Tuesday, November 27, 2018



Hello, I am sister Afangbedzi Victoire from the Republic of Togo. I am married to Mr. Herbert, an evangelist. I attend the church called the Disciples of Christ led by Pastor Solomon. It was on the 9th of September 2014 that I woke up in the morning and I started to have a migraine.

I thought it was just an ordinary pain. I bought medication but the situation got worse. I felt dizzy. My husband advised me to call a doctor who gave me an injection and after that, he did a blood transfusion.

When I was resting, I fell asleep. Then all of a sudden I noticed that my bedroom was illuminated. My husband and the children were asleep. I began to move then I heard a voice calling me. My husband asked me what was going on with me, but I could not answer or speak.

I thought I was dying so I began to confess my sins in my heart starting from my childhood. It was during this confession that suddenly I saw 2 angels in my bedroom. They said, "Victoire, rise up. We must go." Then I got up in order to join them.

But I realized that it was my spirit that stood up and left my body. I saw my body was still sleeping on the bed.

When I saw the 2 angels in their glory, I tried to run. I was running at great speed without knowing where I was going and I was not tiring. Then I heard a powerful voice saying, "Stop!" I stopped and I turned around and I saw nobody.

Then I saw the Lord Jesus Christ coming down with glory. He landed before me and He laid His hand on me. I could not see His face because there were greater glory and intense light covering His face.

This place was like a desert. There was nothing, no tree or house, and construction. Then Jesus transported me to a crossroad. I saw 2 roads before me, one road was spacious and large, the other was narrow.

I noticed that there was nobody on the narrow road but I saw thousands of people in that spacious and large road. I noticed that these crowds look godly. These people were dressed with modesty. They did not wear rings or pieces of jewelry and bracelets.

Women were not in pants. They had their heads covered. There were also men of God in the crowds. There were also adolescents among these people. Some of the people were singing in the glory of God. Some were praying in tongues and they were all advancing.

I said to myself that these are Christians like me, therefore I should follow them. Then I joined them on the large road. Not long after that, a powerful voice reverberated in heaven, saying, "Victoire, get out of this crowds." I wondered who called me and who knew my name in this place.

Then all of a sudden, the hand of the Lord seized me and pulled me out of this crowd that was going on this spacious road and it placed me back on the crossroad.

The Lord Jesus Christ stood before me and said, "Victoire, all these people are Christians but they have not purified themselves although they go to church and they are dressed differently from the world, their hearts are full of lies, full of fornication, full of hatred, full of hypocrisy, they are on the spacious road to hell."

"Their hearts are far away from Me although their mouths profess Me." Then the Lord Jesus said, "Victoire, stand and observe."

Suddenly I saw footballers on that road. They were like training. Others held balls in their hands.

The Lord Jesus said, "These footballers and their fans whose souls are passionate about soccer are heading to hell." Jesus said that any man or woman who is a fan of teams of football will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus said this sport of football is a Satanic institution. He said that football is also played in the spirit world but they use a human skull like a ball. Jesus unveiled to me the spirit of football. He showed the demonic power in charge of football. He is worshipped and honored by soccer teams, soccer sport, and their fans.

Then Jesus said to me, "Come and follow Me." Jesus then took me to the gate of heaven and told me to observe. I stood in front of the gate of heaven and I saw people in a queue in front of the gate. I saw 3 angels standing in front of the gate of heaven.

Then I saw an angel with eyes all over his body. I saw people in the queue advancing one by one towards the angel whose eyes are everywhere on his body.

In case the person was worthy to enter the kingdom the angel would make a sign of approval by bending his head and the person would be admitted in the Kingdom of Heaven. But in case the person was unworthy the angel would make a refusal sign by shaking his head.

Once this angel made the sign of refusal there was a powerful whirlwind seizing and transporting the person away, and I could hear the cries of the person who was carried away by the whirlwind and his voice would be an echo, not to be heard anymore.

