Tuesday, December 4, 2018



The angels are in the earth keeping their eyes on those who put the souls in the wrong paths. The eyes of God are all over the earth watching the evil in churches and ministries, scandals in the work and doctrinal deviations that are causing the loss of souls to hell. The Lord God has sworn by His name that these transgressions will not go unpunished.

Those who injure the holiness of God are the impure, immoral, those who enrich with the work, the ambitious and who steal the place of God. For these, the punishment is more severe. And those who are servants of God and covet with these devouring wolves will have their names erased from the book of life.

The angel took me into a pit filled with fire and thorn. I saw a man chained inside the pit. He had taken the offerings and tithes from the church and made a pact of black magic with the devil. He offered all the money that the people offered with love of God and gave to Satan. Months later the angel of righteousness came down from heaven and struck that shepherd with his sword. And he went down to hell and is being plagued and tormented by various demons.

The angel said, "People who make deals with the devil are abominable. This shepherd touched the work of God when he gave the offerings of the people to the demons. Those who open churches against holy scripture will pay a high price, but those who open churches to spread salvation are welcome."

I saw pastors in hell who have abused people's faith to raise a lot of offerings. They have accumulated the offerings of the sheep for their own enjoyment and are now paying for their sins.

The angel said, "Those who harm the work of God and the neighbor will be slaughtered by His power."

I saw in hell pastors who set up unclean and profane cults in churches thus destroying the biblical standard for the service of God. They turned the sacred pulpits into a stage for theater and arts performances. They transformed the holy altar to masquerade parties and presents them as Halloween feasts to the people of the church. They did God's house gigs with Jay Jay and the entertainer singers. And the judgment of God came upon them, not giving them time to repent being too late.

The angel said, "One of the worst sins is the practice of deception inside the house of prayer. The church was to be the place where the name of God is worshiped, revered and exalted. When the flock enters the house of prayer, they believe that the pastor is of God. People believe they went to meet God in these places but when they get there they find the lie and embraced it with open arms. Many of these pastors are already here in hell."

And for those who are alive, hell is waiting for them and their punishment will be like a rain of fire that will fall on them in the place of the rain of grace. They stepped on the blood of grace by preferring deceit. God will judge all the willful sins that offended His holiness. His word is just and condemns the guilty ones but saves the righteous. His word will punish the shepherds who teach the wrong way.

The angel showed me a shepherdess in hell. She delivered prophecies that God did not command. She landed in hell for being a liar. She lied to get fame as a woman of God. She presented an image of false spirituality with prophecies of the flesh that came from her vain heart. She wanted to fulfill her desires of wanting to be used but God never used her because she did not want to give up sin. Because of this she put up a pretense of false spirituality and caused her flock to believe in her fabrications. This woman suffered the worst punishment. The demons with their swords pierced her throat, thrusting the swords into her mouth.

The angel showed me a bishop in hell. This man preached the doctrine of God but his heart was corrupted by money. He began to preach a strange gospel that does not save. He died and is sorry to have changed the doctrine.

I saw pastors who preached heresies and teachings that were non-Biblical. They taught that paradise is on earth and we have to live a life with an abundance of wealth and health. They put it in the minds of people not to accept sickness and poverty because they belong to Satan. They preached a gospel full of illusion, without a thorn, without renunciation and suffering. These shepherds are being severely punished by the fires of hell and the demons.

The angel said, "They were not empowered by God and had no competence to be shepherds."

I saw in hell four elders who altered holy doctrine, misrepresented the Word of God by creating strange doctrines in their books and magazines. These men are old, but hell has not forgiven their advanced ages. Their brains were taken from the skull by the demons. Their punishments were for using their minds to fabricate false doctrines.

The angel said, "They only thought of their own interests and did not think of the welfare of the flock. They are negligent in their lives and are not in accord with the Word. All the losses they have caused in the work of God, they are now paying with their eternal sufferings. Blessed are those who are punished on earth, for they can still repent."

The angel took me to a place where I saw a reverend of a traditional church. This reverend scandalized the ministries of the Saints. He tarnished the image of the servants of God who preach the truth. Words denigrating other ministers coming out of the mouth of this man shortened his own life on the earth. This reverend was placed on a cross upside down and is still tortured by demons.

