Friday, January 25, 2019



This testimony is the third part of a series of seven.

God says in Exodus 20: 4-5 'Thou shalt not make unto you a graven image, nor any likeness of the things which are in heaven above, which are in the earth beneath, and which are in the waters below. then the earth. You will not prostrate yourself before them and you will not serve them."

Do not we see Catholics embrace the cross? We must not use objects (crucifix, holy water, rosary, etc.) in worship. The being on the cross met at the cemetery was only a devil, the devil being an expert in lying, his servants can only act in the same way. added to the holy doctrine, like the holy water in the year 400, the canonization of the "saints" in 995.

This first contact with the headquarters ended, we returned to the convent, and I went home, where John was far from imagining in what new rut I had mired. Every night I went to headquarters to learn to pray on the tombs. These same prayers are also made by those who strip the graves. Our masters had advised us to come into contact with the dead, to give them some gifts, only after having beaten them. There were, however, tombs that did not reveal their contents and did not answer our prayers. These were the graves of the true children of God. Those who responded to our requests were demons who were waiting for eternal condemnation.

Following my many visits, I could understand some things. In particular the true provenance of holy water and anointing oil used in Catholicism. Anointing oil is nothing but human fat. After deodorizing, add a little olive oil. Our supreme leader was the pope of the cemetery. Nothing could be done before his appearance and his famous blessing. He was no different from the Pope of the Vatican in his clothes and his different gestures. Sometimes I wonder if it was not the same person. At a given period of the year, in the spring, I believe, this Pope blessed a certain quantity of water which was distributed to us. We kept some of this water until the first rains. We then collected the waters of the first rains to mix with the one we had kept, in order to achieve a good mix. This holy water was reserved for special occasions.

I had a different body when I was in the cemetery. This other body had no deformation or malformation whatsoever. But when I left the cemetery, I took back my old body filled with diseases. When I made the remark to my superiors, they made me understand that this was tangible proof of my physical recovery.

"You will soon have this new body in the physical world. Perseverance, so that you can see it accomplished."

I was not short of perseverance. I was so zealous that I received the title of deaconess, and, later, that of a medium, which corresponds to most of the work that I did. One of the people I frequently aided were the owners of large drinking establishments, who often asked us to increase their turnover, and we handed them serving spirits trapped in bottles that we bewitched. We handed these bottles to the clients, taking care to tell them to pour some of this water at the entrance of their drinking establishment, where the customers pass. A second part of the water was to be poured inside, where the customers consume, and the last part was to be poured into the sanitary facilities, especially in the urinals.

The demons locked in the bottles were thus released and assigned to three different tasks, depending on where they had been dropped. Those who had been released into the urinals had the task of "turning" the urine into drinkable drinks. Thus, the owner no longer had to buy the drinks. It was his advantage. The spirits inside the bar were to introduce other spirits into the consumers. Those who had been released outside the door were called "trumpeters." By means of their "trumpets," they attracted or called the drinkers. It must be clear that the devil is not giving anything for nothing. He is paid for any service rendered, as small as it is. All these traders, in return, were to give us 500,000 souls a week. Once this transformed urine was consumed, all kinds of demons could enter the body of the clients. Satan does not really need our physical body. It is our spirit that he wants to seize to neutralize our will. However, he uses his demons to occupy human bodies, because these demons are in great need of our bodies to manifest themselves.

The shameless ones attract the spirits of immorality, and the liars the spirits of falsehood, who come to live in them. As a medium, I had the power to transmit power to others. I could teach newcomers how to make invocations, or simply show them how to go to headquarters. I could receive various mails and send them to different parts of the globe. I knew many secrets to kill people, something I never did. I was even able to send spirits to bewitch a whole neighborhood. Despite my ability to accomplish all these feats, once I was out of the graveyard, I was always sick and physically deformed.


After these long frequentations of the occult world, my body showed serious signs of weakness. Without realizing it, the time that doctors had predicted for me to die was long past. But I thought it was only part of the delivery. One night John, who had advised me to go to the priests, followed me without my knowledge to the convent. He calmed himself when he saw me cross the gate of the convent and turned back. Anyway, if he had waited, he would not have seen us. To go from the convent to the headquarters, we were already invisible. But this calm was short-lived, and he began to ask me specific questions about my nocturnal associates and the state of my health. I feigned indignation, and he retracted his remarks and made some apologies. I decided to stop my visits to the cemetery after talking to my superiors. I put an end to my attendance at the cemetery and took leave most simply of the world of the secret magic of the Catholic Church. I returned to the priest everything he had given me.

"If anyone turns to those who evoke spirits and diviners, to prostitute themselves after them, I will turn My face against this man, and will cut him off from among My people." Leviticus 20: 6.