On that day only a woman made it to heaven but all people in the queue were transported by the whirlwind to the abode of the deads. Jesus said this is the life of this woman - she was always praying, she was at peace with everybody.

This woman loved everybody and she was full of tenderness. She was dressing with modesty, not exposing her body. And when this woman entered the gate of heaven, angels began to jubilate. They were full of joy and praising the Lord.

Then Jesus took me away from the gate of heaven. He asked me, "Victoire, where do you go on Sunday?"

I answered, "We all go to church on Sunday to worship You, Lord."

Jesus said, "Victoire, many churches do not worship Me on Sunday, they worship Satan."

The Lord said, "There are many churches on earth but a lot of them do not worship Me. Only a handful of them worships Me."

Then the Lord and I began to descend beneath the earth. I wanted to run away but Jesus said, "Victoire, stop!" I was stopped by the word of Jesus. Beloved, hell is a horrendous, dreadful and unbearable environment. I did not want to descend.

In hell, you will hear all types of screams and cries. You can hold darkness in your hand. People are wishing to repent but it was too late for them. Jesus wanted me to come with Him.

As we continued to descend, I began to beg Jesus, "Please, what is this place? Get me out of here!"

Jesus said, "The anger that is animating Me because of sin is manifested and awaiting people here."

I saw people in hell. I saw men and women. I saw pastors and evangelists in hell and they were crying. I saw a pastor from Togo that we know. His name is Morris. We approached him. The Lord told me to ask him why he is here but he could not answer me; he was crying too much.

In fact, demons were torturing him; they were piercing him, he was screaming. Jesus said, "It is finished for him. He cannot return to earth to repent."

Then the Lord transported me to a place to see Michael Jackson. He was still dancing in hell. The Lord said that he was an agent of Satan. Every time he stopped dancing demons were torturing him with fire. Michael said, "Tell people to stop playing my song. I am suffering here."

The Lord said to tell those who are still listening to his music to stop; tell those who still dance his song to stop and those who have his CDs in their room to get rid of them.

Then the Lord took me to see another popular man. I saw Bob Marley in hell. He was weeping. "Oh, I never thought that Jesus existed. Many Rastamen were telling me that I was god and that I have come to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus."

"Go tell them to cut this hair and believe in Jesus so that they would not come here. People were saying that my word will come to pass; they are prophecy but here I am, lost forever."

Then Jesus said to me, "All those who celebrate the 11th of May, the anniversary of the death of Bob Marley, all those who worship and honor Bob Marley effigy - when they die, this is where they are coming. "

The Lord said, "Go tell them that I am who I am, I am sovereign, I do what I please."

Then Jesus took me to a place in hell where I saw a child, he was 8 years old. I noticed that in hell it is not just fire tormenting you. There are snakes biting you and there are scorpions and carnivorous bugs all over you and they have long and sharp teeth.

These creatures including demons were torturing the child, and when this child saw Jesus, he shouted strongly to Jesus to save him.

Jesus asked him, "What brought you here?"

He answered, "Cartoons, war movies, video games, and soap operas."

Jesus said to me, "Victoire, have you heard?" Then Jesus asked the child, "Can you recite a Bible verse for Me?" The child said, "I don't know any." Then Jesus asked him, "Tell me about the things you used to watch on television." The child began to talk about all the cartoon series, all the war movies, and soap operas.

The Lord said, "The child spent all the years of his life watching cartoons, war movies, even pornographic movies." The Lord said, "Tell parents to show the children My ways and to place My Word in them since childhood, otherwise when the trumpet would sound, many would remain."

Then I asked Jesus to give me a sign because I am supposed to take this message to the world. Immediately Jesus disappeared and then I saw a young man extremely beautiful approaching me. He was dressed in a white gloriously garment.

I thought it was an angel but when he got closer to me, he changed his appearance. He became dark and ugly. He was laughing and he was beating his chest. Then he began to clap his hands and as he was clapping his hands, I began to feel pain and I began to collapse.

