Friday, January 25, 2019



This testimony is the 5th part of a series of seven.

I made this request to have a moment of respite because I had enough!

"You have all your time, think, and you will see that you risk spoiling your chances for trivialities because after all, your father will eventually die one day, with or without your help."

My interlocutor led me into a sort of corridor that led to a room. Given the furniture, I tell myself that it must be a classroom. Someone was standing on the board. I was entrusted to him, he approached me, very sure of himself. He was acting like a teacher in front of a new student. Without protocol or preamble, he said to me, "If you want to rise within our hierarchy, it is my duty to reveal to you even the elements of society, and the basic extension of the workings of our powers."

After he instructed me on all these things, he gave me a kind of lens which I had to place on my eyes. He showed me on a screen in front of me people wearing badges or figurines, on the face or on the chest. Among these insignias, there was, for example, the pentacle, five-pointed star used by occultists in their incantations. Each drawing represented a certain kind of spirits. They were differentiated by their colors, which covered the whole spectrum.

My instructor showed me on the screen a man wearing a black crown on his chest. He told me he was a wizard, "The color tells us that it is still in its infancy, we do not record all colors, especially white, red and yellow. their derivatives You see this man who has a bluish ring on his mouth. He is a thief, doubled by a liar, whose color is dark blue. A witch doctor is identified by an inverted isosceles triangle (of a triangle having two sides of equal length}, pink circle around the chest."

Drunkenness, whatever the product that provoked it, beer, alcohol, hemp or drugs, was characterized by the same color. As the images scrolled on the screen, I noticed that my interlocutor let some of them pass without giving any explanation. The peculiarity of these people was that they were all without drawing or geometric figure of varied color. Later, I realized that those people surrounded by the fire were regenerated Christians. The devil could not do anything against them directly.

When the class was over, my instructor put me in charge of the one who had brought me to his house. When he saw me, he insisted that I sacrifice my father. My instructor gave me good care of the one who had brought me to his house.

I expressed my disagreement by remaining in a marble silence! This annoyed my interlocutor. He got angry and ordered me to be persuaded to accept. Two other people took me to a place very different from the previous ones. They said to me, "The great prince feels for you great esteem, he does not want to force you to agree to serve him, because of the qualities that are in you, he wants you to agree to serve him on your own. proof of intelligence, and take advantage of the opportunity that is now offered to you. Do not forget that even if you persist in refusing, it is impossible for you to faint with us now that you have become acquainted with the basic elements of our organization, you are here!"

"May my Father die of his natural death, for I will not kill him. As for me and what could happen to me, I do not care about it! "

"If we wanted to kill you, we would have done it. You would have died the day the two spirits who served you had enough and claimed their freedom. You would be dead too the day you decided to leave the cemeteries! The great prince believes that you will be useful to him alive than dead."

The man turned to show me two white men. He asked me if I knew them. As I did not answer, he told me that they had served me since the age of eight.

"They have followed you wherever you went, now there are fifty-two like them who are at your service, here comes the time when you can see and admire them! You heard that their voices!"

I saw then the fifty-two characters. Each one comes up by answering "Present!" to the call that was made before me.

"If you give your consent, you will be a princess, and thousands will serve you!"

Accompanied by all my followers, I was taken back to my first contact. As if he had attended our conversation, he said to me, "You're lucky to be still alive after such an affront! I do not see what the great prince finds special in you! You will return to your home. However, we will make sure that you respect our requirements."

Without saying a word, he took me back to where I had gone home, to the spiritual underwater world. I was stopped and I was handed an object of rounded, transparent shape, which measured about 16 centimeters in diameter.

I asked what it was and what it was for, but I was told to ask these questions of the person who had brought me there. I took the object, hoping that it represented the solution to my problem and that this could be a way to recover health. Underwater, my body did not hurt, but all the deformities caused by the disease were still visible. Nothing had been done yet for my healing. In "the machine" that went back to me, I felt the same sensations as during my descent, but in reverse order. Once on the surface, my hands grabbed the edge of the canoe, allowing me to emerge from the water. I breathed a breath of fresh air, which gave me intense well-being. I came back to reality, in the open air! The magician was standing in the dugout. He helped me settle on board. Turning my gaze from left to right, I concluded that my absence had lasted only a few minutes. Apart from a person sitting on the bank, nothing had changed. As the canoe approached the bank, I realized that the person on the bank was none other than my husband, John! It was the last I expected to find here! But, instead of frustrating me, my husband's presence revived me.

I struggled to keep calm! Loneliness and the latest events had given me the need to be in the presence of a dear person. All merry, I ran to throw myself in his arms. Leaning on his shoulder, I lost heart and started crying. John remained marble without a word. He turned to the wizard and said, "Is this a ghost or my wife?"

"It's your wife, there must be some secrets between you, no, it's the moment or never to know!"

"It's not worth it, my wife cannot live under water! Who can live underwater?"

Understanding the issue, I think it was high time that I intervene.

"It's me, John, remember, the day we met."

