Wednesday, November 28, 2018



Effort deployed physically to solve our issues should have been deployed in prayer and there will be the result. I said when you pray, you must concentrate and I explain what is concentration.
Secondly, we must understand that God is holy and when we come to God who is holy we must sanctify ourselves and be holy in all our being. We know that our purification result from water and blood that came out of Jesus and His Spirit.
When we come to God who is holy, we must learn to confess our sin with a ncere heart and God who is faithful will forgive us, but for God to forgive us we must forgive those who have offended us first, otherwise, we will stop God from forgiving us.
But there are believers who are struggling to forgive people who offended them. Forgiveness is the reality of God, that's why the devil does not know it. The devil does not know forgiveness. The devil's reality is ruthless and rancor.
In Mark 11:25 it is written, And when you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive it, so that your Father in Heaven may also forgive your transgressions.
Beloved, holding bitterness against a brother or sister will undermine our prayers.
This world is governed by rules and laws and God is in His word. If you keep His word, you will see the glory of God.
We are learning to pray and when we come to God's presence we must ask Him to forgive us our sin and God is willing to do so if we are sincere. But His word makes it clear that unless we forgive those who have offended us He will not forgive us, as a result, there will be an obstacle in our prayer.
Beloved, you will have to forgive those who have hurt you. Unless you do so, your sin will stand in God's presence and He will not forgive you either. Unforgiveness, bitterness, grudges are the main obstacles to our prayers.
These things will prevent God from forgiving us and our prayer will not be acceptable to the Lord, who said, “Unless you forgive, I will not forgive you as it is written...
Behold, the Lord's hand is not so short that it cannot save; Nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God. And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.
For your hands are defiled with blood. And your fingers with iniquity; Your lips have spoken falsehood, Your tongue mutters wickedness...
Beloved, the things that separate us from God who is holy is our sins and if God does not forgive your sins because of unforgiveness and bitterness then it is clear there will be a separation and do not expect anything from God.
Your inability to forgive those who have hurt and offended you will be a barrier stopping God from responding to your prayer; if you are struggling to say hello to a person that you know because of past incidents, you gonna have to forgive and forget.
If there are faces of people that make you uncomfortable you gonna have to make a decision to forgive and forget although it will be painful. Otherwise, your unforgiveness and bitterness will constitute an obstacle and barrier in your prayer.
There are people here that are struggling to forgive; they are unable to forgive. I see this attitude in the people of the tribe of Lower Congo, people of Central Congo and Equatorial province. When there is conflict, they get angry and they release their anger and they move on.
But people from Lower Congo, they keep things in their hearts. You may be talking and laughing with them but they are holding grudges and bitterness in their hearts about things that you said about them many years ago.
They can remember the date, the hour and the circumstance while everybody else has forgotten about it. They are still keeping it in their heart. You gonna learn to forgive first before asking God to forgive you whatever issues you have with people.
Unforgiveness and bitterness is a major barrier in our prayer. Remember those who crucified Jesus, they beat Him, they cut His clothes, they pierced Him but He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
After asking God to forgive you and those who offended, you must learn to thank God for the fact that He has forgiven you as this gives you access to the throne of God but it is essential on your part to make sure that you have forgiven those who have hurt you.
It is written, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. I acknowledged my sin unto thee and my iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah. For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters, they shall not come nigh unto him.
I remember a 25 years old young woman abandoned by her husband. Her life was stagnating. She came to talk to me. She told me that they were born 5 but 3 of his brothers and sisters died successively. She was confused and insecure.
She said one of his brothers was drowned in a boat accident. They have never found the body. Another brother died in a traffic accident and another sister died of sickness, and now there are two of them.
The moment I began to pray for this sister, my spiritual eyes opened. I saw a big woman. I began to describe the big woman to the sister and she then said to me that it is her mother.
I said to her the Spirit of God is showing me your mother is holding your life and she is responsible for the deaths in your family including your stagnating life. I said, “Sister, your mother is a witch. Go tell her what I told you and tell her to come.”
The following day the sister came with her mother who was denying her witchcraft telling us that she is a deacon and a servant of God. This mother refused to confess her witchcraft as it is common for witches. She was denying it and was getting aggravated.
But I was blunt. I said, “You are a witch and you are responsible for your children's death.” Then she got angry. Then I prayed over a bottle of olive oil and I said to her and her daughter, “When you reach your home, you shall drink this olive oil and see what will happen to you.”
