Thursday, October 18, 2018



Jesus then told me to return to the world and deliver His message to all humans. He, however, wanted me to follow the footsteps of somebody who He cannot even call His servant, but His son. What made this man special to Him according to Jesus was that whatever He told this man to do; he did with all humility, obedience, and joy.

The Lord asked me if know the founder of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) in Nigeria.

I said, "Yes, Joseph Ayo Babalola."

Jesus immediately chided me, "Just look at the manner you called his name without any respect!"



The demons in hell celebrate parties whenever shepherds who are men of God had their families that were not yet evangelical destroyed. I contemplated a giant table in hell. The devil in charge of the order of Satan was putting the heads of many men of God to the prize. They raffled these men of God, offering great rewards to get them out of the way of the Lord. The devil who would get a man of God to fall would gain a reward and if in addition, they could bring their souls to hell and present to Satan, that devil would gain more rewards. Each man of God had a price in reward. I contemplated very high prices for soulwinners' heads. These were the best known in hell. There was a great desire to win these souls, all the attention was on these people of God. There were many women also who were marked by the demons for divorces in order to weaken the faith of these brothers and sisters.

In the meeting where all were seated, the demon in charge knocked on the table and there was a crash and he said he did not worsen these believers who live a sanctified life. He said, "If such a believer falls into hell, we would drink his blood along with the demons in celebration." The believers who were from the separated ones of the world were the focus in hell. The demon in charge said that these brethren were doing a wreck in the world, were gaining many souls to heaven, fighting against false doctrine, and unmasking every lie Satan had put inside the churches through the false teachers.

The devil in charge said: "If you destroy these believers they could enter the churches and win souls in there for hell without having to take them out of the churches.”

A demon said, “Every believer who renounces the world is a soul that we lose. We have to prevent them from dying to the world. Let us keep their desires alive for the pleasures of the world. Only then will they sin.”

I beheld names of various churches in the world, which were worried about not letting sin in. The demons put together plans to infiltrate sin by leading people as pastors and presidents of the ministry.

I beheld the name of my husband's ministry on the list.

I asked the Lord why the name of my husband's church was there, He said, "Satan is going to send a member to your husband's church. He will gain his trust; your husband will put him as pastor of the work. He will implant doctrines of demons to divert many members. Many young people will leave the church because of this man and will follow that pastor to whatever church he sets up. His ministry will lose many members if he accepts this man as pastor."

My brothers and I and my husband were thinking of traveling missions, opening new churches and letting a pastor take care of our ministry. Demons knew this and they heard our plans and were plotting against our ministry. I beheld that demon in charge gathering an army of demons inside hell and they had destroyed all the people and names of ministries that were written in that list. That army declared war on the saints and was willing to go to the end without retreating, for the time of the church is ending. They did not have so much time and were in full force to prevent the brothers from rising in the rapture.



I am going to report the fall of a Christian, of the ministerial church followers of the faith. This church is near my residence. I have already had the pleasure to minister there, and to know that great man of God, who had gone astray.

Before the fall of this evangelist, the Lord Jesus showed me Satan sat at the table with 3 chief demons, setting up a plan to overthrow this man of God.

He was very applied in communion with God, all this caught the attention of the demons and bothered them. This man did everything that the Word of God commands.

He had a great spiritual performance in the Word, prayed hard and gave his best to God in the work. His spiritual life was stabilized, nothing weakened him and overthrew him. He overcame his family trials and maintained a spiritual level without letting down his anointing.

He recognized that he needed the Holy Spirit, and had a bond of spiritual affinity with Him, his friendship was knee-deep, and he was not influenced by false prophets.

He was a disciplined man and indoctrinated by the Word, who lived what everyone has trouble practicing.

His pastor's church was full of people because of him. The church survived and did not close the doors, because of his ministry that built the people.

This Christian was trained in sound doctrine, a quality worker, a man of initiation to do the work, willing to pay the price for the Gospel, a practitioner of good works, a man responsible for the work with a great biblical knowledge.

The Lord Jesus gave him the spiritual capacity to do the work. This man was spiritually rich, motivated by the Word, his cheerful expression was not defeated even with what little he had.

