Saturday, January 5, 2019



My name is Anália Campbell from Darlene, Australia. I'm an evangelical. I've accepted Jesus when I was eight years old. Since that day I have never deviated from the Lord's paths. I've been in the church for 21 years. I had an out of body experience in May 2000. I'll relate my experience that I had with Jesus,

I had arrived home from work and I was tired and had pain in my head. My husband went straight from work to church for a pastors' meeting. I was alone. I took some medicine and I went to lay myself down. I started to gasp for breath when I suddenly felt a shock in my body. It seemed like something was coming out of me when I realized I was standing and my body was lying down.

I heard a voice saying that my spirit will be meeting Jesus.

Jesus said, "Servant today I'm going to reveal to you the spiritual world and the strategies of Satan's deception. After these revelations, you will not be the same, nor will your ministry be the same as before."

Suddenly darkness came upon me and I found that I was under the Earth.

Jesus said, "Now I'll take you to Hell."

I saw a black hole opening up under my feet. I started to go down speedily like a car in an upside-down roller coaster in that tunnel. Jesus appeared and held my hand. I stopped falling on my head and went down the throat of Hell. We stopped at a valley in Hell which emitted a strong stink of carrion. I could not breathe as the stench was a thousand times stronger than any rotten meat from the Earth.

I asked Jesus. "Why is this place so stinking when there is no dead person here?"

Jesus answered me, "All those who die in sin and did not have their clothes washed and their bodies purified by the blood of the Lamb will land up in Hell."

Rev 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

When I looked at the valley of darkness I could not see anything. Finally, I saw a flaming fire rise up and burning those deformed bodies. Their flesh melted.


Jesus allowed me to see those sins committed by these human beings when they were on Earth. I could hear the cry of these souls asking for mercy and wanting water to drink. I began to cry and ask the Lord to take away those people from Hell but Jesus said, "I cannot take them away as they chose this place as their home."

I asked, "What place is this?"

Jesus replied, "Analia, this is the valley where all those who imitate the works of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, and practice all sorts of sexual abominations and perversions come here."

I looked at the valley. I saw giant snakes full of spikes. They looked like pythons and were in embers of the fire that entered the mouth of a woman and ripped and broke her jawbone exposing the skeleton of her mouth. This was also done in the men.

I asked Jesus, "Why are they suffering in that manner?"

He answered, "All those who practice oral sex and anal sex will come to this place with their partners. This place is also full of prostitutes and homosexual believers. The saddest thing is that these perversions are already being practiced by My people. I want My Church to watch and pray as Satan is working 24 hours to destroy My Church."

Jesus looked at me and said, "Your works have not pleased Me."

I said, "What, Lord?" Then I suddenly remembered that I too practiced anal and oral sex with my husband.

Jesus said, "No matter what work you do in church, those who behave like prostitutes will not inherit My kingdom."

I saw people making pornographic movies, actresses, actors, and people who enjoyed sexual orgies and swinging with multiple partners. All these people had mutilated genitals in Hell as a result of demons tormenting and torturing them.

I remembered my life before I got married. Even if I was in the church, I would hide my sins and not confess them. At that moment in Hell when I saw those people being tormented for their sexual sins, I started to confess and repent of my sins.

I looked and saw a teenager who was being tormented in the genitalia. I asked the Lord what this girl has done.

Jesus answered me, "She masturbated and sang in the church. I did everything in My heart to stop her but she was compulsive and liked to do it all the days. One day she was going to school and a car ran over her. Now she's here and feeling sorry for what she has done."

I also saw a man who raped women while on Earth. Now he is in Hell and he was being raped by several demons. I also saw pedophiles, swingers, gays, and lesbians. When I looked the other way, I saw a man and woman tied together and they were tormented by a tail that penetrated both of them at the same time.

I asked Jesus, "What terrible deed did they do to deserve such suffering?"

