Thursday, December 6, 2018



My name is Roberto Estrada. I was a Catholic priest and belonged to the Society of Jesus and worked as a missionary counselor for over eleven years in San Salvador. I would like to read the Gospel according to John 8:32 "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free " This is the Word of God.

I belonged to the Society of Jesus and I was born in Viso, Texas. I am close to San Antonio, a small town, and we are nine in my family, six women, and three men. I have four sisters who are nuns, another brother priest who works here in Los Angeles. I belonged for thirty-nine years in the Roman Catholic Church. I was born here in the United States but my heart, I'm Salvadoran. And if I die someday I will die there in San Salvador.

I like this nation very much, I lived there for many years, from Tenesito, and I worked in the guerrilla. I brought communion to the guerrillas and that country means a lot to me.

And I thank God that one day I found Christ. And I am a happy man, happy and joyful and I did not leave the Roman Catholic Church because of any problem. I do not have a problem, I do not have a thing against the Roman Catholic Church. I had a personal encounter with Christ and that is what made me leave the Catholic Church.

I also did not leave the Roman Catholic Church because I got married. I'm single, I'm not married. I am looking for a girlfriend if I can find her here tonight. A girlfriend who has a house because I do not have a house. And that she knows how to make pupusa (a traditional Salvadoran dish of a thick corn tortilla stuffed with a savory filling). No, I'm just joking.

In the Word of God, in the Gospel according to John, in chapter 8 verse 32 it says: "And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." There are many truths, but the truth in Christ does not only make us free, but it also changes us. In the gospel of Christ, there is power and authority.

My beloved brothers, I was a Roman Catholic priest for 39 years. At the age of 12, I entered the seminary in San Antonio. At the age of 18, I went to Rome and there I lived in the Pío Latino. I studied in the Gregorian school. At 27, I was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in Rome. And during all those years I was a missionary in Africa too.


I worked with the lepers, and I had an experience, the Lord made me go through an experience in Durango where I fell into a place where they say the backbone of the devil. We fell down a cliff. Two priests died and I was in a coma for more for six months. I was in a wheelchair for more than three years.


And one morning at 4:30 in the morning, listening to a message on the television of an evangelist who said, "Christ heals, Christ saves, Christ forgives." And since I was in a wheelchair and I felt very bad, I looked at the evangelist and said, "Yes, crazy fanatic, Christ changes, Christ heals. Look at me, I am rotting. To me, neither changes nor healing comes to me. Crazy."

And so time went by and I came to the Gospel of Christ and the Lord raised me up and healed me. And in Santiago de Chile it was where I became a Christian. And now I am an evangelical pastor and I preach the Word of God throughout the world.


Now my beloved Roman Catholic friend, my beloved brothers, for me the greatest thing was to become a priest. I had the vocation. And when I was ordained a priest, I stayed several more years in Rome and at 30 years old I left as a missionary in Africa to work with lepers. For me when I looked at the lepers, and I always asked God that I wanted to be a holy leper.


I looked at the saints on the altars and I said to God I would one day be on a high altar as the saints are, and I asked Him a lot to help me.

And we had to put on special gloves to dress the wounds of the lepers, and sometimes I would not put them on and I would treat the lepers with my bare hands. I would take the blood of the lepers and then I would put it on my feet and arms so that leprosy would infect me because I wanted to sanctify myself and be a holy leper. But it was not like that, it did not happen, I did not get leprosy.


Then I went to the Philippines to work at another leprosarium. And so I went through many countries and the greatest fear for me as a Catholic priest, always when they came to me, relatives and they told me "Father José", because that was my religious name, they told me my mother or brother died, I was terrified to see a dead person. And I knew that with the Masses, with the Hail Marys, those people could one day emerge from the flames of Purgatory. And I was terrified to go to that place of torment one day.


But when I understood the Word of God that says there is the only mediator between God and men, Jesus Christ man. My beloved brothers, when I came to Christ and I had that assurance, that certainty, that Jesus Christ was my Savior, was my Lord. Recognize that only Christ changes and the Rome do not change anyone

When I was in the Roman Catholic Church, I conducted Mass every morning. During the consecration of the Eucharist (bread), I took Jesus in my hands and Jesus sacramentally in my head. I took communion every day and I gave holy communion to thousands of people. But I always saw that the people took holy communion every day but their lives did not change. They remained the same although they took the body of Christ. But my beloved brothers, now that I am a Christian, now that I understand, my beloved brothers, that Jesus is my Savior. Now I can say as the Apostle Paul said, "Now I do not live, but Christ lives in my life, Jesus lives in my life, Jesus lives with me."


Therefore, my beloved brothers, that the moment the Lord Jesus Christ calls me, I am sure that I am going with Him.

When I was a Catholic priest, I prayed my divine office, in the night I prayed my rosary because I was afraid of death. But my beloved brothers, now that I know the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, as the Lord of my life, I can say every day as the psalmist said, "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety. " (Ps 4:8)


Brothers, before I came to Christ, I had the accident in Durango and went into a coma for more than 6 months. During that coma, I had a dream. I was stuck in a tunnel and a man came out of that tunnel and I was flying very high with him. I got into a very big crystalline river and there were many fishes. I was afraid of the fishes but they did not do anything to me. Then I left that river and flew very high. I stopped like on a pedestal and fell. I was falling down slowly and I fell to the ground and my rosary dropped to a mud.


And when I was going to pick it up, the angel told me, "Do not pick up the rosary, because if you take it out of the mud you will perish with it."