I asked him, "Who are you?"

He replied, "I am Satan, and you Victoire, you are the one pulling souls away from my kingdom and you are attacking my kingdom but today we are face to face and I will show you." The devil was beating his chest and boasting.

He said, "I have succeeded to get a hold of most of the churches on the earth. I have caused people in churches to gossip and backstab one another. I have caused them to murmur and complain about one another. I am responsible for all of that." The devil was laughing.

"I have taken control of music and dance that is played in many churches. These dances and music are mine. I have caused choirs and musical groups to be in immorality. They are corrupt. I am responsible for all that." The devil was beating his chest.

"I have caused members of churches to be quarreling and arguing between themselves. I have sent my agents in all the churches of the earth. I have removed and killed holiness in many churches and I have replaced it with stain and fornication. I am responsible for all these."

"I have caused pastors to repudiate their wives and to marry other women, foreign women who are my agents. When these pastors married my agents after repudiating their legal wives, I write the names of their churches on my book because they belong to me."

"I have removed liberality in the churches. I caused pastors to be in conflict with their members. I have taken over barbershops and bars and nightclubs. They are my houses and my temples." Satan was boasting and beating his chest and laughing.

He was overjoyed because of things he has succeeded to do in churches and while he was laughing, I was feeling pain in my inside. He said, "Today I got you! Victoire, I have captured you!" While he was laughing and beating his chest I saw Jesus coming down with glory.

When Satan saw Jesus coming, he withdrew in anger. He was gnashing his teeth in a furor. Jesus said, "You heard what he said. They are his churches which are also focused on miracles and manifestations and not on the Word. They are seduced by the devil."

After Jesus was talking to me, the devil was standing at a distance and observing. Jesus said to me, "He has no power. You must exercise authority over him in My name." Then I said, "In the name of Jesus Christ," the devil collapsed on the ground.

Jesus said, "Everywhere you go to preach, if he opposes you, just use My name and he will fall like this because he has no power." Then Jesus said to me that the devil is using marriage in order to take souls to hell.

The Lord said that any woman whose dowry was not paid in full and who is living together with a man and giving birth to children will miss the rapture because this is fornication. Men have to pay the dowry to family otherwise they are fornicators.

Then the Lord took me to a woman called Christine. She had a long cross attached to her neck. She was a Catholic. She said to me, "I did not know. I thought the Catholic Church was fine." Jesus said to me, "Go tell Catholics I am no longer on the cross but they continue to crucify me and I am not a statue."

Jesus said, "They are making images representing Me. Go tell them that they are all worshipping the antichrist. The person that is on the cross is not Me but the antichrist."

Jesus said, "Many of them are looking for a blessing from the so-called holy water but this is water extracted from the bodies of the deads and are mixed with normal water."

He said Catholicism is in covenant with the spirit of death. Then the Lord showed me the Pope John Paul II in hell. He has a huge snake around his neck. Jesus said, "No Catholic will ever enter heaven because this church is in occultism and is in covenant with death."

The Lord said, "I am not in this church because of the blood of the saints and occultism." Then we left the pope.

I saw a young man in hell. He was begging Jesus to get him out of hell. Jesus said, "You were coming to church every Sunday but throughout the week, you were going to bar and nightclubs to drink alcohol."

"You wrote your name in the book of Satan." In fact, the devil said to me he was master of all the bars. All nightclubs belong to him. Then I saw a woman, the wife of the pastor in hell. Jesus said to me that her problem is unforgiveness. She does not forgive and she is not forgiving.

When she died, she came here. The Lord Jesus said to me, "Gather pastors' wives and tell them to be forgiving and humble." Jesus said pastors' wives must be submitted to their husbands.

The Lord said to me that there are pastors who quarrel with their wives and then they come to preach in the church without first reconciling with their wives and they stand in the pulpit, they are inspired by the devil and they preach from him.

