Sunday, November 18, 2018




The year 2002

I had a spirit rapture to hell. The angel of God led me to that place. The angel showed me several people in hell.

I went to the valley of the cross where the Christians are. The angel said there are 4 famous churches that have multitudes of members that are losing souls to this place, hardly souls are being saved and all come here. Here there are Christians of the Presbyterian Church, of the Methodist, also of the Foursquare and the Baptist. The people of these 4 ministries are coming to this place. Pastors cannot let this happen. They are not harvesting souls for heaven. If they do not preach the truth the whole flock goes to hell. 

I have 4 messages of exhortations for these ministries. Jesus told me I will deliver these 4 messages when I return to the earth. The messages will reveal the reason they are going to hell.


The first message is for the Baptist churches. So you say you ignore the holiness of the body? You say that the body has no importance to Me; it is only the heart that matters. Who said so?
If your body does not matter to Me, why are you putting that which does not please God on your bodies? If you want the Holy Spirit to dwell in you so much, get rid of the marks of Satan which are on your lips and ears. You want to be saved, but you do not leave what is of the devil. You wear the clothes of the devils and do not renounce the accessories of the devil. And because of these things you are going to hell. It is no use to pray and worship Me. I want holiness both in body and spirit.

'Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.' (2 Cor. 7:1)


The second message is intended for the Presbyterian churches. So say you are spiritually dead. You have become an unbelieving and faithless people. There is prostitution among the members. Young people are in fornication having sexual acts between them. Married men cheating on their wives with other married sisters. Reverend having sex with the girls of the church itself. Christian women married to their husbands are having lovers with other members of the church itself. Members are getting drunk on alcohol. I see how the drunks beat their wives and beat the kids. Fornication and adultery are wide open before the faces of the Reverend, and you do nothing. They still say they are the chosen ones. Tell them you have no part with Me. You are not saved and have lost your eternal life. Repent and follow the truth.


The third message is intended for Methodist churches. They do not believe in revelations or prophecies. But this message is for you. If you do not believe these messages, you will be in this place of torment. Pastors are using varieties of drugs and are addicted to them. Members live like the wicked and there is no deliverance in their lives. The people live like the wicked and there is no renunciation.


The fourth message is for the Foursquare churches. This is what you say, I have already left this ministry. You have put the theater, dance and circus inside the church. Worldliness is in the ministry. My spirit does not settle for these things. Liberal couples inside the church. Husbands buy erotic products to please their wives. And wives full of erotic fantasies urge their husbands to do sexual abominations.

The angel passed me these messages. Many Christians of such churches as Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Foursquare, and Baptist are in hell.

The angel said that several churches started well and then become lukewarm. The angel brought me to the earth.


I evangelized an addicted boy and talked about hell. He called me a liar and months later he was murdered. I did evangelism in dangerous places reporting my testimony. A group of boys wanted to do me harm one night when I was going to attend a night watch in church. They saw me with the Bible in my hand and thought they were a machine gun. They ran with great fear.

They ran away, I believe God made them see a weapon for me to be delivered from their murderous intentions.


I arrived at a church where there are many speakers.

What embarrassed me was some of the speakers who made jokes and made the whole congregation laugh. The people did not take their preaching seriously. At the end of that conference, many people were disappointed. They expected much more from the preachers. The people entered the church for answers and an encounter with God, but they did not see preaching, but a cold church where the Holy Spirit does not work. They replaced the Word with the little joke to make people happy. This is not the joy that God offers. Supernatural joy comes from God and it is within the soul that is the joy.

A member of where I congregate the most was dedicated to the work. He was in need and unemployed. I prayed for his life that God would give him a job to work for. He got a job and after 3 months the company owner handed over the management position to him. The owner of the company relies on him for being simple and an example of a good employee. He lives a life of a true man of God. He is a humble man who was exalted by God for having a transformed life.

I was invited to a church conference. Many Catholics in search of a solution to their lives have converted to the true Gospel. We have today a church of children in the faith, without spiritual maturity. The Holy Spirit does not use believers who behave like children.


The praise and worship group had many young women wearing short skirts and they were being desired by visitors. These women wore makeup on their eyes and were full of sensuality. Anyone could see the impure looks of the women. Sin was in their eyes. When the service was over, Catholic men seized by the desires of their hearts approached those girls and asked for their telephone contacts. Is the church a place to seek God or a house of prostitutes?

I saw the world in the church. They do not forget the memories of the world and bring it into the house of God.

I do not want to denigrate those people. I cannot correct churches that belong to the flocks of other pastors. I have a church that God put in my hands to worry about. Wizards have already visited my ministry and were well received. They are not our enemies. These souls are slaves of Satan who need a deliverance. They are the same people who have chosen the wrong way. And it is our duty to prove to them that the right path to salvation is Jesus. The church that I congregate does not belittle the illiterate who does not read the Bible.