My beloved brothers, later this angel took me where there was a multitude of people and he carried me to a throne, there was Jesus. He looked at me and says to the one who took me, "Take him to the place that belongs to him." And when this angel took me to the place, I found myself in the flames of hell. I found myself burning in hell. And there were many people that I knew, lots of people. And these people blamed me, they told me, "Because you preached to us, and never told us the truth, we are here in hell."

And I saw many of my fellow priests in the flames of hell and people wanted to take me away. They wanted to lynch me in hell because they accused me saying they had died, without hope, without Christ, because of me.


Then, the angel came and took me by the hand out of hell and takes me back to where Jesus on the throne is.

My beloved brothers, when this angel took me to the presence of Jesus, He is on a glowing throne. He told me, "You are not yet ready to be in this place, you are going to return and you are going to preach the truth."

When I returned from the coma, and I remembered, brothers, of this dream, and after I became a Christian I came to understand, my beloved brothers, that during the time I was in a coma, I died for a while. My spirit was taken to the same hell to know what had been prepared for me if I did not preach this holy Word, which is the Word of God.


I have nothing against priests or nuns. I have nothing against the Pope, but my beloved brothers, I pray to God for my sister nuns, my brother priests. I pray for all the priests. I pray, my beloved brothers, even for the Pope, so that he may one day know this truth, this glorious truth.


We as Roman Catholic priests have taken millions of souls to hell because we have not preached the truth. We have preached the life of the saints, we have preached traditions, the dogma of men. The word of God, my beloved brothers, teaches us so clearly, "I am Yahweh," "I am Jehovah your God," "You will not have other gods before My presence, you shall not bow down to them or honor them, for I am the LORD your God. "


God does not want, my beloved brothers, that we worship any image. Catholics think salvation is through Mary to Jesus, that we are saved through Mary's intercession but if the very mother of our Lord Jesus Christ says these beautiful words, "My soul rejoices in God my Savior," it means she needed the Savior herself.

My beloved brothers, she also says, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, servant of the Lord" And later she tells us, "Do all that He tells you."

Christ loves you and calls you. And the Lord Jesus Christ tells us, "Go into the world, preach My gospel to every creature." My beloved brothers, I know that Jesus Christ lives. We as priests, we send all the people to hell and no one comes out of it unless they pay money to the priests to say Masses to release them from hell.


But my beloved brothers, where is Christ in all this? Where is the blood of Christ if only Masses are needed? If we have to pay for Masses for them to be released from hell, why should Christ die for us? And why does the Lord say that His salvation is worth more than all the treasures of the world? That this salvation is not bought with money! It is not bought, my beloved brothers with an "Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may Your Perpetual light shine upon them" but with the precious blood of Christ, which cleanses us and purifies us of all sin.

So, my beloved brothers, why do we look for Him in other places when the payment of the blood of Christ is enough? The precious blood of Christ is enough for the sinner! How glorious, my beloved brothers, when we have this personal encounter with Christ!


My beloved brothers, I was in a coma for more than 6 months. After 6 months, I found I was paralyzed, I have a broken foot in more than 36 parts, I have broken bones, huh .. I have bones and ankles aching. I still have them like that. And after 3 years in wheelchairs, I prayed to the canonized saints a lot to help me. I went to visit the Virgin in France, to bathe in the grotto of Lourdes. I did many things to seek my healing in the most powerful pilgrimage sites but I did not find it, my beloved brothers. I went to the Basilica of Guadalupe. I said Masses, I went to the Saint Niño de Atocha, to the Virgin of Good Health, I went to the Virgin of San Juan, to the Virgin of Sapopa. I went my beloved brothers, to Guacaca with Soledad, to Esquipula.


But, my beloved brothers, when I heard that preacher at four thirty in the morning he said, "Christ heals, Christ changes, Christ forgives," I told him, "You are a crazy fanatic. Look at me, I'm rotting, my feet are going to be amputated and you say that Christ heals, that Christ changes?"

And I turned the TV off and said, "This crazy man," and after a while, I turned it on again to laugh. It was months later that one day, I switched on the TV and that preacher gave a message about Peter and John going up to the Beautiful Temple. Peter told the paralytic, "I have no gold or silver but what I have I give you."

My beloved brothers, I took this message to be for me. And I said, "Look, God, if you heal me, Lord, if you change me, lift me from this wheelchair, I promise you, Lord, that I will serve You all the days of my life."

And the Lord at that moment He lifted me up, changed me and forgave me!

How glorious, brothers, this Christ! How glorious it is when He lifts us up!


My beloved brothers, I had to be a very crazy man to have left the Catholic Church. Come out, my beloved brothers, from that religion that is not the true Church of Christ. But I can tell you at this moment, that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! And only He, my beloved brothers, can transform us.

Today Jesus Christ wants to save you. Only Jesus can change your life, my beloved. Only Jesus Christ can change and deliver your children from addictions of drugs, alcoholism etc because Jesus Christ has the power. He lifted me from that wheelchair. He has power! He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow because He is always the same. Jesus never changes, my beloved brothers.


I went through many terrible things and all the problems with a brother of mine, Caballero de Colón. All the sufferings, they put me in, they thought I had gone crazy, they put me two years in the house of the madmen because they said that I was crazy, but I was crazy, my beloved brothers, for the love of God. And I thank God! I have no hatred against my brothers, nor against the priests who had me two years in the house of the insane and made me pass off as a lunatic. I went through many things, many sufferings but I know that my Redeemer lives. I know that Christ lives.

Christ tells you now "I am the Way." My beloved Brothers, seek the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord Jesus Christ says "I am the Way", He is the Way, He is the Life. My beloved brothers, that in these moments, may the Lord bless you! May the Lord make His face shine over you!

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