Saturday, November 24, 2018




Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! I greet you in the name of the glorious Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! Before I begin this testimony, I invite you to read all with me Psalm 27: 1:

The LORD is my Light and my salvation,
Of whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the refuge of my life,
Of whom shall I be afraid?

My name is LISUNGI MBULA. I was born in Zaire (RDCongo), on 1st January 1955, in the area of ISANGI. Sub-Region of TSHOPO, Region of Upper Zaire (Province Orientale), in a Protestant Baptist Christian family. Like the majority of the people in my subregion, my father was a fisherman. It was, therefore, thanks to the sale of fishery products that my father supported the expenses of the family and my education.

The story I am about to tell you is a series of mysterious events that I have personally experienced. I warn you that the facts you are going to read are beyond any natural understanding. I practiced magic for more than ten years. You do not have to believe me. On the other hand, I will be relieved of my obligations after having told you these facts. Such is the mission that I have received from the Lord Jesus, to reveal these things long hidden.

I know there will be people among you who will not believe my words. To these, I ask to take you, not to me, but to Him who sent me to you. My purpose in bringing this testimony to you is to reveal the tricks of the devil and to liberate, with the help of the Lord, of course, some of our brothers and sisters who are still unfortunately linked to Satan and his dark practices. By ignorance, as it is written, My people perish for want of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6).

For more than ten years, the devil kept me in ignorance, trying to convince me that his power was above all powers. God is Love, He raised me from the mire where I was, and now I write all that He has done for my soul by way of testimony. Alleluia!

I did not practice magic by adventure, but rather by necessity. The circumstances of life, and especially the poverty of my parents, have led me to this involvement with the occult.

After my primary and secondary education in Yangambi, I thought it would be better for me to continue my higher education instead of interrupting my studies by working. I left Yangambi for Kisangani in 1973.

In Kisangani, I lived with my cousin. The latter managed to get along well for her family. My brother-in-law was unemployed, and my presence in her house upset her. Sometimes during the night, he beat his wife because, according to him, she did not provide him with enough food, something she could not do. I quickly realized that my brother-in-law did not want me anymore at home. As for you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, practice hospitality! (Romans 12:13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.)

Sometimes I would stay fasting for two or three days. I was thin, I was dirty and often sick. My social situation was known to all, both to my comrades and to many of my professors. I was exhausted, not knowing what to do, if not abandoning my studies and going home. But the idea of unemployment grieved me. So I persisted, praying.

I asked God to help me. All my prayers remained a dead letter. I had come to doubt the existence of God. I said to myself, "My father is a Christian and he prays every day; every Sunday he attends worship and gives his offering if he has the opportunity, yet he is still poor. I am very poor, suffering, hungry, and very dirty. What evil have we committed, father and me, so that Heaven may punish us so? If there is merciful GOD, the Almighty God to whom my father prays to, why does He allow me to go through such trials?" In the face of all these unanswered questions, I had come to the conclusion that God did not exist. And that it was the priests and the pastors who created Him in order to harm the naive. The reality was clear: God did not exist! Such was my reasoning.

Long afterward, I understood why God did not fulfill my prayers. I prayed and asked God, without receiving what I had asked for, because I did not ask to fulfill God's plans in me, but rather to satisfy my own desires (James 4: 3 You ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may consume it on your lusts.).

One day, my professor of Systematic Botany invited me to his house. Along the way, he told me that he heard his colleagues mention my problems. Then he proposed to me to live with him. I welcomed this good news with great joy. I immediately moved from my cousin to my new home. With my teacher, my social condition improved. I recovered my health and devoted most of my time to my studies.


One evening, as I was revising my classes, my professor entered my room and said to me, "I think you are well here, and your studies are going well, but one thing is certain: if you continue in life at this pace without any protection, you will not belong in the fire. You will be able to finish your studies and work, but you will always remain poor and unhappy. I see how you make sacrifices to help yourself. It's good, I approve."

