Saturday, November 24, 2018



Like everyone else, I first believed in the existence of God. Following my involvement in the occult, my belief in the existence of God was completely demolished. The lessons taught me by my teacher who initiated me into the occult, and the subsequent events therefrom had me completely convinced of the nonexistence of God. But from a certain point, I began to notice the contradictions between what my teacher told me and the daily reality, which was also an illusion.

From the moment I came to understand the existence of a supernatural reality, it was impossible to distinguish good from evil, right from wrong. I continued living in that occultic world until the truth was manifested to me. But God is love, my brothers and sisters. He made me see clearly.


The first time I experienced the world of the cemetery is the day I signed the contract by which I had to work for goddess Maharashathie. That night, when we were back in our world, after midnight, the teacher had brought me to the cemetery. I was not afraid of the night, because my body was conditioned to such circumstances. When we arrived at the cemetery after we made ourselves invisible, Professor uttered a proper incantation, and all the crosses of the cemetery disappeared. This phenomenon was like watching a videotape in a VCR before the images appear on the screen. The same thing happened before our eyes.

A mysterious universe replaced the crosses in the cemetery, a world made up of skyscrapers and large well lit and animated buildings. There were alleys and avenues, and everything that constitutes a modern contemporary city. The population consisted of youth. No old man, no child, everyone was young.

The professor was a frequent visitor. I was the subject of an unprecedented welcome worthy of a servant of the goddess. I do not know how to make you understand. When this world opens up to me, the way we behave, that is to say, how to think, to move, to reason, speak, etc, all that was changing internally in me to conform to that world. For example, I could see these great buildings, but I've never asked what material they were built with.

They made me visit the city. I saw no clinic, hospital, maternity, nor old hospice anywhere. I saw no cripple, that is to say, no one was blind or disabled. People never got sick. In short, we had another body. When I say that the way of reasoning and thinking was different, I will illustrate with an example to help you understand this idea. Once, I was invited to attend a reception at the cemetery.

While the party was in full swing, I wanted to retrieve an object that was nailed to the wall and located above my head. In principle, I should get up and get a stepladder or any object to reach what was fixed on the wall. There, by the sheer force of my will, without deploying any physical effort, and always staying in my sitting position, my chair moved by itself and rose to the place where the object was located so I just had to reach out my hand and take the desired object. So walking was not necessary, we could travel at the speed of thought.

There were drinks, cigarettes, and girls to entertain us. Besides, I had my girlfriends from the daughters of the cemetery. I've already said we had food from food produced in our physical world. This is one of the reasons why the goods, especially food, run out on our walks. If ghosts do not come to buy these items in our world, there would be no inflation or shortages. The bodies of the spirits of the cemetery do not tolerate nor accept drunkenness. But some spirits pretended to be drunk, to disturb or annoy others. Prostitution was rife among girls of the cemetery. In this world, there is no family, that is to say, neither father nor mother, neither son nor daughter. Women never conceive. They, therefore, cannot have children, and people do not die. The multiplication or reproduction occurs with the arrival of new burial of corpses. At the arrival of a new corpse, a welcome service would be held to welcome the spirit that followed that corpse.

I must give you some explanations on what I just said. Our beloved Jesus, our Savior, said, "Whoever believes in Me and keep My commandments will never experience death." Elsewhere we read in the Bible, "After death comes judgment.." The Bible contradicts it? No, my beloved away from me such a thought. The Bible always talks about the existence of heaven (where God lives), Paradise (where rest those who deserve heaven, Luke 23:43 And Jesus said to him, Truly I say to you, Today shall you be with me in paradise.), hell and the abyss. If you read the Bible you will understand these things.

When someone dies, if he has to go to heaven, his spirit goes straight to heaven in a definite place, different from the heaven where God is. But if the deceased candidate is assigned to hell, his spirit soars above his coffin until the corpse is buried. Before he is buried, some magicians can talk to the spirit that hovers over the coffin, using a mirror, or water taken into the vortex of a river, or a certain perfume. When the funeral procession reaches the cemetery, the spirits in charge of hosting the service take the newcomer under their charge and make him visit his new home. It's party time for the newcomer.

What a contrast to what happens on earth, my dear brothers and sisters! While friends, brothers, and relatives of the deceased shed copious tears for the death of their relative, the latter is amazed when he is presented to his new world. The dead sees his old parents on earth and hears everything they say, their tears, their lamentations, their grievances but he cannot do anything. The reaction of some of the dead sometimes made me laugh a lot. While alive, they never assumed the existence of the world in which they find themselves suddenly, seemingly a world much better than they have just left. Their reaction was very strange. Others mocked the living who lamented about them. I spent seven years in this world of the cemetery. This was where I took all my meals during those seven years. For, from the time when I had tasted the dishes of the cemetery, it was impossible to eat food prepared in our world. Yet it was the same rice, same bananas, the same beans, the same cassava leaves, and other commodities, as we find in our markets. Outside of my occupations, which were to "bind" the talismans, I also worked in the special service of welcome, and the calculation of the horoscope of the “latecomer spirits” and control of service: I was tracking the spirits, especially women, that they do not leave the cemetery to disturb the living in the bars at night.