This woman with her witchcraft, instead of abstaining, she went on to drink her olive oil to prove to her daughter that she was not a witch. As a result, she began to suffer the very moment she drank the olive oil and all the night, the family could not sleep as the mother was tormented by stomach and abdomen pain. In the morning her daughter called me and she told me that her mother is in trouble and she is about to be taken to the hospital.
I replied that unless your mother confesses her witchcraft, she will die. The only way out of her trouble is a confession. She must confess her witchcraft in order to survive. In the end, the mother confessed her witchcraft and she escaped death.
When we are asking for forgiveness to God, we must make sure that we confess them. I mean we must say exactly the sin that we committed. She should never claim to confess while we are hiding our sin or failing to identify them.
Let us learn to confess them in an explicit way. Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
If you hide your sin, it will kill you. How can you be in front of the Throne of God and still hide your sin?
You are hindering yourself. David said, “I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid.
I noticed that witches have the tendency to hide their sins and harden their hearts when I am talking to them.
After our sins are forgiven we must thank the Lord in the prayer of thanksgiving as we now have access to the Throne of God. After thanking God for the forgiveness of our sins, we then transition to songs of thanksgiving and praise.
The Bible says, “You are holy, O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.” Beloved as a recommendation, you will have to learn to sing songs of praise and worship to the Lord with your voice and hand as His Throne is established in praise and worship of His children.
Even Jesus was singing the song of praise when He was in prayer in Matthew 26:30 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives. Jesus went to pray at the in the mount of Olives after singing a hymn. This must become our tradition.
Beloved when you are in the presence of God, let me encourage you to learn to sing to the Lord and let it become a custom in your time of prayer even if you think your voice is not good.
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God, and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundation of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and every one's bands were loosed.
It is clear that the Lord who sits on the praises of His people come down. Let us learn to master songs of praise and worship as it is written, “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to reckless indiscretion. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Fater for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When I was transported to heaven, I saw angels and the saints singing songs of praise composed on earth and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Praise and worship are the main activity in heaven.
Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Beloved, we are talking the four faces of the Lord Jesus Christ revealed in the prophecy, Revelation 4:7 And the first living creature was like a lion, and the second living creature like a calf; and the third living creature having a face like a man; and the fourth living creature like an eagle flying.
These are the four faces or four dimensions that a Christian is supposed to function in so that he can live a victorious and supernatural life. Naturally, a man has one face and 2 eyes allowing him to see this world.
Yet the Bible says as He is, so we are. Today we will deal 2 faces of Jesus, the eagle, and the lion.
In Africa, we always say that witches and wizards have 4 eyes which means they have 2 faces or 2 layers of existence. Therefore they can see beyond optical eyes and they can hear beyond physical ears. They can function and interact with unseen realities.
But let me tell you that a man who is born again from the Spirit of God has 4 faces and 7 eyes which are the feature of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Zec 4:10 For who has despised the day of small things? For they shall rejoice and shall see the plummet stone in the hand of Zerubbabel. These seven are the eyes of YAHWEH; they roam around to and fro throughout all the earth.
Beloved, as children of God we are called to function with 4 faces and 7 eyes. We are above occultist but we must learn to function and manifest the four personalities and characteristics of the Lord Jesus.
I said that a king has the capacity of saving and killing; he can set free and he can imprison. The first face of the Lord Jesus is the lion.
I said the lion represents kingship and the lion is an element of the Spirit of Christ in us, as the Bible says that He is the Lion of Judah. Therefore as Christians must build, and we must put on the lion's face as circumstances require.
Jesus came as a lamb but He will come back as a lion. He will be ferocious and tough; He will cast out the devil and his kingdom into the lake of fire including humans who tread upon His grace.
The lion face of Jesus is not just authority or kingship but also ferocity.
When you understand the mystery behind the lion face you can block and unblock people's lives. You can even stop the rain, just like Elijah.
That's why Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Beloved you must learn to exercise authority and be practical.
Every time I move into a new neighborhood, a new borough, a new street, a new territory, I always declare, “Lord, I take possession of this land; this borough, this neighborhood, this street, this house and I submit it under my authority. And I declare that any power in operation in this territory is submitted to me, as it is written, “Every land you tread on is given to you.”
Beloved, we are in conflict and war and when we are dealing with the enemy we must manifest the feature of a lion; we must adopt cruelty and roughness.
I remember a case of a witch in our neighborhood; he managed to kill the son of a pastor and he was bragging about it. I was informed of this matter.
And I was extremely angry and I cursed the witch and on the spot, he turned crazy. Let me tell you, I have the face of a lion and in this conflict, I am prepared to kill the enemy.
