Tuesday, December 11, 2018



At the first vision, I saw two men holding torches in their hands, they lit their way at night. One of the men let his torch go out and fell into the hole in front of him.

The second man who had the torch realized that in his way had holes ahead. He went another way, turning away from that there were holes, it was for one that there were no holes.

The angel said: The first man is a shepherd where you gather. He walks on a false path that will take you to the abyss, your torch will go out and he will not be able to see the danger ahead.

The second man is his new shepherd, who will keep the flame of God alive in his life.

When he enters the path of falsehood, he will be able to see danger ahead and turn to another path, which is the truth.

All those who have vision will see the future consequences of a false path and will deviate from it.


The angel showed me the second vision, with churches.

A pastor received a spiritual vision. He perceived evil entering the church and cut through the root.

A group of brothers who were willing to sow the tares was taken from the pulpit.

These brothers left their ministry for not accepting the prohibition that the pastor placed on them.

The pastor continued to be warned and prevented evil from happening.

A group of siblings was plotting to make a false slander against his wife.

He received revelation from God and knew that evil was hidden in the church. He fought with the word and destroyed the evil darts.

The demons were hiding and setting the right time to enter, but they were seen by the pastor.

A group of brothers was wanting to get their evangelism leader out with false arguments. The pastor held a meeting and ended all this conspiracy.

The Holy Spirit revealed what was happening inside those people and all the evil of their hearts was exposed and the evil work was undone.

The angel showed me another shepherd, but he had no vision, the mysteries of the spiritual world were hidden from him.

The demons with their strategies infiltrated the church, the pastor did not notice and the evil projects like dances, choreography, theater, and profane rhythms were inside His church.

The flock of his church walked by a dark path, they were blind and they fell all inside the hole. Only one managed to escape for not being blind.

The angel said, "The one who has strayed from the hole is you; when you return to earth you will receive a spiritual vision through faith, not through the eyes.

A blind church is helpless and without action, they do not see the devil coming in and acting.

The church ceased to shine, they see with their physical eyes only the material, and the spiritual eyes see the kingdom of God and everything that is part of paradise.

Demons dig holes in the way of these blind and they keep walking without knowing what awaits them, and when they fall into the deep abyss it is too late.


The angel showed me the third vision, a white polar mass entering a church and freezing it, hardening the hearts of many.

People were not built up spiritually and the illusions of the world prevented them from asserting themselves.

That cold, when it entered the church, made people no longer pray as before and lose faith in the effect of their prayers.

They were knocked out, they gave up fighting for the truth and even going to church every day did not worship God and did not live the word anymore.

These people were diverted from the church.

That polar mass of the world cooled the church, froze hearts; the members no longer loved God or neighbor, went through negative transformations, was deluded with the world and buried their gifts. They were no longer used by the Holy Spirit.


The angel showed the fourth vision, the demon of prophecy to the left of the altar of the church, to the right side the demon of revelation, in front of the altar the demon of strange tongues, on top of the pulpit, standing, the demon of praise and behind from the pulpit I saw the devil of the ministry and that of the priest.

The altar of that church has many demons.

The angel said, "This is the Baal altar that is full of deceitful spirit, sin begins in the life of leadership and enters the altar, you who are not a shepherd, will lead more people to the path of truth than these shepherds.


The angel showed me the fifth vision, a very large church before the meeting began the pastor of that church hired actors from the theater to do scenarios to deceive the people.

When the meeting begins, those actors are paralyzed, blind, dumb and deaf.

Some say they have diabetes, others say they have cancer and others say they are sick.

All these artists were given money to cheat.

That pastor was praying and an explosion of false miracles happened, the people were astonished, that church has grown deceiving people.



Jesus took me to a large church that did good social work. The church offered food, clothing and dental treatment. And many people said this church is the real one. You showed me inside that church, a great demon inside that cathedral. You have revealed to me that this is the deceptive spirit of charity. This church uses this charitable strategy to herd many souls to hell, my truth is not in that place.

The people have to be on the alert, not all churches that do good works are true, works without faith is dead. I saw the artificial smiles of deceitful misleading workers, made people think they are glad to help the poor people. The pastor of this church is Freemasonry.

