Wednesday, December 26, 2018



"If Satan drove out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom subsist? (Matthew 12:26).

Satan has an army of demons, made up of battalions fighting mankind and the kingdom of God. But they also destroy each other.

The day of my journey has arrived. My master had already given me several instructions. He told me to find my way alone, and that I had to leave via the cemetery.

I had to go to the cemetery at 11.30pm to begin my incantations at midnight five. I had to trace at random a circle on the ground. It was a new experience for me. That night, by chance, I had avoided a thick fog.

From the very beginning of my incantations, I was surprised by the force of a wind which began to blow. Then I heard a kind of warning, like a threat. I could not stand, the wind was blowing with terrible violence. Suddenly the ground became soft under my feet, and a mysterious voice rang out. This voice said to me: "You must be pure to penetrate here, do you hear?! Pure! Put down your weapons if you want to enter the paradise of reincarnation. You hear, lay down your arms! "

It did not occur to me to refuse or hesitate. The one who spoke to me was all-powerful and dominated me naturally.

It was with a smile that I opened the collar of my shirt to remove my magic cross. His touch was so painful that my face stiffened. I threw it on the ground.

Then the ground opened at my feet. My fall was not brutal, but it was rather a slow slide towards the center of the earth. While a mysterious light was shining around me, a diabolical hand seized me and a red gleam enveloped me. The voice said to me in a whisper, "Now have no fear, for it is not a journey without return!" The air around me became suddenly lighter. The sky above me was no more than a distant little rectangle.

Horrible visions began. I saw horrible things. Demons took the form of ferocious animals, like the lion, the dragon, the python. A voice startled me, "Welcome to paradise!"

I glanced around, but I saw no one. At the cost of an intense effort, I succeeded in articulating a few words. Then I saw a mummy, whose duty it was to arouse an irresistible death instinct in living human beings. The mummy spanned her sarcophagus and stood in front of me, close to touching me. Her eyes, deep in their sockets, twinkled like two precious stones. She said to me, without my reaction, "Your death instinct will soon be so powerful that you will hate all forms of life. You will enter another universe, to fulfill the destiny I have chosen for you. You are going around the world to face the demons that live in the afterlife. They will reveal to you the powers that slumber in you. You will pierce the secret of death, and you will be initiated into reincarnation. Many others before you have overcome death. Then you will become an immortal master, and your power will pass through the centuries."

The mummy added, "The choice is vast in this world. You will enter another universe. But you must first dispossess yourself of your existence. Now, you are going to enter the world of spirits in the form that fate has decided for you. You will become an amphibious bird. The choice is vast in this world. So come with me."

She held out her skeletal arm, and I felt her hand close on mine. I perceived a lively and burning heat as if each of its bones was devoured by a mysterious inner flame. I remained motionless, subject to her will. The magnetism which emanated from this frail creature was superior to all human will.

"Lie down," she whispered. I obeyed without hesitation.

Then I had the impression that nothing existed around me, and horrible visions began.

That day, after several tests and trials concerning the nutrition of Satanists, I was transmitted with magnetism to increase my supernatural power in all spiritism. As I was not yet able to meet the prince of the demons, I was simply allowed to visit part of the hell, the place of torture. To tell the truth, the things I saw were so frightening that nobody in the world could bear them. I saw a large well of several kilometers. In this well, the sight was terrifying, like that of an upside-down world.

At the approach of this place, a powerful wind began to blow, like a hurricane of 300 miles an hour, which gave me the impression of losing half my body. The demon that guided me explained to me, as this well approached us, that this place of torture was reserved for several categories of demons who had failed in certain tasks that Satan had entrusted to them.

There, too, was the majority of Christians who, in the course of their life on earth, had cast out Satan's demons, or even wounded these demons by calling the name of Jesus Christ to drive them away or to deliver people, and which subsequently did not hold firm. It happened to them what is written in the book of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible: "For it is impossible that those who were once enlightened, who tasted the heavenly gift, who had share in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, and have fallen, be renewed and brought to repentance, since they crucify the Son of God for their part and expose Him to ignominy (Hebrews 6: 4-6).

