Wednesday, November 28, 2018



This testimony is the 2nd part in a series of six. Please read the other five parts.

When I woke up on Sunday morning, I noticed that I was naked. I saw the mermaid naked standing in front of me. She was holding a plate of grilled meat. She said to me, "Joseph, you're going to eat these pieces of meat one after the other." Before giving them to me, she introduced them one by one in her private parts, then she gave them to me. I was controlled by her. I now knew that I was dealing with a woman that was not ordinary. I did everything she asked me. I ate that meat that was human meat.

Although I was bewitched, I still had a certain degree of freedom. Then the mermaid said to me, "I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I'll make you a great man in this country, as I did with many."

She gave me names of people whom she had made rich and famous in our country, but whose names I cannot reveal here. Let me give you a hint: There is a pastor who brags about the fact that he goes on astral journeys; there is a musician who calls himself sheitan, which means Satan in Arabic.

After finishing eating the meat, the mermaid applauded and said, "Joseph, you just ate human flesh."

I was so shocked that I tried to vomit them but to no avail.

Then the mermaid made a revelation to me saying, "Joseph, I came into your life because we monitored you from childhood; you were under surveillance through a magic mirror. In fact, it was the day that your mother came into contact with the witch doctor that it all started; she made an alliance with him and this opened the door for us into your life."

The mermaid hit her hand on the wall, and suddenly a big mirror appeared. I noticed that this mirror had my name written all over. It was a big mirror made exclusively for me. There are many people in the world who are monitored like this through magical mirrors in the water world.

Then the mermaid said to me, "Joseph, you were monitored from your childhood because you were chosen to serve our kingdom."

She added, "My father has charged me to talk to you about 3 missions we have for you."

The father she was referring to here is the king of her dynasty in the underground world.

She said to me, "Here is your first mission: There will be money under your cushion that we will put at your disposal every day; you will have to use this money. You will sleep with 10 to 15 women each day. After having slept with these women, before washing your body I must first lick your body, including your genitals, to recover the odors of all the women who slept with you."

The mermaid had to lick my body, including my genital organ to capture the odors of all the women who had slept with me. Let me tell you that the practice of licking the genital organ of the man or the woman comes from the world of darkness. It was imported to earth by Satanists through pornography. This practice has just arrived on earth, but it has always been practiced in the world of pandemonium. Men who are in occultism tend to sleep with many women and are in strange sexual practices. Every night, after sleeping with several women, at midnight the mermaid would lick my body and would capture the odors of every woman who had slept with me. After capturing these odors, she blew those odors that were in the form of vapor into a capsule. The siren knew the names and identities of every woman who had slept with me through these odors in the form of vapor. After capturing these odors, at 3 am she would travel to the underwater realm and carry all these female odors or vapors into the world of darkness under the sea. After landing in the marine world, she would blow each vapor-like odor in several mirrors respectively, designed specifically for each of these women.

Whenever she blew a woman's vapor or odor in a mirror, she called her name in the mirror. Therefore, the images and the life of this woman appeared in the mirror. The life of the victim was projected on the screen of the magic mirror. As soon as the mermaid blows your odor or vapor on the mirror and calls your name, you will appear live in the mirror; whether you are sleeping or working or studying, your images will be projected in the mirror screen. And next to your images, there is data and information about your future, your star, your hopes and your destiny that will be displayed in the mystic mirror. Once your image is projected on the mirror, the information and especially what God has given you are projected in the mirror designed for you and having your identity. Your star and your destiny will be displayed. Therefore, your life will be controlled and manipulated by the world of Lucifer.

The mermaid knew the future of these women thanks to fornication and thanks to this mirror. She could read data about their future, their luck, and their star. Although the mermaid could know these details, she did not know how God would fulfill the destiny of these people. The devil may know that your star will shine like Joseph's, but he does not know how God will do that. The devil can know your destination, but he does not know how you will get there. On the basis of the data and information displayed in the magic mirror, the water creature and the devil will seek to block and bar the way to the fulfillment of God's destiny in your life. Many people walk on the street, but they are controlled and monitored, they are not free. Sex outside marriage is very dangerous.

If data in your mirror indicates that you are going to be rich, the devil will make spiritual holes in your pockets or he will burn your hand. That means you will work and you will have money, but you will have nothing to show for it. You will have a good salary but will do nothing with it. If he sees in the mirror that you are beautiful and will have a good marriage, he will put an age-mask on your face. You can be a beautiful woman physically, but spiritually you are already old because of the age mask, and no man will come for marriage. The fact that your face appears in the magic mirror means that the water world has power and control of your life; they can inflict you with any kind of misfortune.

