Thursday, November 22, 2018



I was praying to God and was directed to the country of India in August of 2018. I will write these visions to report to the Church.

Two Christians who congregate with me went on this trip. We entered a place of great darkness upon arriving in that country. The negative sensitivity I felt there is worse than the African countries I have traveled to. In India, there are rituals for demons every day for 24 hours. It is a country dominated by the kingdom of darkness.

I saw in the vision a giant, hairy black hand in the air of the sky near the clouds. This hand belongs to a great principality that reigns there. In this country, there is a great barn of imprisoned souls. It is one of the countries that most deliver souls to hell.

It is a country of a large population, most are Hindus who die and go to hell. Diseases of rats and contaminated water have killed many of their people. The floods bring the bugs out of the streets, contaminating the waters with deadly bacteria, killing the population. It is a country which has been forgotten by the rulers.

The demons of oppression besides receiving the rituals oppress those blind people. In the vision, I saw millions of demons walking among these peoples. There are so many demons that they pass by and we feel the wind of their presence. I and the two missionaries felt them running and bumping into our shoulders. Let us pray much in that place.

I've seen millions of people with the yoke on their backs. In the vision, I saw them carrying a stone on their backs with their feet and hands chained. Through their bodies, I also saw chains caught in their breasts and necks. I and the missionaries prayed for the multitude of people who went to church. I had a vision of small swords coming out of my mouth and the mouths of the missionaries that cut the chains and those people were set free from the heavy yoke.

There were many conversions, but many people did not convert because of a guru. He made great signs and asked people to believe in their god. He puts his hands on people causing them to die and then brings them back to life. He said he was resurrecting those people. He felt he could take life and then give it back.

I had a vision with a demon that took the soul of the person leaving the dead body on the ground and then returning that soul back to the body. This devil did all this to give credence and authority to the guru making many souls believe in him. Our preaching was not being heard because of this guru. He said he took people's lives and gave them back, but that is the work of the devils who kept the souls of the people. The demons that took the souls of the people did not go down to hell, but they kept wandering with them.

It is not just this devil that makes such cunning deception. There are several demons who operate these signs through these masters of Hindu philosophy.


Each guru group has a demon that does whatever they want. It's men who stay connected to the powers of darkness all day long. They perform rituals and speak mantras to reach a level of spirituality very deep with darkness. If you do not live in holiness and have no intimacy with God, do not go to India. These gurus only with the wind of their hands can hurl a person back like a dry leaf.

Unprepared Christians with merely a degree in theology go to India thinking that their knowledge would win souls in this place. Many were killed by the witchcraft of these gurus. A missionary who did not live a holy life and have no Holy Spirit was killed by the spells and is in hell now. These gurus are also healers and perform extraordinary healings.

The guru I saw was disturbing the work of God. I had to say a prayer to block his healing gift. He could not work miracles anymore. The demon he uses came to visit me. He showed up in my room.

I spoke the Word of God and a two-edged sword came out of my mouth and wounded the devil. Out of my mouth came a sword of fire and struck that demon that fled from my presence. The holy Word that comes out of our mouths is like a sword. I did not want to hit the guru, but I hurt the one behind him. My war is not against the guru but against his demon-god. His master lost this war.

One day a person died and her spirit descended to hell. The guru tried to resurrect this person. The devil tried to bring the soul to give life to this woman, but God Himself did not allow the soul of that person to leave hell. The guru was frustrated that he had not been able to give that person the life.

I prayed with the two missionaries and the woman's spirit returned to the body. Jesus commanded the woman's soul to leave hell and go up to earth to prove to the guru that He has the resurrection power. That woman was resurrected and the name of Jesus was glorified.

I told the guru, "You have no power to give life, the devil deceived you."

The guru has converted to Jesus and said that the demons who work for the spiritual leaders of Hinduism snatch the souls of the people to say that they have the power to take the life and give life back. The guru said he was snatched by a demon who took his soul and led him into the forest. He remained dead for two hours. I realized that the demons feel envious of God and now they have decided to snatch souls to imitate the things of God.

I returned to the dormitory feeling cheerful with the conversion of that guru who had disturbed me earlier.