After their death, these Christians who fell are directly led into the well of torture. As I passed, many demons and spirits made themselves known by giving me their names and indicating their origins. They knew why they were being tortured. It was exactly like a confession of sins. A demon revealed many things to me during this journey.

While the smoke of the torture was rising, a high-ranking demon, charged with torture, arrived and immediately discharged a power similar to molten metal at more than 2,000 degrees. A distant whistle and a shrill cry rose from this abyss. All the demons howled with gritted teeth, and a cloud of thick smoke rose with the howl of pain

Revelation 9: 2-4 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts on the earth: and to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

The demon who wanted to tell me about his past life explained to me that he had been sent to this earth in the form of a body of flesh. His master, Satan, had sent him to establish a religion of the world of darkness in a part of Europe (including in a country whose name I prefer to withhold). It was a religion that is now very widespread throughout the world, but which did not yet exist in this country. This demon held the position of Head of State in the same country, but he told me that his mission had failed 700 years ago. Since that date, he had been thrown by his master Satan into this place.

He had not yet finished his narrative that the devil himself came to the scene. There is nothing more terrible in this world of tortured demons than the arrival of Satan. A violent wind began to blow in this lamentable pit. I was removed from there by the demon-guide, who certainly did not want me to discover what was going to happen. As I insisted more and more to stay, the devil told me that the fate that would await me after the arrival of the master would be the result of my obstinacy.

He advised me to leave before the master arrived. But I, knowing that this kingdom had only one master, Satan and that he was also my master, I told myself that I had nothing to fear.

I hid in a place where I thought naively that the little power I had could allow me not to be noticed by Lucifer. But I was mistaken, for no one can hide from the devil in the kingdom of darkness. I was attracted by a terrible force, and I found myself without saying a word before the entrance to the well. Every second I saw newcomers who were rushed into this well of torture by the hundreds.

Satan controls every second the good progress of this enterprise. The head of this department came to report to Satan on the smooth running of the activities of his department. One does not address Satan by keeping a normal position. Even to account to Satan, one had to bow down before him. Each chief who presented himself to give his report prostrated himself on the ground before opening his mouth.

As for me, I had already been obliged to prostrate myself before the master, and it was not even necessary to look him in the face, which was impossible, for his eyes resemble two television screens, through which one can see the whole world.

Satan does not resemble those shabby caricatures that portray him with horns and a tail. He has rather the ability to take all kinds of appearances. That day, the devil took the form of a tree several tens of meters high. Each battalion of demons passed before him, declaring their commitment to serve the supreme master. No one could make the mistake of looking him in the face. The power that emanated from this creature was extraordinary.

In this kingdom, one has the capacity to understand all the languages of the world. The world of darkness is organized like an army, of which the commander-in-chief is the devil. All subordinates, from the most senior to the private, are all submissive according to their rank. All this army marched before me, and I thought it was marvelous.

After this procession, the last treatment was offered to the spirits who were tortured in the well. The devil stretched out his hand over the well. A violent flame and a liquid that resembled glue descended from the sky and flooded the well over several tens of kilometers. Cries of pain, howls and all kinds of supplications rose from the well. It was the day when all those who were thrown into the well received this atrocious treatment.

I want to speak to all Christians who pretend to be "children of God," but who do not obey the commandments of God. Know, dear brothers and sisters, that he who dies in this condition falls directly into the hands of the devil. The devil presents him with all the demons he has wounded during his earthly life by casting them in the name of Jesus.

Some leaders teach that the grace of God is large enough for a Christian and that by this grace the Christian can enter directly into the kingdom of God, even if he lives in sin. I tell you that this teaching comes only from the devil, who wants to divert a whole church, by going through the one who teaches it.

That is why it is recommended that all Christians read the Word of God, study it, and know it perfectly. Thus they will not be carried away by any wind of doctrine, which would certainly lead them into the lake of fire.