"Besides, that's one of the reasons I'm coming to help you. Fortunately for you, for I have thought of your future. I ask you one thing: be patient and courageous, for I will give you power. "

Four days after this conversation, my teacher brought me a catalog. He told me to read it quietly and attentively. He gave me three days to read it. After that, I had to choose, among the different subjects presented, those who had interested me. The catalog in question dealt with topics of everyday life, and prayers of magic incantations. It was a question of magic, especially of the applications of magic phenomena to the various fields of everyday life. Since I was a student, I chose subjects that related to my occupations. So I chose the "magic bic," the "Egyptian pill" and the "magic handkerchief." In addition to each subject, there was a legend which presented the usefulness and the method of use of each article.

One day after giving the catalog and my preferences to the professor, he brought me the bic, the handkerchief, as well as the Egyptian pill. Lifting each object one after the other, the professor said to me:

"This magic bic has the power to write alone, just put it between the sheets in an exam, and he writes the answers on his own, but not to draw the attention of the other participants. The corrector will only see the correct answers. This Egyptian pill has the function of stimulating weak memories." The teacher handed me the pill and went to fetch water. He asked me to swallow the pill by drinking the water he had given me, which I did. Then he went on, "This handkerchief of dominion will serve to impose your will on others." It will suffice to pass it twice on your face and all your suggestions will be admitted unanimously.

The professor sat down and looked at me gravely. He was like a father who wanted to entrust his son with a task that he knew would entail some painful difficulty. Then he said to me, "For two years you'll only have to eat raw food."

From this date, it was no longer possible for me to eat prepared or even dirty foods. Since heat is used to manufacture salt, salt was also forbidden in my diet. I ate only fruits, raw eggs, and certain roots like tubers: carrots, cassava, sweet potatoes, etc. I could get these foods easily because I lived with the teacher. After two years, I resumed a normal diet.

I cannot go on with this testimony without telling you that the Polish professor in question is a priest of the Roman Catholic Church. The fact that he invited me to live with him had aroused feelings of guilt in me because of the conclusions I had hastily drawn concerning the non-existence of God. I thought maybe God really existed for it was He who sent His servant to my help.

What, then, was not my astonishment at seeing a Catholic priest initiate me to Indian magic! The attitude of this priest confirmed in me the idea that God did not really exist. Indeed, if God existed, it was the priests who were most likely to know Him better because of their privileged position. According to the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, the role of priests is to serve as intermediaries between God and the faithful. Despite the fact that this priest celebrated mass every day, he knew the truth, and this truth was that God did not exist. That is why he revealed to me the path par excellence, that of magic, and that of happiness. That was my reasoning at that time.

A year after the professor had forbidden me to eat prepared foods, I found a great transformation in my being. I had become very intelligent. I could read the thoughts of my interlocutors. I could know their identity, their date of birth and their address, without having been told anything before. All the courses seemed to me to be simple revisions. During the four years spent in higher education, I only distinguished myself from the preparatory to the third graduate. When the two years of observance of the diet imposed by the professor were accomplished, he expressed his satisfaction with me. He promised to do some serious things with me. He told me, "But before I get there, I'll give you protection."

From then on, I could eat all the foods of my choice and consume all possible drinks. The ban was lifted. Two weeks passed after the professor had promised me the protection in question. He brought me a new catalog entitled, "ATLAS OF GOOD LUCK IN ALL THINGS." This time, without consulting my point of view, he pointed out a subject in the catalog, and said, "I give you the GREAT DIVINE FORCE OF GREAT ASHANTI."

With a pair of scissors, he cut a lock of my hair and put it in a flask. Then he drew a little dust under my right heel and wrapped it in white paper. He explained to me, "These things thus taken from your body will serve to keep you in difficult moments."

He put these things in a drawer, then added, "This divine force has the power to protect you from bullets, snake bites, wizards, death by drowning, fire, asphyxiation or by accident. It also gives you protection from any visible or invisible enemy. In short, against all danger and all evil."

