Monday, October 15, 2018



The year 2005

I am a former member of the New Age, practiced cartomancy, worked with divination, and wore a crystal ball. I made a lot of money predicting the future. I performed rituals for weddings, prosperity, good luck in dating, relationship destruction, and sentimental life. I've done a ritual for a girl to like a boy. I could get any woman I wanted, by the ritual I did in myself. I would prepare rituals and go through my body. Women saw me as a movie star. I would be invisible, spend a portion on my body and nobody could see me. A powerful force covered my body without letting people see me.


Many false shepherds made friends with me because of the herbs of prosperity. I extracted the oil from a plant, did a ritual and sold it to people. Many pastors bought and anointed people and prophesied prosperity with this oil.

People got good jobs with high wages, they went into big companies. Satan also deceives and opened the doors of jobs to accredit his pastors. Satan also gives prophetic authority to his servants. I gained a clientele of pastors who were buying prosperity oil. They never preached against the evil deeds of my hands.


One day Satan possessed a woman and said to me, "At that moment the greatest sorcerers are releasing demons to enter into the maternal wombs. These babies are special children, they will still be possessed in the womb. They will be born with great emotional and intellectual abilities. They will be the future politicians, doctors, and judges, who will prepare the new world order for the Antichrist. You will be one of those men who will perform the opening ritual for a new era. I need you to make your sorcerer level grow until you become one of the great ones."


I was amazed by this revelation. I was at home getting ready to visit a client's church. I went to visit the apostle's church. He worked with his healing gift. A line of people begged for prayer in the church. This pastor did prayers with the laying on of hands. He took the illness from one person and transferred it to the body of another. People with cancer and other diseases were cured, he offered large amounts of offers. Later that pastor transferred the illnesses to the people who did not give offers. He said that the curse would affect all who did not bless the work. Those people infected with the diseases died.

The people in his church were very much afraid of the curses and contributed their offerings, investing in the work of Satan. While serious churches are closing the doors because they do not have the money to keep up with the work.

When I was a follower of the New Age, I had a friendship with this apostle who told me everything that goes on in his ministry. I went to the bishop's church to pay a visit. This man had great authority over the demons, he made all the demoniacs fall to the ground. He had a large estate with 10 cars in the garage, all with church money. He told me to open a ministry to get out of the humble situation in which I was. I make a lot of money as a New Age practitioner, but for the bishop, I was still poor, for not being a businessman of the religious world. This bishop one day prophesied that a man would have prosperity. A few months later this man managed to get into a big company and buy a car, apartment and everything he wanted.

I asked him if his words had power.

He answered me, "Yes, my words are prophetic. All that I speak has to be fulfilled, it is in the contract when I made that pact with the Devil for the sale of my soul."

I told him, "Do you know your soul is going to hell?"

He said, "I am aware of this, even though I do not believe that this place exists, I consider it as a Hebrew mythology, just as I do not believe in heavenly paradise. Our heaven and hell are built on earth. Money is the God who determines whether he will live in heaven or in hell. You can make your heaven on earth and with all kinds of material goods. I am aware of the covenant I made, I cannot go back."

One day some people challenged his authority, he prophesied that these people would die. Days later one of these people committed suicide, the other one was assassinated and a woman who had defied the bishop died with a disease.

The bishop told me, "I have the power to bless and also to curse."

All these pastors I spoke to are New Age followers with me. The goal of the New Age is to unite all religions to receive the Antichrist. Pastors who are involved in the New Age cannot preach against sects, they have to join them to form a new religion. Buddhist concepts and philosophies are being integrated into the Gospel. Spiritualist concepts and Hindu movements are entering the church. Taoism, Confucianism, Satanism and spiritualism and others are mingling with Christian teachings.

There is a fusion of these teachings to form a unique theology. When you create a teaching that is mixed with all religious concepts, you create a single religion and one God, the Antichrist. They are mixing the pure with the profane, blending diversified teachings into one. With the result of this mixture are born several evangelical currents. Look at the movements that emerged, the neo-Pentecostals, the liberation movements, and the Unicists. The altars of the churches are desecrated with miraculous objects and the ministers desecrate the pulpits with their sinful lives.