When Jesus Christ appeared to me for the first time He said to me, “Joshua, Christians are the most negligent people but you Joshua, don't be negligent.”
Every time you move in a land, a neighborhood, a house, a street for settling, you must declare the place under your authority and it shall happen as you believe.
Beloved, when Jesus Christ appeared to me, He said, “Joshua, My will is that people must be saved; they must reach the knowledge of the truth and have eternal life.”
And secondly, people should live a peaceful and happy life on earth.” These words of Jesus Christ are the motto of my ministry.
Therefore I don't accept the devil or witches troubling and bothering the children of God in my ministry.
If you are a member of my ministry and that a witch, a sorcerer, an occultist, a Satanist is persecuting and fighting you, we will issue him a warning and ultimatum; and if he persists in perpetrating war against you he will die.
He has a choice to back down and stay alive or to persist and die.
And let me tell you I have so many testimonies of deaths of Satanists and occultists refusing to back down in their determination and resolve to perpetrate distraction in the lives of believers, ignoring our warnings and ultimatums.
I don't like talking about these deaths on television but it is happening because we are at war and there are victims here and there. We decided we will not be more merciful than God who said, “You shall not let a sorcerer live. (Exodus 22:18)
One day I went to a bush in a village for a prayer retreat. There was a traditional and dead church in that village. I explained to the pastor that I am here in the bush for prayer. He advised me not to enter the bush. He said, “It's dangerous and if you persist you will suffer the consequences.”
I did not mind this pastor but as a custom, I took possession of the bush including the village and I put it under my authority. In the night I prayed for many hours.
After praying I was about to sleep but I felt in my inside that I should not, so I continued to pray and sing to the Lord.
While I was praying, I began to smell a very bad smell. I found it strange since I was alone in this bush, then I heard and I felt a wind blowing in the bush. I knew that none of these manifestations was normal. I knew that something was wrong and I was suspicious.
But I had the face of a lion and in my spirit, I was prepared for war. Then the place where I was praying in the bush got illuminated by a great light and from the light, a giant humanoid shape emerged. It was huge but I was standing strong.
When I saw this light, I knew that this was not the Lord Jesus. I said, “Jesus appeared to me often and I know how He comes but this is not Him.” Then the giant figure in the light morphed to a man of an average size and the light was gone.
Then the man began to walk towards me, when I looked carefully, I saw crowds of people behind him. They were topless, men and women.
Then the man said to me, “You have just arrived in the village. I am the chief of this village and these are my people. We are unable to do astral and interdimensional traveling because of you.”
We are informed that you are blocking us from traveling in hyperspace and out the village. We have many tasks but we cannot travel. Who are you? And who gave you permission in this bush?”
I said to the village chief, “I don't need your permission and I will punish you and your people if you don't vacate the place.”
The moment I made this threat, suddenly the village chief started to beg me. He said, “Please master, do not get angry. We came to ask you to allow us to fly tonight because we have many tasks.”
Then I said to the village chief, “You are not gonna fly all this month while I am in prayer here in this village, you will wait for next month.”
Suddenly this village chief and his people disappeared. I started to glorify the Lord up to 5 am.
Beloved, during that month witches and wizards of this village, could not fly because I put an embargo. Astral and interdimensional traveling was impossible.
Then the day before the last day of prayer the leader of the witches of this village came with his people to beg me again.
He said, “Master, we acknowledge your authority but the situation is chaotic for us. Can you release us and allow us to fly, please? We have many things to do. I said, “No, you will not. You will wait for next month.” Then he and his people disappeared.
The following day the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me. He greeted me with His hand and He held my hand. He said, “Joshua, you are a hero. You have managed to put on the lion face.”
Jesus told me many things to do in terms of authority and many secrets. I will not reveal them because it is heavy for some of you.
Beloved the life of David teaches us the true attitude of a lion. When he was pastoring his flock, he would not let a lion or bear attack and take what belongs to him.
The lion glorifies himself in cruelty. You will have to learn the language of war; you must be prepared to kill the enemy. Pity is not of a lion, and the lion is fearless and David, after killing Goliath, he cut off his head. That is the mind of the lion that you should build.
The second element or feature of the Holy Spirit in us is the eagle face which is extended vision and our prophetic ability.
However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own but He will speak what He hears and He will show you things to come.
The Holy Spirit will show just not the future but also hidden things. We will not operate with optical eyes only but also spiritual eyes as well. Let me share a situation where I entered the eagle mode.
One day I received a servant of God in the church. She had been serving God for decades. She had 10 children but she lost 7 of them including her husband who was a dignitary in the country. She told me they all died from the sickness bothering her.
