Monday, November 19, 2018



This testimony is the 2nd part in a series of two. Please read the first part.

We were with the demons when we finally arrived in Les Sapins (the pine trees) cemetery, and my spirit went back into my body which was lying in Mr. Morreaux's coffin. So I got up and went out of the coffin. When I came out of the cemetery with these demons, I noticed that I was walking in space. My feet were not touching the ground. But ordinary or natural man cannot see all this, because the natural eye is limited.


My brother, when I went out of the cemetery, I was astonished and horrified. In the street, I was surprised to see thousands and thousands, millions and millions of demons of all kinds, all colors and all sizes, exactly as Lucifer had informed me. There are more demons on earth than in his kingdom. There was no space. There are more demons on earth than in his kingdom, it is as if they were more numerous than humans, more than what I saw in the kingdom of Lucifer.

One of my demon secretaries said, "These are our angels, these humans are incapable of seeing them. To be able to see our angels you must have the spiritual eyes like what the master Lucifer gave you."

When we went around the main boulevard I was horrified and amazed. Christians, I want to tell you not to be attracted and impressed by the material things you see in this world because if God opens your eyes you will be horrified.


Let me tell you, Christians, do not envy the cars you see in the world because they are not what your optical eyes are seeing. These cars on the boulevard are coffins, human skeletons crawling, some are even human beings.

Designers of these cars are regularly making incantations in cemeteries, rivers, toilets, as these are portals that lead to the parallel kingdom of Lucifer. This is the truth. When I was in the kingdom of darkness, there was a policy according to which, from September to December most of the cars from their kingdom were to be destroyed by accidents so that Lucifer collects human blood, for the kingdom of the devil constantly needs human blood, since human blood is needed by demons. That is why you must pray to God to give you a normal car and not those of the kingdom of Lucifer, for they are skeletons, humans, and coffins. Pray God when you are going for a new car.


As we continued to walk in the street, suddenly, I saw a man from far. He was dressed in fire and light, there was an Angel with a massive sword around him. He had a star shining from his forehead and an aura of light like a crown on his head. Then I asked my demon secretary what kind of man is that? Who is that man emitting light?

The demon said, "Yes, these are the people we are at war against, these are the followers of the Great Master (Jesus Christ). Then the demon said, "We must always keep a distance of 30 meters with them and we move away because we can be in danger. Light and fire can destroy us. Let’s deviate or we could be in danger because that Light is dangerous."

I said to the demon, "Are you crazy or what? We are the ones with power and we are many. There is nothing that man can do against us."

My demon replied, "Yes, we have power but unless that Light and fire are extinguished, there is nothing we can do against that man even if we are many."

Although I insisted, I even proposed to the demon to kill that man as I was motivated. The demon told me clearly, "If we dare he will destroy us all, although we are many, the fire in him must first be put off, so let’s go." We then change the way and I was disturbed by that incident.

Then we arrived at the place of our assignment, it was a Christian convention with the theme: "How to destroy the works of the devil." There were lots of people so we decided to stand on top of a huge building of a popular supermarket in Katanga province, the building was opposite to the place of the Christian convention.


I noticed four kinds of human beings by their appearance. The demon explained to me that the first who is dark is just an ordinary human being. He is on our side, all about him is in our records. We do not have a problem with him, he belongs to us. The second man looked like an animal. He is also an ordinary human being but his shape is like that of the demon influencing his ways. He also belongs to us.

The third man had a name written on his forehead. The demon said, "Do not pronounce that Name. It is a result of a covenant with the Great Master (Jesus Christ). From the moment when a human being decides to receive Jesus Christ in his life as Lord and Savior and is baptized, he concludes a covenant or an alliance with the Son of God, and consequently, the name of Jesus Christ will be engraved on his forehead. A strongly armed Angel is given to him." Then the secretary of Lucifer made a remark to me, saying, "If you look and observe the third man attentively, you will find that he has a seal on his forehead."