The professor drew a ring of six jewels from his pocket, gave it to me and said, "This talisman will give you the strength to fight twenty-one people and to defeat them. You will be able to overcome the physical laws of nature according to your will: weightlessness, altitude, space and time."


Endowed with all these powers and protections, I determined to try them out. It was not that I doubted the veracity of the professor's words, but I wanted to test my power first, and then prove to myself that I was important. It is in view of these things that I voluntarily put poison into my food. When I brought my hand to the jar which contained the poisoned food, it broke by itself into several pieces, even before my hand touched it.

One day some friends tried to poison me. They placed a layer of powdered sulfuric acid on the plate reserved for me and invited me to dinner. It would not be too much to add that I knew in advance that my plate was poisoned. If I had refused to eat, they would have suspected something, or that a traitor among them had informed me of their infamy. Then, to convince my friends of my superiority over them, I had to eat this poisoned dish. In front of everyone, my plate fell when my fork touched the food, overturning its contents. Later, my friends apologized and confessed to me their actions. They told me that their bad conduct towards me had been dictated to them by my boasting and my pride towards them.

What they said was true. I wanted them to know that I was no longer an ordinary man. My aim was attained, for from this incident my friends rectified their position towards me. They considered me a superman, protected by invisible beings. No one could any longer think evil towards me without experiencing cold sweat. That was my desire: the madness of grandeur. So I was invincible. The women told me nothing worthwhile. But with my magic handkerchief, I could break their will and force them to do what I wanted them to do.


One day I quarreled with a soldier, a commando, only to advertise myself. This commando was known for his wickedness in the region. When he learned my love affair with his concubine, he beat her violently. The poor woman did not understand what was happening to her. She spent the money for my benefit that she would normally use for the commando.

Once it happened that the commando was informed by the parents of the daughter of my liaison with her. In reality, this woman loved her lover, but because she was in my power, that is to say under the spell, she could not act against my will. This situation was known to everyone and everybody talked about it. The commando had become the laughing stock of the entire population of Kisangani. He was overwhelmed by the success I had with his girlfriend, despite the corrections he had inflicted on her. Driven by jealousy, for it was a question of dignity and self-love, the commando decided to kill me. The poor man did not know that by doing so, he fell into my trap. So he decided to eliminate me. Only the place where my execution would take place was to be determined.

After spending several days, which I knew beforehand, the commando crossed me in an uninhabited place. It was around 6:30 pm, it was a little dark. In reality, it was I who had organized this meeting, as this situation had lasted too long and I had to put an end to it. The commando approached me without saying a word. He pulled a revolver from one of his trouser pockets, drew it off, and pulled three times in my direction at point-blank range. The echo of the shots reverberated in the trees. I felt like a tickle the impact of bullets on the skin of my chest and my belly. I scratched my skin where I felt the tickling, and I found the three bullets in my hand. In a sublime gesture, I handed them to the commando, telling him to shoot again if he wanted to. No witnesses had witnessed the scene. The act had taken place with such rapidity that his brain did not have time to compute this information. The soldier remained amazed, not understanding what was happening to him. I quickly realized that he did not want to shoot at all. He had lost his head and had become like a madman. In fact, he had gone mad.

What pride was mine, when I discovered that even bullets fired at point-blank would do me no harm! The impossible no longer existed for me. I could fly in the air like a bird, I could go through a door or through a wall, I could go invisible if I wanted to, etc. I realized that if God existed, I had even become God, or that I was not far from becoming one! I had nothing to fear in perspective, but I was feared and respected as I wanted. Nothing and no one could worry me.


Several days later, a friend came to tell me that he had heard that there was a convent of Catholic sisters here in Kisangani where one of the admission conditions was that the postulant had to be a virgin. This news interested me greatly. The idea came to me to check this information on the spot. When evening came I went invisible. I knew several ways to make myself invisible.

I went to the convent, in a state of invisibility. I penetrated without difficulty into the dormitory of the nuns, and there I made myself visible. Using my magic handkerchief, I made myself master of all wills contrary to mine, and I abused these poor nuns, who could neither cry nor ask for help, for everything going on outside their will. My conquest completed, I left as I had come.

