Tuesday, November 20, 2018



Initially, I did not realize I was in heaven until I saw father Abraham. I asked him whether he is father Abraham and he answered, "Yes I am". I asked him whether I am his descendant and he told me not in the past, but since I have accepted Jesus Christ, I am now. Hearing that, I jumped with joy and was overcome with emotion. The Bible tells us that father Abraham is the father of many nations.

I was standing between father Abraham and Jesus and we were standing in front of a small stream filled with diamonds and gemstones. Father Abraham picked up a sizeable diamond and put it in my hand and said that this was for me. I was so touched and was speechless. After departing from the stream, Jesus showed me doves, then led me into a place full of fruit trees and greenery such as I have never seen before. Everything was so green, so peaceful. The trees were full of light greenish yellow fruits unknown in our word. Jesus asked me to taste it. It was really mouthwatering, the taste unbelievably refreshing.



Jesus said, "My servant, you have always had doubts about Solomon's salvation. Today I will reveal to you where Solomon is. I and Jesus began to walk in the golden streets in the sky. We passed near the golden buildings that are the houses of the saints. I saw young men with their bodies resplendent. I saw Isaac, Job, Samson and Elijah. We continued to walk and I saw Mary Magdalene, Anne and Elizabeth. They were beautiful and their faces reflected the glory. We arrived at a place where I saw King Solomon. His white robes reflected the white of justice. I also saw James and John the Baptist, everyone was happy with smiles on the face. We continue to walk the Lord said, "Kenzo that is your home." When I looked I saw a large golden building. Then we entered the crown rooms. The Lord showed me my crown. I also saw my white robes, which I will dress when I go to live there. I saw my accolades that I gathered on earth through my work for Christ.


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