When I traveled to the world of waters, I saw the case of a man who was inflicted with epilepsy. The demon of epilepsy is a black and white bird. It is mostly in a cage. I saw how the marine spirits got it out of the cage and blew it to the mirror bearing that man's name. I saw this bird that is the spirit of epilepsy enters the head of this man who was the target. As a result, this man became epileptic on the earth. Epilepsy is a sign of demonic control and manipulation. In fact, I saw a lot of cages and mirrors in the underwater realm. There are people on earth with chronic diseases, heart disease, and kidney disease. I saw the hearts of people in cages. I saw the brains of people living on earth in cages. I saw the bodily organs of people in cages. These people suffer from chronic illness on earth because their organs are stolen or sacrificed, and put in cages in the water world.

Once the water world can locate you in their mirror, they have the power to affect you in one way or another, since they have free access. They can inject any kind of disease in your life, and any disease of mystical origin will never be cured by scientific medicine. The only prayer in the name of Jesus can put an end to these diseases. Many people fail because they are under surveillance in the realm of darkness. They will start one thing but they will not get to the end, because they are in the magic mirrors of the water world. Through these mirrors, we can also choose a husband or a wife for somebody. We can also send you a night husband or a night wife. As a result, you will not enjoy married life. One of the things we do to people in the mirror is that we put seals, signs, and marks on people's foreheads. These marks will be visible to occultists and witches, but the ordinary man will not see them.

You could be marked on your forehead as a single for life, and wherever you go in the world, sorcerers and Satanists would work to keep you in this unmarried state, as it is written on your forehead. They will fight you every time you try to get married because it says "single for life" on your forehead. Many people have seals, marks written on their foreheads.

One day I was walking with the mermaid in the city. I saw a beautiful woman. In fact, I was looking for a victim, so I proposed this beautiful woman as a victim. The mermaid told me that this woman was already killed in the invisible world; so you had to look for someone who is alive. In fact, there was a date on the forehead of this woman indicating the time she had to die on the earth. Many people are walking down the street, but they are already dead. You can see the date on their forehead with spiritual eyes. There are also people marked "unemployed" on the forehead. They have degrees, but they will never get a job. If they found a job, they would be fired and would not keep a job for a long time.


The Bible says in Colossians 2:14-15 "having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; He took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."

Beloved, when I became an agent of the kingdom of waters, I was instructed to attack the revival churches in my country Congo, because there was an intense awakening in the Congo during this period and the kingdom of darkness was in disarray. I was instructed to perpetuate the invisible war on churches and to coordinate systematic attacks on local assemblies. But first, I had to sleep with the princess named Jacqueline who was supposed to transport me under the sea in the world of darkness.

As my third mission was against the Church of Jesus Christ, I was given the mission to destroy a woman who was a Christian. The mermaid told me that this woman was full of grace and divine abilities, which is why she was identified as a potential target to be destroyed.

The mermaid said to me, "We will kill her and we will eat her flesh."

"How will I execute this mission?" I asked the mermaid.

She said to me, "Do not be afraid because we have allocated 450 demons to help you destroy this Christian, they will work with you and accompany you everywhere."

As I was established against the churches, so we deployed demons of dreams among the sisters. The purpose of these demons was to cause deceitful dreams with false messages, to create confusion in the local church. Christians were made to have dreams containing false and deceptive messages against the pastor, and even dreams of false marriages between brothers and sisters.

Beloved, when you do not live in holiness you can be attacked and you will end up having dreams containing demonic messages. We sought to create confusion in the church, but the Lord also speaks to us through dreams. In the underwater world, I was taught to prevent Christians from dreaming. Normally a born-again Christian is supposed to have dreams of revelations, otherwise, he is blind and blinded. Even the pagan kings in the Bible like Pharaoh and king Nebuchadnezzar had dreams containing specific and even prophetic messages.

The second tactic against Christians was to let them dream, but I made them forget what they had dreamed at night. The Lord Jesus can give you a message, but as you always forget the dreams of God that contain warnings or precautionary messages, you will end up suffering the consequences of what will happen to you. Sometimes you can even dream and even remember it. Many people do not finish their dreams. The spiritual implication is that you can start things in your life, but you will never end what you started. Many destinies of people are diverted into dreams.

There are also people who have repetitive dreams. It is a reflection of their spiritual condition. There are also people who only dream of the past, past experiences, past places of their lives; the truth is that it is the spirit of regression, which means that your life and your mind are stuck in the past.

My first strategy against the sister was, therefore, to create confusion in her church through dreams caused by demons we deployed. Later, I visited this sister's family just to flatter them. I talked to her mother who loved me very much because she hoped I would marry her daughter. But in reality, I was trying to destroy her. I was accompanied by 450 demons including the mermaid. After talking to her family, I booked a room at the hotel where I had to destroy her through sex. She loved me sincerely because she did not know that I was a fake brother. Many people come to church not to pray. Some of them are agents of the enemy. So I booked the hotel, I knew she was not going to say no, she trusted me.