Today's Christian church has stopped preaching against sin, that is the plan of the New Age, to bring Catholics and Christians together. This is the Antichrist's ecumenical project of uniting religions and peoples. As a participant of the New Age, I no longer believed in the churches.

An evangelist began to speak of salvation to me and the love of Jesus. Those words to me were outside the Christian sphere of sermons I heard in other churches. He approached me on the street and said that God will use me on earth. At that moment I looked at that man with great anger and hatred. I do not know what happened, I jumped on him and punched him in the face. That man bowed his head and left. I have never lost self-control in that manner with the evangelicals, that was the first time I did. The devil used me at that moment to assault that man for being the first true Christian to approach me. The devil does not accept people plunged into darkness to approach Christians. The other false Christians when I approached, liked the mutual coexistence with me. Satan did not care when I talked to these Christians, and that evangelist, as simple as he was, bothered me greatly. Darkness matches darkness, but it will never match light.

I went home and up the stairs, I got dizzy and fell down. My mother called for medical help. I had fractures in my leg, arm, and head. That evangelist I challenged managed to meet me at that hospital. And he went on to say that God's work was great in my life and he also said that I would be raptured. My pastors, my friends, did not visit me. The evangelist I attacked was giving me strength. I repented and asked his forgiveness. I never thought I would be a Christian for I did not believe a real conversion is possible. That day I gave my life to Jesus. I thought I would be healed by becoming a Christian.


My health worsened and I was dying and then I found myself in the spirit world, I was in a dark place of desperate people screaming. I saw the bishop, a friend of mine and founder of the Eastern star church of the independent Gospel. This woman cast out devils and performed cures and miracles. She had died two years ago and her wrists were chained and the demons struck her with spears and said, "Cast us out now, burn with your fire. You never had the authority of the Man up there, you were not able, we deceived you." The demons struck that woman a lot, she died and left several houses and cars on the Earth. Her enrichment was due to the church she opened. She wore gold rings and expensive dresses, dressed as a celebrity. A demon laughed at her and said, "Do you know who used you? It was me, it was never the Holy Spirit."


I continued walking and saw a young Christian in the fire of hell. She was being tormented by a demon. Her appearance was of a Christian, with long hair and full dresses. She shouted saying, "Lord, forgive me, I will not go out for the evening parties anymore. I did not understand." I approached the girl and said, "Why are you here? She said, "I go out to parties tonight with my friends who are not Christians. My pastor never knew. One day I went to the party at night, my friends stayed and I went back alone to my house. In the middle of the way, a group of men stopped their car forcing me to enter. I was drunk I could not escape, they took me to a place far from the city, raped me, then I woke up in this place."

The demon that tormented the young woman looked at me with hatred, he could not get close to me. I did not know why no devil wanted to attack me. Then I looked at my body, it was wrapped in a yellow light like fire. In hell is full of young Christians who go out to the night parties hidden from their parents and the pastor. Everyone is in hell suffering.


After I had this rapture, I prayed to God about Christian youth. Jesus showed me in the vision, the demons, possessing the wicked young men and going to the young Christians to invite them to the balls, and Satan lay deadly snares. Instead of the Christian boys winning these souls for Jesus, the impious young men gained their souls to hell. The devil did not kill these young men who worked as his agents. He used these young men to bring Christians into the trap of death, and those who died for disobedience were young Christians. While this group of devilish lads serves as bait to lure Christians to death, they will remain alive for their usefulness to the kingdom of darkness. Where are these agents that Jesus showed me? They are within schools, courses, colleges, and jobs. They also go to the churches and make friends with the youth.