I had a vision with two Christian students of theology debating the Word. And the two demons watched the discussions laughing at them until one was offended and very angry, his heart turned into darkness. The other was happy to have won the debate and laughed a lot, but the demon possessed his body.

Jesus revealed to me that all those who are happy to win debates by humiliating their neighbors are possessed by a demon. The other boy who was angry was also possessed by a demon.

Jesus said, "The two devils who watched the two Christians possessed them."

Jesus showed me in another vision, one Christian cursing the other because of the debate. And in the last vision, I saw one Christian stabbing the other with a knife because of the discussion about the Word.

I have seen the devil of the debate, he is responsible who invents various ideological currents within theology and causes divisions among Christians.


I and the missionaries left this country. I sent back the two missionaries to take care of the filial churches and I went to Australia. I had several missionaries from different countries. The mission work of these missionaries was all going wrong. I prayed to God and asked to show me what is happening to the mission in that country.

And God showed me in a vision a group of witches from the Wicca religion, performing powerful spells of spiritual blindness. I saw that those missionaries who had come to do the mission had their spiritual eyes blindfolded so as not to see sin and to think that all is well. I also had my gift of vision hidden, I could not see the spiritual world. I was in church preaching, but I could not see the demons acting in people's lives.

In the vision I had in the prayers I could not see where those witches were. I just saw the house where they were, but it was all dark looking like they had turned out the lights. I could only see the darkness and hear their voices. And missionaries from other countries I met there doing missions had their gifts of spiritual vision blocked too and they were not seeing the spiritual world.

We were all out of direction at the time. I thought the Wicca religion was weak in magic, but I was wrong. I prayed to God and the Holy Spirit revealed to me that there is a convention of witches in this country who can see every step of every Christian. Their purpose of concealing our visions was to hide their evil plans.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me that they did a ritual to block the main gifts of Christians and those who have spiritual vision had their gift blocked.

The Holy Spirit said, "Pray and rebuke this spiritual darkness."

I prayed for 4 hours without stopping and saw a black spiritual scale that fell from my eyes. When those scales fell from my eyes my vision opened. I could see the same dark house, but this time, it had its lights on because the darkness I saw was the spiritual scales of the blockade they placed on the missionaries. I saw more than 12 witches gathered in this house.

I went to visit another church but now I could see the demons because the spiritual scales had fallen. I preached in this church and many were converted. I saw angels putting white robes on the brothers.

I asked Jesus, "What does that mean?"

The Lord said, "I am cleansing their sins, I will cleanse their paths, I will deliver them from the world and they will be justified before Me. They will never want to sin again, they will feel displeasure with the corruption of this world and they will not have notions of committing any sin again."

"I will take some to heaven and hell in the coming years. I have separated some for a special mission. I have spared catastrophes to happen in this world because of My remnants that have not yet become contaminated and are active on earth doing My work."


After I received this revelation in the church I returned home. I want to tell you that you live a holy life, you will receive a great authority in the spiritual world if you do not stop searching. If you remain in holiness and do not deviate, you will rise up the ladder of spiritual positions.

In the spirit world, angels also have heavenly offices that they are named after. In heaven, every angel has the function that God has given him.

The church is like this too. Jesus Himself commands the angels to pour a bright oil on the heads of the saints. Each anointing that the angel sheds over the saved grants spiritual empowerment in the war against the demonic legions.

The devils respect the Christian who had his head anointed by one of these heavenly oils. They know that they have no strength against the anointed, and they lay wait for these Christians to fall into sin on their own.

I had a vision with the Christians doing the work of God. They left their jobs for the mission call. The angels with their gold books wrote down all their works. Everything was being recorded in the gold book. Then I saw a hand coming down from the sky and signing the book. And a voice said, "I am approving this work." The angels who recorded the works of those missionaries are the witnesses that they did a good job.

That work that the missionaries are doing belongs to God. The missionaries were working for God, not for the man or for ministry. They do not expect rewards from people or pastors for what they do in the work.

His acknowledgments do not come from men, but God acknowledges his efforts in the work. I mean to the church, if you think about holding positions and going to church, you still do not understand what the Gospel is.