You are on the boat of each one of you. Even in silence their presence in our lives brings us security.

Although God does not respond to our cry, He is contemplating our faith to see if it is pleasing to Him. Even though the waves and the storm come to haunt us, we will not fear because we know that you are not dead, nor are your hands clasped. Yes, we can cross the rough sea within that boat. Even if you feel alone, by faith believe that Jesus is by your side. Jesus has opened the sea for your people to pass and will open for your church to go through turbulence. As Peter walked over the choppy waters of the sea, Jesus will make his saints pass over their trials and triumph over difficulties.



I had several visions in the sky of many churches. I've seen churches with their decorations decorated with cartoons. Jesus said: that the altar is being offered to the pictures of drawings.
This is idolatry to the gods in the form of drawings.

I saw more idolatry on the altars like the television screen above the pulpits. A church with a television screen was playing the movie of Jesus. The other church also had a television screen passing church advertising. Jesus said these good altars of devils are erected in the pulpits.

The angel took me to my church and terrible things were revealed. Single workers wanting married women. The sin of greed was surfacing within my church. Married Christians betraying their wives in secret. Couples adulterating and betraying their spouse. All these couples congregate with me.

The youths of my church are in fornication with people who do not serve Jesus and do not congregate with us. The pastor's wife is also desired by the members. And the shepherd himself felt a burning desire for a single girl.

When I passed the revelations to my church I was expelled and excommunicated from it.



I had another vision, I saw demons hidden in places where the Christians could not see them acting. They launched surprise and cunning attacks. I saw the evil forces acting, and many Christians were not ready for war, were not clothed and could not win their battles. I saw some brothers who were pillars. The demons attacked to bring them down in sin. They stood, and did not open the guard to sin, succeeding in winning.

I also saw the devil overcoming many Christians through sin. They had no Holy Spirit. Their struggles against the devil were futile. They could not win the war. I have also seen many Christians, being deceived by the millennial intelligence of Satan. They fell into armed snares. These demons are strategic in their attacks on Christians.

I saw demons infiltrating the minds of the brethren to control them. Many were unprepared and were surprised by demons. They were caught without waiting. They did not watch. They fell into the trap. Every demon knew of their weaknesses.

These demons could not overthrow those brethren who were forewarned and full of Holy Spirit. Where they trampled on, their feet had the fire. The demons did not come near them.

I also saw a wall of raised fire, around a house. I asked the Lord, “Who were the people who live there?” The Lord answered me, “This family prays, watches over and keeps My word. They are separated from the world and is a special family for Me.”

I realized that the demons were trying to get in there to destroy that family, but that wall of protection was erected there. The prayer of that family prevented the demons from entering. This family watched and was attentive to Satan. I realized that this house had no television.

I saw devils slowly entering other homes, without anybody noticing. These demons waited for the right time to attack at the time of the Christian's inattention and weakness.

But the demons do not tread on all ground. Demons retreat when a family lives a life of prayer, watching over sin. These families clean their houses of deception, purify their homes from sin and all evil influence. All evil that draws demons to the home was removed. This family resisted the demons, causing them to retreat.

These demons, when they could not enter these homes, would go to the houses where they had the legality to work. The family that watched because of prayer and the purity of their houses did not give legality to demons to enter their houses.

In the field of a Christian who prays, and lives a holy life, purifying his home, it is a minefield for demons, and a dangerous line of fire, where devils fear to enter.

In the vision, I saw a daring demon entering a holy home and crossing the line of forbidden fire. The Christian was praying. I saw that demon receiving an attack. The prayer turned into a ball of fire and penetrated that demon. He took the fire and screamed, running out of that Christian's house.

My vision went further. I saw a demon sucking the peace and the joy of the people. That demon called other demons to participate in the feast of destruction. Each demon worked in an area of that person's life. I saw millions of possessions and other demons preparing the dwelling, for other demons to come and possess him.

These dwellings are built within the hearts and minds of people, I have come to see a nest with millions of demons within each person's thumbs. I saw a lot of dirt, and a dark smoke coming out from inside people, and a strong stench of carrion, coming out from within.