The woman was crying and she was showing me pictures of her late children, and I was in pain and I cried in my heart because it was obvious that the lady was suffering. People told me that she is a preacher. She is good at showing herself as a godly person and she prays for people.
Beloved, the moment I said to the woman, “Let's close our eyes and pray,” in a split second, the Lord showed me the woman was a witch and she was responsible for the deaths of her children and husband.
I stopped the prayer and I asked her, “Lady are you not responsible for your situation?” She denied it. Then I said, “Mother, I want to pray but are you sure you are not responsible for the death of your children and your husband?” She denied it with all her energy.
Then I said, “Let's pray,” I said, “Lord, if the woman is innocent, heal her but if she is guilty, let your power expose her.” In a split second, the woman was touched by the Holy Spirit. She began to shake and sweat and she shouted, “Please, I want to confess.” Then she confessed that she was in witchcraft.
I told her to stand up but she collapsed on the ground. The intercessors prayed for her and she got delivered from witchcraft.
There was a family that I dealt with recently. The father was working in the bank. He was in the occult. He sacrificed his children's starts, chances, and destinies in the mystical order.
Actually, he had 8 girls and 4 boys and everything his children were doing were stagnating. They were in bondage.
One day 2 of his daughters came to my ministry. They revealed their problem to me, and I was functioning in eagle mode. I told them their father was responsible for their situation.
While I was talking to them, I was drinking water. I gave them the bottle of water that I was drinking and I said, “When you reach home, pour the water on the ground because the Lord revealed to me that their father did the ceremony and buried stuff in the compound.
When they reached home, it was the night. Their parents were sleeping. They poured water on the ground in the compound.
And when it was morning, the father gathered the family in urgency. He said that he cannot live there anymore; he is afraid to die. So he and his wife packed their stuff and left their house.
3 months later they came back home but that very night the father died of cardiac arrest and the mother went mad and died recently but the lives of these children were released.
Beloved, one night we were in prayer in the church compound. I heard the Holy Spirit telling me, “Joshua, go out in the street to catch a witch.” I went out and stood under a mango tree.
Then I saw like a missile flying in incredible speed in the air in my direction. It was ejecting fire from behind like a spacecraft with great speed. I was surprised. When it reached my perimeter, I heard like something heavy hitting the ground. I thought the missile has crashed.
Then brothers praying in the church joined me outside at the crash site. But instead of a missile, there was an extremely beautiful young lady lying down on the ground. She received a shock on her back. I asked her, “Who are you?” She confessed her witchcraft.
I asked her, “How did you become a witch?” She said, “I was a child back then. We were renting a property in a compound but the landlord was a witch.”
And one day my mother went to the market and she left me with the landlord who gave me a biscuit to eat which transmitted the spirit of witchcraft to me.”
I became seductive and I grew up sleeping with men. My mission was to sleep with men and transfer their seed to the infernal kingdom of Lucifer and every time a man slept with me, he is finished because his star is captured, his chances and destiny are stolen.”
In the morning we prayed for this sister who got delivered from witchcraft and she is serving the Lord Jesus Christ now.
A similar event happened again. I heard the audible voice of the Holy Spirit telling me to get out of the house to catch a witch. It was late.
When I went out in the neighborhood, I saw a mother who bent herself and she was pointing her buttocks towards her son's house. The mother was holding her sexual organs and uttering curses. Actually, her son was a pastor.
I went in hiding. I caught her. She started to beg me. She said, “Please don't tell them. If you do I would be humiliated.” She begged me so much that I let her go back to the house. But I warned her not to do it again and she promised not to do it again.
Then I left home and retreated in an isolated place for prayers for many days. When I came back home in the night, the Holy Spirit spoke again. He said, “Joshua, get out to catch a witch.” When I went out, I found the same mother bewitching her son.
She pointed her buttocks towards the house and held her sex organs and she was cursing her son. When I caught her, I said, “This time around, I will tell your son what you were doing.”
Finally, I said to her, “Tomorrow morning, you pack your bag and go back to the village. Otherwise, I will tell them what you are doing every night against them. In the morning, she packed her stuff and went back to the village.
And the pastor never knew about all this because he never functions like an eagle. You cannot just receive people in your house without talking to the Holy Spirit. The mother was bewitching the whole house in deep sleep including the pastor.

NEXT: Joshua Lokamba 4 Angelic Visitation The Invocation Of Blood And Water


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    1. Сразу видно что это не от Бога, ересь