Stop imitating the Christians of other churches. Be different, shine and stand out in the spirit world. Being a Christian is not catching a Bible and coming to church every Sunday, singing and listening to the Word and then going back home. Being a Christian is much more than that. To be a Christian is to live the Gospel outside the house of prayer, whether at home or at work. To be a Christian is to live a life of prayer within your home, not just in the church. It is very easy to be a Christian just inside a church where there are few hours of worship. To be a Christian is to set an example within your home, on the street of your home for the neighbors to see. Being a Christian is to set an example within your company, not scandalizing the company's employees. Be the best employee of your boss or be the best company boss if you call yourself a Christian,

I and many Christians have received the call to stay on mission full time. It was not for vanity, but Jesus himself who called me and said I'm not going to work for a man, but for God. I had no choice but to work for Jesus and forget the big companies. My love for the work was greater than money. If one day God calls you to live by faith and win souls for the world like I am doing now, do not reject your call. You will have to stop working for man and you will work for the glory of God.

Man will give you a position in the company, but God will give you a position for His work and your function will be a winner of souls. When God approves you as one of the soldiers of heaven, He will send you to the battlefield. It is not the position of men that will prepare you.

Man can anoint you to be a bishop or a missionary, but if you are not empowered by God you will fall before your spiritual enemies on the battlefield. Wake up, you're in spiritual warfare all the time. Being a Christian is not just being a church member and saying you have already won. Satan is tireless and attacks the church all the time. At that moment he is hiding incognito in your house, looking for a legality to destroy your family. Watch soldiers, stand with your swords in your hands and be ready. Do not let your sword be lying idly by your waist but let it be a weapon of destruction to be used by God against all the strongholds of darkness. Use the gift that God gave you, do not bury your weapon but let it be awake to charge at a moment's notice.

God gives authority to the saints, that is His Word that guarantees. If you live a holy life the words of the Bible come true in your life. The promises of the Scriptures are poured out upon you. If you live the Word, and the Holy Spirit is in your life and keeps your soul, the Holy Spirit will seal you and will not let the demons possess you. He delivers from depression and other evils that strike the soul. Be faithful and do not stop praying and you will see how the Holy Spirit will take care of you. He gives the spiritual tools according to the spiritual relationship you have with Him. The deeper you have in prayer and live a life of holiness, the better you will be in this war.

If you do not live a life of prayer, you will not be more capable than a praying Christian. If you do not live a holy life, it's no use complaining that the demons will be touching your life. It depends on the extent you seek God.

The more prayer you give yourself to, the more strength and spiritual tools you will have. The more holiness you grow in the more clad in the celestial armor you will find yourself. Jesus wants only those who bear spiritual fruit. If you live a holy life the Word of God guarantees the crown of eternal life, the reward, and salvation, but if you do not stay until the end you will lose everything. Those who live this holy Word will see supernatural things happening in their lives. You will have a strong spirit that is connected directly to heaven. You will grow in the knowledge and revelation of the ministries of God.

The Holy Spirit nourishes the spirit of the man who lives in prayer. Even in the moment of tribulation, the Holy Spirit brings peace, joy, and faith. He guarantees salvation and does not forsake the faithful. The Word of God gives you access to the Holy Spirit that comes to you. That same Word gives you authority over the spiritual world, provided you are in holiness. Be within the Word and do what she says and renounce what she asks for.

Three spiritual qualities have to be part of your life which is faithfulness, holiness, and obedience. Remember that God gives you the authority in the spiritual world is not for you to promote yourself. Do not seek after self-promotion or appearance to people. God wants to be exalted in your life just as He was glorified in the life of Jesus. Your spiritual growth is not to become known and famous. Your growth is for the glory of God, where you are just an instrument in His hands. He wants to show the world His power through you. Do not exalt yourself to your own fall, nor boast to your own shame.

In this work, Jesus Christ is the supreme and you are the servant who will lead the souls to His presence. No man steals His glory in this work. The work of God is serious, it is not to compete who is the best or who speaks beautiful and has more knowledge. The work of God cannot have ambitions for positions that massages the egos of many.

Whoever has the Holy Spirit is sensitive to His touch. When he sins, the Holy Spirit rebukes him and makes him repent. Christians who do not have the Holy Spirit and live in sin are not sensitive to His touch because they do not feel His touch. The Holy Spirit is not in their lives and is far from them because of their transgressions.

