Thursday, November 1, 2018



In his royal castle, I noticed that the mermaids of this clan and the mermaids who served the royal family had tattoos on them. In fact, every clan or kingdom of mermaids under the sea is identified by their specific tattoos. Then the brother of my wife, the half-fish hybrid entity tells me, "The tattoos on us show our membership of the Xim-Adam clan, and very soon this tattoo will be popular on the land and in your country." In the underwater world, each mermaid clan had their tattoo for identification, but many people on earth wear the mermaid tattoo without knowing it as if they were members of a particular mermaid clan under the sea. Beloved, there is a mermaid spirit behind tattooing. If you have a tattoo on you, the spirit of a mermaid is in your life. It will influence you and control you. In that period, there was not yet this type of tattoo on earth. I recently attended a deliverance session of a sister, tattoo changed location in her body.


I saw a man whose back was full of tattoos and a demon whipped his back and the pieces of flesh began to fall to the ground. Then the same demon with a blade cut off the man's back and took off all his tattooed skin. Wherever he had a tattoo on his body, the demon cut the tattooed flesh and left only the skeleton behind. This man was severely punished for painting the temple of the Holy Spirit.


We move to a place where there were people with tattoos all over their bodies. I saw men and women with tattoos on their breasts and their buttocks. There were tattoos of scorpions, flowers, dragons, etc. Others had tattoos on their thighs, others on their hip, and others all over their bodies. What is going on here is that where there is a tattoo on your body a demon will come with a knife and cut that part of your body. I saw people screaming in pain, then after some minutes, the part of the body that was cut will grow again. Then the demon will come again, and the process will repeat itself. The worst case is people who have tattoos all over their body, they are cut by demons like we cut fruit. The angel said to me, “Gracia, tattoos are brought to the world by demons. It is their property.”

Beloved, the Bible said everything God created is good, there is no need for tattoos. Later, we went to a place where people who changed their skin tone where they were also tortured.



I also saw a 17-year-old American boy called Phillip. This boy had a spider tattoo on his back. He said his friend told him it would protect him from sickness. I then saw Lucifer pass by him mock him. This boy was in church and thought he was going to Heaven. Unfortunately, this boy is in Hell now because of the tattoo. Lucifer then said, “All those who use tattoos, serve me." I saw many other people in this section of Hell, all because they have been tattooed on their bodies. I then saw Lucifer transform himself into a young man with many tattoos on his body, with body piercings and mocking them by quoting Lev 19:28, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." In Hell, a red-hot metal had been attached to the tattoo designs and they were in much pain. I saw one boy who said he did not know about the consequences, he had just imitated a friend doing it, so he also did same. However, this boy is also in Hell in much pain for having a tattoo on his body.


I saw a Christian tattooed on his body because he did not think it was a sin, the tattoo demon came out looking the same as the drawing and began to torture that boy in hell. The demon also had a tattoo and looked like a beast.


I went to a place where I saw several brothers walking in the street. Wearing a tank top. Others walking shirtless, causing scandal to speak. They were in hell. They were shepherds, bishops, apostles who dyed their hair, made tattoos. These treated the temple of the Holy Spirit as if it were the temple of the world. I saw shepherds wearing chains around their necks. They seemed to be rappers. They wore wide clothes. They were in hell.

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