The Lord said, "These two were church members on the Earth. This man was a shepherd and he committed adultery with this young woman. They had a lot of intimacy until one day her parents left home and her boyfriend came in armed with a gun and shot both of them. Today they are in Hell locked in the same way they died."


I also saw a missionary suffering in Hell. He did God's work while being single. He would spend time in the house of prostitution. One day as he was leaving the house of prostitution a thief approached him. He was scared and ran away but he was shot and died at the same time without having the time to regret and repent. He went down to Hell.


Jesus took me to the valley where there was a large screen of a television. I asked Jesus, "What is television doing here in Hell? He replied, "Television is the work of Satan. My Church started to cool down in fervor because of this appliance."

I saw a young man who had his eyes plucked in Hell with a red-hot iron. He was blinded and the demons tormented him. Jesus showed me how this young believer was addicted to television and watched all kinds of movies including horror movies and soap operas movies.

I asked the Lord what happens when someone watches television.

Jesus answered, "Every time someone watches television, an evil spirit enters the person and is housed in his subconscious opening up legality for demonic possession. My Holy Spirit moves away from believers who are watching TV."

I asked Jesus, "My husband and I have a dream of having a television program to spread God's Word and the church will help financially pay for the schedules."

Jesus said, "Television is from Satan. Everyone watching your television program will be serving Satan unknowingly. Light can have no fellowship with darkness. Darkness cannot be in harmony with Me and the temple of God. Tell your church not to blend in with darkness and not to compromise with friendship with the owners of the television stations."

Suddenly Jesus and I were in Hell's eye where I could see through an eye all that is happening on the Earth. I saw many rich men in suits in various parts of the world doing acts with Satan on Earth. I saw altars and children being sacrificed in fatalistic rituals. I saw satanic Hollywood altars where people offered their films to Satan, even evangelical films and cartoons. They were being consecrated to Satan to destroy children. I asked the Lord whether these rituals are for them to become rich. 

The Lord told me, "They're already rich. These rituals are to destroy humanity. They send legions of demons inside houses through these movies to destroy the lives of people. Their target includes people in My holy Church."

"Servant, these volunteers are scattered in all parts of the world. They are close to the television stations. Before any of these programs enter the airwaves, they all are offered to demons. Nothing leaves the television station without being consecrated to the demons."

Jesus said, "Look back at the screen." I saw a large satanic altar full of symbols inside the park of Disneyland. 

Jesus said, "No one on Earth knows how to touch the families like Walter Elias Disney. His great success is due to this work of Satan. He has made a pact with Satan and founded the Disneyland Empire to destroy My children."

Suddenly Jesus showed me a devil with a clipboard in his hand and on the clipboard, I saw Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Tom and Jerry and many vivid drawings of princesses, Japanese anime and others. The devil had the job of working on the children to disturb other children and also adults.

Jesus said, "Satan made plans to destroy My children. I warned My people not to take their children to visit Disneyland." 

I saw in a vision that Disneyland is infested with demons. When a child cries, "When are we going to Disneyland?" that child is being possessed by demons.

Then I went up to the land with the Lord and we stayed in the clouds. I saw clouds of demons through the air. I looked at each house and there were different types of demons in them. Jesus allowed me to see the people that were inside their houses. I saw children watching cartoons. I saw demons descending in the shape of more realistic drawings into this house and possessed the children. The same thing also happened when people were watching movies and TV series. The demons of the films possessed those people who watched them. This too happened with novels and programs. Each novel, movie program had a demon specific to them.

I watched the newspaper demons possess a family. They were demons of violence. They were the same ones that caused all the destruction and these same ones were in the newspapers. I witnessed on a large scale where I saw houses of believers manifested demons. They did not have the strength to cast out those demons who were causing fights between fathers and sons, between mothers and daughters, between husbands and wives.

Jesus and I went to a meeting of moviemakers and actors and producers who were controlled by demons. I could hear them talking and saying, "We have to destroy entire families. Let's destroy their communities. Let's stop the unbelievers. Let's produce animated cartoons such that in 10 years we will finish them. Then we will set another goal to destroy other targeted group."