And I saw other pastors suffering in hell for promoting scandals against God's servants on the Internet. And those who help spread the slanderous messages of these shepherds on the internet are in hell for being complicit with these abominations. I tell you not to share videos and messages that slander and badmouth God's servants. There is a difference between speaking of a false prophet exposing his evil works and speaking of a true servant of God who only wants the salvation of souls.

The angel said, "False slanders against the righteous have offended the servants of God, weakening those who are animated in the work. Anyone who tarnishes the reputation of one of these little ones will have his days abbreviated and will be punished in the fires of hell."

There are multitudes of shepherds who are in hell but the angel did not want to show me more and showed me the last shepherd. This pastor received a revelation from God. The Lord Jesus said, "Servant, no one should know this secret and it cannot be revealed. It is between Me and you. Seal this revelation for 5 years. The church cannot know it until five years have passed and the demons should not know it either. I have secretly revealed this secret within the spirits of the members. I've spoken through your mind so the demons do not know about it."

This pastor knew of the revelation and was very glad. He did not hold back and revealed the secret to the church ahead of time causing the people to be happy. His tongue had no curb and the demons learned and worked to prevent this revelation from being fulfilled in the lives of the members of the Church. The church and the pastor too went through fiery trials. He could not withstand the demonic provocations caused by his wilful disobedience. He fell into depression and committed suicide. Now he is agonizing in pain in hell.

The angel said, "Tell the church not to use their freedom to serve Jesus walking on profane lands, treading the path of sin, treading on tortuous paths and following strange roads. Your freedoms limit you to walking only within the holy limits. There is a circle in the spiritual world which you cannot overcome when you leave the path of truth. Any step that deflects your foot from the righteous path will cause you to enter paths of perdition."

I only visited the valley of pastors and politicians. Only these two valleys have been revealed to me. I saw that the spiritual dimension of hell is gigantic. There are several valleys of different sins but the angel wanted to show me only these two valleys and revealed more about the valley of the shepherds to me. The angel brought me out of hell and brought my soul into the church. I woke up on the church floor.


My name is Robert Atsushi and I testify that this rapture testimony is true, I take responsibility for everything this young man said. I've been raptured more than once to hell and the last experience I had out of the body was in heaven. But this young man stayed an hour and a half out of the body and deep things were revealed to him that was not revealed to me during the several times that my spirit left the body. This boy in his first rapture in just an hour and a half was revealed deep things. God exalts the little ones. This humble boy still has no position in the church and he only converted 5 months ago. I did not finish the service waiting for him to come back from his rapture and the whole church did not leave.

When he was raptured I was praying and the Holy Spirit said, "Do not worry that him lying on the ground, I will return his soul." While he received revelations from heaven and hell, I received revelations too while I was praying. My experiences now are not out of the body but while on earth. I will pass on an exhortation that I received when I prayed. The revelations that this young man had, they confirmed what I received when I was praying.

Jesus told me that there are many illegal churches. He said that these works were not He who had them built. If there is no lawfulness of God, the work cannot be accomplished. The work is not limited within the houses of prayer but is carried out in homes, on the streets or anywhere.

The demons are laying a snare against the workers, but their evil deeds do not succeed against the saints. The works of evil are being cut off by the angels. God said that there is no sin in their lives, yet the demons insist on sifting them. They have acquired special protection from God.

About offerings, they are an act of love and adoration to help the needy. Nothing is by force, says the Lord. Workers should not seek positions in the church to exalt themselves. God will charge you if you are irresponsible in your positions, not being able to be real workers.

Do not obey your pastor if he does not act right in the house of God. Do not listen to your pastor if he is a false prophet. If he commands such things as financial scams, anti-Jewish attitudes, and heresies, do not do it.

I have an exhortation to the liars who receive money from the pastor to lie by saying that they were healed. They received houses, and they became rich. You receive money to hide the deceit of false prophets. You who even knowing that your shepherds are charlatans have received positions with various perks, such as apartment, car and a millionaire salary and yet you participate in their works of iniquities.

