Tuesday, December 11, 2018



The first message from that demon who possessed the member was to indoctrinate the students of the universities and colleges.

The demon told them to build a group of rebels to be used for evil purposes within schools and colleges. Today there are many colleges of parapsychology, biogeny, and others that contradict the Bible.

The second message was to brainwash the minds of children and adolescents through school books, to lie about the creation of the world and the origin of man. If you notice the science books it annuls God as the servant of the universe and no history book speaks of Jesus. All kings, emperors, and governors are remembered, the name of Jesus is not mentioned.

School is Satan's strategy to indoctrinate your child. The Bible does not emphasize that our children have to be educated by strangers. The education of the children belongs to the parents. From the time of Moses, children were taught the laws by their parents. When Samuel was born he was taken to be educated in the temple. And Satan changed this by taking the power of education from the hands of parents and temples and transferred to the schools. You teach your child about God and the school teaches that the world did not have a creator. You teach that your child came from the seed of Adam and the school teaches that it came from the offspring of the monkey.

And your son is still influenced by the son of the ungodly who studies with him, teaching sinful ways and attitudes. In Latin American countries schools have education programs for all, where children of witches, murderers, thieves, drunks are required to study together. All these classes of people have children who study in the same school as the children of Christians. I am not including these teenagers, but I speak of the danger that a Christian child passes through liberal schools that give up all places. I have witnessed children of Christians being corrupted by the children of the wicked.

Parents teach their children in the way of Jesus and when they put them in school, their children forget the teachings of their parents and turn themselves into other people. This is Satan's strategy, to mix Christian children with the wicked to corrupt them. And also some school material corrupts the mind and new atheists have emerged from among the children. Those who have financial conditions will never place their child in government schools that accept all kinds of children. There are schools in Latin America that integrate children who have been arrested for committing crimes.

God gave me the conditions to enroll my son in an evangelical school. And if that school does not fulfill the obligation to indoctrinate my child in the Word, I'll take my child off and pay a teacher to teach him at home. This is called family protection. If you cannot, pray to God, accompany your son in his studies and watch over him, because the school is part of Satan's educational system. Those who have financial conditions will never place their child in government schools that accept all kinds of children. There are schools in Latin America that integrate children who have been arrested for committing crimes.


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