Saturday, November 24, 2018



Several days passed. I returned to Kisangani. There, I became an evangelist. To further deepen my knowledge of the things of God. I enrolled in a Bible school run by Norwegian teachers.

My parents chose a girl in marriage to me. Then I was employed at the CAMEZA Company Kisangani agency. This company manufactures metal ingots. I had the rank of Assistant Director. The Company even gave me a Land Rover for my use.

The Lord blessed His work through my ministry in the Church of Kisangani. Many miracles were manifested through our prayers, including healing the mentally ill. Indeed, our ministry mainly involved the mentally ill. We prayed for them, and the Lord healed them all. Among them, there were the two young students who had fled upon the arrival of Felbuss, the commando who shot me, and many others still.

As part of my ministry, I persuaded several people to whom I had given talismans when I was still practicing magic, to follow my example and abandon magical practices. Some agreed and abandoned magic, while others did not want to listen to my words. Among them, Satan had tightened the blindfold of ignorance over their eyes, lest they see the light of prayer, while it was still daylight.


My degree Engineer Technician General Agronomy allowed me to take some responsibility in companies instead. At the CAMEZA, for example, I was Deputy Regional Director at the branch of Kisangani. Unlike some people who are blessed materially and are ashamed to proclaim the risen Jesus Christ, my duties accounted for no handicap for me to preach the Gospel around me. This is to tell you that I had taken over a new course in life.

Beloved in the Lord, my interest in the things of God led me to become a Protestant evangelist in the community. During six years of ministry in my church, I kept secret the testimony you have just read it. This silence was due to several factors as follows: First, I saw no point in telling the children of God this past about myself since I wanted at all costs to forget about it. Then I was afraid of being sued by some people who were directly harmed in any way by my magic if they heard my narrative. Finally, there was respect for my teacher who, moreover, was still there.


A group of us formed a prayer group that did not depend on any other existing community, except on Jesus Christ Himself. We met for worship, the meditation on the Word of God, intercessory prayer and worship.

As I have said before, the Lord had given us the gift of healing. One day seven patients were ministered to, and God saved them through our prayers. But despite our prayers, none of the patients were restored! As if this was a spiritual drought in our group, we decreed a time of fasting for seven days, in order to revive the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. This fast was to end with a prayer vigil that coincided with the date of January 1, 1986.

An event happened then during the night. Indeed, we were 32 in number in a room on a piece of land located at 39, rue Mangobo. Rongo district, Matete area, in the city of Kisangani. We exalted God through songs of praise, and everyone was sweating! All of a sudden, a fireball went down and stopped in the middle of the four singers brothers!

Driven by the power of the Holy Spirit, the brothers confessed, in turn, their misdeeds aloud, while in tears! This confession left us speechless because we could not imagine for one moment that we have within our choir thieves, swindlers, lewd men, and murderers! But taking part in their sincerity, we also sat down to cry, imploring for them the forgiveness of the Almighty. How wonderful to receive forgiveness from the Lord, being washed of all sins, and live our years in the love of Christ!

In this fireball that everyone saw in our midst, I noticed that Ezekiel had seen and written the second verse of his book! A White Being of Light approached me and wiped my tears away! Then, unable to control my emotion, I exploded with joy and cried aloud, "My brothers, the Lord Jesus Christ has wiped my tears, the Lord is here, He is in our midst! "

Indeed, my brothers saw that my cheeks were wet indeed become dry. But they saw the fireball, not the Lord.

My beloved, Small wonder that those who accompanied Saul on the road to Damascus, had they not seen the light without the voice?

After that, the Being became the fireball that He rose to the sky pulling me in its path, as described in Ezekiel 8: 3 (And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looks toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provokes to jealousy.). While, for the brothers who prayed with me, I collapsed lifeless on the ground!

My beloved brothers in the Lord, with many reservations I am describing this part of my testimony. Indeed, it is difficult to locate precisely these facts in time and in space, simply because everything went beyond my mortal body and earth. That this reservation is considered from the same angle as that advanced by Paul in 2 Cor. 12: 2-3 (2 Cor 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows;) such a one caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows;).