I noticed that before any animated cartoon and film are released to the cinemas, they would be carrying dozens and dozens of posters. I asked, "Lord, what are they doing, carrying those posters?" Jesus answered me, "They are going to consecrate them on the altar of Satan in Hollywood."


Then Jesus and I went to a big house where hundreds of important political men, judges, doctors, lawyers, and wealthy people gathered together. They belonged to the same sect. They had diabolical plans to destroy humanity via important FAO organization men that take care of food and agriculture. They were launching plans to adulterate the plant seeds so that the crops can kill the people. I saw them talking about putting pesticides to cause cancer. I heard them say they will put preservatives on canned products to cause obesity and heart problems. I saw a man from another organization that cares for health by making vaccines with cause mortal illness in people.

I saw politicians talking about the population. They said, "If the population does not have the money to build hospitals and schools and provide employment for all of them, let them be partnered with the organization of health so that we can feed them. We will draw up a plan so that they will come into a New World Order. The only government will come to look after them." I saw their faces transfiguring into demons.

Jesus told me, "Servant, it's time. Visit all the churches and warn My people so that they wake up. Tell them that the spiritual world is not a joking matter. They'll call you crazy but I'll be with you. Get on your feet and tell everything you saw."

Suddenly I woke up and saw my husband, who was worried since I was unconscious from 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon to three o'clock this afternoon. Barry had come home and became worried about seeing my condition. He said he was about to call my parents and then call the ambulance. He said that I was not breathing all night and that I did not move in bed and said that I also looked like a statue and that I was cold. I told him about this experience. He understood and reported in the church. I told everyone to seek sanctification without which no one can see God. I told everyone to be certain in their lives where they stand before God and to escape the devil's traps. Do everything to stay in the peace of the Lord Jesus. I love you all.


  1. Ijo televission in Christians homes what a mess Please God forgive us.....

  2. And earrings,and makeup, band lipsticksvand women's tight pants,and wigs,etc

  3. Brother Chong, is it ok for Christian churches to have their own private media house tele-network and broadcast evangelical sermons and bible teachings?
    If the television is of satan and sin to watch it, what's the difference between it and our modern GSM smart phones and by extension our computers. Is it sin to use all these devises?
    Can't there be selections to filter the good and educative programs like global news, science reports and occasional sports for relaxation.
    I mean there are always good and evil contents mixed together in different areas of life in this world. Must we discard everything as evil?
    I believe Christians with discernment should be able to separate the clean from the unclean, Leviticus 10:10 otherwise it will look as if the devil is wiser than God as he is the inventor of wisdom and knowledge.
    I studied electronic and electrical engineering in university and I know that the knowledge therein is a residue of what God created in the observable universe, Gravity, electromagnetic waves, matter, atoms, mechanics, astronomy and medicine etc. In the course of research discoveries will be made, devices will be invented and theories will be propounded. All good inventions can also be manipulated by satan. Like dynamite. It's good in internal combustion engines to power automobiles at same time it's evil in making bombs to make war and kill people.
    I think it's the evil contents that's in T.v and you-tube that defile watchers. Things that benefit the soul are also there. 1Corinthians 10:23,
    The tares and wheat will always grow together.

    1. This in nothing but the truth... In other words we will be saying Satan is the creater and inventor and we all know he created nothing. all he knows how to do is to twist what God created.

  4. Brother Chong, is it ok for Christian churches to have their own private media house tele-network and broadcast evangelical sermons and bible teachings?

    If one is wondering whether to use tehnology like TV, internet etc that come from the Luciferian kingdom, I am reminded of Luke 16:9 (New Living Translation) Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources [other translations: unrighteous mammon] to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home. Many Christian ministries using TV and Internet have won many unreached peoples for Christ, especially in the Middle East, in the comfort of their homes.