The words you receive according to the reasoning of men come only from the devil. The Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians, "However, just as the serpent seduced Eve by his cunning, I fear that your thoughts will corrupt and turn away from simplicity to Christ. For if anyone comes to preach to you another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a spirit other than that which you have received, or another gospel that you have embraced, you bear it very well. These men are false apostles, deceitful workers disguised as apostles of Christ" (2 Corinthians 11: 3-4, 13) Thus, Christians who fall into the hands of a demon of torture suffer a terrible fate, especially those who have wounded or driven demons in the name of Jesus during their life on earth, who did not hold fast on the right path they had chosen, who fell into sin, and whom the devil managed to execute quickly. The devil knows that God is a God of truth, who respects His word. He said in the Bible, which is the Christian's code of the road, that those who sin voluntarily after knowing the truth cannot be brought to new repentance (Hebrews 6: 4-6).

I saw these Christians suffer terribly in the well of torture, because they had wounded the demons of Satan, and had, by their prayers, troubled his work in the churches. Even if their prayers did not ascend to the Almighty, because they were drowned in their sins, calling the name of Jesus Christ in prayer disturbed the demons that were in their house or in their church. Some demons could even be hurt. Then, if these Christians fall into his hands after their death, Satan gives them back to them a hundredfold. These tortures are only a down payment, waiting for the salary to be paid to them by the Supreme Master, Jesus Christ, on the last day of judgment when they are thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone (Matthew 25:30, Rev. 20:15).

Mat 25:30  And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

Rev 20:15  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 

During my visit, many unclean spirits made themselves known to me and explained to me why they had failed in their mission on earth. Many of these spirits are sent by the devil into a body of flesh, born of normal women, especially women who seek to have children from occult healers or other Satanists. Satan gives many gifts to these children, who carry out various missions.

Some are musicians. Satan knows very well that the songs or records that his fledgling messengers will produce will attract millions of people to him so that they will not have time to think about God. Even Christians will be attracted by these melodies, and they will have their hearts snared.

Still, in the field of music, Satan's laboratories produce musical instruments on which are placed magnetism, or occult power, and which are destined to the churches of the whole world.

Other demons who have come into the flesh have the mission of directing certain Christian countries as Presidents of the Republic. I know more than six Presidents in the world, who from time to time reported their activities to Satan. They knew me perfectly well. Their missions are different. Some must persecute Christians in the countries they govern. Others seek to train the Heads of State of other countries, who have been placed at these posts by God. These Demonic Presidents favor the entrance of satanic sects into their country. They distribute important positions from their governments to other Satanists or fleshy demons in their countries. Through their friendly relations, they also promote the entry of Satanists into the governments of other friendly countries.

These demons come in the flesh have a perfectly human body. They have a rapid intellectual progression. They are gifted to break through widely in all areas. They marry very well and have children, but these children are all demons. Such beings can live with normal human beings for years, without them realizing in the least who they are dealing with. Even sorcerers may not identify them, for they are such superior beings that it is easy for them to master and dazzle their surroundings. It must not be forgotten that witchcraft is only the initial stage of the activities of the world of darkness. Other demons are even sent to Christian churches as priests, pastors, or other ministries, according to Satan's plan.

Other demons who have come in the flesh are sent to the great financial institutions of the world, all of which are secretly ruled by the devil. The printers who print the banknotes are all under the domination of the devil. All the banknotes printed in the world pass into the temple of Satan, so that an occult power is attached to them before they are put into circulation.

This power is lust, which causes some to kill or sell their mother, wife, husband, children, and all their family for money. This occult power of lust urges men to envy ever more the riches of this world. It even encourages Christians to abandon Jesus Christ. This power holds the whole world under the power of the evil one.

1 John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in wickedness.

Those of God are not subject to this occult power. Those who call themselves children of God, and who have the love of money, are not of God. They are not yet born again. In John 3: 3 the Lord Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Demons that are sent in the flesh as priests or pastors have the mission of destroying the churches, rendering the Word of God weak and ineffective. They even involve children of God in false teachings.