"This third man you noticed has a seal on his forehead. In that seal, there is a Name (Jesus Christ) but the Name inside that seal is blurred." The demon explained that the reason the Name is blurred is that although he is in covenant with the Great Master his life is influenced and led by our fallen angels. As a result that seal is neither shining nor emitting light so they are powerless. The demon said the fact that he is led by our angels, he also belongs to us. If he dies we will transfer him to Hell."

The Fourth person had a seal of Jesus on his forehead, it was shining and emitting Light. He had a crown of Fire on his head like an aura and there was an Angel around him holding a sword. It is written that the Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and take them out of danger.

The demon said, "We are here to attack these categories of humans. We must put out their Light. We have three days to do it." The demon then said, "Do you see the people standing in uniform? They are their commandos. They always pray and they are quoting the Name of their Master (Jesus Christ). That is very dangerous. They are called intercessors, their Fire can reach us here we should move away."


After consultation with my demon secretary, we divided the 2000 strong demons into four groups of 500 each. We positioned them all around that crusade. The demon secretary said, "We should attack the two main pastors."

"We have to start by looking for doors. We should start by looking for a footbridge or an open door, we called that legal basis." My demon secretary suggested that we have to check the lives of their children and their wives. Then I sent two demons to their children and two to their wives. But we could not find any entry and legal ground. It is imperative for a pastor to train his wife and children in the Bible otherwise they will be the gateway for demonic attacks against the ministry. After that, we began to check the pastor’s office. The demon noticed that the pastor’s secretary had a fiancĂ© who was an unbeliever or a natural man. Immediately, I did a mystical prayer then a beautiful robe appeared. After that, the demon took it and traveled 100 kilometers to the city of Likasi where her family lived.

One of my demons took the shape of her fiancé and went to her mother and said, "When my wife is back, please give her the present I bought for her." No one could suspect that they were dealing with a demon in a human form. The moment that secretary received the call from her mother about the gift, the Holy Spirit began to press her to confess and renounce and not to go, but she ignored the voice of the Holy Spirit and went to her family to see the robe the demon had brought. Then, the demon said to me, look and observe the power inside her pressuring her to renounce and not to go. As soon as her mother presented her this dress, the Holy Spirit began to tell her not to touch it, but she ignored the Holy Spirit.

There are five demons that the kingdom of darkness likes using. These are the demon of envy, curiosity, covetousness, negligence, and laziness. The moment the sister touched that gift she opened the door, so, we had a legal ground to enter in her life. At that moment I saw the crown of fire disappear above her head. The Angel left, the Light of the seal of the covenant of Jesus Christ on her forehead was extinguished. The demon said, "You see the way to put out their Fire. We do these tricks against them and it works." The demon also said, "As she disobeyed the Spirit of her Master, her soul is already in Hell, despite the fact that she is alive on earth. If she dies now she will be transported to Hell because she now belongs to us, unless she admits and confesses her sins."

Now that the door was opened, we had legal ground to send powerful demons of fornication, of pride and powerful demons of prostitution in her. She was now inhabited by our powerful demons that were to begin influencing her life, her choice of lotion and soap, her outfit and even her dressing. When she went to church even the intercessors were lusting after her. The moment people were lusting after her the strong demons given to me was entering the people including the intercessors.

After that, she went to the pastor’s office and the pastor looked at her. Then the Spirit of God began to tell him to renounce, but after he looked again it was the eyes of lust then he opened the door. We launched the powerful demon of fornication in him. Then the pastor began to fantasize about this sister and they fell into fornication. Then, my demon secretary said, "We have successfully completed our mission against Christians within three days."


After the success of my mission against Christians, I was again summoned to attend Lucifer’s throne in the pandemonium. While there, Lucifer said that the dragon in the 6th heaven asked to see me. The dragon is part of the Satanic trinity, an imitation of divinity. The dragon in the 6th heaven is a seven-headed fiery reptile. Now, to go to the 6th heaven, I was assigned a female demon to lead me there.