You have sold yourself into error by becoming partakers of the table of iniquity. These accomplices and partners-in-crime help their shepherds in the works of deceit. They collaborate with the works of darkness and enjoy the titles that their pastor gives them. They even receive money to give glowing but lying testimonies about their leader. You will pay a high price for being accomplices of the lie and will suffer eternal punishment.

You are the helpers and participants of the devouring wolves. Closer members of the pastor who cover their sins and still partake of their evils await the judgment of God. Workers who do not denounce the sins of their leaders, you are doing harm to the work of God. It is not a sin to denounce false religions and the gospel of deceit.

Do not let anyone close your mouth for telling the truth. Just stop talking if God commands you. You have the Holy Spirit that corrects and convicts you when you crosses the red line from truth to slander. Beware of slandering a holy servant without evidence or anyone who wrongly accuses you. If you hate sinners because they are not Christians, you need conversion from your heart-attitude.

Many Christians will be barred from entering through the heavenly gate and will lose all the reward they could have earned. Your right to an inheritance in heaven will be taken away. You will live eternally in hell and you will be forced to do what the demons demand, being their servants. It will be cruel to you the day you close your eyes without repairing your lives.

Be honest with people when you work as salespeople and merchants. Beware when you receive more money on the change and return the amount that was passed to you. This is called justice. Your attitude reveals where your heart is. Never divert company money from your boss when you entrust cash from the cash profits into his hands.

If God has placed in grace the word of sanctification that we preach today, who are you to be against the divine doctrine? He will not change His doctrines to satisfy your flesh and ego. The Word cannot go against itself, what is in the Bible will not change because we do not like it. If you live in holiness the Word cannot condemn you to hell. The Word cannot go against itself. This is the guarantee that we are saved. The Word will send to hell when it is not fulfilled in the lives of the people but the holy bride receives protection from hell. The Word is faithful and will send to hell all the rebels who are the ones who cease to do the work of God by pursuing earthly things.

See the revealed list of the sins that can send you to hell. Those who take the offerings from the house of prayer to fulfill their pleasures and fail to help the needy. To those who refuse to obey God. To those who resist the holy doctrine. To the unrighteous who do not practice righteousness. To those who despise the work of God. To those who have the financial means to help others and do not. To those who suffer bizarre and strange spiritual manifestations. To those who put the false shepherds to preach on the holy altar. To those who give positions for the demoniac brothers to work. To those who let the brethren in sin take the most important offices of the church. Shepherds who offer money for people to give lying testimonies by saying that they have received a greater blessing after giving a big offering to the church.

This is the list of false works that will lead people to hell. Each one will be judged for his actions when he is alive on Earth. Everything will be uncovered at the Last Judgment. Think before you do something hidden from the eyes of your shepherds. You may hide from your earthly shepherd, but you cannot escape the flames of hell.

Today is the day to make your life right with God. Jesus is your advocate who defends you from the accusations of the devil but in the future, He will be your judge. Be sincere with Him, do not play the game of being a Christian and ask for forgiveness. He to whom the Son of Man shall deliver shall be free from judgment, from condemnation, and from infernal flames. What is the price of escape from the condemnation? Only obedience, for the price has already been paid, but if you do not obey the Master there is no blood that justifies your sins. Jesus wants to give you eternal life. This is the right that is offered to the saved. This is the freedom that Jesus offers to live a dignified, just and upright life before God. His freedom is not to sin and fall into the bondage of Satan. His freedom does not forbid obeying the Word of God.

Those who even know that the Word abhors such sinful practices and not renouncing this evil, they will not be innocent, because they practiced sin consciously. And those who use the Word of God as an excuse and shield to protect and justify their sins will pay a heavy price. God watches over His Word to fulfill it, even if they do not want to. Then there are those who try to deny the holiness that is preached in the Bible.

About prophecies and revelations, there are 3 ways of them. One is urgent and has to be passed on to the church. The one I have to keep for myself and seal it until I am permitted to reveal it in a future time.

