Thursday, October 18, 2018



I saw Christians in hell because of social networking. Christians are also there because of Instagram. Their photos were stumbling blocks for many to sin. Do not have Instagram to display your photos. I also saw Christians in hell because of Facebook. This social network is destroying many marriages.



The angel showed me the sixth vision.

I noticed that there were large-scale possessions, seductive spirits coming out of Facebook and into people's eyes. Demons of addiction were also coming out of television and video games into people's eyes like black shadows.



That night the Lord brought me several visions on the pulpits of many churches. I saw many pastors, lecturers on the pulpit. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that many are on God's holy altar with sin in their lives. In a vision, the Lord showed me that many there betrayed their wives. At first sight, I saw one married pastor going out with a young woman in the praise group. The second vision I saw a third time I saw a Christian betraying his wife in social networks, committing the virtual betrayal. In the fourth vision, I saw an evangelist making a date with a woman through Whatsapp. This woman was a prostitute. I saw a female demon possessing this woman to overthrow this evangelist. I saw the devil who commands the Whatsapp, he's terrible soul-winner that knocks down many men of God and I saw the devil who runs Facebook. Together these demons are doing havoc in the churches.

I discovered the two great areas of this twenty-first century that the demons are attacking. The Holy Spirit told me that these adulterous men are not worthy to stand upon God's holy altar. Then the Holy Spirit led me to the bedroom of my son and made me turn on his computer. The spirit of God made me open the Facebook page. My vision opened and I saw several photos of millions of rows of the people who were trapped inside a giant cage,

The Holy Spirit said, "Pray for all those people who are imprisoned in the dark world, many who are there have died. There is a very strong Satanist who has entered into social networks, met thousands of people and is using his profile in black magic and has killed many. His targets are the people of this evil network created by Satan, every photo you saw is in danger. There is even a Christian that is being targeted by Satan who has two more Satanists who help to destroy these people from the network. These three Satanists have destroyed the ministries of pastors through this social network."

"Many Christians are drifting away. The youth of the churches are leaving the way of life and entering the addictions to drugs because of these spells of the wizards of Facebook. Raise an urgent cry for these lives that I showed in view of the people who use this network."

I raised my hands towards the computer and I made an hour-long cry inside my sleeping son's room. Then I turned off the computer. I went to bed in my room next to my wife. God showed me in a vision that those Facebook lives were given release through from my prayer. I saw chains breaking.



I saw the Facebook creator demon and many brothers are in hell because of Facebook. That Facebook demon had a female legion of demons who use beautiful women on Facebook to overthrow many believers. These female demons came into those women and made them expose their nakedness and cause many to desire in their hearts and sin with eyes.

Another young Christian was in hell by being addicted to Facebook; he was killed by black magic. A very strong wizard met this young man in Facebook. He took advantage of his spiritual weakness and cast a death spell. Satan had asked a sorcerer to take the soul of this young man; he was there in hell.



The Lord said: “Servant technology will launch a social network soon. Today you have no idea what it is, but this social network will destroy marriages. There will be prostitution and the spirits of demons of lust, and sensuality will have men and women who will make many of My servants stumble over the sin of the eyes. Tell people to get away from these endemic people who will come with this new invention. Avoid social networks.” At the time I did not understand, but with the invention of computers then came the social networks. Today I can explain better.

First, the demons I saw were several who invented social networks. They laughed. These social network demons were beautiful, seductive women. Their goal is to destroy marriages. They were happy. They laughed with happiness. They had managed to destroy several marriages. Demons of sensuality have encouraged sisters to walk in sensuality.

These demons were happy because they had thrown many young believers into prostitution and caused many singles to fornicate. I had a vision of a demon entering the computer through a social network. It caused divorce and destroyed many marriages, encouraged children to have sex and immorality and convinced people to engage in sex without compromise.

Those seductive women who are demons had various seduction techniques to make men of God fall from the faith. The purpose of these social networking demons is to use a woman to cause jealousy in marriages and relationships and create weaknesses in marriage through quarrels. They take advantage when the marriage is lukewarm. These demons were determined, patient and sensual, had all the weapons of seduction for the conquest. They chose attractive people entered their bodies and their targets were women and men of God. The plan of these demons is to approach as friends and seduce gradually by hypnotizing the minds of believers to illicit love.

Demons of lesbianism use tactics to use women to conquer others; demons that use men to seduce married sisters and take them out of the church; to tempt single young men to fall into prostitution. These demons of seduction made great efforts to divert many from the faith. They were happy to do their work.



Prostitution, fornication, and adultery are in this social network. Turn off your Facebook to not go to hell. I saw Christians in hell because of Whatsapp.

These Christians used their Whatsapp to destroy marriages and set up meetings to prostitute themselves. Christians who were faithful to God and joined the WhatsApp group, they found wicked women who made them sin. These women sent pictures of their nakedness through the groups seducing the men. They sent messages into the private inbox of the men of God who were in their groups and made them fall from the faith. Many Christians are in hell because of WhatsApp groups. I also saw the addictive spirits that made people addicted to WhatsApp and Facebook. These same spirits make people addicted to games, television and other technologies. These vice spirits have taken many people to hell.



Jesus showed me in another vision a boy named Ernesto from a church where I visited. He met a young woman through WhatsApp, and fell in love with that girl, stopped coming to church, gave up being a member of the worship group and did not pray anymore.

He was every day moving away from God and kept talking to this girl through the cell phone. In that vision, I saw that girl take the photo of Ernesto by WhatsApp, and did a lashing spell to arrest this young man in love. The demons took advantage of this young man's weak faith and entered into his life.

I went to the church of the young Ernesto, I called him in front of the pulpit and I prayed to break that black magic. The demon responsible manifested. I expelled that demon from that young man, he was free. That passion that this young man felt for the sorceress, was the lashing of the demons. When the enchantment broke, he was free, he no longer loved that girl.

I say to all single Christians, not to become sentimentally involved with people who did not convert and still serve the world. It was the case of this young man, who related to this girl without knowing and fell into the bond of Satan; this young girl was an agent of demons.



I saw the devil who created Whatsapp. A legion of demons came into Whatsapp and many souls are in hell because of this little app. Pastors who betrayed their wives through that app were in hell. I saw young people in hell making adultery encounters through WhatsApp.

The angel showed me a believer in hell, he wept repentant. Satan deceived him, used a very beautiful woman in Whatsapp. That brother did not resist her beauty and went to the woman's house to prostitute. This woman's boyfriend found the couple lying in bed and murdered the two. This believer was sorry for having fallen in the temptation.


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