Wednesday, February 13, 2019



Dear fellow readers, here is the story of childhood, adolescence and the adult life of a man who has known the dark depths of Satanism. He testifies to the omnipotence of Jesus to deliver those who are captive to the enemy. He answered our questions honestly, it was his own words that were transcribed. Converted for 9 years, he warns about the dangers of sin, especially that of occultism, and calls Christians to wake up, to come out of their carelessness and ignorance to truly sanctify themselves.

Can you tell us about your childhood and your family?

I am currently 38 years old. I have two brothers and two sisters. I come from a family that practices Satanism. My name was "Legion of legions" and I do not say that with pride. It is a great shame to have been a hotel for evil demons and to have finally been a puppet.

As far as I can remember, the family atmosphere was made of sadness, malice, and trauma. It is nevertheless wrong to believe that a Satanist, a wizard, etc., are just victims. Although deceived by Satan, they made choices, made "vows" and offered human sacrifices and so on. They are victims AND criminals. The Satanist offers his children to Satan. I am therefore born possessed and bound by particular spirits related to my function in the world of darkness. Perhaps the worst was the education we received. We were all perverts filled with all kinds of unspeakable evil. On the Satanic side, we had particular minds that were unique to us, we had masters who guided us.

I watched for attacks from outside. We were fully delivered to Satan, werewolves. I was not the most powerful, but I could manage using cunning. It was my specialty. Growing up, my parents, the masters (demons) or other people abused me in different ways until I reached total despair. I was not safe anywhere, no one was protecting me, quite the opposite. My parents offered me to be mistreated. It was always extremely violent and very long lasting. For example, unlike the physical world, in the spiritual world, one can snatch someone's heart or break their teeth. You do not even have to wait until the baby is born to do it. Once deprived of hope and traumatized, I closed my heart completely and definitely. That is, I died in myself. I lived only through the lives of others. My first sacrifice was to sacrifice myself or rather to sacrifice someone who resembled me. It symbolized my death. I was then ready to do anything that was asked of me and without any mercy!

Can you tell us what is the daily life of a Satanist family like?

We were several at home, we had specific positions. There was a precise hierarchy. Inside the family, we were continually fighting for power and domination. We had to be wary of everyone and watch out for the slightest gesture of each other so as not to be surprised. Seen from the outside, we looked like a "good" family a little in the style of large Catholic families. My father was a worker and my mother raised us. To sum up, it's double-sided. We were supposed to be "normal" but we were on the other side completely devoted to Satan. So, I went to school, I did some activities near the house, but always under the supervision of the demons. They did not hesitate to punish me if I disobeyed whereas they themselves made mistakes.

I only breathe easily when I was in class, surrounded by other students. I relaxed a little, but the demons sometimes took possession of my teacher and brought me to reality by various abuses, but nothing happened in front of the students.

The first rule was to be discreet. At a signal given by my mother, we all came out of our bodies to meet. We had a particular language that at first glance seems good but that is always two-way. It is the trademark of all the occult who will speak to you for example of "love" or "beings of light".

We, therefore, displayed a normal way of life. The goal was to make followers, to influence without being spotted, which is very easy because blindness is very strong even among Christians. Let us know that only the Holy Spirit can reveal to you who is a wizard or a high Satanist. Spirit-filled Christians can infiltrate our meetings and they are the ones who are the most dynamic. They are not fought, it helps. They have great revelations and great gifts that are spiritual.

But it was enough to dig a little to see a different reality. My mother, who was more powerful than me (otherwise we would have killed her), had the opportunity to read our thoughts. Imagine what it can do in everyday life. We were punished for our actions but also for our thoughts. This creates an atmosphere of madness. Over time, as we grew up, we learned to block any intrusion into our thoughts.

I am so sad to see so many Christians so oblivious to the price and danger of sin. I'm sorry for their bogus theories about the dark world that they obtained from wizards or demons themselves. The Bible is however very clear on this subject and all-sufficient for the Christian. I heard lately that the "Illuminati" does not exist !!! Blind !!! What is also sad is that we have such a powerful God that we become careless despite the alarms of the Holy Spirit and when we find ourselves in a critical situation, we accuse God.

Do you know how long your family was practicing Satanism?

I'm not sure how many generations, but I would say nine. I saw it through a special experience. The good news is that Jesus came to destroy the works of darkness and made the Christian a completely new creature. Also, there came out two types of people from our family, Satanists or pastors. Strange as it may seem, there have also been men of God.

I would say it's God's humor. I love this God who comes to seek the darkest creatures with no future to make them His servants, transforming them into men and women who enjoy the holiness of God. I love God because He has a way of doing things to those who are called to serve Him. Like for example, He placed Moses in a family of darkness for his education. When the people were delivered, our God first humbled the wizards. His method: He puts Himself first at their level but still wins them (snake, the appearance of blood, etc.). Then God raises the ante a little and they are overwhelmed and confused. He then deals with the main demons of Egypt: frogs, night and darkness (Ra, Isis, and Osiris, etc.) then God rises again to end with Satan (Pharaoh). Finally, He publicly humiliates all this little world without even getting up from His throne. Oh yes, God is God. If God had risen completely that day, it would have been the end of everything, of the universe and the different heavens. God had to contain His power, His greatness, and His glory to teach us. And He does it for every life that give themselves to Him.