Regarding “latecomer spirits”, I give you some explanation. Each coffin was not necessarily accompanied by the spirit of its occupant. Some spirits did not accompany the body to the cemetery. These spirits still wandered into the void, because the silver cord which connects the body to the core had ruptured prematurely. To bring these spirits in the cemetery, I used the inscriptions on the gravestones cross: Born in.. the.. died... From this data, I established their horoscope, and I determined their planets. The planet provided me with all possible information on where the deceased was wandering. This allowed us to send a team to recover it. All spirits of the deceased were not latecomers. Some criteria helped us to classify latecomers spirits in various categories. This name “latecomer spirits” is given to those spirits that join their bodies with a delay of a few days. Apart from latecomers spirits, there were other spirits that do not accompany their bodies, and for which we could detect no criteria and no sign of any delay. According to the size of the coffin, I understood that they were children. I conclude, first, that the babies had no spirit. But as the days went by, I noticed that some babies in their coffins were with their spirits. As I said, in the other world, all had the same size and same age. It is the size of the coffin that I determined the age of the newcomers at the time of their death. I did not understand how some children's coffins were with their spirits, while others did not until later that I had the explanation, as follows:

Normally, the spirits of babies do not come to the cemetery for the simple reason that they are pure before God (1 Cor. 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean, but now are they holy.). They have no sins. The spirits of the babies who came to the cemetery were not of God. This statement may perplex your mind. Not every baby is of God. Remember in the first chapter, I said that the teacher had given me two pills. One pill was designed to impregnate every woman I slept with, even if she was barren. Babies born from such a union, their spirits come to the cemetery, once their names are removed from the list of the living. If they can grow on land, these children become nice guys, giants, who often hold important positions in the human hierarchy. For most, they are single but rich.

I cannot ask you to put yourself in my place, dear brothers and sisters. Still, some people I knew well were among the dead. For these people, after their death, members of their families were paying large sums of money to celebrate requiem masses or masses for the dead, so that the souls of the dead can rest in peace. Ironically, that sometimes were friends of my teacher who celebrated Mass during the day, and then joined us at night in the cemetery! Parents of the deceased were expecting that from their prayers that “God" would forgive the sins of the dead and welcome him/her into His heaven. While it was I who, as part of my duties, taking care of the installation of the newly departed spirits!

Such was my business for over seven years in the cemetery. Since I had heard the song of the wild pigeons, my decision was yet taken. It was then that it occurred to me to abandon magical practices, but only from the age of 70 years. Actually, I was afraid of dying young and poor. In my heart, I was not sure yet to be able to give up the magic, because I knew what would happen to my soul after death, at least from what led me to believe. But when it was given to me to discover the truth, my decision was irrevocable.


Usually, when a new coffin is brought to the cemetery, the spirit of the newcomer was waiting beside the coffin, until we give him everything he needed for installation. That day, there were three entries, so three deaths. Besides these three coffins were two spirits awaiting installation. The third coffin was not accompanied by any spirits. At night, when I arrived, I found two spirits instead of three. This surpassed my understanding, especially that none of the three coffins was that of a child and none of the three coffins showed signs that it was a "latecomer spirit."

I took advantage of the presence of the teacher to shed light on these two cases. I asked him, "Why do the spirits of some babies come to the cemetery, and where is the spirit of the third?"

In fact, I knew nothing of this. The professor gave me a philosophical answer here, "These kinds of spirits do not come here. In principle, on this earth, the life of every man has five components which are: food, clothing, wealth, honor and glory. The souls of the people who come here are those of the men who have lived all these five elements on earth. While the souls of those who have lived two or three components of their life during their stay on earth, do not come here. That is to say that they lived in simplicity and austerity during their stay on earth, hoping to live the other parts of their lives with their Master."

This response of the teacher, instead of satisfying my curiosity, served only to excite me more. I wanted to know who their "Master" and what place was reserved for those who did not come here to the cemetery after death. To this last question, the professor gave no answer.