They have the mission of creating Schools of Theology, to form servants of God without any divine power. Their teaching is now spread all over the world. For hundreds of years, man has fallen into the trap of the devil, which has given him the ability to analyze the Word of God according to the thoughts the devil injects him.

I know that it is the Holy Spirit who teaches according to the Lord. Jesus said to His apostles, "But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I have spoken to you" (John 14: 26). Read the Word of God. It is Jesus Christ who speaks to you, and the Holy Spirit who will teach you and remind you of all that the Lord has told you in the Bible. And the apostle Paul said, "I am persuaded that He who has begun this good work in you will make it perfect for the day of Christ" (Philippians 1: 6).

During this visit, I saw goddesses, queens of the coast, and chiefs of legions, who were constantly punished because they had joined or were married to someone who had finally been delivered by Jesus Christ. The queen of Osaka, in Japan, is the most respected of the goddesses, because she had succeeded in imposing witchcraft as the only religion of a part of the Asian continent, in a single year. She was promoted as Queen of Darkness closest to Satan. Any newcomer to the kingdom of Satan is obliged to suck her breast. Every time she gives something to someone raises her to a higher degree.

When I sucked her breast, she handed me a potion contained in a golden jar. After absorbing this potion, I felt that my chest was about to burst.

All the demons beside me prostrated themselves before me as a sign of adoration. I did not understand why she ordered me to lift my right arm. To my surprise, several demons fell to my left and to my right. She asked me to lift my left arm. I was again surprised to see the demons hurry away in haste. I saw that my raised arm was destroying several demons. Power came from my eyes, from my hands, and my whole being trembled with power like that of a possessed man.

It took the goddess of darkness several minutes to control me. She had made a mistake in giving me this potion, but she could not do anything because I had already consumed it. I left the abyss of darkness that day, filled with terrible supernatural powers.

I remind you that the abyss is the prison of disobedient spirits. Therefore, Satan is still the master of it for the moment. The abyss is still open, under the rule of Satan, because many rebels in churches and in the world must first be thrown into it and be tortured. Only God holds the key to the abyss, and He will throw Satan himself at the appointed time, to be chained there for a thousand years:

"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and he bound it for a thousand years. He cast him into the abyss which he closed and sealed above him, that he might deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years be fulfilled. After that, he must be loosed for a little while" (Rev. 20: 1-3).

I warn you: Satan knows all these things. He even knows the Word of God better than you. This is why he strives to annihilate it, and he twists its meaning by using those who teach this Word. The devil knows that if the people of God are ignorant, they will be destroyed. Three-quarters will be cast into the abyss of darkness.

The Creator God says in Hosea 4: 6 that His people perish because they lack knowledge. He will then reject them from His priesthood, and God will forget even their sons because they have forgotten the law of their God.


On my return, my life was completely changed. My family, who knew nothing about my life, had difficulty controlling this situation. I was doubly calmer, and my memory was changed. All my thoughts were confined to the world of darkness. For several months, I saw all the people walking naked around me, while they were dressed. I say all the people, even my family, my uncles and my aunts. I was not interested, but I did not know what to do. I was no longer master of myself, I was doing what I did not want to do. Sometimes I lied without knowing it, driven by more powerful demons than myself. I lived with these demons as if they were my brothers.

Most of the demons were subject to my will. They claimed the bodies of certain people from my family to live there. Knowing who the demons were, I still refused this proposal. My master no longer regularly came to see me as before. He had ordered me to remove everything that was in my room, and to let everybody into it. The moment of avenging had arrived. It was now time to kill the murderers of my family, two men and one woman, all three members of my family. Before that, I began to exercise my powers on the trees.

I sometimes came to bushes alone. I did not need to utter a single summons. My left hand was the seat of my power. It was enough for me to raise my left hand and concentrate my attention on something, and the thing was destroyed by itself. A palm tree could split in two, a tree split along its trunk.