What do Satanic cults look like?

We left Satanism at the price of an erased memory. It is difficult for me to be precise and to give a timetable. But Satan likes to make fun of God or to make blasphemous acts to men. We made holy scenes with human flesh, we also had meetings every week. There were special days at pagan or Christian festivals because behind the Christian holidays there are many abominations. Bigger meetings were taking place with Satan himself. We also had our own daily work.

How are children involved in these cults?

Those who are not sacrificed are offered before birth to Satan and prepared for their mission. Once born, they are prepared to be insensitive to everything, and with so much hatred that they are capable of all sorts of abominations. We also had very powerful family demons. One of them was supposed to stop the bullets but I never tried.

Occultism is omnipresent in our societies through clairvoyance and astrology, for example. What connection do these practices have with pure Satanism?

Everything is connected in fact. This is how I see things.

There are levels of occultism with their own demons, more and more big and powerful. Everyone is blinded by Satan even if those who are above the pyramid are more aware than those who are at the base. At the bottom, some are even convinced that they serve God.

We can do many different levels but to sum up, there are 3 main ones:

White magic: we use specific prayers to heal, to provoke things. This is called white magic because it is used to do good (that's what they believe). No big sacrifices because it must always seem to be religious. Catholics and some pastors love it. It manifests itself in manifestations that seem to come from God, stigmata, various signs or pastors who offer their sheep to have a full assembly.

Black magic: small sacrifices with big human sacrifices. They know they hurt, they kill people voluntarily.

Satanists: Devote worship to Satan, offer a quota of human flesh, their children, their life, they fast and pray etc... I find that the demons on this level are different from the demons of witchcraft. These first are larger or the same but more "black" and more unclean.

All occult sciences bind you to demons and make you a slave. Whether it is the meeting with the inner masters or false external divinities or magnetism, most therapies, astral travel, the goal is the same. You bind to demons so that they are able to access your lives and kill yourself and your family. Perhaps also to use you as a human bomb to attract as many people as possible to hell.

In this world, all acts, even those that seem trivial, have spiritual consequences. Occultism seems beautiful as the fruit offered to Eve by Satan, but it leads to death. It's really significant of how Satan deceives men. He gives them access to the spiritual world and therefore to knowledge. But the reality is much more miserable. At best, you will have access to the second world, but what is glorious, you will not have access to it. You are given a demon that allows you to do certain things but it is your mission to bring in as many demons as possible to destroy you or to use you to destroy other lives. In comparison, Jesus gave us His life so that we may have eternal life. He just asks us to wait a little here down until His return.

Let's go back to you. What kind of child, teenager were you?

I was very disturbed. It could really be seen because I was "apart"; it is called the "demonic sanctification." I did not sin openly, I looked like someone religious, raised in a family with religious values. Subsequently, we fled Satanism. I then really launched myself into the world. In a few years, I found myself in delinquency, in sexual depravity (except Satanism) and in drugs. First, hashish, then XTC, speed, coke (a little) and heroin.

I was under the constant influence of one or another of the demons. So just before Jesus came to pick me up again (because He called me many times in my wanderings since my childhood), I was completely emotionally, physically and spiritually affected. I did not have a personal personality or very little because the demons took up too much space in my soul. I realized that Satan could not do anything for me because he is a liar, the world could not bring me anything either. So I was empty and hopeless.

I realized at a certain age that other people were still alive and not just dolls that we use as we please. I remember it because I saw a child crying because I was hurting him and I thought, "Hey, that's crying??? Weird!" But it marked me.

Have you ever wanted to break with the lifestyle you had?

Yes, but it is impossible without Jesus. We must still know Him and someone has to announce the Gospel to us! I had a sad life, filled with malice and devoid of simple pleasures of the life that God offers us; Satan defiles everything!

Towards the end of the "Satanism" period, my parents decided to flee Satanism because at home everything had gone into a spin: the power struggles had become incessant. We were trying to kill each other between brothers and sisters. My twin brother and I, who had made a pact of "not pouring blood," had attempted a coup to kill our mother. Fortunately, it was a failure.

The price for leaving Satanism is the erasure of memory as well as different things. It's a trap. The reality is that we never leave Satanism, we are unconscious but we always practice it, we cannot leave it until Jesus comes to redeem us. We all had a double personality, one more or less normal and the other completely demonic. We did not really control the passages from one personality to another; it was automatic. We realized the damage because snatches of memory passed from one personality to another.

