these souls. He came to dispute them. What can cause a man to fail in the spiritual world when he has a God in his life. He may be small, but his God is great.”



I was tired. I rented a hotel in the capital. On my arrival, I prayed to God and in a vision, I saw the principality of the war, a giant demon that incites war all over the world. I saw deaf demons and mute demons possessing people in Congo. Demons frogs coming out of lakes and rivers and possessing people.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me, "In this country, there are many deaf and dumb because of the demons.” I saw devils coming out of the sea and possessing people on Earth. When I received this vision, I went to a church in that city. The Holy Spirit guided me to go there. In this church, when I entered there no one knew me. The pastor gave me the opportunity to minister without knowing me. I believe it was the Holy Spirit who touched his heart to let me minister.

I saw many wars in the churches because of the souls. The shepherds waged a war for the souls. One attacked the other and denigrated the church of the other only to get all the souls of that place.

I saw one pastor making opposing prayers to destroy the other's church and when one church closed the other pastors were happy and celebrated the failure of the other. The Lord revealed to me saying, "Ambition for money is a big dispute.”

The Lord showed me in a vision. The demons laughing at those shepherds who celebrated the closures of the churches.




The angel showed me nine great principalities in the air; they were enthroned each in a specific place. I saw a principality of politics located in New York. He controlled all the governments of the world, all the earthly power is in his hands.


The angel took me to Switzerland, I saw the principality of the economy located in Switzerland, where there is a great purchasing power of finances. He controlled all the currencies of the world banknotes.


The angel took me from Switzerland and took me to India. It is in India that is located in the principalities of religions; he controls all sects, small religions and great religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Shintoism, spiritualism, and Satanism.


The angel took me to Japan, I saw the principality of technology and communication, he dominated all information network, such as the internet, computer science, television, broadcasting, engineering, and others.


The angel took me to Greece, I saw the principality of every type of sport enthroned there. this country is the cradle of Olympic sports and football is the main sport of this principality, where he exercises his world domination.


The angel took me to Iraq where I saw the principality that commands the wars in the world and all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, responsible for the great bloodshed.


The angel took me to the United States, in the city of Los Angeles in the Hollywood district. I saw the principality of culture, his throne is in that place. Hollywood has changed cultures through habits, attitudes, dress, and customs, leaving the people immoral, sensual, violent, libertines. This film district has been responsible for corrupting the world's population through its films, serials, miniseries, and drawings.


The angel took me to Holland, where I saw the principality of all kinds of drugs and alcoholic beverages; he ruled the whole world through that country.


The angel took me to Thailand, where I saw the principality of prostitution; he commands all kinds of immoral sex like bestiality, lesbianism, homosexuality, sodomy, all filthy sex practices!



Then the angel took me to the clouds where I saw the powers of the air. They looked like a swarm of bees. The sky was dark with so many flying demons. They are terrible and dominate parts of the planet. I saw eight devils authorities who commanded their territories here on earth. They are located in the North, South, East, West, Southeast, Northeast, Northwest, Southwest.



I was praying on December 31 and when the new year of 2018 entered my spirit was snatched up to the clouds. I saw the celebration of the new year and the sky was lit with fireworks. A principality received the whole commemoration. This principality was a gigantic demon about ten meters long and would sit in the air and receive the whole New Year celebration.

I saw many rituals of the New Year being offered to this principality like making dinner, white clothes, champagne and many drinks on the tables with fruit. People who are believers also celebrated the New Year together with the wicked. People made promises and thanked the year that went away not to God. Many people drank and drove their cars and accidents happened.

The demons of death walked the streets and homes to bring the souls of these people as an offering to the principality of the new year. The old year was gone, but it took many souls with it, how many did not see the new year come in, waited for the new year and were anxious, but did not see the year come in for having their lives reaped the day before.

The principality that received the offerings of the celebration of the new year gave terrible laughs. The people made a promise idolizing the New Year, asking for peace, prosperity, and health for the coming year, forgetting God that adds the years of their lives.

I went back to my body and it was day one.


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