Even though he was wounded by the persecutions of many Christians, he would not open his mouth to argue with them; he would not be overwhelmed by the oppression of his church brothers. He would walk upright and smile on his face.

He endured the criticism, he was not shaken, he was not involved in debates and discussions, he gave all this to God.

His pastor charged him in the work, he bored that the charge is for his growth and the work of God, knew that the pastor wanted the best for him.

He was determined to win souls. The word to give up the work did not exist in his vocabulary, zealous of the work that God put in his hands.

He was a man who took the work of God seriously, did not murmur when business did not go well, prayed constantly, even though he did not have God's answer, he was convinced that God was listening to his prayer and that he kept his prayers in golden goblets in heaven.

And even though he was in great trials in his home, out of money and out of work, he knew that the Lord Jesus never forsook him.

His purpose was the kingdom of God, a great soldier of the persistent heaven, did not care about offices and influenced many brethren to resist sin and trials.

He was a spiritual warrior, a man who did not only like to acquire knowledge, but he loved biblical practice, a theory he did not serve. The Word of God had to be transformed into action, lived and practiced that he did perfectly.

He was participatory and very active in the work, was aware that God had sent an angel to protect him and give him security, even without seeing this angel, his faith knew that he was by his side.

He saw by faith, had courage and attitude in the work, worked with satisfaction, worker qualified by God, fit for good work. His ability came from God, he was a man trained by the Holy Spirit.

His work had efficacy. It produced the effects desired by God. It pleased the gentleman in every way, an efficient man in everything that he did for God. His example of behaving made everyone want to emulate him.

He had mental self-control, he did not lose his temper with insults and adverse situations, he kept himself calm and serene, he accepted correction to improve his behavior, he evaluated himself and examined himself, to see if his spiritual performance increased.

He was submissive to God and his pastor, did not let his ego grow, nor did he want to be greater than anyone else.

Even though being unemployed he was faithful.

One day a church sent an invitation to his wife. She was happy and gave the invitation to her husband, he went to his pastor to ask permission to minister in this church. When he finished his ministry, the pastor who invited him offered four thousand dollars.

He did not want to accept, his wife told him to accept because he did not have a job. He accepted the money because of his wife.

That same church, sent the invitation a second time, offered him money. He did not want to accept it. The pastor insisted that he take it, and told him to think about his children.

The church sent the third invitation. He did not want to go as he did not want to receive any money. His wife said he had no choice, he would have to accept for the sake of his family.

Through this church, he became well known in the region and began to minister in several churches. His ministrations cost $ 10,000.

This evangelist no longer had time to help his pastor, his schedule was full, and began to lose the pleasure of serving God out of love, he no longer prayed.

In the vision of Satan and the 3 chief demons, I saw they were celebrating the fall of this evangelist. Their plan to convince the evangelist's wife, to make him become a mercenary of the kingdom, a seller of the Gospel, had come true.

Satan said, "I used the shepherd to offer him money, he planted the root of greed in his heart. The demons laughed, for having made the evangelist a mercenary of the faith."

Months later he left the church. The living flame of the Holy Spirit went out, he became an alcoholic, beat his wife, and even committed infidelities with other women.

His wife was praying in the church where her husband was congregating, asking God to bring him back. That soldier who had nothing of material wealth had only spiritual riches, now he had money, but he had lost his spiritual wealth, which is his virtue.

He gave everything his wife wanted, through money, but also brought great suffering to his wife, who now preferred her old life humble and happy.



Jesus rescued a drunken man from the garbage dump of that city; he was cleansed from his sins and redeemed from perdition. Today he is a great man who preaches the Word. Drug addicts have been released by God and taken from this world by His glory and given the grace to become the men of God. There are still teachers who teach the pure Word of Jesus and take good care of the sheep so they do not get lost. They have brought the people deceived by the false prophets to the holy fold of God. These sheep are clean with the Word of God and healed of false doctrines. Sick souls are being cared for by serious men who do not mix the holy Gospel with false doctrine.

Seeing this vision, the Lord said, "My servant shall protect the flock from false doctrines and forbid them from attending false preachers' preaching; they have their names written in My book of life.

Jesus showed me in the vision a flock that belongs to a shepherd. The herd was covered in wool and wounded.

Jesus said, "Look how this flock is enticed by the false prophets."


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