On the way home, John explained to me that the wizard had come to him the day before, telling him I needed him. He continued, "I could not doubt his words, because you did not tell me about your destination. or was he afraid after my dive to tell my husband?

I followed him without hesitation, fearing that something happened to you. Since I sat in the place where you found me, I only looked at the place where he showed me that you had fallen."

"I'll explain everything in detail."

I realized that I had been underwater for three days and two nights. Was it possible, was it the magician who had gone to find my husband, only the master could answer all these questions? I asked him what the ball-shaped object could be used for. Seeing the ball, without answering me, the master prostrated himself three times, regardless of the presence of my husband.

"Thanks to this magic ball, you now occupy a rank seven times higher than mine. From now on, all your desires will be orders. I cannot teach you anything anymore."

At these words, I felt empty. All hope of healing crumbled like a house of cards. Irritated, I threw the ball on the ground. It broke into a thousand pieces. The master was stunned.

"Why, madam, did you do that?"

Frightened of the consequences that I could suffer for having destroyed the magic ball, the master fled. I have not seen him since that day. Leaning on my husband's shoulder, I began to cry over my fate. My husband did not ask me any questions. He sincerely sympathized with my grief. Tired and loaded, we made our way home. All hope of healing crumbled like a house of cards.


Once home, the door of the living room opened on its own, to our astonishment. As soon as we entered, a voice greeted us in our own house and asked us to enter the bedroom. Followed by my husband, we entered, to discover a magic ball identical to the one I had just broken. A voice came out of the magic ball and ordered us to sit down. We were executing ourselves already when the same voice ordered me to remain alone, that is to say, that my husband came out. I opposed this order, but John went out of himself. A sheet of paper came out of the ground. There was written something that I was asked to read. At first glance, I noticed that it was a list of fifty-two names. Whenever I quote a name from the list, a voice answered "Present!" in the manner of schoolchildren. In an authoritarian tone, the voice continued and said to me, "Since you broke the first ball, it is unbreakable! Our old clauses are still in force. To help you to make a quick agreement with us, the ball will provide you with money, jewels, and victuals, like white and black hens, you will eat these chickens when the hunger is felt in the home, or you can get money, and make the market yourself, which will return to the same.

Despite this, I refused to obtain food or money in this way. My family was "well off," yet they started to avoid me. The devil made sure that there was no compassion in those who knew us. If a rich parent visited us, he could feel sorry for himself or even cry, but his heart was cold, and he did not help us materially. For some time now, my husband's debts had seriously increased. It was suffering, famine and misery in the home. I was reduced to begging for some food. My life was nothing but a nightmare. Fasts and privations had weakened me even more. John, who had long been silent, began to show signs of discontent and concern. One day he wanted me to explain where the money came from in our room and we could not use it. He could not understand why we were starving when we had food in the house. I always told him that he had to wait for the right moment for me to explain the situation.

But that day, I resolved to tell him the truth. I told him that when I was underwater, the demons had demanded my father's death in exchange for my healing. I had to agree to have a meal with them so that my father would die. I told him that I had refused in the hope that they would attack only me, and that they would leave mine alone. But they did not want my life. To force me to make a deal with them, they had deprived us of everything, in the hope of forcing us to use their products.

"I beg you, John if you really want us to use this money and this food, agree to sign yourself a pact where you would sacrifice the members of your own family."

"What is the relationship between this money and my family members? What are they doing in all this? "

"You must understand that this money did not come alone. They are spirits who brought it to us. So, you know everything. Accept to sign, but knowing that it is your father who will die first."

For all answer, John remained speechless for a relatively long time, before concluding, "I understand."


While I was in contact with the demons, my husband could hear their voices, but not see them. One afternoon, we came back from a visit, looking for some supplies for the house. I stood on the side of the road to breathe a little because I was completely exhausted. A car stopped about ten meters from where we were. The driver, a European, dressed in dark blue trousers and a light blue shirt with short sleeves, wearing black glasses, and a cigarette in his mouth, made me a sign to approach. In his way of calling me, I identified him as one of the spirits who followed me. Although I recognized him, I pretended not to have seen or heard anything. He, however, as if he wanted to be noticed, continued honking while gesturing. Exasperated by jealousy, I think, my husband said, "You're not going to let it honk forever, do you ever have the courage to tell your lovers that you're married, so no longer call you in my presence?"

Taken by a feeling of anger, then of great pity towards my husband, I smiled weakly, in spite of the presence of the white man.

"You men ... Do you think, John, that this man could be my lover? Do you think that kind of guy could miss beautiful women to accept me as a mistress, in my present state?"

"Still, he's here, and he's waiting for you!"

"He is not my lover for the simple reason that he is not of this world, this guy is not a human being!"

"How, it's not a human being ...? Are not the Europeans men?"

"If you do not believe what I say, approach him and you will be fixed."

For once, John behaved like a man. Recklessly, he walked towards the vehicle. At his approach, when he was about two meters away, the driver started off. After traveling less than five meters, the car disappeared, to the astonishment of my husband. He stood there, not knowing where to turn. I read on the face of my husband a total discouragement, infinite despair, he stammered: Thus, the voices we hear come from these whites ..."