Throughout our ascent, I saw several people leaving the earth to the sky. The Being who was with me (it was always difficult to distinguish His form) said to me, "I have allowed you to do magic so that you will know all these things so that your testimony will denounce what is similarly happening in others, that they may abandon their wickedness and fly to Me, convert and live. However, you are silent and you preach my Gospel! Yes, but you should share your testimony first before your brothers, that My message may reach into their hearts and find its place. Come to see the consequences of your silence."

When I arrived at a crossroad, He said, "On earth, you always say that there will be a judgment, but without understanding its meaning. This is the condemnation. This is where everyone automatically takes its direction, according to the life he lived on earth. Do you see someone who judges people?”

"No, I do not see anyone,” I replied.

One of the two directions led to a large well, a large pit, at the bottom of which is covered with a dark material that has undergone high temperatures, like in an engine exhaust pipe.

We approached the well so as to have a good overview. And I saw people among whom were those I had perverted, and that is no rushing into the abyss! Before switching, they found time to moan and say, "Ah if Pastor Lisungi had informed us of these things, we would not be here. He is a bad pastor!" The others said, "Lisungi deceived us." Of these, I actually recognized my old talismans customers, whom I had given occultic powers and protections.

I realized my crime even before the Lord had said anything: the price of my silence! I felt very uncomfortable.

Turning slowly toward me, and greatly grieved, the Lord told me, "All these people that you see here that perished carried My image. I sacrificed My life for the salvation of each of them. My blood was shed for the forgiveness of all these souls. Can you estimate the value of the soul of a human being? But know that the earth and the heavens are not equivalent to the value of a soul. So, you see how many souls are lost due to your silence? What will you give me in return?”

“Nothing.. not even your own life, because as it is precious! Therefore, you too will be there!”

"I?” I implored the Lord. He replied." Yes, you "

At these words, I fell to my knees in tears, and I cried unto him, saying, "If I have found favor in your sight, my God, for you to make me see the gravity of my sin, accept, O Lord, forgive me. I did not know that my silence could be so fatal. Grant me, I beg you, a chance to denounce without omitting anything all the evil that I have known, that plagues your people and destroys it, because I did not know it was so. Forgive me."

"Here there is no forgiveness," replied the Lord.


But the Lord motioned me to get up and follow Him. We left those horrible places to go to another.

We arrived in a certain place of our journey. I felt drawn into a sort of invisible tunnel. There was a very large wall that extended until it was out of sight in both directions. This world was teeming with life. There were even people who stood above the wall, and they seemed happy.

I walked to the door with the intention of entering, but when I was coming, the man next to me said, "Do not go, because you cannot get out!"

Despite this wise advice, my curiosity led me to try to get anyway on my own, but without success. That is to say that every attempt as if reading my thoughts, my companion intervened aggressively to prevent me from doing so. He asked me to wait here, which I did. Before I realized what was happening, a woman appeared a few steps from us. A sad and poorly dressed woman walked without ardor toward us, crying and humming the melody as follows:

"While on this earth I have problems, these difficulties are only temporary, because in Jesus, my Savior, I'll be comfortable. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"

The big gate opened and a burly man came out of the fence. He gave fine clothes to this woman. She puts on this fine clothes and is properly dressed without stopping her song; the second stanza said: "Even if one rejects us on earth, this rejection is not everlasting, for the Lord Jesus loves me. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! "

During the time taken for the woman to get dressed, the door was ajar, which allowed me to see the atmosphere that prevailed inside. Several people, all happy and equipped with various musical instruments (maracas, synthesizers, harmonica.) expressed their joy by singing songs of praise dedicated to the Creator.

I could even remember some of these songs; I later found out who those singers were. But their performance was nowhere near what I heard! Here's an excerpt:

Our salvation, eh eh!
Emanates from the Most High, eh eh!
Our salvation, eh eh!
Emanates from the Most High, eh eh!