One of the purposes of my testimony is to make everyone aware that God is the only one responsible for the lives of men on earth. After giving up the secret magic of the Catholic Church, my health deteriorated further. Besides the demons who manifested their presence through my body, the wandering spirits of the cemetery took advantage of my withdrawal to take up residence in me. This added an infernal dimension to my troubles. I could hear their moans, their chattering and their endless complaints. I had no more respite, neither day nor night. I suffered so much that I lost the notion of time. When night came, I longed for the day to appear. The freshness and calm of the night, far from invigorating me, amplified the noises I heard, thus preventing any sleep. When the day came, I wanted to come to the night, to avoid the annoyances and incessant troubles that filled my days.

Glory and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we have peace and quiet, even in difficult times! He who redeemed us with His precious blood that He shed on Mount Golgotha. This blood covers us and protects us from the atrocities of the evil one. But at that time I had no knowledge of Jesus Christ or of the redemptive work done on the cross for my salvation. Nobody had ever told me about Him. Wherever I went, everyone defended his religion and the doctrines attached to it. Is that your case, dear brother? Instead of presenting Christ, do you present your church? Do you present your pastor's charism or religion to someone who needs Christ?


Even before our family visit to my village, my paternal and maternal uncles, who held a privileged position within the Rosicrucian, had me enlisted as a "dove," still very young. Subsequently, at the convent, I noticed that the priest was practicing like me at the Rose-Croix. I was still at a rudimentary stage. After my abandonment of Catholic secret magic, a cousin who lived in Europe, passing through Lubumbashi, came to visit me. He had been told about the maladies of my health, and the ups and downs I had endured for a hopeful recovery. My cousin stayed quietly at my bedside, saying nothing for a moment. Then tears flowed from his eyes, and he said to me, "Of course, I have been told about you and your health, which was not wholesome at all. But from there to find you in such a state, no, Francoise, I cannot believe it."

This time, his tears flowed even more. This cousin was still young when he left us to go to Europe. He had kept me in his memory of the image of a beautiful girl. Before the human wreck I had become, he did not have the strength to restrain himself. He said to me, "Since evil spirits have thus made fun of your health and your body, it would be better to use the energy that is in you to resist all these attacks. For that, it is of your interest that you keep adherence to our philosophical movement. There is an active force in every human being. This force remains inactive as long as the person who shelters it does not activate it, by simple ignorance. The Rose-Cross has a double task: To reveal this force to its owner, and activate it, with the agreement of its owner."


I cannot tell you all the steps taken in the Rosicrucian, for fear of wasting your time, but I will say that I went through the neophyte stadium, by the Temple, and I walked The Lodge. A seasoned Rosicrucian will easily understand what I mean. I knew prayers that could burn a tree or a human being to charcoal. One day, I experienced it on a chimpanzee domesticated by a couple of Westerners without their knowledge. The loss of this animal caused them grief that I still regret today. There are some people who experience difficult situations when they are in the company of Rosicrucians because they take them for guinea pigs to test their powers. I had reached a level where I could hear the voices of plants and animals. Although enjoying these extra-sensory faculties, I was not free at all, for example, I had to be careful not to crush ants while walking. I could not trample the lawn, lest she scolds me. I could use my astral body and get out of my physical body. I often used this way to get to some places. Duplication requires great concentration and many other horrible things. As the spirit travels, it is replaced in the body by a demon.

Unfortunately, on his return, the spirit of the person can escape, causing madness. Hence the growing number of lunatics among practitioners of these occult sciences. Upon joining, the new adept is forced to send his picture to the mother house. This photo allows him to be identified by his new partners. In return, the adept is given a pyramid. This pyramid can only be seen by those who have reached the level of the Temple and the Lodge, others use signs or small stickers. There are insignia specific to the Rosicrucian, rings, chains, etc. Adepts know that they are in the presence of a "sister" or a "brother." The Rosicrucian boasts of having given to mankind popes, scholars, pastors and priests. It is actually a religion.

Rosicrucians are religious. Since the Bible states that man was created in the image of God, the Rosicrucians have distorted this truth for the benefit of their science.

Here is what a Rosicrucian monograph declares: "The man, drawn from the image of God, has fallen at a certain moment." (This is a way of not saying clearly that man has sinned)."

"This fall has made God place man on a plane of inferiority." (The Bible says that sin has removed the man from his Creator)

"However, man can develop himself to return to his original state." Jesus said, "No one can come to the Father except through Me."

The trivialization of sin is commonplace in the Rosicrucian. Drunkenness is only a way of distracting oneself, while fornication is only a small imperfection that God has allowed to satisfy someone else's need. Worse still, one goes so far as to deny the very foundation of Christianity, namely the death and resurrection of Jesus. For the Rosicrucians, Jesus could not be resurrected, since He was not dead. According to them, Christ could not die. Being the great master of magic, he could not know death. For them, this "Christ" is the only one to have reached perfection while according to the Bible, Christ is perfection itself. Christ could not die.