During my conversation with the teacher, one of my girlfriends from the cemetery, a serving spirit stood next to me. She had followed my dialogue with the teacher. She took me aside and said, "Honey, I'm surprised the questions that you ask the teacher, after all the time you spent with us! Is it true that you do not know where did the spirit of the third corpse go to? It is strange that such a matter comes to you! The spirit of the third body cannot come here just because he is a Christian. You cannot say it is full of Christians here! Yes, there are Christians who come, but these are nominal Christians. True Christians do not come here! Their Master is not coming here. He does not even want that they see the existence of our world. This is why, when they die, He sends angels to take them to where the Master is. As to where they go, no one here knows anything. We looked for them everywhere in this place but we never found them, so we resigned ourselves that they are not going to be here. Do you know why true Christians do not come here? A true Christian, if he has something to clothe and feed themselves, that is enough. He does not seek glory, honor, power, or wealth. It is these three things that drive people to part with their Master and come here."

When I heard those words of my concubine, I was seized with fear. I was afraid to be deceived. For the second time, I asked this question, "What is the name of the Master of Christians, and what awaits us, we who are here now."

My girlfriend smiled a little, then she said, "Honey, you're not going to tell me you do not know what awaits us, all of us here! Forgive me for forgetting, but the name of the Master of Christians is God of the spirits of all flesh (Numbers 16:22 And they fell on their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and will you be wroth with all the congregation?). His coming, when He will come to judge the living and the dead, He will condemn us, all of us here, and He will throw us into an eternal lake of fire. It is known to all. That's why you see us live in opulence because we have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. Our punishment has already been determined, we expect its implementation. So in the meantime, we have fun during the stay."

At these words, I remembered what my teacher used to say, about what would happen to my spirit after my death. He never told me about the last judgment or condemnation. A cold anger flooded my soul against my Polish teacher. I felt a terrible hatred for him. I forgot all the benefits he had given me.

"The GOD OF ALL SPIRITS is Jesus." The words of the third Felbuss came to my mind. I told myself that I had read somewhere that the Bible was true. He no longer allowed me to doubt it. Besides, what good is it to still doubt or deny the existence of God and of Jesus Christ, since the source that reached me with these truths had no reason to lie to me? My whole body trembled with fear.

I was afraid to let others know that I had finally found what they kept hidden from me for so long. That night, I decided to give up the magic and all its practices, whatever the consequences. As I was in the cemetery then, I pretended to work as usual, without letting anyone know my thoughts.

In the morning, about four o'clock, I went to the place where the exit was, and I recited the appropriate incantation to the invisible world of the closing and opening of the visible world. The fairy world vanished, giving way to the cemetery cross planted in the ground. The dew had soaked vegetation, and the shadow of the night went, thus making room for a new day.


I knew I had to die if I put an end to the practice of magic. Death does not scare me either. My deepest desire was now after my death my spirit does not go to the cemetery to await the eternal condemnation, but it goes to where the spirit of the third body was gone. I did not want that after my death my spirit is the laughingstock of my former partners, for whom I was a traitor. But for my spirit to be with the King of all spirits, I had to become "a true Christian," to which Jesus sends for my spirit after my death. To become a true Christian, I knew that I need not go find my teacher because he had already given me his views on God.

On my return from the cemetery, I went to find a pastor. I told him everything I did in the field of magic, and all that awaited me after death as a non-Christian. I have not hidden from him what had led me to give up magic, because I wanted to become a true Christian. The pastor told me how to become a true Christian, as my teacher did not know. The pastor, though surprised at what he heard from my mouth, did not interrupt me at all. Only at the end of my story he advised me to accept the Lord Jesus in my heart as my personal Savior, and give back to the teacher all the so-called powers and protections in my possession. He concluded with these words, "Thou shalt not die if Jesus wants."

My confession to the pastor had taken enough time. I returned a little later to the teacher compared to other days. At home, I found the professor sitting in the living room, looking worried. Obviously, he was waiting for me, because when I came in, he asked me once, "Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you after our conversation, to talk to you about some things you had asked me, but I have not seen you, to my amazement. Where have you been? One of your friends told me you were gone. I arrived and I did not find you. Where did you go? Speak, I listen to you, my son."

"My father, for more than ten years I am at your side. I believed everything you told me, without a second thought, because I have always regarded you as my father. But for some time, I began to notice some contradictions between what had confirmed me as true and the reality that I was living. Father, you've given me protection, saying it would protect me against all visible and invisible enemy, and yet, I was paralyzed by the cries of a young man who had only pronounced a simple Name. You denied the existence of this Name and you wanted me to do the same. I have long believed and respected you, my father, despite my own experiences that contradict your assertions. Yesterday again, I wanted to clarify two points on which my reasoning could not find a suitable solution. Your silence only confirmed my doubts. Following your silence, and thanks to the answers given by this spirit standing by my side, so I decided to give up magic and follow Jesus no matter what the consequences. For I will not let you hide the truth from me. You hid the truth from me lest I leave you, the day I would discover the truth. Now that I know the truth, I do not know what keeps me here or what prevents me to leave you, dear professor. I want to abandon magic and follow Jesus no matter what the consequences."