The next morning, as if to sign my deed, I returned to the convent and asked the nuns whether they were always virgins. Some of them recognized me as the nocturnal visitor. In the absence of evidence, and considering the baseness of this act, none dared to lodge a complaint against me. Some nuns mourned the loss of the virginity they had consecrated to the Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today I still remember these shameful facts. My memory makes me relive the atrocity of this act, and I see again the scene of these young nuns weeping for the loss of their chastity promised to the Lord. Later I realized the gravity of my sin when I discovered this Bible verse:

Any other sin that a man commits, this sin is external to the body. But he who engages in fornication sins against his own body (1 Corinthians 6:18).

I thank God for the abundance of His grace for me for bringing me out of the darkness and for His great forgiveness. Glory to God!


Sometimes I would make some magical performances in the open air to amuse the gallery and make myself popular. Using a wire that women use to braid the hair, I could stop a vehicle in full motion, and force it to retreat without the wire cutting. It was greatly enjoyed by the spectators, and people came in droves to admire this spectacle.

Actually, it was not the wire that was exerting any pressure, but the legion of spirits that were in my service, pushing the vehicle back. The wire was there only to make an illusion. Such was the familiar face of the magic I practiced. Apart from these representations, nobody could suspect what I really was in the magic, except of course the professor and some initiates. I was well known in Kisangani. Even the little children knew my name and sang my exploits. Every word was spoken of my amazing magic.


This notoriety brought me some serious problems. One day, without knowing the motive for charges laid against me, I saw agents of the public order coming with a warrant to arrest me. I followed them without protest, in order to know what was charged against me, and at the same time to know the identity of my plaintiff. When we arrived at the police station, the officer in charge of the investigation of the affair ordered his agents to throw me into the prison. Before the policemen seized me, I found time to say to the officer, "Citizen Warrant Officer, know that whatever the motive, I cannot be arrested, tried, condemned, beaten or imprisoned unless I want to."

My words were like petrol was thrown on a flame. That is, they stirred up the officer's anger. It was a great insult to him that I should speak such a language to him in public. Aided by two policemen, he shoved me with great brutality into the prison and locked the gate. He pocketed the key so that no one would come to set me free without first going through him. Back in his office, he found me sitting in the chair. When he came in, I said, “Come, sit down and let us talk.”

But my interlocutor no longer wanted to talk to me. Looking at his face, I saw a whole series of emotions. From serenity, he passed to anger, then to great astonishment, and ended with a smug smile, haggard, without expression. The man had lost his sanity and began to run around the room in the manner of little children who play the game of hiding and seek. It was not beautiful to see. In short, the Warrant Officer had gone mad.

Seeing what had happened to him, I pitied him. I ran to catch him and gave him his mind back in place through some magical words learned from the teacher.

"It is your fault!" Said I, when he recovered his senses. I went on, "If you had listened to my words, we would not be here.”

To console him, I had given him a bullet-proof vest. Later, a good camaraderie ensued between the officer and me. The incident was quickly forgotten. Although possessing all this power, I did not have peace for all that. At first, I felt the joy of possessing a force that other people could not even suspect existed. But, with time, my desires increased. The objects or acts that brought me joy were fading in my memory because of the monotony. As a proverb says, "Habit is second nature." I thought it was normal for things to happen the way I did. Nothing surprised me, and nothing gave me joy. I noticed that everything I did not really benefit me. I was popular, but without a penny.


I informed the professor of this situation. The latter replied that he had given me everything. It was enough that I wanted it to get all the money I needed. With the six-jewelry ring I owned, I could make objects weighing more than 50 kgs fly more than 50 meters away. Immediately, the teacher gave me an object he called "magic tube."