Beloved in the Lord, you only read the words, words, but I have experienced the scene and heard the song of praise to the Most Powerful! Ah! Praise him forever! Amen!

Then, from where we were, we saw a healthy man coming in our direction, but he walked zigzagging. It looked like a drunk or blind man, or someone who did not know his way. When the man was coming near us, two people dressed in red appeared from I know not where seized him and dragged him in the direction opposite to the door of the enclosure! My companion asked me to follow them, which I did. After the journey, I saw very large ponds filled with reddish boiling liquid, similar to palm oil heated to 2,000 degrees. In view of the pool boiling, the man tried to resist, but two guards threw him into the liquid. When his body entered into this hot matter, the man could not help but let go a hellish wail. He struggled in the manner of a sea fish that was being barbequed, and his body took the form of a fossil.


Watching the scene, I think I would not like to share the fate of this man. Beside me, my companion, who was obviously reading my mind, said simply, "If, if your place is here." For the second time, I fell to my knees crying, He raised me and we returned to our first place. Meanwhile, on the way back, he told me: This man was a good man, he did alms to the poor and gave large gifts to the poor. Just before his illness, a situation caused him to railed angrily in fury, to the point of succumbing under the shock of emotion. So understand that at the time of his death, he was not animated by My Spirit, but rather that of anger. And yet, you read that he who does not have the Spirit of Christ cannot belong to Him! (Rom. 8: 9 But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.) Anger has caused a breach in this man, which prevented the Spirit from leading him to Me. That's why you saw him being brought here without resistance on his part."

My beloved, the Apostle Paul saw the perversion of the human heart, which is always prone to evil and counsels us not to keep anger in our heart, "Let the sun never sets on your anger." In fact, I regretted the fate of this man.


After this I saw a woman walking slowly, dragging a burden behind her. Gradually, as she approached, what was hanging heavily between her legs could be distinguished: it was her sexual organ! It had grown enormously, to the point that she was lying on the floor!

Arriving near us, nobody dared to look twice because it was so awful, dirty, disgusting and smelly! She was immediately transported to the boiling ponds. Before diving, she exclaimed, "Oh You, something I much desired, You who were my joy: you fed me, sheltered me and clothed me, yet here's where You brought me!

To explain the fate of this woman, my companion said to me, "Despite the advice that I lavished her through my ministers, she has not stopped prostitution, saying that sex was her purpose." I saw several women also thrown into the pond, without anyone revealing the reason why. But I understood that they had been judged for adultery.


Then came the turn of a young man. As he progressed towards the entrance of the chamber, his chest swelled and grew enormously in size, so it was impossible to enter through the gate! He struggled to get in, but without success. He made loud noises, to invite us to help him. Then came the two men in red who ordered him not to bother us. Then they seized him. The young man protested but he was severely beaten and driven toward the ponds.

"He was a great fighter, a fierce killer, and this was his wickedness!" explained my companion.


After that, a woman came to enter the enclosure. Just at the opening of the door, several children came to roll and block the hinges and prevented her movement. Having failed to enter the compound, the woman was surprised by two men in red who led her to the other side, while the children were returning inside. Here is the explanation I received, "This woman killed several people by abortions. She has aborted babies since her youth until her marriage! Without success, I sent several people to call her to repentance but she did not abandon her abominations. She always answered that a fetus is an amalgam of blood and not a human being! Yet the spirit of this "amalgam" of blood is the same one that animates an old man. Indeed, it is the body that evolves and grows, but the spirit remains the same. Thus, he who kills with a knife, he who kills by magical means, and he who kills by any other means, are all in the same boat as those who kill by abortion! For them, it is preferable that they are not born!"


Then I saw a man coming who was humming a song, rejoicing. When he approached the enclosure whose door was opened to him but six women escaped from the pond and blocked his way vigorously protesting against the fact that they had opened the door. They said, "It would be an injustice for him to be saved and that we, we suffered only punishment! Since he is the cause of our loss, let justice be done!"