I had to respect certain prohibitions, especially that of not using my left hand during sexual intercourse with a woman, otherwise, she would become sterile for the rest of her life. One day, as I was returning from fishing, right next to the house of one of my uncles, I destroyed a young goat who was tied up.

All this proved to me that I was already able to fly with my own wings. One day, while I was repairing the trailer to carry cocoa beans, it had a puncture. There was with me a young nephew of 9 years, who was born a sorcerer, and who was used by his parents. I knew this young boy was the pilot of an occult plane. Her mother was the queen of this sorcerer community. During the day no one could imagine that this woman of advanced age, ugly and miserably dressed, could be the most beautiful, the youngest, the most charming, and the richest of them all who participated in this diabolical manifestation.

This young boy came to settle in the trailer which I was repairing. He had been instructed to come to control my inner being and to weaken my power.

The sorcerers knew very well that I was no longer at the level of witchcraft. This wizarding child was thrown out of the trailer, just because I had asked him to come down. I had not even touched him.

Before touching the ground, he already had a broken leg in several pieces. It was nine in the morning.

His father and mother, who were both sorcerers, knew exactly what had happened, but could not say anything. In the night that followed, my master came to my room at about one o'clock in the morning. He told me I was still very young, and it was not good to disobey him.

To tell the truth, my master himself was already afraid of me.

I had to conclude this very night, and expedite the sending off of these three murderers into the kingdom of darkness. My master told me that I must begin with the children of these murderers. They had twelve children in all, and my master told me that all twelve were to die.

But that did not please me, for my cousins had nothing to do with the matter. It was their parents who were the real murderers. I had to make them pay for their crime, and not unleash my anger on my cousins.

That did not help me at all. Why kill innocent people? My master's plan was to deliver these young men to Satan, to take a lot of money and take advantage of my ignorance. He believed that the three murderers were already tired, who could not stand. But we loved each other, my cousins and I, and I unhesitatingly refused my master's proposal. He got irritated and became angry with me. Every night I made trips on the astral plane. During one of these journeys, towards the morning, at the level of the last dimension of the kingdom of darkness, I was very happy to meet my enemies. They were transferring the body of a young cousin, who was already dead on the occult plane. Her mother even held in her hands two parts of her child's body. What vampirism!

I instantly invoked the most ferocious and wicked demons, and in a few seconds, all the audience was tied to the teeth. In this group were the three murderers responsible for the death of my parents. It was a good opportunity to put an end to them. But in a few seconds, my master appeared and forbade me to do anything of my own. He told me that if I wanted to do it, I had first to deliver my cousins into his hands.

This language displeased my ears. Why deliver my cousins? I recalled all the good times we had spent together, our fishing parties, and so on. The problems of our parents did not concern us. We always got along very well. Why turn the sword against them now, because of the faults committed by their parents? I would have preferred that they remain as orphans of father and mother, and not that they die in this way. What wickedness!

My master called me a coward, and threatened me with death if I did not obey his orders, which would be the last, he added. But I ordered the demons to free this band of murderers. The cousin whose mother I had seen bearing his limbs was found dead two days later, drowning in the river that passes by our village.

The current did not pass between my master and me. One day I went to visit one of my cousins, who worked at Eseka as a mason at COGEFAR. Two days later, at noon, while we were napping on a bed, a letter, sent by occult means, fell upon us. In the middle of the paper, there was a blood stain in the shape of a cross, and a few words scribbled on the paper. The main sentence asked me to pay 37,990 CFA francs in 5 franc coins, and this is only three days ... "Otherwise, since you protect your chickens ..".

After reading the letter, my cousin had goosebumps.

What should I do now? Was the life of my cousins more precious than mine? My cousin, after reading the contents of the letter, asked me many questions about it. I did not know what to say. I was obliged to lie, for he was himself concerned, his father being one of the murderers of the village. He told me that the problem was not so much to find this sum but to change it into pieces of 5 Frs in just three days. He already looked upon me like a corpse.