When the day arrived, together we went to the hotel. The mermaid was hiding in the bathroom. She was in her half-fish hybrid form. The sister was unaware of the presence of the mermaid. The sister was in a loincloth, and I noticed that her attitude changed, she was a little sad. I think she had guilt. Then she asked me to read a Bible verse. It meant nothing to me, it was just a book. So I quickly went to the bathroom where the mermaid was hiding to ask her opinion. She said to me, "Do not be afraid, let her read if she wants, there will be nothing, there are more than 400 demons here, whether she reads the Bible or not, she will die."

So this sister opened the Bible in the book of Isaiah. I do not know why God wanted me to hear the words of this verse. This woman did not know she was minutes away from her death. She was unaware of the presence of a mermaid in the toilet and hundreds of demons around the hotel. So she opened her Bible that says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all." Isaiah 41:10-12.

This sister did not know why the Holy Spirit made her read this verse. Beloved, when the Holy Spirit prompts you to read the Bible do it right away. As soon as this Christian lady read this Bible verse, I heard the mermaid scream. She said to me, "Joseph, we must flee, run!" It was a cry of distress. So I saw the mermaid run away at the speed of lightning. I did not know why she would run. It was only when I raised my eyes to the sky that I realized why the mermaid had escaped that way.

In fact, I saw myriads and myriads of angelic soldiers come down to answer the reading of the Bible verses by this lady. They had their sword lifted. The mermaid and the 450 demons fled and I was left there with the sister. I thought 400 demons were a lot, but when I saw these legions of the angelic army come down, I got out of the hotel room and escaped. The people working at the reception were surprised to see me in my pair of shorts with my clothes in my hands. The woman could not see all this and did not understand the reason for my escape. She did not know that a whole angelic legion had been deployed by the Lord for her. Many things happen when we pray, even if we do not see them. I left the sister in this hotel room never to return, while the mermaid and the 450 demons were already far from this place.


In the first aspect of my mission, I slept with 10 to 15 women a day and the mermaid captured the destinies of these women thanks to their odors. The mermaid captured these smells and carried them into the underwater world and blew those odors inside a mystical mirror from which she controlled the lives of those women.

In the second aspect of my mission as an agent of the water world, I slept with the mermaid and she deposited seeds in me. Then I went to bed with the women and in my turn, I deposited these seeds of the mermaid in them. Before going on my mission, which consisted in sleeping with 10 to 15 women a day, I slept with the mermaid, which deposited in me two seeds: The seed of the snake and the seed of the snail. I want to start with the seed of the spiritual snake, which was a two-headed serpent.


In fact, every time I slept with a woman, I transferred to her a two-headed snake. The snake entered the body of the woman by her vagina, and this two-headed snake resided and positioned itself in the sex organ of the woman. The head of this snake was positioned in the vaginal opening of the woman. As a result, the female genitals became the head of the snake. Beloved, there are women whose vaginas have become the head of a serpent, and every man who sleeps with this woman has his genital organ penetrating the head of the serpent and thus becomes affected and bewitched. In fact, this two-headed snake that is positioned in the female genital organ captures the stars, the gifts and the destinies of those who sleep with these women. Whenever a man's body penetrated the woman's genital organ, it penetrated into the mouth of the snake that captured the wealth and happiness of that man. This two-headed snake captured and devoured the luck, the stars and the riches of all those who slept with these women.

Many lives and destinies have been destroyed and compromised because of fornication and illegal intercourse. Because of enjoyment and sexual pleasure, the lives of many men and women are destroyed. Sexual pleasure out of wedlock is extremely dangerous, which is why the Bible says: Flee from sexual immorality... 1Corinthians 6:18. Many have destroyed their lives because of sexual pleasure. Beloved, if by imprudence you sleep with this kind of women your destiny and your future are captured and compromised, and what remains is poverty and suffering.

I said that this snake had two heads: The first head of the snake was positioned in the vaginal opening of the woman, while the second head was positioned and resided in the conception organs of the woman, exactly where the baby resides. Sometimes this snake killed the woman's baby. But often the snake let the baby live to bite it later; and as a result of the snake bite, the baby will be born either with brain problems or with uncontrollable behavior.

Dear Christians, I want to warn you not to accept everything that happens to you in life. Many Christians accept demonic situations under the pretext that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28. There are many who say that we must give glory to God because all that happens to us is the will of God. We must not adopt this mentality. The things you accept in your life will remain and persist and the things you refuse will eventually leave you. The kingdom of Satan trades in the lives of many people. They take the original that God gave them to leave them the counterfeit, this is called exchange. They steal the original to leave you the fake. When you notice that your son or daughter is showing unbearable behavior, do not tolerate it. We must seek the face of God in prayer and fasting.

Grace be with you all who have Jesus Christ as Master!