The youth group at my church was fighting for a girl. I ended the feud and made the young people pray and ask for answers to God. Another girl became interested in a godless boy who does not like churches. I told her not to rush and put her to pray. A person who is not Christian to date any church girl has to convert first, set free and then marry by making a serious commitment. 

Here where I am a youth counselor and missionary works that way. I always advise the girls to ask for a man of God. And the boys are encouraged to ask for a woman of God. 

Satan has sent young men involved with prostitution and addictions to my church. They visit the church but are not interested in hearing the Word. They came with the desire to divert the youth. I have prepared young people against these pitfalls. We cannot let the messengers of the devil lure faithful members out from the way of Jesus. 


Here in the church, single men do not visit single women's homes. Our enemies watch over us to slander and tell lies. They want to defame and destroy the ministries. Potiphar's wife defamed the innocent Joseph. We only visit the houses when the wife is accompanied by her husband. We are surrounded by witnesses and accusers.

When a young man no longer goes to church, the leader who is married leads the group of young people to visit him. He does not go alone. This is how we work in a neighborhood of people to prevent lying and spreading of rumors. We do evangelism in the villages. Single girls do not go in alone where there is a group of men.

Satan sets his trap and manages to involve those who do not watch. I have seen many Christians fall into the trap of prostitution laid by the devil. We do not waste time on the mockers' wheel.

A worker at my church stopped at a bar to drink water. He was very thirsty and when he passed the bar he left a leaflet of the Word of God. A group of men who were there engaged in talking about Jesus. The worker politely spoke of Jesus giving attention to their questions. The laborer withdrew and left, and those men were used by the demons to spread rumors that he was drinking together with them.

The ministry of this worker was ruined, and all the churches that had been scheduled for him to minister in their services canceled their appointments. This worker could not defend himself against the accusations. If he had joined the church's evangelism group he would have evidence for his innocence.

In the animal world, a lion does not attack a herd of bulls. The lion waits for the bull to stand alone to attack him. A herd of bulls is united and the lion has no strength to attack that herd.

The more brothers are united to go out evangelizing, the better it will be. This is the ministry I live in. I'm not just a preacher of pulpits, I'm from the streets too. And so we are a strong group that walks the streets and neighborhoods to do evangelism. 

Jesus joined us and formed a church. He was sacrificed to give birth to different people to hit the streets. He unified us and made us chosen for a mission on earth. He gathered His sanctified flock and washed us with His blood. We are associated with one body and we are a set of ministers living in one spirit and one mind. Jesus wants unity and harmony of His people. Those who were scattered He brought near to Him through His sacrifice. We are in His green pastures and connected with His spirit, allied with Him through His resurrection and we are graced with salvation.


I went to pray for a depressed young man from my church. He punished himself for the mistakes of the past. He was chastening himself and considered himself stupid. He was insecure and thought it was useless. He isolated himself and did not leave his house. He was tormented by things he had done in the past and felt himself to be the cause of the misfortune.

He said to me, "Everything that comes near me has become a curse. My mother always said that it was never for me to come into the world. My parents do not like me."

That young man since childhood was rejected by his parents. Any negative word would cause depression in the child. I had to make prayer campaigns and talk a lot with this young man until he recovered.

There were wounds in the soul that required lots of work to heal the wounds. I tell parents that they treat their children badly. Do not downgrade them, but correct with love within the Word of God. Do not speak negative words against them, this brings cursing to your children. I was able to recover the young man, he was freed and ready to start a new life.

I've gone after the souls. And when a member stops coming to church, I visit him at his house.


I seek not the glory of men, nor of the shepherds. As much as I strive to bring souls to God, there will always be criticisms and negative comments against me.

The intention of some members is to make me feel bad about their destructive words. They do not praise the work that I do with much love, but God has been pleased with my zeal for this work. When we do not please the world, it is a sign that we are pleasing Jesus.

The biggest test I've faced in my life is the opposition within my ministry. My own brothers who congregate with me have persecuted me and the pastor. Some want the pastor to close the church doors and end the job. They have already asked for my exit to allow another to take my place. The seriousness of my pastor does not please the flock. They want a pastor who is more accommodating to worldliness in church and more liberal with church rules. Even so, I thank God for giving this flock to the serious pastor to care for.

May the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with all. amen.

1 comment:

  1. ihuakuyahwehoma@gmail.comAugust 11, 2020 at 1:37 AM

    Once you are in the Perfect Will of GOD living The Life Of CHRIST, You are Bound to face Persecutions from even Close Brethren who Have Ignorantly given The Devil A Loop-hole in their lives to Enter, and use them as a tool against More You. It's better to expect Such ahead of time.