The Lord asked me, "Do you remember the woman who came here?"

"Yes," I replied.

Then He explained, "She is the wife of this man. They were poor during their marriage. My servant has often begged Me to help her. I answered her prayer by filling her life with good things, and she became very rich. However, despite her riches, she did not abandon Me. Her husband, the man you saw enter here, confiscated all her property and appropriated them. Full of wickedness, he divorced her to marry those that you saw! Although she was divorced, My maid kept imploring My forgiveness for her husband, and that he comes home to her. Following interventions by his wife, all the anger I had against this man had subsided (Matt. 19: 4 And he answered and said to them, Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female.) Mocking Me, he met My servant and told her he was ready to take her back as his wife, provided she is willing to share the marital bed with her six rivals, something My servant could not accept for fear of sharing sin (1 Cor. 6:16 What? know you not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? for two, said he, shall be one flesh.) She is left alone until her death, rejected even by those of her family because they did not understand why she did not live with her rivals. In response to My servant, those concubines had advanced the reason they could not abandon their children. It was not true, because, in reality, they were the ones who could not get rid of the life of ease that they had with their lover. Indeed, this man was exceedingly rich. The horror of poverty, love of money, honor and luxury, had hardened their heart to cause their loss (Matt. 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.) Those six women died in their turn. The man did not convert either! He continued his disorderly life. But seeing death approaching, this man asked My ministers to preach the Good News, and he repented before his death. I forgave him, but he is still responsible for the fate of these women."

Beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is not for nothing that the Apostle Paul, though filled with the Holy Spirit, was not able to contact us in human language what he had experienced in the third heaven. I have seen and heard many things in so little time in Earth hours. In that time, the Lord told me about the past and future.

May the Holy Spirit help you understand these words! Amen!


I used to receive in our prayer group every person who said they have accepted Jesus Christ into their life without our inquiry in advance of their activities. Our behavior was based on the verse that says that the just shall live by faith. But later, we found even among our deacons, there were owners of pubs or brothel hotels.

That day, after coming down from heaven, and after we left the place where we were, the Lord showed me the works of my contemporaries. Then I saw unimaginable things!

Indeed, the Lord showed me how, by his drinking establishment, the deacon caused people to be drunk! Once drunk, they do everything they can do. Then I understood that God is holy. The Lord said to me, "Look at this pastor! See how he puts his hand in his pocket and comes out with money to hand it to the parishioner!"

I watched the scene as a television screen. Yes, my beloved, God sees everything! I saw how the pastor, in a hotel room, stroking the chest of a girl. When he began to undress her to make love with her, I closed my eyes and turned my eyes to not see the scene. But, strange to say, even with my eyes closed, I could see everything! I wondered at this, but I wanted to understand why my Lord made me see bad scenes. Then I fell on my knees for the third time, and I implored the Lord, "Free my view of these obscenities!" In response, he said to me, "You are shocked at the sight of these things and yet you are a man. Can you feel what I feel like God, that I have to see all these abominations?" Then I saw a girl of 12 or 13 years going into a hotel, accompanied by an old dad who could be the age of his grandfather. The girl had consented because of money! Despite the cries of pain, crying and bleeding of the girl, that old man was raping her!

The Lord looked at me with His tender eyes and filled with love, said, "Is it not for this purpose that I have instituted marriage? This is one of the sins that plague humanity, including in your country, Zaire!" When He had said these words, I saw tears running down His cheeks, and He grieved with anguish, "Here's how the world is lost!"

After that, my Friend took me to another very different place from where we were all at the time, and asked, "Do you see the Master of the world?".

"Yes," I replied.

Then we began to climb a hill. Gradually, as we climbed, it seemed that the tarmac, a mottled greenish yellow substance, might give way under my feet, or I was going to slide or fall! But none of this happened. I saw the world. Oh! A world that is illuminated from all sides and growing, and whose light, very intense, beginning to dazzle me. I grew impatient about the fact that we still had not reached the summit.