Lucifer said, "First, I have to give you power as I promised." The first eyes he gave me is to see the invisible realm, the second eyes he gave me was to see and hear from 200 up to 600 kilometers. The third eye was to see what was happening in other continents. I could see what was happening in Germany, Japan, and America while being here in Africa. The eighth eye was to see and hear what was happening in the pandemonium kingdom of Lucifer. I could be seated here on earth but I was able to see and hear what was happening in the realm of Lucifer.

Then he gave me a book of magic prayers and said, "Anything you want, just pray with the book." He gave me a red cross, an invocation catalog, made for invocation, a stone of destruction, bottle of domination, and a red carpet of invocation.

He said, "When you go back to earth you will set up an inter-dimensional portal in your room that will allow you to travel from earth to my kingdom. You will not need to go to the usual portals like the cemetery, toilet, or river to come to my kingdom like the others. Then he said to me, "You are promoted to the position of general inspector." He then gathered together demons, devils, and Satanists and he introduced me to them. He said, "This is my new servant. He is going to combat our enemy on earth." They all clapped and welcomed me in excitement, this was like a party. These inter-dimensional beings were eating human flesh and drinking human blood. Human beings are their food.

When I came back to earth I went to my room and set up my place of invocation and my inter-dimensional portal. After the party, Lucifer brought his book of the covenant and I had to sign with my blood in that book. After signing in the book the covenant was sealed. He then gathered 250 000 demons for me, his assistant and his secretary.

The devil said, "I should now send you to the 6th heaven to meet the 7 headed dragons as he asked to meet you." I was then led to the 6th heaven by a female demon. When we reached the 6th heaven, it was incredible. The dragon was huge, beyond imagination. He was big and he had 7 heads. As I stood before him, he lowered one of his heads and began to speak with a voice like thunder. You could collapse just by the sound of his voice.

Then he said, "I am aware of the work you are doing for our kingdom. We are giving you a second assignment. I don’t want to hear about the follower of our enemy anymore. You must destroy their activities completely. If you succeed your power will extend over the earth."

After saying that he spat fire from his mouth onto me. When that fire reached me I did not burn but it changed my biologic nature. I became fiery. I could dry up a tree just by a look. I could also kill a human just by a look. After I finished with the fiery dragon in the 6th heaven, I had to attend Lucifer’s throne again and I went there. He elaborated on the assignment I had to complete. It was in the year 1998 in March, this second assignment was in the capital Kinshasa. I’ve never been there, but only throughout of the body travel.

Lucifer told me that there are 45 000 powerful demons stationed there waiting for me. I was already going with 250 000 others. They had to come together and work with me to accomplish my task. When I landed in Kinshasa I decided to get in touch with Kinshasa witches and wizards, and occultic pastors and ministers working for Lucifer. I met Lucifer’s emissaries and representatives in Kinshasa and I related to them my mission. I had 84 demons for Kinshasa and 5 for Luanda, the Angola capital, and Brazza, the capital of the Republic of Congo. I was given holy demons for healing and blessing. I also got in touch with different demons stationed in Kinshasa like demon Zainan, demon Ngobila of Congo River and demon Ngirima, religious demon Bombar and Bombas, the demon of Maraboutage.

Most pastors, in the beginning, have good intentions. They want to serve God and win souls so that their ministry grow, but the problem begins when God blesses them. They become materialistic. They are tempted by pride and fornication. Many pastors today are occultists. They use Indian magic. They are using oil to anoint people, they are using water from the cemetery, they are using a handkerchief to kill people.


Now there was a church that was causing damage and destruction against my demons. They were unable to do anything against that church. The demons tried many ways but they were unable even to come close to that church because of the flames of fire coming from that church.

When Lucifer learned about our failure to defeat that church he got angry and started to threaten me. He gave me a warning and ultimatum to do something about that church or face consequences. I decided to rise and pay a visit to that church and see what power they really had. I was on my way to that church with strong demons; we were heading to that church. We were about to use the crossroad that leads to the church when suddenly we saw a huge man. He was fiery and He was beaming Light. He had a Sword in His hand. This Being of Light stood in the middle of the road. He was blocking the way. I asked my demon secretary who that man was who was standing in our way and blocking the road. The demon exclaimed, "This is the Man we have been fighting against. He is their Great Master, the Leader of the Christians."