Only the word of God can free these people from the demons, and to clean them from within, taking away all the debris that these inhabitants leave inside them.

These people must surrender their lives. The Holy Spirit will cleanse the inside, and implode the kingdom of God in their hearts, plucking out the demons and their palaces, which they have built within each person. The Holy Spirit wants to reign, to bring peace, joy, and happiness to people to have God.

I saw millions of people sick spiritually, deceived and walking down a path of false happiness. I saw the demons-infested air. When my spirit left the body and went to heaven, I could see spiritual things that my fleshly eyes could not see, and I realize that we fight with enemies that we can not see.

Let's prepare the church with the shield of faith, the sword with word and prayer. I saw a sword of fire descending from the sky and turned into a Bible. A voice said: win souls with my word, fight Satan, handle my sword, wherever my word is, demons have fled. This book you saw is a powerful weapon, filled with ammunition of consuming fire, which does not come from the earth, came from the heavenly mansions. Each verse is a weapon that can be used against Satan, fight with it, defend and attack the invisible enemies.

I also saw the demons researching many churches, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. They studied every people to destroy that ministry.

I will expose errors of these churches, so that other churches do not make the same mistakes, and do not come to serve like a demon's nest within the church.

I will also speak of the spiritual qualities of some churches that I saw in the vision. These ministries deserve to be an example of other sleeping churches.

These churches I saw in the vision bothered the demons. These churches organize for the great spiritual battle if they put on the power of God, live in prayer, renounce the world and live a holy life.

Let each one hold his office in the church, work together, recruit more brothers into the army of Jesus, focus on spiritual warfare against the hosts of evil. Enter into a spiritual relationship with Jesus, have interaction with the spiritual things of heaven. Respect each other, grow together in unity, in love and grace.

Pastors should teach biblical truths to their churches. They should ask the Holy Spirit to harmonize the thoughts, unite the people and prepare them for war. Pastors, have patience with the new converts, help them grow in doctrine, prepare these soldiers, root the word in their hearts.

Organize your spiritual lives, let go of sin, forget the fights and the past offenses you had with your brother. Unite for the war of the last days, forget that person who hurt you. Paul said that our war is not against flesh and blood, but against the post-evil, not against the neighbor or his brother who must fight, but against the evil hosts.

Worry about the evil aftermath, and stop worrying about what they say about you. Carnal strife will not lead anyone to any place. There will be no winner, only wear and tear on both sides. This fuels anger exalts the ego and weakens your spiritual lives. This disunity between the brethren breaks the bond with God, a war between brothers, Those who win are the demons.

I saw devils taking advantage of this breakdown of unity and throwing evil darts, destroying them one by one. These demons took advantage of the weaknesses of these quarrelsome brethren, who opened portals in their lives for the demons to enter. They did not have the strength to fight against these demons.

In the sight of those who held communion, they were not struck by the darts of demons. They had no strength against such brethren, churches maintained spiritual order, lived in unity and forgiving one another.

I saw devils come into the churches and put them against each other. They were spiritually weary of so many strifes. They waged war, destroying each other.

God showed me the lives of Christians. They were dead in sin. Their spiritual lives died for not giving up sin. An angel of the Lord entering this church covered his nose, for the stench of carrion was immense because of sin. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that in this church, the people had a hard heart of stone and that the word of God had not penetrated their hearts.

Brethren in vision, I saw a large army of demons ready to attack. They are well organized, unlike churches that are not spiritually organized to win. This battalion of demons focused their attack only on those kinds of churches that bothered and mattered to them. These troops of demons of destruction worked hard to destroy the 6 foundations of the church, holiness, and purity, obedience and submission to God, prayer, and knowledge of the truth.

My vision went to another church. God told me: here in this ministry there are no conflicts and tensions, all personal problems are solved. No one here brings their problems into the church. As they enter the house of prayer, they immerse in worship.

The meetings of the weekly workers have avoided the quotations. They are watching. In the vision, I saw the demons wanting legality to enter, but they could not. The demons wanted to break the union of the brothers, but they did not find spaces.