I was beside myself and I was already getting thin.

Every second that passed was precious to my life.

In the evening, I decided to commit suicide. But before doing that, I had to go back immediately to the village to kill the three murderers. In the room where I was sleeping, there were many things, toxic products and a product used to destroy insects in cocoa trees. I prepared a bottle to swallow it quickly.

My cousin exhorted me not to worry. He told me that he would find the exact amount of this sum the next morning. During the night he left his wife to join me in my room and continued to exhort me all night. Towards the end of the morning, before 11 o'clock, he had already found a sum of forty thousand francs in notes. But now we had to find the five-franc pieces. We went through all the gas stations in the city of Eseka. Some even laughed at us and asked us if we were not magicians. It was not even possible to change three thousand francs.

I had to go down to Douala at my sister's house with that sum. When I arrived, she welcomed me with joy, not knowing that only three and a half days remained for her brother. She noticed my wicked look and asked me what was wrong. I told him it was because of the 5 franc coins. She asked me to explain myself clearly. Her eyes streaming with tears, I gave her a brief explanation full of lies, and she burst into tears.

The next day she made a tour of the banks of the place, and about three o'clock the money was collected in coins of five francs. Another problem arose: I had to send this sum by the magic way, and I could only do it in my village room. I had to find an opportunity to reach my village quickly before midnight, that is, before the end of the ultimatum.

I reached the village at 22.30, one hour and thirty before the expiry of the period. Fortunately, I had not removed all my books of magic from my room, as my master had ordered me. If I had, I would not have been able to ship the money. Before midnight the money was shipped, and I heaved a sigh of relief.

Before leaving Douala, my great sister had recommended me to throw all my books of magic into the river. She thought it was easy to get rid of Satan like that!

Later, I left this damned village to follow my training in transit in Douala. Everything was easy for me, for from my place on my bench I could read the proofs in the director's office as the exams approached. After my training, I entered the port administration as a freight forwarder.

My first year of work was a year of demonstration of my occult power. I began to build in town and in my native village. Then I put a bad fate in this house, which actually killed the three murderers of my family. So my family was avenged.

But Satan began to give me a hard time because of my disobedience to give my cousins into his hands. He blocked all the resources that provided me with money and inflicted terrible punishments on me. All the small investments I made were destroyed by Satan. In my village, I owned a small sawmill that brought me money. It was entirely manual, and all work was done with mechanical chainsaws.

A load of timber could bring me a sum of 500,000 francs CFA. Every week I shipped a load to Yaounde, the capital. Here too Satan struck a blow. He urged the agents of the Waters and Forests to seize all my cargoes. They also seized other boards and rafters in my village, even on a Sunday! I was threatened by Satan, who even tried to put me in prison, urging me to commit terrible acts.

I separated from the woman I had at the time, and I lived together with another woman who worked at the Ministry of Finance in Yaounde. None of these women could imagine who I was. I took care to disturb their memory, as well as that of the neighbors or the people of the house. One day, the breath of death, sent by Satan, struck me in the house of this woman who worked in the Ministry of Finance. I had my throat, my tongue, and my mouth seriously wounded.

The demons took me from my bed during the night, while I slept beside the woman. I was always confined by demons in the streets of Yaounde, in dangerous places, to be murdered. It was Satan's plan, but nothing happened to me. God, who already had a plan for me, did not allow anything to happen to me. I was always protected by Him. Nothing happened to me, and the demons brought me home, without the woman noticing my absence during the night.

Sometimes Satan urged me to borrow money from some people, and not to repay them. He knew that if I did not repay them, I would be thrown into prison.

This happened with the uncle of the woman who worked at the Ministry of Finance. He had lent me 550,000 francs, which I could not repay him, for the demons stole the money from my bag. Satan blocked everything. Machines and chainsaws broke down. I suffered the tortures of Satan night and day because I refused to deliver my cousins.

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