Thursday, December 6, 2018



After having learned yellow magic in South Africa, I returned to Kinshasa to practice yellow dragon. Yellow dragon is the prophetic liberation from the world of darkness. I was doing this practice on the mountain of Mangengenge. It is a pilgrimage mountain always visited by Christians of all religions, although initially, only the Catholics were going there. Many people know this mountain and know that its initiator is a Catholic priest. In reality, Mangengenge is a mountain devoted to the devil, I worked there for a year with the yellow dragon.

Many fetish-priests have placed their lodges there, and Christians who go there do not even ask themselves how can there be lodges in a place which is supposed to be a place of God. That is the reason why you see many people coming back from there with the spirit of the dragon and become prophets. There is a man at the entrance of that mountain who sells sticks that you buy for 100F, 200F, 300F to help you climb the mountain without easily getting tired. In fact, this man is already dead and buried and these sticks are nothing but gateways that lead you to the world of Polium which is a world of condemnation or Pandemonium.

The Holy Spirit can never take you to a place which is of the devil. If you have the grace of God, it would remain at the entrance of the mountain and all that is of the mountain will possess you. Unless you have received from God a recommendation to go and pray against the place. If you go there on your own, know that it is to receive Satanic orientations. When you go there and pray for a particular topic, such as marriage or a job, you will hear a voice saying, "My son or daughter, the purpose of your coming here has been answered." But the condition is that you do not have to throw away the sticks you buy at the entrance.

You take these sticks home and each time you have a problem, you make declarations on them, which is idolatry. The Lord has not asked us to go and pray on Mangengenge or on any mountain or in any particular place to be heard. On the contrary, the Bible tells us in John 4:21-23 "Jesus declared, Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks."


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