The demons had a plan to induce brothers to congregate in this church. These brothers had left their churches because of problems and went to congregate in this united church. They were rebellious brothers and the devil entered the bosom of the church through them. They caused contention and disunity. These demons succeeded in breaking the union, causing hatred. They were unnoticed. The church did not watch and pray against the enemy and fell.

The church was weakened, and the demons have capitalized on their weaknesses. Those churches were not with their spiritually organized armies. These demons worked within the spiritually disorganized churches. These demons entered into marriages, betrothal, and finances. This is because the people do not pray, do not watch, and do not sanctify themselves.

Spiritual warfare is fought, and the enemy is active. The pastor must organize his army. This war will only end when Jesus will take us away.



I went home to bend my knee. My spiritual vision opened and went further. My vision penetrated several churches, temples, and cathedrals of the Congo. I saw on the pulpit altars much witchcraft. The shepherds did the ritual of witchcraft on the altars of the churches for their gods. I had another vision. This time my vision was in the four corners of the world, from the earth globe. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that many pastors are Freemasons. Sorcerers and Satanists and are opening churches everywhere in the world. All their churches are full of people for the ease of the Gospel without renunciation that they preach.



I saw in the vision the devil surrounding the churches to disorganize the lives spiritually. They studied the qualities of that church to break their communions with Jesus.

These demons worked hard to diminish the vigor and strength of the prayer of those churches. Other groups of demons were taking the brothers from the holy denominations, making each follow other churches without commitment with Jesus.

This group of demons was spreading these brothers so they would not congregate in the same place. They are spiritual brothers that together would bring a revival to that church.

The demons caused confusion in many churches so that many would leave and many men of God left as well, leaving that church over to the work of the weaker brethren and so the demons would draw the strongest, leaving the weakest to work in that church.

These demons entered into many churches, putting jealousy, misunderstanding, and arrogance. The demons laughed when they could get the most spiritual out of those churches. A church when it loses a valued worker is a victory for the demons. When they can not overcome a united church, they first disorganize the body of Christ, placing divisions and then defeating the ministry.

Many serious denominations were closing, because of tensions within the church. Pastors could not avoid conflict or solve problems. Unity and union were not established and disagreements were not forgiven and forgotten.

Jesus said, "The filth within the churches must be cleansed so that the demons do not work. The church has to withstand the impacts caused by the demons. If they forgive, gather and organize. A spiritually disorganized church is a reflection of the brothers' conflicts, caused by lack of vigilance."

Jesus said, "My Holy Spirit does not dwell in strife; do not let the devil break the bond of union that unites My people. When My servants come in contentions, they break the communion of My body and their bonds with the Holy Spirit are broken. All this opens the way for the demons to work."

The Lord Jesus told me that older Christians are throwing new converts out into the world saying words that hurt.

The Lord told me that people are in the church being deceived by the sects, by the lack of knowledge. Our desire has to be to win souls.



The angel Gabriel came down to meet me. He said, "Kenzo, are you prepared for yet another experience?" I said, "I am!"

We ascended into heaven. The heavenly gate opened and we entered into paradise, longing to return to this place. The angels of heaven received me. I did not know, but my name was popular in heaven for the works I did on earth and for the life I lived on earth. The false prophets, despite their fame on Earth, their names were not mentioned in the sky.

The angel said, "Satan wants to destroy the church through sin. Tell them to reject the world that Satan offers. Tell them to kill the will of the flesh and their heart desires. Those who are in Christ live a holy life. No harm will reach you, or witchcraft can hurt  you because holiness is your equipment. Tell the church to do charity. Help the oppressed and those who need it. The person you help today can help you tomorrow if you have gratitude. Tell them to help without expecting anything in return. Be generous and not self-seeking, retribution will come from God, on Earth or if not, in heaven."


Jesus told me, "We are in a time where many are spiritually hungry. They do not know how to feed themselves and seek pleasures in the world and cannot supply their spiritual needs with that which is fleeting. Sin can feed the flesh. Not the spirit. And nothing will advance unless the spirit in man feeds on Me and My word. Others seek false religions and they feed on devils and unclean loaves. They drink from the filthy, polluted water springs. All this causes spiritual ill-being.