Ministers of the Gospel cannot open their mouths to speak on anything on their own without the counsel and permission of God, thinking that this will have no consequences. The church does not imitate these theological pastors who dictate the church's teaching rules and how to worship God.

Christians who are no longer renewed speak in strange tongues in the flesh. They do not seek the renewal by letting the Holy Spirit use them and speak to them in their private devotion and prayer life. Other Christians who have not received the gift of tongues imitate others to show that they are spiritual. Everything becomes mechanical with their speaking in tongues. Everything is not fresh from the Holy Spirit and they draw nothing new from the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is sending the word to those who have heard the voice of God and asking them to do the work, but the rebels refuse to do so. Today you have access to the Word of God and freedom to worship and preach, while in many countries the Bible is forbidden. You have the privilege of reading it and going to church as many times as you want. Many people do not have this Word to guide them, you have in abundance the Word of God. If you do not walk in it after you have the holy scripture in your hands, you will not be taken for the innocent.

There are people who go to hell for lack of knowledge of salvation and holiness since they do not have access to the Bible. But there are crowds that even having access to the Word go to hell for not wanting to obey it. Even those who congregate every day in the church are getting lost because they do not know the truth yet.

Workers look well to their lives before ascending on the altar of God. There is a place for the saints who will be used by the Holy Spirit when it comes to preaching the Word. Many of those who go up to the altar without the Holy Spirit of God gives way to the demons to use them.

I have a revelation to the workers who live in holiness. The Lord Jesus tells you to remain silent and not revoke the accusations, for He said, "I am your lawyer."

Many of those who sanctify themselves are called false prophets and their names scandalized by malicious people.

Jesus says that He will have no compassion for the unjust people who trample on His watchmen. What they plant in the flesh today they will reap in the spirit. Those who plant in this life will reap in eternity. Those who practice the deeds of the flesh reap their fruits in hell. What bad and evil things that are done in the flesh on earth, when they die they will feel the effects of their wickedness. They will harvest every seed they have planted in millions of ears. Their penalties are written in the book of the righteousness of God. They committed the most serious infractions in the spiritual world. Each will have his or her own degree of punishment.

Those who practice such things, have never been part of the kingdom, never been saved and are only filthy sheep that have infiltrated within the churches to defile them. They will be punished severely with everlasting punishment. Already the holy men can be in danger in this world, but their salvation and rewards are not endangered. They may even die at the hands of the bloodthirsty, but they will be crowned and receive the rewards of the victorious overcomers. The Word gives shelter, confidence in difficult times and protects the souls of the saints who are the defenders of the holy churches.

I have an exhortation from God to the shepherds. Jesus says, "Do not make of your churches a place that pleases the people and not God."

There are churches that were made to satisfy the will of the flesh of the people. The Holy Spirit will only work in these churches if the teachings are according to the Word. Every shepherd that labor in the work according to the Word will bless and profit his flock.

Pastors, you are servants, you cannot do what you want. You need to ask permission from God before doing any work in the house of prayer. If you work according to the Bible and the instructions of the Holy Spirit, every member of your flock will be like a tree planted and rooted in Christ and the demons cannot destroy them. If you preach doctrines without the truth, you will open up legal grounds to the demons that will invade and dominate your territories. They can take control of a work that is not in the direction of God. If the project is not in Christ it will not withstand the enemy.

Pastors must be transparent with the sheep when they receive tithes and offerings. Tell where the people's money is going. Show the proof of the expenses and where they are being invested. Pastors have a duty to inform people about spending so that Satan does not throw negative thoughts of mistrust. The church should not have money as the center of everything, failing to live in God's direction.  

Singers and ministers who charge money to sing praises and to preach, they have a special place in hell. Pastors who ask for a lot of money for their preaching are making a cult of Mammon. Their abomination will come at a price. The church was not meant for profiteering but to lead a people and unite them in communion by teaching the way of truth.

Pastors, bishops, and apostles are most responsible for the pastoral oversight in their churches. They carry a great responsibility in their hands. They are the drivers of the flock by determining the guidelines for spiritual food and knowledge in their congregations. Any wrong doctrine will lead the flock to hell. And God will ask for the blood of every soul and so the shepherd will lose his salvation.