I continued to walk through hell and saw three prophets in the valley of burning fire. A prophetess liked to deliver prophecies to the church. She promised what God did not promise and said, "God is going to give this and do that." Her prophecies even marked the year, month and day that God will keep His promises. Her false prophecies came from her own heart and people turned aside from the path of Jesus when those false promises were not fulfilled. The Word of God speaks in Numbers 23:19  God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? What God promises He does, what man promises in the name of God, he cannot fulfill. God does not give unfulfilled prophecies. That false prophetess is in hell being mocked by demons.


A prophet is in hell for speaking forth false visions. A demon appeared to him in the form of an angel and said, "Speak to the pastor to make a healing campaign." The prophet told the pastor to make the healing campaign and a miracle was happening. Whatever that angel said to the prophet he did. This angel began to produce false visions for the prophet to pass to the church. He introduced the spirit of confusion within the church, and many members left. This prophet died and went to hell.


I also saw another prophet delivering revelations to the church. He was an adulterer, and he went out with another woman who had gathered in another ministry. This prophet began to pray to God and received a gift of strange tongues that was not from God, died in adultery and went to hell.

The demon that tormented him said, "I used you to deliver the revelations. I am the spirit of the divination that came into your life. I am the same spirit that uses the fortune tellers, palmists, and tarot card readers. I used your mouth to speak in tongues."

I was terrified to know that the gift that the prophet thought of being from God came from the darkness. If you are a Christian and let evil come into your heart, you will never receive the gifts of God. Close your heart to sin and receive the Holy Spirit portion.


The angel of God took me out of hell and took me to the madhouse. The people were crazy because they were seeing the demons coming at night to disturb them. Doctors used drugs to numb people to calm them down. They said they were under hallucinations due to the effect of the remedies, but it was not, I saw how the demons tormented them.

The angel took me into the building where I saw legions causing deaths and rebellions.


The angel took me to a Reverend's church. He performed many miracles and behind him were many demons. The angel said, "He has no authority from God, light does not match with darkness. He does not have the Holy Spirit. God does not share His Holy Spirit with a filthy man. God would never give His gifts to these merchants to sell the Gospel. God does not give His credentials to a false minister for deception. The Holy Spirit will never make an alliance with deceit."

A Christian girl was inside that church, a light shone on her forehead and it was written by God. The Reverend approached her as he placed his hand on her head and the light on her forehead burned his hand. He walked away from the girl and continued preaching. From the Reverend's mouth came a black smoke like a black mist that circulated in the air. Those who did not have the mark of the Holy Spirit, the mist entered into them. People who were contaminated with the fog were possessed by demons. Those who had the seal of the Holy Spirit were not hit by the demons.


The angel led me to the gate of heaven and many Christians did not enter. When a missionary woman came before the angel, the angel did not let the woman enter into the heavenly mansions. This woman said, "I'm chosen, I'm saved." but the angel did not let her in. The angel said, "You were called to be a missionary and you rejected your calling. You denied doing the work that Jesus entrusted to you." The angel asked, "Do you know how many people died because you rejected the calling to do the mission?" The angel said, " 548 people went to hell because of you. If you had chosen to do the mission, the Holy Spirit would take you to this place and all these souls would be saved. The Lord Jesus will charge the blood of every soul in your hand. For those who deny the mission, there is no salvation, because you knew that you had the missionary call and preferred to turn away. The Lord Jesus turned His back on you. You preferred to leave the mission to live for your family. You were happy with your family down there while Jesus was sad for you."

"The Word says in Matthew 10:37, "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he that loveth son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me."

"You chose your family instead of Jesus, you preferred to live for your family, but you did not want to live for Jesus. You preferred to live your carnal life instead of doing the work. Now you are condemned to hell."

The angel tied her legs and arms and threw that woman into hell. This is the punishment for all the missionaries who have abandoned the mission of God and wanted to live in their pleasures. The helper angel tied the hands and feet of those who did not have their name written in the book of life and cast down into darkness.


A pastor was in line and the angel searched for his name and did not find it. The pastor went into despair and said, "There is a mistake, I am a child of God, born again, I perform miracles if I were not a servant of God He would not have given me gifts." The angel showed his whole life in vision. This pastor was a man dedicated to the work of God, did everything in the direction of the Holy Spirit, a white dove landed on him. He prayed and asked for the gift of healing and prophecy and received them. He began to exalt himself by the growth of his ministry. Pride entered his heart and began to use the gifts of healing and prophecy in exchange for offerings.