Then the Lord said pastors must give all items requested in the dowry by the family of their wives, otherwise, they are committing fornication. People who are not married but living together are in fornication and the children born to them are bastards going to hell.

Jesus said, "When a man chases his wife in his heart, the man should not come to ask Me to validate his choice because it is his own choice. In this situation do not come to Me because you have already made your choice. You could have come first to Me to choose but once you have made your choice, it's yours."

Jesus said, "Marriage choice is taking many to hell. Many call Me personal Lord and Savior but they will go on to marry an unbeliever." Jesus said, "A couple of a Christian and an unbeliever is not My will." He said, "When I joined a couple I make sure both the man and woman are born again."

Then I saw a woman in hell who got married to a man who was an unbeliever. Her choice caused her to end up in hell. People are making this fundamental decision of marriage without consulting Jesus, failing to realize the eternal consequences.

Then the Lord talked to me about churches where people are in fornication, churches where leaders have married 2 wives. Jesus said they should stay with the first wife, He does not recognize the second wife and their children.

Jesus said, "There are people that are engaged but they are having sex. I would not come close to them." Jesus said, "Those who are already married but they had sex before marriage, they should return to confess before their pastors. They should not overlook that."

He said, "Many musical groups in churches are full of fornication. This is the reason I do not manifest Myself."

The Lord said, "Marriages that are all about quarreling and conflict won't see My face. They will miss the rapture. They must learn to forgive each other, say sorry to each other after these quarreling."

The Lord said, "If you have been quarreling with your wife, you gonna have to forgive one another because My coming is imminent. I have no more time left."

Jesus said, "I am sending you to warn women because their dressings are taking them to hell."

"Some of the attachment and artificial hair having demons are taking them to hell. Some of the haircuts of men are taking them to hell but what matters is their heart, they should not keep people in their heart or have rancor, animosity. Tell the people to keep their hearts more than anything else."

"I have made hell for the devil and his angels but the enemy of men, Satan is at work to cause humans to go to hell," Jesus warned leaders of the Assembly of God to repent because they are in a secret cult.


  1. Y que me dice del pastor Jaerock Lee de Corea del Sur, es cierto su testimonio del cielo y el infierno, mi nombre es Isabel ,no tengo correo electronico ,por eso me pongo en anonimo ,gracias por su respuesta -

  2. Its true you saw Michael Jackson in hell please tell me because I am a fan of his.

    1. oui il est en enfer de tout témoignage vous devez détournez de sa musique ,sinon tu tombera aussi dans ce lieux repentir pour le salut hommes et femmes paix

    2. Michael Jackson ada di neraka, kesaksian lain juga menyaksikan ini secara konsisten, jelas, tegas, dan pasti

    3. Kan jelas kan, dia menyaksikan itu dalam kesaksiannnya

  3. Many other Christians have seen him in hell. You can do a search on Youtube with "Michael Jackson in Hell." As his songs and dance moves are created in hell, anyone singing his songs and dancing his dance moves become the property of Satan and will join him in hell.

    1. Itu bukan omong kosong, coba lihat saja sendiri buah kehidupan Michael Jackson, terkait dengan seks, dunia, dan hal-hal duniawi lainnya yang jelas bertentangan dengan Alkitab. Tidak harus lihat penglihatan, bandingkan saja kehidupan Michael Jackson dengan Alkitab, pasti bertentangan

    2. Pasti bertentangan dengan Alkitab, kehidupan Michael Jackson yang penuh dengan gemerlap dunia. Justru mungkin saja kehidupan anda yang jelas-jelas gemerlap duniawi dan penuh dosa. Tapi, justru yang menyesat-sesatkan orang lain.

