Thursday, October 18, 2018



The angel said, “He who loves God does not sin, he will live in holiness to please God. He who loves God does not scandalize the Gospel, he separates himself from the world so as not to grieve the Holy Spirit. He who loves God has the pleasure of talking with Him every day in prayer. He who loves God obeys His Word not by force, but out of love. He who loves God abhors sin, and when he errs he repents not having pleasure in living in sin. He who loves his neighbor will help in times of trouble, and make peace with him, without division. He who loves his neighbor is concerned for him and will never ignore him, nor will he have prejudice; who loves his neighbor will offer forgiveness when he offends him; who loves his neighbor will preach the Gospel so he does not go to hell; whoever loves his brother will seek to live in peace without discussion; whoever loves his brother will warn him when he is sinning so that he does not go to hell. These are just the two main commandments that were left, to love God and also to others.”

I said to the angel, "It's too much."

Brothers, that place is a kingdom, not made by hands of men, but made by divine hands, its architect is the Lord of Hosts. I passed through that beautiful city, I saw an immense river of crystalline waters that passed in front of those houses.

I said to the angel, “Where does this River come from?"

He said, “It is born of the throne of God, and from this water whoever drinks, will never thirst.”

I said, "Take me to the throne of God.”

The angel said, "Not yet, when the time comes, only the Son will take the church to His Father."

I said, "I want to see the Holy Spirit the same as the first I saw.”

The angel said, "He's not here, He's on Earth. He cannot come up here until He finishes His mission with the church."


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