He told me, “This tube has several applications in the field of magic. With this tube, you can read, see, keep, move, search, calculate, evaluate. There are many ways to get money. I do not want to initiate you to all these methods at once. But we will study them gradually. The first method is called "smart flight." This method involves ordering wandering spirits to bring you money. You can specify the location, quantity, time and nature of the money. When it appears, it will be accompanied by a number. This number indicates the time you have to spend it. This money is stolen from stores or banks by wandering spirits; here are the conditions relating to "smart flight":

With this money, you will not be able to buy any durable goods.

At the agreed time, all the money will have to be spent.

You see that apart from these two conditions, you can make use of this money whichever you want. Here is the punishment reserved for those who do not respect our requirements: either they die or they become crazy.

Some explanations are needed for a better understanding. We call this method "smart flight," because the theft will not be discovered, because the money will be put back in its place before the owner realizes its disappearance. You cannot buy durable items with this money because everything has to disappear by the end of the deadline. So if you keep that money, you risk dying. After buying a perishable item, if the money you give to the seller is put together with ordinary money, that money will disappear at the same time as the ordinary money after the delay. Nothing is gained for nothing in this world, my son. This money, which disappears, is used to replenish the secret coffers, and later to acquire other customers. If we are pitiless for the recalcitrant, it is because if the money is not exhausted, we have to fill the gap that is lacking. So, if the customer dies, it is so that he comes to work for us to pay back the money that we had to pay in his place. If the customer goes crazy, it is because the ordinary money that was lost was enough to cover the losses, without damaging us. But the client will still be punished for breaking the orders, and also for making us work for nothing. Experiment first with this method. When you discover its disadvantages, I will teach you another possibility. Remember my words: patience and courage. In the meantime, have fun!

I retained every word uttered by the professor. A few days after this conversation with the professor, after weighing the pros and cons of "smart flight," I decided to experiment it. Sitting in my living room, I carried out the procedures intended to obtain money. As I was told by the professor, I specified the data: the place, the time, the quantity or the number, and finally, the nature of the species requested.

For the place and the hour, I had indicated that the money appeared on the table in my drawing-room at two o'clock. As to the quantity and nature of the money, I had specified twenty pounds in denominations of ten zaires. I made a mistake as to quantity, for at four o'clock a mountain of banknotes in denominations of ten zaires appeared on the table. There was a note to the recipient indicating the number ten. This indicated that I had ten hours before me to fully spend this mountain of money from my table.

After calculation, I found that I should have spent everything just by midnight. A mingled feeling of both joy and fear seized me when I pocketed quantities of banknotes in order to go and spend them. When I left my room, the first person I met was the teacher's servant. He asked me for a cigarette, and I gave him 500 zaires in cuts of ten. Continuing my journey, I took a taxi to drop me downtown, to the shops. I handed the driver five times the normal price of the race. Not to arouse his curiosity, I complimented him by saying that it was because he had led me quickly to the desired place that I was doing him that favor.

In town, I watched the items through the shop windows. A shirt attracted my attention. At the moment I was going to buy it, I heard a voice saying: No durable items!

This voice was familiar to me, it was that of the professor. I said to myself, as I walked away from the shop, "The teacher loves me very much, he does not want me to die or go mad." That is why his voice reaches me so far as to warn me of the danger of disobedience.

I steered my steps towards a European restaurant. Since I was forbidden to buy durable items, as much to spend on food, to avenge myself. I ordered expensive food. All the money I had taken away was exhausted. I hailed a taxi and informed the driver that he would receive the prize for this trip when he had brought me back to the place where he had taken me. I had a shock when I entered the room where the money was. The money I had taken before going out was replaced by more banknotes. Was it the reality or was I dreaming? I do not know. It was 3 pm on my watch, and the money was still very abundant on the table. I pocketed a large quantity of money, more than the first time, and went out. I was tormented by the idea that on my return I might find another amount of money that would have replaced what I had taken away.

The driver was waiting for me at the wheel of his car. Without saying a word, I took my seat next to him. My ideas were elsewhere. I told myself that he would have it on his own account when he saw his empty box the next morning. The taxi placed me in the same place where he had taken me, that is to say, in the European restaurant, I gave him a large sum of money, without saying anything to him, for he himself was aware that I had made him wait long.