  4. Keep on my sister everything you said is true,may the LORD bless you with courage we were also told to stay away from hospitals because Satan own them we must only believe in Christ soon the microchip will take place in hospitals

  5. The LORD don't want Christians to love tv,soccer,music of this world,movies we need to dress holly
    We must all pray for the baptism of the holly spirit if we are to defeat sins of the flash

  6. Replies
    1. Benar, kok anda bisa-bisanya mengatakan tidak benar. Kan Alkitab jelas mengatakan hidup dalam kekudusan dan membenci dosa

  7. "Some of the attachment and artificial hair having demons are taking them too hell. Some of the haircuts of men are taking them to hell but what matter is their heart''
    I don't understand the use of the word''some'',because i thought they were all not just ''some''?

  8. An excellent testimony
    Except on the last paragram I don't know whether its the translation problem to English
    Or the writer put the word "Some" at the beginning of the paragraph instead before haircuts

    All attachment and articial are sending women to Hell and some worldly Hair cuts are also sending people to Hell especially Men.
    #Its either translation problem or the writer is still attached to attachments, believing that a person can sanctify them through (something impossible...we don't sanctify the things that God has cursed and hates)
    Or writer mistakenly mistakenly put the word "some"
    Other than this, the Testimony is all true and from Jesus Christ Our Lord.
    #Lets share it but remember to edit the last paragraph

    1. Its very likely this a false testimony from the devil

    2. Bagaimana mungkin kesaksian palsu dari Iblis, sebab pesan yang disampaikan jelas sesuai Alkitab, yaitu langsung menjauhi dan membenci dosa (percabulan, pertengkaran dan tidak mengampuni dalam pernikahan maupun hubungan dengan orang lain, dan sebagianya). Kan Alkitab jelas berkata harus mengampuni, masak anda mengatakan ini sesat/dari Iblis. Justru, anda lah yang dari Iblis sebab anda dari tadi hanya klaim dari Iblis tanpa menunjukkan bukti dan alasan Alkitabiah yang masuk akal. Kan Alkitab dan Yesus ajarkan mengampuni, gimana sih anda, kok bisa-bisanya mengatakan mengampuni orang lain yang berbuat salah sama kita adalah hal yang salah/sesat. Memang benar-benar dari Iblis anda. Paham saya

  9. Some people wear wigs to disguise baldness; a wig may be used as a less intrusive and less expensive alternative to medical therapies for restoring hair or for a religious reason.

    In the past, bishops of the Church of England and Church of Ireland wore ceremonial wigs. In Britain, most Commonwealth nations, and the Republic of Ireland special wigs are also worn by barristers, judges, and certain parliamentary and municipal or civic officials as a symbol of the office.

    Wigs were often worn by old ladies who had lost their hair.

    Some wig designs are meant for entertainment, as a form of comedy, fancy dress (costume wearing), as "rubber wigs" (solid bald cap-like hats, shaped like hair).

    Jewish law requires married women to cover their hair for reasons of tzniut (Hebrew: "modesty or privacy"). Some Orthodox Jewish women wear wigs, known as sheitels, for this purpose. Wigs of those who practice Haredi Judaism and Hasidic Judaism often are made from human hair.

    Wigs are also worn by individuals who are experiencing hair loss due to medical reasons (most commonly cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, or those who are suffering from alopecia areata).

    Some individuals escaping persecution or revenge murder have lawfully changed their physical identity by plastic surgery and wearing of hair attachments.

    Maybe for compelling reasons such as listed above, not all hair attachments send one to hell.

    1. Doesn't matter. We should not alter our bodies due to our feelings. If Christ says wearing wigs will lead anyone to hell, we should take heed

  10. Then the Lord said pastors must give all items requested in the dowry by the family of their wives, otherwise, they are committing fornication. People who are not married but living together are in fornication and the children born to them are bastards going to hell.