Tell My church to strive in My pure and holy doctrine, without contamination with vain philosophies and false theologies. Many bishops and apostles had their minds seared by theology. They have no experience with God; they live dead in the letter, without the direction of My truth. They are only based on their different theological opinions and theological views. They seek the truth in men's theology. Not seek the truth in Me. I want to dwell in them through My spirit. These men mix the truth of God with theological opinions. They offer to the people food that leave them half hungry. Half hungry.

They do not seek to have an experience with God and are connected with the world. They are only academic scholars. They are not practitioners, they know a God in the books of theology. They do not know Me as a person. They love the world and what is in it. Their relationship with the world is so strong that they no longer want to leave the world for heaven. They experience the world's delights more and do not experience the supernatural of God. The world offers only a few hours of joy, everything in it is illusion and are traps for death. They are allied with the world. They are like rats drawn by the smell of food and fall into the trap of death armed by Satan."


I have been walking in various churches. I have had visions of a sleeping woman dressed as a bride. Sleeping in a deep sleep. A spiritual drowsiness, let's get out of that spiritual drowsiness that does not let you wake up to the reality of the spiritual world. That sleep does not leave you and you don't know how to differentiate right from wrong; everything is common. Sin is normal. This sleep is taking away their consciences from what is spiritual. Their eyes are closed to sin and they do not open to looking at themselves and they do not know what they are doing. They have become sleepwalking people, walking without conscience of things, walking in crooked ways. Thinking they are in grace, wake up, wake up, you are in a spiritual war against the forces of evil, only the strong will survive and the losers will be delivered to the evil legions and be imprisoned in hell. The reward of the loser believers are prisons and condemnations Your enemy Satan is so close to you, acting before your eyes and you do not wake up to see. He has already infiltrated and you still do not know if it is he who is acting.


Satan appeared to me and tried to discourage me. He said that as much as I preached holiness, love, forgiveness, and repentance. As much as I kept sound doctrine would not succeed worldwide, for he told me that he created false sects such as Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventism. And other charitable, kindly-looking sects to defile sound doctrine. And that it was too late for me to spread the true doctrine, for he is multiplying his deceitful sects throughout the world. Satan went away and I had a vision.

I saw a bride in black. A false church sitting on the throne and reigning. A voice told me, "It is multiplying false churches. I will seek My true church before it is defiled and deceived by the false brides, the bride of Satan.

The Holy Spirit has revealed to me divisions within the churches because of offensive jokes that irritate the neighbor and does not respect the brother who does not like jokes. We will be ripe for the things of God and become accustomed to walking in sound doctrine. I know it is difficult. They will get used to it. They will be addicted to prayers every day. They will fall into this spiritual routine. They will live a holy life. If they live a relaxed life in the presence of the Lord, you are the word that preaches to them.

Many live a life of sin. They no longer gain souls by scandalizing the Gospel. They have fallen into disrepute because of their testimonies. False teachers, deceiving doctors are within the churches using God's own word to deceive as Satan used the word of God to deceive Jesus in the wilderness.

If we are not clothed in the armor of holiness, we will be easy prey. The devil does not care for believers who seek material blessings. Materialism for the devil has no value. It is perishable. The devil cares about what is eternal. Those who seek spiritual things, who seek to dwell in heaven, things that are not perishable.

All this bothers the devil. He knows what he has lost. He has thrown his inheritance away. He knows what is good and he does not want us to get what he has already lost. He will put obstacles and spiritual impediments so that you do not grow spiritually. Satan strives that we become rich and millionaires on the earth, diverting from Jesus than having a reward in heaven. He prefers that we conquer the world rather than gain heaven.

Let us be powerful here to conquer heaven, for wealth corrupts and the wealth of this Earth ends. Those of heaven is eternal, our riches are not in this world. It is being stored in heaven where we will go to dwell. That he may gather up treasures upon the earth? When we die we will not take anything with us. Everything will stay here, where we go we will not take. Then the Groom will take us and we leave our goods behind.


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