A few moments later, He consoled me, saying, "A little more, and we will be there. But these people have been calling you." All of a sudden, as if there had been a last minute change, all disappeared!


Then he took me over a hill, the top of which I saw a city that He showed me, "It's Kinshasa your Jerusalem to you, Zairian"

For the first time since my birth, I was able to contemplate the political capital of my country, Zaire! We went down and we flew over the city. I could read some markings on some roofs or walls of the enclosure. During this flyby, the Lord spoke to me a lot. But suddenly He manifested the concern, saying that He was very challenged, and bothered by people who called upon Him! "These people have long annoyed Me with their lawlessness, and I'm tired." The Lord greatly lamented over the leaders of the church.

Then He said to me, "You see this pastor there, with that woman. You see this. You see this deacon, that deaconess and what they do. You see this man there? You see?"

"Yes, I saw them ALL!"

"Go, I have shown them to you." Then He ended his lamentation bitterly.

And I saw the district of KIN-MAZIERE. Here was someone I shall not name, lest you recognize him. The Lord told me, "This is a pastor, but he has two women; the other, he has hidden. Here it is. His name is ... Go, and say to him! abandon sin. Go."

Then, at the Lumumba Boulevard in the Limeté area, the Lord showed me a fence wall on the first street on which I read the following information:


We lingered in front of the inscription He pointed to, saying emphatically, "You first go and give your testimony at Bethel before going elsewhere to do in Kinshasa. Do it first in this Assembly, and see what God will do! Then you go where My Spirit leads you. I will be with you." Again, He said, "Look, they are always calling Me, and I'm tired of these pressing and constant calls!"

I tried to find out who these people were who were disturbing a good conversation I had with my Creator. A moment I thought they were behind me and when I turned my eyes to see, for the second time, I found myself alive, lying on a sofa! People were calling me and imploring my return to the Lord. Because this was the second death for me, there was no crying, but everyone was rather in prayer.

I was alive without seeing the Master of the world! I, who was suddenly brought back to life from the first death, now the return from the second death gave me a lot of trouble! At the same time, I was pleasantly surprised by the dense crowd of those who came to complain and attend the second death of brother Lusungi! It was great.. amazing! Among those around me were my brothers, fasting companions, my Norwegian professors who had been healed by the Lord through our prayer. It was fantastic! There were nuns and religious of different religious faiths. Sisters in Christ from various congregations were also there! And the sheer number of vehicles! All these people visited me and I rejoiced greatly.

There was also in the crowd a man in a white coat, a graduate nurse. It had happened between him and my fasting companions a scene, which here is the story: In fact, when the fireball had led me, my prayer companions saw that I had collapsed to the ground, unconscious as I have said above. It was exactly 0:30 minutes. Some of them lacked faith and said that God had punished me because I had returned to my old magical practices. While others, more firm in their faith in Christ, held that the Lord had me withdrawn from them to talk to me. The first, in their insistence, appealed to the nurse in question, which came with all the necessary instruments for postmortem diagnosis. He determined that I was dead caused by a sudden heart failure. He was about to sign the death certificate.

But his diagnosis was not accepted by the brothers who remained optimistic. This attitude put the nurse ill at ease, who thought they doubted his professional skills. At the same time, a prophecy came out of the mouth of a young girl of 13, announcing, "It is I, Jesus, who has called My servant Lisungi to be with Me, to give him a very important mission worldwide. I will send him back among you."

If this message had brought relief to the brothers, the nurse hardened his heart who did not yet believe that He who created the world could speak through a young girl. He shouted at the girl, calling her a liar and profaning God.

Then he concluded as follows, "I know that it is God who has given men the intelligence to cure and heal their contemporaries. But it is also by the grace of the same God that I have the certainty of the death of this man whose body is lying before us. This is someone who has not had a chance to resist a fast of seven days. Generally, it is women who succeed without problems, but men are limited to five days. But as you allow yourself to support he will come back to life, I want to stay here to see how it will happen, and then I will become more Christian."