    Children born out of fornication will not necessarily go to hell. It is not their fault neither their choice to be born this way. Every child should be dedicated and introduced to Christ as early as the age of accountability knowing good from evil, baptism should follow immediately. 2Corinthians 5:17, "anybody in Christ is a new creature, old things have passed away and all things have become new". The circumstances of birth does not determine your eternity. Millions of we believers today were born into idolatry households with evil dedications and curses, Psalm 51:5, "I was sharpen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me". Yet we were redeemed in Christ Jesus by grace when we responded to the gospel in the baptism of water and Spirit by entrusting our life to him. By this regeneration process bastards have now become sons of God, Galatians 3:26-29, "We are all children of God by faith in Jesus, for as many has been baptized into Christ have put on Christ...no more bastards. We're all one in Christ and have become Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise"
    Jesus came to redeem bastards to "... receive adoption of sons. Now that we are sons he then put the Spirit of his son in our hearts giving us confidence to call God our Father, Abba. Then we're no more bastards but sons and heirs of God through Christ Jesus" Galatians 4:4-7.
    This is the riches of the grace we enjoy in Jesus for our redemption and salvation. Was that not why Jesus came in the first place? To make sons out of servants and heirs out of bastards.
    I thank God for the gospel and the glory for the finished work on Calvary.
    Let every testimony confirm the gospel.
    Jesus Saves!

  11. Все это очень сложно для понимания, даже духовным людям. По поводу святой воды, я так понял, это касается не Православия, а конкретно Католицизма. Потому что нашим святым из России дьявол сказал, что демоны боятся святой воды и причастия. Но в Западных церквях это не распространено.

  12. Those two roads they really exists , the way we leave here will determine our destination, , so i encourage all of the people in the world to leave for Christ and for him only, he is the way the truth and the light

  13. FALSE PROPHET ALERT. This testimony contains RED FLAGS that contradict the Bible:

    RED FLAG #1:
    "Then I saw an angel with eyes all over his body. I saw people in the queue advancing one by one towards the angel whose eyes are everywhere on his body.
    In case the person was worthy to enter the kingdom the angel would make a sign of approval by bending his head and the person would be admitted in the Kingdom of Heaven. But in case the person was unworthy the angel would make a refusal sign by shaking his head."

    Revelation 4:8 These winged creatures full of eyes are ALWAYS before the throne of God. They NEVER REST from saying "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come".

    But this so-called testimony contradicts the scriptures by saying these four majestic creatures stop to admit Christians into heaven.

    RED FLAG #2:
    "People who are not married but living together are in fornication and the children born to them are bastards going to hell….Then I saw a woman in hell who got married to a man who was an unbeliever. Her choice caused her to end up in hell."

    "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy."-1 Corinthians 7:14

    NOWHERE in the Bible does it teach that about illegitimate children going to hell. God loves the children, He loves the orphans:

    "And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart."-Zechariah 7:10

    It looks like this person collected other people's testimonies (example, Angelica Zombrano saw Micheal Jackson and Pope John Paul II in hell), why does this person only mention the exact two people that Angelica mentioned?
    Real testimonies praise God, but this testimony does not thank God for the visions, does not ask people to repent, does not lead them to a prayer, does not explain how she came to know Christ. She only claims she is married to an evangelist.

    1. Kalau untuk anak-anak masuk neraka itu memang ada dan benar sebab kesaksian lain diluar referensi kesaksian Angelica Zembrano atau Victorie ini juga ada yang mengatakan bahwa anak-anak ada yang masuk surga dan ada yang masuk neraka. Coba anda lihat kesaksian Hwa Bi Jung, yang dibawa ke surga dan neraka dari Korea Selatan. Anak-anak masuk neraka karena mereka sudah bisa membedakan mana yang dosa dan mana yang baik (mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat). Namun, anak-anak akan tetap masuk surga kalau mereka belum bisa membedakan/sadar akan yang baik dan yang jahat. Itu saja.

  14. Matteüs 19:9 if a married woman does adultery with another man can I as man Marry another woman because de broke the marriage?

    I have read a lot of testimony that even though the Bible say you can marry another, You can’t marry another woman even if she does adultery only if she dies you can marry another woman wich one is true?