Although sharing the same bed, it was a long time since we had sex, my husband and I. One night John wanted to claim his right on my body. It was then that shots came from everywhere, shots that were administered to him by unseen adversaries. He was ordered not to set foot in the bedroom for fear of severe punishment. Despite these injunctions, John preferred to brave death, rather than abandon me. But every time he tried to walk through the bedroom door, he was violently assaulted. They gave him bad punches. I felt sorry for my husband, but I could not do anything to help him. On the other hand, he did not admit defeat. Driven by the love of her Françoise, he did what seemed good to him, in order to help me. Without telling me of his plan, he went to the Catholic priests and invited them to come and exorcize the house. Indeed, it was no secret that there were noises in the house, even in the absence of occupants. The voices of several people were sometimes audible even by the neighbors.

Two days later, a priest presented himself with two acolytes equipped with the instruments necessary for the exercise of their mission, that is to exorcize the house and its occupants. The celebration of the Eucharist was to take place last, as a sign of thanksgiving in my favor. In addition to the priest and the two servants, my husband and our four children and I attended the ceremony. Mass began at ten forty. Everything went for the better until we noticed confusion among the priest. He still had his arms raised, holding in his hands the chalice containing the wine turned into "blood of Christ," when a wind came from who knows where it began to blow violently sweeping everything in its path. The power of this wind tore the chalice from the hands of the priest and dropped all the objects that were on the improvised altar. We were all forced to squat, so as not to be beaten by invisible beings. Despite our position of humility, the situation became more and more untenable. We found a little respite only in the flight, the priest in the lead, with his acolytes, followed by the children and their father. Everyone found his salvation only in calamity worthy of the apocalyptic times.

The priest found himself outside with his clothes torn apart. As for me, I sat in the same place. While the hurricane was in full swing, someone whispered in my ear, "Stay calm, you're not concerned!"

After the priest's escape, someone came to me and said, "You're lucky that we did not inform you of the consequences of these people coming in. Know that the day they come back home, we will inflict on you a punishment that you will not risk forgetting all your life!"

I told my husband the warning of the demons. We did not expect priests to be able to come to our home yet, given the evil treatment they had suffered from demons during their previous visits. My husband and I thought it was useless to ask them not to come back. However, the priest who had been hunted did not admit to being defeated. Far from giving up, he went to find a colleague more experienced than him. He did not want to tarnish the image of his congregation. About a week later, much to our astonishment, we saw an older priest come up. He tells us that he came to exorcize the house. We could not stop it for several reasons.

No one here had asked him to come. Given the advanced age of this priest, we thought that he needed to have more experience. Finally, we still had a slight hope. It was about the same scenario as the previous time. At the consecration, just as the priest pronounced these words, "Do this in memory ..." there was a loud noise. It was the sound of a master slap on the priest's right cheek. The latter staggered and staggered, but crashed. He managed to keep his balance and not to fall. It looked like a column that was shaking, ready to fall. He began to speak in an incomprehensible language. As a response to what I thought was a prayer, a wind more violent than the previous time began to blow and carried away everything. The old priest fled without further trial. These two consecutive failures made me think that these priests, or at least the members of this congregation, were incapable of driving out evil spirits. They were clearly not entitled to grant themselves this prerogative of exorcism.

With a few nuances, these failures resemble what is written in the book of Acts of the Apostles, chapter 19, verses 13-17. 13 Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. 14 And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. 15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? 16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 17 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.


We remained helpless, frustrated and resigned to our fate, waiting for the punishment promised by the demons, the punishment that was to befall us. I was tired of waiting for a utopian cure that never came. I thought the best solution was still death. I wanted to die alone so that my husband and my children would be spared. But we could only assume the nature of the punishment since the demons had not yet contacted us.

A voice from someone standing near me said to me as if he did not want to let us languish too much, "A wise man is worth several ... Tomorrow, at noon, you will be aware of the penalty .."

I told my husband again about the threat of demons. He lost his composure and began to cry. To console him, I told him not to worry too much about his fate. They wanted me, not my family. I reminded him that they could not do anything against my father because I had not yielded to their blackmail. These words gave courage to my husband, who said nothing more. The next day, after lunch, John wanted to take our youngest son to the hairdresser.

He went to the children's room, where he thought he would find them playing after lunch, but he found no one. He went to the kitchen, where they had taken their meal. Before pushing the door, he had a presentiment that a great misfortune had just fallen on his life. The first thing that struck him was the silence of the place. Everything was perfectly calm! Pushing the door, he discovered a macabre scene: Five bodies were lying pell-mell on the ground, the five corpses of our children and our servant. Each body lay beside his plate. The meal was half-opened ... No doubt was possible. He did not even need to do an autopsy. Everything indicated death by poisoning. But who could have poisoned the children's food, since even the servant was dead? When was the poison deposited, since these same foods were also served to us? Then the words uttered the day before by the devil came back to my mind, and I lost consciousness. It was noon when I learned of the death of my children.

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