In the vision, the white dove departed from him and withdrew the gift of healing and prophecy. The pastor spent a month without the gifts of healing and prophecy. His arrogant prayers demanded that God give His gifts to him. He did not want to repent and continued with his selfish prayers.

An evil spirit seized his heart and brought the gift of healing and prophecy. He kept using the gifts and asking for large amounts of money. In his thinking, he had reconciled and gotten the gifts back.

The indignant pastor said, "I was used by a demon to perform miracles."

The angel said, "God took away the Holy Spirit and His gifts from your life, just as He did from Saul. Samson, when he sinned, had the gifts withdrawn. When he repented, God gave his anointing back. You did not repent of your sins, you did not humble yourself, you died in your sins."

The shepherd begged on his knees, the angel tied his feet and arms and threw in the outer darkness. I did not enter the kingdom of heaven, I went to the heavenly gates.

The angel showed me a church of the blind on earth. The blind shepherd led the flock along the left path. I shouted at them, the way is wrong, let's go right. And in fact this happened, the people were all walking in a hybrid Gospel, I tried to warn them about the danger. The pastor called me a rebel and everyone who was inciting to rebel against his leadership.

I returned to earth and my health recovered. When I was in hell, the demons did not touch me because the evangelist anointed my body before my experience. I loved the world, now I love the way of God. I stopped going to the bars and started going to church. I burned posters of a singer and pictures of my football club and stopped being a supporter. I broke DVDs of my favorite actor's movies and destroyed all my idol's songs. I threw pornographic magazines out and started reading the Bible and Gospel books. My wife threw away the sexy clothes and bought decent clothes. My wife could not get rid of makeup and hair painting. I told her to get rid of them because our home would be Christ's. She left home, and never came home. I kept doing God's work, a year later she returned home. She said she committed prostitution with several men and was sorry and wanted to live with me again.

I said to her, "Just as God received Israel after she has committed fornication with idols I also receive you. God hates divorce, I too, I will forget your past, you are forgiven. Let's live together."

She wept and reconciled with God and today is my wife, companion that goes where I go. Everywhere I travel, she is with me helping my work in the Gospel. 

I have been an apologetic Christian, I see the New Age imposing its philosophies in the Gospel songs, preparing the government for the Antichrist to reign. The New Age is using its substitution doctrine, exchanging the true spiritual life of the Holy Spirit for the counterfeit lies of demons.

Church pastors are offered millionaire wages by Satan's agents to lead the flock to their agenda. The passion to lead the church is not out of love for God or for souls but out of love of money and riches. Be careful not everything that offers an advantage is best for your spiritual life. It is better to live in difficulty serving God than to be a pastor with an astronomical salary and go to hell. 

Satan has a proposal for an evangelical work that comes to disrupt his spiritual life and takes Jesus out of the center of his life by placing money. 

I received proposals to run the church and earn salaries that would change my life in one day. I do not want to feed sheep while receiving millions from Satan, nor charge for my services rendered to God. We must bear fruit to Jesus, lest we are cut off from His kingdom. These millionaires of the kingdom produce rotten fruits and contaminated with the worms of this world. Its fruits are poisonous, they kill the spirit of those who feed on them and lead them to hell. Its evil fruits make the soul sick and satisfy the hunger of the flesh and not of the spirit. 

The fruits of the believers are good for the soul and good for God. They are the fruits of eternal life that satisfy people spiritually. It is through the fruits of the Spirit that millions of souls are nourished. Through our lives we gain hungry souls, offering them to be fed the food of heaven.

May the peace of Jesus stay with the brothers. Amen.


  1. another awesome testimony be blessed beloved shaunney

  2. Lovely testimony. Please pray for me and my wife to give the things of the world especially make up and clothes that expose my wife's body. God bless.