I asked, "Okay, He is challenging us but we will see what will happen, it’s either Him or me." I took the book of incantations and invocations. I conjured all kinds of powerful demons but in vain, they won’t appear. Then we decided to change the direction. We took another road to avoid that Being of Light. Still. We noticed from far that the church was surrounded by a great number of Angels. Then we changed the direction for the third time but it was the same thing. We then came back to the crossroads where the Being of Light was, He was still there, surrounded by an intense Light and He was fiery. I knew that we were in danger, the demons were fearful and panicking. They were keeping a good distance. Now we were stuck in the middle of the street and the Being of Light (Jesus Christ) was standing in front of us in the middle of the road.

Then I called master Lucifer and told him that the Great Master of Christians was preventing us from passing; and that we were hemmed in. And Lucifer sent 10 powerful demons to assist us. When they landed and saw Jesus Christ, they returned immediately to pandemonium to report to Lucifer.

Lucifer got angry; he threw them in the valley of death. What I noticed while serving Lucifer is that a demon cannot come within a 30-meter distance of a committed Christian because of the consuming fire surrounding him.

Then, I called Lucifer again and said, "As you are more powerful than Him, come down here to deal with Him by yourself because all of the reinforcements you are sending is not working."

Then Lucifer responded with anger and said, "You are going to deal with that situation by yourself. If by evening you don’t fulfill the task given to you against that church I am sending strong demons to arrest you and throw you in Hell."

When I heard that warning from Lucifer I became afraid, so I got together all the 1 500 000 demons. The strong, the light, the powerful was at my disposal, we organized a meeting. I told the demons that I had a serious problem, I needed a solution because I had an ultimatum from the great master Lucifer. The demons replied, "We are aware of the problem you are facing. We must find a solution." Then I said, "You need to come up with a strategy to deal with their Great Master."

I then retreated in my mystical office. While I was serving Lucifer I noticed that a demon can come close to a Christian only if he is inside the body of another human. A Christian is a fiery entity he has soldier angel equipped with heavy weaponry.

I was still in my mystical office and the demons were outside in the meeting drawing a strategy when suddenly I heard a noise of panic outside. I did not know what was happening. Now, what happened is that Jesus Christ turned up in our meeting, demons were scattered. They were now observing at a distance.

Then I heard Jesus calling me by my name. He said in a peaceful voice, "Gustave Adonner, come out I want to save you and to use you."

As I knew that it was Jesus I came out of my mystical office, I saw Jesus Christ standing in at a distance of meters. There was a pillar of Fire separating me and Him, demons were watching at a distance.

Jesus called me for the second time. He said, "Cross to My side you will be ok."

Demons started shouting. Some were supplicating and saying, "Do not listen to Him you will die. Don’t go." Others were saying, "He is a liar. Don’t do it. Stay with us."

After some time Jesus called me again I resisted, now I had a choice of staying with Lucifer but there was an ultimatum against me. I also knew that I had no chance against the church I was supposed to destroy.

It was 8 a.m. in the morning when Jesus called for the 3rd time and said, "Gustave, this is the last chance I am giving you. I will use you I will give more power than you have."

The demons were protesting and shouting at me not to go to Jesus.

Finally, I jumped with speed toward Jesus. At that very moment, Jesus said, "I am Jesus Christ."

When He said, "I am Jesus," I was projected on the ground because He unleashed a Power similar to that of a bomb. Demons were bombed by the sound of the Name of Jesus Christ. When I woke up I noticed that my 8 visions and the capacity to see the invisible realm was gone. My fiery eyes were gone where before this I could kill a human or a tree just by a look. I felt the air that I could not feel. I became a normal human being again. I could not see demons again. Then I had a vision Jesus was indicating to me the church I was supposed to go to.

Grace be with you all who have Jesus Christ as Master!