Each pastor is responsible for 3 things. They are responsible for your life, the life of your family that is your home and your flock. Many trespassing pastors will be held accountable for what they should do and have not done. There are pastors who have no love for souls. I want to tell you that some pastors would only serve if there are offerings from the people otherwise their church would not be open. God says some pastors only benefit their family members with positions although they may be in sin, but those who are qualified and are not part of the family do not have the opportunity to serve in the church. This pastor follows the way of nepotism.

Other pastors offer positions based on friendships they have with the workers. They do not anoint by spiritual ability and leave many true vessels out of the work of God. This is a serious malpractice and they are undoing the destinies and callings of the true vessels. Many of you pastors are hospitalized in hospitals and undergoing a difficult process being grounded in the mill because of it.

I want to warn the shepherds of God, do not make an alliance with the profane shepherds. This unlawful alliance will unite the works of the two, the sacred with the profane. Pastors should not offer the altar of their churches to those who are acting and preaching contrary to the truth. Do not invite false prophets to preach in your churches, they are not worthy to ascend in the holy pulpit.

I see some innocent shepherds teaching modern doctrines they have learned from these wolves. These innocent shepherds follow this path without discernment and proper knowledge. I want to tell you that my war is not against flesh but against the legions of seducing spirits who bring doctrines from the pit of hell. I do not want to fight against you false pastors, I only exhort you not to follow the way of the cursed and compromised gospel. You will give an account of your sheep whose faith is shipwrecked as a result of false teachings.

Jesus told me to warn His sheep because there are some vessels of honor that are in the wrong flock. Many chosen ones are in these temples being forbidden to do the work in these churches. These shepherds used by demons will not give the Saints a chance to do the works of God. The demons who control the lives of these false shepherds will give a chance to those who compromise with the sins of these shepherds. Only these will have positions because they are in the same spiritual yoke as their carnal shepherds. These shepherds use evil devices to choose people like them to do the work. They only want the carnal ones in office. The churches that are run by men do not let God enter the work, so the souls that visit such churches are not converted to Jesus. You want to be the head of the work working out to your whims and fancies and thus preventing God from working in the church.

There are brothers among you who do not do the work together because of your differences. Reconcile with each other while there is time. Others do not want to do the work because of the persecutions, weakening at the moment that they should be strong. Among you, you are jealous because one is dedicated to the work more than the other. Those who feel envious about the other that is used, do not want to pay the price on dedication. Watch, do not lose your salvation.

Others vie to see who is the best and the hardest worker. You do all this for your own glory and to earn the pastor's confidence and gain high office. You do these things to draw men's attention, not God's. You are standing tall in the eyes of men while impending doom is waiting for you. Others get carried away by their passions and feelings, letting them shake their faith and are distancing themselves from God.

I have a very serious revelation to pass on to the false teachers. I saw in the vision a sword descending from the sky like lightning that cut down millions of trees at the same time.

I asked the Lord, "What is the meaning of this vision?"

The Lord replied, "Servant, My judgment will come so quickly upon them that it will not give them time for weeping or for repentance."

After that vision, Jesus brought me a revelation of warning to the false shepherds. Many shepherds do not care about the flock, but the money. They want their churches to be filled to increase the financial takings, not caring about souls. I mean what is uncontested on this earth? It is the soul of every person. The demons care for these souls and have gained many for their infernal kingdom. They are the greatest gainers of souls, do not play in the spirit world. They are keen on winning the souls of pastors, bishops, missionaries, and other church officials. And at that moment they are watching to win the souls of those who hear me. They are strategists, do not underestimate their intelligence.

In hell, there is a place only for Christians that is increasing in size every day to receive new fallen inhabitants. Beware, pastors, what are you doing with the work of God? You are turning the holy cults into something else. It will be hard for you. You lead the flock with your carnal theologies. You think that you do not need the Holy Spirit to conduct the work. He is the best solution to direct the flock to the right place.

[Source: Evangelist Josivan, Mission of Nations Church, defesadafe2017.blogspot.com]

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