A long moment passed without anything happening, and the registered nurse was still there when, about six o'clock, two sisters in Christ who did not pray in our community came with this message, "The Lord Jesus sends us to ask you not to worry about the brother Lisungi, and to inform you that he will return to life with an important mission that will take him around the world." Then the spirits subsided further.

Indeed, I returned to life. It was eleven fifty-five o'clock. It was both a great joy among the brothers and a great surprise for the registered nurse who only then, strengthened his faith in the Lord and knew that nothing is impossible with God.

So this is what I learned about the nurse in question to my second resurrection.

In my turn, I related to the brothers all I had to seen and heard from the Lord, and were concerned; everyone was excited and praised God. I also explained to them all about this evil, this plague, the greatest sin that the Lord has revealed to me, and plaguing Zaire our country: ADULTERY!

"Zaire is in distress," I confirmed to them. "So the Lord sent me to preach. He told me that when I have completed my mission of preaching, he will bring me somewhere where it will take me forever, that is to say, I will die again!"

This first day of the year, there were many conversations in Kisangani, and several people determined to live in Christ. Glory to God!

We drove back the idea to call the meeting to provide the money needed to purchase the ticket for the trip to Kinshasa to put our faith to the test. God heard our prayers. He passed the following:

One day, I got up early in the morning for a walk in the port of Onatra. Along the way, I met a soldier, Warrant Officer whom I had not seen for a long time. After being greeted warmly by him who knew me very well, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a sum of two thousand and fourteen zaïres and handed me the money saying, "Often when I happened to travel to Kinshasa, I met with the brothers of Prayer Limeté Group lst Street. This morning I received the order from the Lord to give you that amount of money for the purchase of your ticket. I even believe that there is a boat leaving for Kinshasa today. If you want, I can recommend the care of the commander for you."

I asked him some questions, for example, the question of how he would find me if we did not meet. But I soon realized that it was the Lord speaking to me through this agent of the order. I accepted the money, then I bought my ticket for departure scheduled for that day. At home, I took my bag and said goodbye to my wife and to the black community of brothers.

In the boat that brought me in Kinshasa, I stopped to witness to Jesus. Two magicians among the passengers abandoned Satan to follow the Lord Jesus.

I also spoke of my mission to two pastors Nzambe-Malamu and Tshuapa and I showed them as proof of my former membership in the satanic world, a diploma signed by Lucifer, the keys to open the invisible world, and list of cemeteries around the world, on which stretched my powers.

Since my conversion, I considered these objects as being worthless. Both pastors advised me to destroy these objects. This I did, as doubting them may turn out to be detrimental to me.

After two weeks of sailing without incident, the boat docked at the port of Onatra in Kinshasa, where I took a taxi which took me to the city to Bethel Limeté, my first destination. I began to testify in Bethel, as I was recommended by the Lord. There were many conversions: six thousand people a day surrendered their talismans.

From there, I went to testify to the pastor who had two wives. I told him the recommendation of the Lord, specifying the name of the second woman, and where she lived. The pastor thought for a moment that he was in front of a witch doctor or wizard, but he managed to recover and recognized in me a true messenger of the Lord. "I could not imagine that the Lord knew me!” he joyfully exclaimed. When he went to his partner that day, he explained the facts and informed her of his firm belief that he must get right with God. He then gave the woman a sum of 50,000 zaïres, and gave her her freedom, exclaiming, "God loves me!"



  1. GOD is great, to him belong all powerfull and mightful, Lord i give you all the praise.

  2. This is the most amaizing testimony i have ever heard. Praise God.

  3. Thanks.Very grateful for the post...

  4. Very eye opening and great testimony. May God continue to use him greatly in His service in Jesus'name. Amen.

  5. Woooooooww! Ohh God please use me greatly! I want to see you too.

  6. Powerful testimony, glory be to Jesus