For every Rosicrucian, death is only a term reserved for ignorant people. Death would only be the beginning of a new development cycle. To explain their inability to help me, they told me, "Your last incarnation dates back to Hitler's time. During this incarnation you killed so many people that now you have to pay dearly for your crimes. To pay for the crimes you committed in your previous life, you will only be perfect in a future incarnation. But you can accelerate this process by doing some studies."

The studies in question consisted in invoking in an occult way the spirits of dead people: Invisible masters and imperators. The mirrors, the black masks, and the golden clothes served us during the great ceremonies that took place in great satanic temples.

All these past steps make you understand that I was no longer a novice. However, I have moved away from the Rosicrucian, despite my different paranormal powers, for several reasons. The first reason is the one you already know: My health had not recovered and I was still sick. The second reason came from the observation I made: Only the rich could access the higher knowledge in the Rosicrucian. Which implies that my wallet has suffered a lot! The last reason for my departure from the Rosicrucian is: I once received a letter from my chiefs demanding that I choose how I wanted to die." If one day you died, what kind of death would you choose? Death by drowning, death by asphyxiation, death by suffocation, death by exhaustion or illness, death by hanging, death as a result of a fight, death as a result of an accident, death while sleeping, etc." This letter aroused in me a feeling of revolt and disgust.

I lost interest in the Rose-Croix. "How dare they ask me such questions, when they know the deep reasons for my adherence to their sect? Will I heal after my death, and do they believe that I will swallow their story of reincarnation for a new cycle? Why all these questions? Do they want to eliminate me physically?"

Since I did not want to die, there was no way I would answer their letter. I wanted to live. I wanted to live to help myself, to live happily! My cousin was no longer there to keep him informed of the turn of events. I had the good habit of no longer attending the meetings and no longer reading the monographs. So I resolved to leave the Rose-Croix, despite the fact that the number of voices I heard had increased, and despite all the consequences that could ensue. I surrendered to my fate, the fate of someone without Christ.


A friend of my older brother informed me of the wonders that were happening in a recent Oriental sect in our country. It was the Mahi-Kari. Very few people knew about it, let alone adhered to it. Although not a religion in itself, the Mahi-Kari taught a doctrine very different from those I had known so far. Always looking for a hypothetical cure, I had no alternative but to embark on this new path, despite my various disappointments recorded in the past. I had to pay my membership with currency, as well as the purchase of the "omitama", a strange god with bizarre faculties. Why weird? First of all, because you had to buy it, then because you had to transport it, protect him, and, if necessary, hide him. This god was presented to me in the form of a hollow medallion with a piece of paper representing the effigy of a person. The deadline for my death had already expired, but I still had that sword hanging over my head. I believed in everything I was asked to believe in order to reach my goal, which was only physical healing.

My fervor was so manifest that in a short time I gained the confidence of the masters. Which earned me the title of "light donor". What light could I transmit to others, except a black light full of demons? This sect also taught reincarnation, which attracted a growing number of followers. People came here en masse because they were told that they had only a few opportunities, at most, to return to the earth before being in harmony with their god. These different reincarnations were to free them from their various imperfections. Thus filled with the hope of being reborn soon perfect, the adepts saw themselves all permitted in this life. Christianity gives the children of God the power to dominate creation. In contrast, in the Mahi-Kari, the man must do everything, by his own efforts and his own means, to dominate nature and his fellow men. But I was quickly tired. My body was showing more and more weakness and fatigue. When I asked why I was always sick, I was told it was a question of behavior.

"These spirits come from the fifth heaven. As soon as they have finished doing what they have to do in you, they will leave you free."

Two-thirds of the teachings we received were about ways to obtain material goods."How to become rich? How to double your capital?" Were common in their meetings, and I did not believe in their god, even a small child could have detected the trickery, who was the god who, instead of rescuing us, to heal ourselves and protect us, to let ourselves be transported or concealed by us, when it was up to us to receive his protection and support, I just had to make of this god for the rich, how could a poor person have been to pay the necessary currencies to buy the omitama? Yes, even a small child could have detected the subterfuge. It was better for me to resign myself to my fate and wait calmly for death than to hurt my soul unnecessarily.

However, the idea of dying so young made me very sad. I had a husband and four children whom I cherished. I was ready to sacrifice everything for them. Why was the disease so hard on me when the world was full of suicide candidates? I prayed to God. I had often thought of Him only as a last resort when my intelligence had exhausted all other solutions. My faith began when I realized my ignorance. Satan had so degraded me that my legs and feet had swollen so much that I could not put on any shoes. To put on my shoes, I had to use cartons held with strings. A demon had lodged behind my back and forced me to remain permanently in an inclined position, even in the difficult times.

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