Already for those who have intimacy with God, the Holy Spirit reveals spiritual things to such a one and no one else. The one who had the experience with God is the one who had intimacy. And only the person who has had experience with the supernatural God knows the things of the Spirit. As much as they doubt this person, no one has experienced the supernatural that he had. And if they defame such a person who had the experience with God, one day they will die and they will have to give an account of their sins of defamation. No one can call such a one a liar if he has not seen or experienced the spiritual things that the holy person had seen.

I saw in the vision Christians shining and the light of their life shone. They seemed like lights that shine in the darkness of the night. They had their understandings opened and began to understand the heavenly messages received from the Holy Spirit. The mysteries of heaven were unveiled to them and they heard the voice of the Spirit of God. A bright wind came down from the sky like a blanket and filled those Christians. These men have been renewed and have been given the standard of faithful and true servants. They shone like the light because the Holy Spirit filled them.

The light of the Holy Spirit entered their bodies making them shine. The more they prayed, the more the presence of the Holy Spirit grew stronger in their lives. The more they sacrificed themselves in prayer the stronger the spiritual connection became with the Holy Spirit on earth, becoming as one body with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was so close to these Christians that the distance between them was zero.

This is the assurance that they are saved by being close to the Holy Spirit, the Almighty who can save their souls. The Holy Spirit said, "I will make them equal to the firmament which is in heaven."

In one vision I saw the relationship of Christians praying and the Holy Spirit in the form of a resplendent Being stood close to them. The spiritual relationship is so profound, I could see the Christians being structured by their power and the work that was dead began to work perfectly. Each servant was active in the work by performing his ministerial work.

Through a group of praying Christians, a whole church woke up. The sleeping bride awoke and is now no longer cut off from the vine and integrated into the true body of Christ. They are with their lives watered by spiritual olive oil. The anointing poured out upon them is like the rain in their lives.

In the vision, I saw the branches turning green with the care of the Holy Spirit. This church came into deep communion with God. The bride's spiritual relationship with the Holy Spirit became so strong that blindness fell and the deeds of the flesh were killed. The Holy Spirit has transformed the hearts, minds, and souls of every person. From the transformation, God acknowledged that these people are His.

Before the transformation, Jesus did not know these people as His servants. Your spiritual life is built with prayer, holiness, and obedience to the command of God. Spiritual change is happening every day. The closer you are to God the more the influences of the demons are coming out of your life. They are losing strength against you and cannot fool you anymore. When they try to deceive you, the Holy Spirit in your life will warn you. The demons may be intent upon you, but they will not have the strength to subdue you when the Holy Spirit is part of your life.

I saw in vision the anointing of Holy Spirit entering the holy churches of a city. Only churches that are marked by the seal of the Holy Spirit and preach the word of truth. Where the Holy Spirit passed changed everything and things became pure. No matter the distance of one holy church there is another, they are linked through the same Spirit and in the same doctrine. The bride is one and is spread all over the world. The anointing of the Spirit goes beyond the borders. I saw it as a light coming out of it and splitting into various lights and running toward the four corners of the world. The holy churches received His anointing. Some pastors through the teaching of truth spiritually linked the flock to the Holy Spirit which in turn linked to the Father and the Son.

[Source: Evangelist Josivan, Mission of Nations Church,]


  1. What is the email of Robert Atsush.

  2. He doesn't believe in connecting with the Internet, so he hasn't got an email. No further details about his church and address are available too.

  3. Please man of God help , i live in the UK, christain but struggling and hungry for God i would like to visit pastor Robert Atsushi s ministry, and supporting it.

  4. After watching this testimonies, my soul has not rested cause i know that iam look warm

  5. please help;;;;; all i need is ministry and adress willing to travell.

    1. Dear Aggie, the truth is that all you need is the God of the man not the man of God. Let's prayerfully resist the spirit of idolatry. Shalom

    2. Very true. I'm going through self deliverance and God is working miracles. All he requires of us is Obedience, faithfulness and holiness

  6. "A worker who joins me asked me why I do not like the internet and appear in the media or channels. I told him that I have divine orders not to make recordings and I have to obey the voice of God, not that it is sin for me to record videos, but I have to obey the voice of God and only report my visions in writing." - Robert Atsushi

    1. No wonder nobody can find him anywhere on the internet.

    2. He explain it here