"So I just give you all my protections and all my powers, to follow Jesus Christ. I wish that when I die my spirit will no longer return to the cemetery, but to where the last spirit of the body that had no spirit is. I now want to follow Jesus, so that He will come to my death and take me to the place that none of you knows. Excuse me, Father, I have to leave, and I must leave the magic. I went to a pastor this morning and he advised me to just give you back all the protections and powers, to become a Christian. That's why I give you this item back."

The object in question was a small bottle containing a viscous liquid. Inside this liquid was a miniature "Mami Wata”, but alive. (A "Mami Wata" is a "siren" or water spirit). The professor had followed me very well. He sometimes nodded on some points I was saying. In response, the teacher said to me, "This is not to me you have to return your powers and your protection, but to the goddess Maharashathie. It is with her that you have signed the contract requiring you to work all your life. So if you really want to give up the magic, you will have to find the goddess. You know the way, and the way to achieve it. If I can still advise you something before you go to find the goddess, give yourself time to think. If you change your mind, come to see me and we'll talk again. But if you really want to give up the magic, I remind you that you will die young and poor."

In my excitement to give up magic, I did not realize all the serious consequences of the response of the teacher. In other words, I did not realize the risk I was taking, venturing me to go to the land of the goddess Maharashathie to give her back my powers. Upon reflection, I think that it would be suicidal for me to see the goddess after I broke the contract binding me to her, and expect to be redeposited and returned safe and sound in our world.

While I was packing up my suitcase to move out of the teacher's house, it occurred to me not to go to the land of the goddess, but go rather invoke Dr. Kaylash Payba, god of India, in a cemetery not far away from the city. I chose a cemetery near some houses because I was afraid that if that spirit killed me after giving up my powers and protections, at least some passersby would find my dead body in the morning. Or if those nefarious spirits wanted to harm me, I could shout for help for the nearby residents to rescue me. I was really scared!

I moved out of my teacher's house to go settle with the pastor, waiting for my life to return to normal. I have now finished my studies and I held a degree of Engineer Technician General Agronomy. I had not even thought about working nor looking for any job. It was time then to look for a job. Since I had to leave at night to the cemetery to surrender my powers, I had to spend all afternoon to listen to the Good News of Jesus preached to me by that pastor. He insisted a lot for me to surrender all those rights back to the world of darkness in order to sever all connections with it.

The same evening I went to a cemetery not far from the city, in the hope to realize the plan I had carefully designed beforehand. Arriving at the cemetery, I called Dr. Kaylash Payba. In the past, when we invoke the doctor, he showed his presence by the appearance of a distant light that was growing gradually as he approached. Unlike his usual way to show himself, the doctor this time appeared to be hovering. He introduced himself, saying, "I am the doctor Kaylash Payba, India god. Here, I walk in the air like God!"

In my turn, I introduced myself, and I said, "I come from my teacher. I am giving up all the magic and its practices. So I just put my powers and my protection by delivering them to you."

After having recovered, the doctor said to me, "Is that the only reason for your visit, or do you have anything else to say?"

"I want to get my hair and dust off my right heel," I replied.

"Go into the building number two, the second level, look in the drawer of the second chamber to the left and you will find everything you asked for." I left, and I recovered my objects. I scattered the dust and I burned the hair. I then went back to the doctor.

"Is that's all you want to ask me?" he asked.

"That's all, doctor," I replied.

"That's good. You know what awaits you, you know the laws: tomorrow at noon, you will die, he warned."

"Doctor, I will die if Jesus wills it!" I retorted. With that, I took my leave and I left.

On the way back, I passed a group of servants spirits. They forbade my passage, saying the doctor wanted to see me for a final interview. Without paying attention to what they said, I asked them to let me pass, in Jesus' name. With that, they all parted, and I passed among them.

Only believe, my son, and you shall be saved! Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved! (Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your house.).

I took a truck to my home sub-region, where my parents lived. You too, if you're a magician, witch doctor, murderer, thief, drunkard.. what else I know, believe and come to Him as you are, and He will save you as He has done for me.

Although I now enjoy the grace of the Lord, I would probably avoid some fights like I had done so in the past in my ignorance!

I arrived at the pastor's house; I told him all my interview with Dr. Kaylash Payba, god of India. The pastor encouraged me and even thanked the Lord for me. Personally, I was not convinced of the efficacy of prayer, with regard to the threats of the doctor. That's why I asked the pastor to give me some money for me to go to Yangambi, where my parents lived. I told him I did not want to die away from my family.

The pastor, having urged me to believe only in Jesus' name to be saved, handed me the amount of money necessary for my transport to Yangambi. He accompanied me to the place where we took the transport to Yangambi. Along the way, he kept telling me, 'You will not die, the Lord Jesus loves you!

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