    If the church leadership has been commanded by God to have such facilities, they should do so out of obedience to God. If not, they should refrain from moving in the flesh, for what is born of the flesh is flesh. Many churches and ministries have gone into heavy debts and bankruptcies running such TV ministries and are always appealing for donations to keep them afloat. Their finances probably came under witchcraft attacks for running a life-changing ministry or they were running a dead work that was not authorized or blessed by God.

    That said, I am sure every respective church leadership has their own collective wisdom and they are guided by the Holy Spirit in their decisions. There is a complexity in tele-network that is beyond laypeople like me to fully grasp and understand and I am sure churches have recourse to experts that offer professional advice and counsel.

    As such TV ministries hit the airwaves with the Gospel, and the airwaves are the domain of the principality of the powers of the air, it is necessary that there is a powerful group of intercessors that would do spiritual warfare on three levels: firstly, on the territorial spirits over the target groups, secondly, over the ministry itself, its staff and equipment and thirdly, all family members and loved ones of the staff.

    Demons will always infiltrate the equipments, wirings, music instruments and sound system, so it is necessary to always cast and bind those spirits and anoint with holy oil that will burn out those evil spirits.

  5. If the television is of satan and sin to watch it, what's the difference between it and our modern GSM smart phones and by extension our computers. Is it sin to use all these devices?

    Benjamin Kikamona states, “There is occultism in Android and Apple mobile technology. There is functionality in Android that must be avoided. You can be initiated and connected subconsciously.”

    Satan’s plan is to connect or “internet” the whole world to a server in the marine kingdom, so that each and everyone on the planet can be monitored. But many ex-Satanists’ testimonies reveal that those Christians that are regularly keeping up with their prayer, fasting, Bible reading lives are filled with divine fire and that divine fire destroys those CCTVs, systems, mirrors, satellites that are monitoring them. When witches fly over their homes, they see nothing but rivers or lakes. It is true that smartphones and computers are conduits for demonic infiltration but the believer’s divine fire can easily burn any demon attached to such devices. A believer’s fire can even go out of his house and destroy witches’ traps and snares on the road, roundabouts, junctions and witches’ trajectories and projectiles over his house, how much more over demon-infiltrated devices at home. Knowing this should incentivize us to maintain and ramp up our spiritual life. Anointing the house with anointed oil regularly can flush out the house of demons too.

    Under the New Testament, it is a matter of living under the Lordship of Jesus or living under our own lordship. So we should consult the Lord Jesus or the Holy Spirit about the use of the smartphone and computer rather than deciding for ourselves whether it is a sin to use them.

  6. Nice reply brother Joshua
    My thoughts and understanding exactly.
    What God hates is Secular TV
    Misuse of Technology.
    All Christians need to stop watching secular programs and
    Misusing the internet
    Accessing evil secular things.

    Here we are using
    Making use of the same internet
    We are accessing good testimonies on this website.

    You see?
    Christians should detest any secular thing.

    On Television Station,
    What Jesus hates is seeing those Pastors and ministers
    God's money (tithes and offerings),

    To finance their TV Programs or channels.
    What Jesus says is just a fact anywhere in the world,
    Most TV stations owners are into Occultism and Satanism.

    Most of these stations are owned by non believers and satanists,

    That's why they enjoy promoting beers, alcohol, cigars, prostitution, worldliness etc.
    When the church pay these TV station owners with God's Money,
    Air their Church Programs,

    I believe and understand that,
    If the church has big financial status people,
    Who can manage
    To Open their Own TV Station,
    Using their personal Money,

    And dedicate the TV station to the Church Only
    No Promotion of beers and movies and Worldliness,

    Just church programs

    Using their own personal money
    (And not tithe or offerings)


    Most church minister seek vain glory and fame and money,

    They use Tithes and Offerings to finance the TV Channels,
    But Tithes and Offerings

    Are meant to help the poor and widows and orphans, and used in Evangelism.

    God's money is for God's work.

    These Ministers who want to attract a crowd to their churches,
    Seeking self promotion and fame and money

    Rush to Pay Radio and TV station owners
    To air their Church services.