That day, some of my friends were in the restaurant. I remember giving them a treat at my own expense. Everyone ate and drank at my own expense. It was good for me to take the money out of my pockets to spend it in the sight of everyone. Before my guests finished their lavish meals, I demanded the bill. I paid cash and I slipped away, lest some inquisitive people start asking questions about where the money came from. I made several trips back and forth between the house and the city center to complete spending the 20 kgs of 10 zaire notes.

This may seem simple. But spending such a sum in 10 hours in Kisangani in 1976 was not easy. At 10 o'clock there was still a large quantity of money on the table. A cold sweat broke out in me, and I was seized with an atrocious fear: afraid of dying, afraid of going mad. I recalled the words of the professor when he recommended courage and patience. A little calm returned then in a moment. I told myself that I still had two hours in front of me and that there was no question of giving way to discouragement. It was necessary to change the spending tactics.

Oh! My dear brothers and sisters, it is better to work for Jesus than for Satan! For the yoke of Jesus is sweet and His burden light (Matt 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.). I still remember that night like it was yesterday. I threw the money into the air in a funeral ceremony, when I did not even know the deceased! I went with haste into a bar and asked consumers what their tastes. Then I emptied my pockets before them without touching a single glass, for fear of getting drunk and not being able to spend all the money I had. It was pitiful. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

Around 23:30 pm, I was left with just a few banknotes bundles on the table. The servant of the teacher, instead of just buying the cigarette he had asked me, was also paid to drink. During all the back and forth that I made, I noticed an elongated shape in the yard, but I did not know it was a drunkard. The poor man, applying the Roman principle saying he should enjoy the day, had spent all the money. Now he was sleeping in the yard, dead drunk.

At midnight, I was left without a penny, and I could breathe a "sigh" of relief. That night, in bed, I thought about everything I had done in the evening, contemplating the ceiling of my room. I conclude that in the future, I would ask for amounts less than 20 kilos.

A few days later, I used the "clever flight" again. This time, I refrained from the bigger amount for fear of reliving the same situation as before. I noticed that the time limit for spending the money was not constant in each case: it varied according to the quantity demanded. Several days passed. I found that the money obtained by the method of "clever flight" was of no use to me. It was forbidden to buy a simple clip, not even a handkerchief. If I tried to do, I might go mad or die. My parents were always poor. I could not help them. I could not send them my money, lest they put on their savings and that all would disappear when the time limit imposed had expired.

I decided to go find the professor so he could give me another opportunity to find money. Before revealing me this opportunity, the teacher gave me some advice, "You are still too young to understand the problem of money. Make your request to this address and wait to know their response."

He gave me an address in India. After he left, I wrote hastily my request for money to ship to India by flying occult. Spirits were used to route the mail. This method is known for its speed. A 5 minutes delivery is rare when using this medium. The usable mailboxes are toilets, beds, the buffet, tables, cabinets, etc.

Five minutes later, I received the answer, including the following content, "You, Zairian who are asking for money, know that money does not buy money, or that Zaire is not buying a Zaire, and then that money cannot reach yourself. Good comprehension."

At the bottom of the letter, there was, as a signature, a coffin and a skull. The letter was written, signed and stamped in red ink. I brought him to the teacher after reading it. The latter, without even taking a look, said, "It's like I told you, son. In this world, there is nothing for nothing. I think you're still too young to understand."

The response of the teacher and that of the letter implied that to receive the money I needed, I had to sacrifice a human life. I told the teacher that I had to sacrifice one to get money. I preferred to die as poor like my father than to be rich and in sacrifice a human life in order to satisfy some financial needs. Kill someone? I could not believe it! My excitement made the Professor smile.