    And they put a burden on People
    To finance their ego and stupid and senseless decisions.


    The secular satanists TV station owners
    Control these churches on what exactly to preach.

    They tell them NOT to preach against Beers and alcohols, abortion, gayism, worldliness,
    All sin in general.

    If the church doesn't abide by these Rules,

    Their programs are NOT aired on the TV and Radio stations.

    This is why
    If you are to check them

    99% to 100% of them


    Prosperity, blessings, Faith, Breakthroughs


    This is why
    Jesus hates seeing Churches going to these TV and RADIO station owners.

  7. The church can use pagan and government media to evangelize.
    Here in Nigeria in our annual crusades the church rent the open fields, halls, and stadiums owned by govt and pagans at a fee. We pay transport Union to help carry multitude from far provinces. These transporters are owned by pagan drivers who advertise all sorts of filth in their trade. We lodge ministers from abroad in hotels owned by unbelievers of course. We advertise jingles on radio and TV owned by govt and pagans. We print posters, banners, tracts, fliers, booklets and diverse Christian literature using advertising agencies, publishing companies and presses owned by unbelievers. These agencies do a lot of secular, immoral and porno prints in their trademark for profits. We don't own TV and radio, no press, no media, no vehicles of our own and no estate to build our own guest houses. These pagans get it done for us the way we want. We pay from our collections, tithes, offerings and pledges.
    The church can not exist as an island of self-empire. We would still need to engage the rest of the world in contract for services of infrastructure and technology needful for evangelism that is lacking in the church!
    Jesus cannot hate Christians going to radio, TV and by extension the internet. The gospel travels farther and faster in this medium than missionary journeys especially into the dark territories of totalitarian regimes where citizens can only filter TV contents to know about Jesus. In Habakkuk 2:14, God wants every medium opportunity in this world to broadcast the gospel. Yahweh is sovereign. He can use pagans and their enterprise to further the gospel. The Samaritan woman advertised Jesus effectively, John 4:28-30 calling a whole city to Jesus.
    By using unbelievers services in our meetings does not mean we are yoking or sponsoring their sin but buying the content that is necessary but lacking in the church in the way we want, otherwise we would not get anything done by not dealing with them, 1Corinthians 5:9-10. The gospel is in no way compromised by this and neither should we wait to own our own infrastructure before getting things done.

  8. Radio and TV are not sinful. These are products of innovation in electronic and communication technology. Likewise the internet. It is the content therein that we Christians should discern and seperate the good from the bad, Leviticus 10:10; Ezekiel 44:23.
    Every good and perfect gift is from God. Satan did not invent anything. The knowledge of gravity, astronomy, atoms and electronics, electromagnetic waves, thermoynamics, calculus, computers, medicine and pharmaceutics, geophysics, chemicals, hydrodynamics, metallurgy, radio waves, internet, etc have existed in God through Christ long before Satan was created. Science is just the study of the physical laws governing God's creation. It's not from the devil. We don't need an excursion to some
    marine kingdom or a siren revelation of latest tech advancements. That's glorifying Satan in its own way.
    Satan corrupts God's creation to lead man to hell.
    There's always been good and bad content together since creation. God created Eden, yet Satan was there! God created and planted the tree of knowledge of good and evil! It wasn't Satan.
    I have watched many Christian programs on TV that blessed my soul and many pagans have been healed, delivered and converted to Christ through TV Evangelism.
    The Internet is even more devastating in evil and porno content than the radio and TV yet, almost all churches that used to condemn the TV are now on the internet.
    We should ascribe glory to God for every good invention as long as we use it to glorify his name. All media should be saturated with knowledge of God and Jesus the saviour. This is the everlasting gospel of the end times.

  9. This testimony sounds demonic over the fact the girl behind it talks about $u!c1de a lot. I remember first hearing this. The girl behind this testimony sounds mentally ill because of her parents. Also, the whole idea of calling someone stupid or retarted is offensive to people with disabilities.

  10. Sorry. I’m commenting on the wrong one.