He suggested to me a third option to get money. He told me, "I agree that you still have scruples to sacrifice a human life. I understand you because of your age. I know that when the need is felt more, your scruples would disappear. Meanwhile, I inform you that there is a third possibility, which is also the most common among magicians. If you want, I'll make two seals. The first seal will make you loved by women. No woman in the world can resist your call, even if you were ugly. She will come and you will make of her whichever way you want. The second seal has the power to impregnate a woman even if she is sterile. Do not forget that if you unite with a woman, you form one body with it. So instead of sacrificing yourself, you can sacrifice your own flesh that is your wife or your blood flowing in the veins of your children. To prevent the loss of those dear people, which causes sorrow, do not forget that you can do this: Whenever you lie with any woman, you'll be write down her name and give her a large sum of money as a gift. The statement and name will be placed on a list. Later, if the need arises in our headquarters, you have only to remove a name from this list, and the person whose name will be crossed on the list will die. You can take her name and give her a large sum of money as a gift. The statement and her name will be placed on a list."

In reality, this person does not die absolutely, because after this so-called "death," her soul will go to work for your account, looking for new money to be given to you. If that does not help you to sleep with any woman, you'll be taking "office" (that is to say, a second or third wife). Children born of such unions will be on the list. When the need arises in the headquarters, you shall blot out the name on this list and the child will die. It will give you a significant amount of money as a reward so that the mourning ceremonies will be made with much pomp. Nobody would think of suspecting you for the loss of the child, not even the mother anyway. For those around you, all the tears shed and all the money spent will prove attachment and affection you had for the deceased.

Strangely, all this theory did not interest me at all. The idea of sacrificing a human life to enjoy the money was enormously repugnant to me. I accepted my fate. I resigned myself to my condition. This resignation continued without causing any disorder to the Professor with my money problems.

I pause before continuing this testimony in order to prevent my sisters to fall into the wiles of the devil. Beware, my sisters, if you like luxury and prestige. Beware if you agree to become "second or fourth office." My sisters, if you are not married, do not be a prostitute. Instead, pray God to give you a husband. For it is written, "He created them male and female" (Genesis 1:27). Jesus Christ our Lord, in whom we have faith made several promises, including here one of them, "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it" (John 14:14).

By agreeing to become an "office" (that is to say the second or third wife of another), you are a prostitute. You defile your body that is, do not forget, the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6: 18-19 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man does is without the body, but he that commits fornication sins against his own body. 19 What? know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?). In addition, you may fall into the hands of a magician in search of a soul to offer to his master. If that is the case, you automatically lose your life. For you who are married, if you notice that your husband wears jewelry on his body, do not think that it serves only as an ornamental piece. If he is a magician, these objects serve as a point of contact between him and his master. Your husband may be a businessman and you notice that your husband is prospering more, and you will say that you're lucky to have a prosperous man in the business. Yes and no. Yes, if he is not a magician; no, if he is. Indeed, magicians and followers of certain obscure sects get their money stolen by the occult. The devil is cunning. If a new customer signs a pact of money with him, he does not give him millions right away, but he gives him wealth gradually like a growing business: a drinking establishment, a bar, a "hotel" cars.

The principle of the devil is this: since you use that money to maintain your life and meet your expenses, you have to pay back with your life for all these benefits. All these large sums of money you waste to maintain your "standing" are actually the price of your blood, that of your children. You are destroyed by your own ignorance. You will die prematurely; your soul will not go to rest until the coming of the Lord, but rather to work for others to get wealth for them. This is the result of you trying to satisfy your short-term greed for money and wealth.

During the time I spent in the service of evil, I noticed that the devil had more influence on women than on men. He used a lot of women to fulfill his evil designs. Your only weapon is prayer and faith.

It may be that someone offers you jewelry as a gift at a party or birthday. If that person does magic you will find an anomaly in your life, especially blood diseases in your children. Or, if you keep your savings at home, large sums of money would disappear without you being able to understand the reason. All because of the jewelry that was offered to you, or was purchased from occultic sources.

The jewelry that we encounter in life is not all manufactured from minerals in factories. I know people who bring this jewelry from elsewhere.

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