My parents have sought to escape all this through various occult movements and different occult sciences: from the Rosicrucianism to CIRCES to Catholicism and even Jehovah's Witnesses. I myself was in the Rosicrucianism as a torch gate. It is a very diabolical sect that claims to have its origins in the Egyptians. One learns in particular by different initiations the astral journey (to leave one's body).

They study a lot of esotericism and ancient Egypt. And just like some pastors, they go swimming in the Jordan.

The son of one of the great masters having overthrown his father to take his place, the father and his most faithful "lieutenants" left and founded the CIRCES. The most influential slice of the Rosicrucianism is Martinism. And what about Catholicism and other religions where we mix occult and Bible? In my opinion, these are the worst because we use the name of Jesus. Or rather one defiles His name by practices unworthy of Him.

What kind of adult did you become?

I did not look like anything anymore, I was totally desperate, having tasted everything and not being satisfied with anything. Nothing remains of this kind of man except Jesus. I dreamed only of simple things but one can truly and fully find them only in Jesus: love, peace, joy, happiness! Happiness is only in Jesus. I lived through others because I did not have access to my own heart. I fed on others and their emotions. I was infinitely and deeply sad.

Some people think that God and Satan are a myth, that they are human inventions. What can you say about this?

These are really not myths, but it is the Holy Spirit who will convince them. I invite you to ask Jesus to come into your life, to manifest to you. God is very very powerful and He knows how to speak to you, He has woven us in the belly of our mothers. But beware, one day it will be too late.

What point of view did you have on one and the other?

Before I did not really know that God existed and I mistakenly believed that Satan was the most powerful creature. Now I am jubilant when I think that Satan is obliged to bend his knees every time the name of Jesus is pronounced. I was really wrong. You know, that's why Satan does not sleep, otherwise, he would not stop having nightmares. The smallest of the newly converted Christians bend his knees to the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ! Satan is a creature and Jesus is the Creator so powerful that He commands from His mouth to bring something to existence like the earth or the sun.

Indeed, wars have been lost, people have been ruined but Satan has lost everything!

Who failed as Satan??? Who was robbed and humiliated as Satan??

Jesus came to destroy all the deeds of the devil whose ordinances condemned us. Satan lost his power over all those who accepted Jesus, he was publicly humiliated, given a show in front of all his demons, all angels and men. Only men do not understand anything. All other creatures understood because they were there. God, He is Almighty, He is a good man and is a kind Father. He is just and acts with us. What consolation!

Under what circumstances did you end up turning to God?

In fact, it's not really me who took the first step. It is God who really came to take care of our family. It takes a good deal of faith to change sides like that. You have to be sure to go from the weakest to the strongest! You know, God is not proud, unlike men; Jesus called me to Him several times in my life and never tired of doing so despite my blasphemy and the way I treated His servants.

God came to visit me simply, full of love. He is really so strong because He has poured His love into my heart and nothing has been able to block Him, neither the demons nor Satan nor me. It was a bit bad but it was so good.

Why did you choose to turn to God?

When there is really no hope, there is always Jesus. I read a TL Osborn book with powerful testimonials where wizards converted and did not die. I saw my mother take the step and then my brother. Something had really changed at home. It gave me the courage to break through despite the demons who were furious and their threats. I ran to see a pastor and put pressure on him to ask Jesus to come into my life in His presence so that Satan would not accuse me later. The pastor did not understand my zeal.

Unfortunately, I only accepted Jesus at that time as Savior. I told myself that there was nothing to do with me, I just wanted to die in God, that He takes me away. I did not want Him to touch my suffering and rob me of my powers because I still wanted to be able to defend myself.

That's what He did. I did not understand His language because He spoke of me as a valiant hero. He told me that He was calling me, that He loved me and many other things.

I wandered in the Christian world and nobody could do anything for me. I heard about the power of the Holy Spirit and started running after Him (while He was in me). I really did not understand the word. I found neither God nor deliverance.

It was only a few years later when I arrived in an assembly where the leaders really walked in holiness (I thought such holiness did not exist, but that all Christians were hypocrites) that I decided to leave my baggage and bend the knee before Jesus my Lord.

It's funny because I've always announced things before they happen. It bothered everyone because I knew things I did not know before. I told my brother, for example, that I did not want to go out with him tonight because we were going to get caught. He went there and was caught. I thought this thing was diabolical but then I realized that it was something God had put in me. He created me to serve Him.

What did you discover about Jesus Christ?

I discovered that His sacrifice on the cross was not a failure but the greatest victory that the universe and all the worlds have known. Jesus defends His children, He is the shield and the foundation. There is PEACE in Him.

What difficulties did you encounter in deciding to turn the page of the life you had before?

The beginnings were very complicated because I did not read the Bible enough. Nobody saw my condition and no one cast out demons in the assembly I attended. They saw nothing at all. To be honest, I was very disappointed because I saw their spiritual state and what they were hiding. I was thirsty for something else, but I could not see it anywhere. It's as if the Jesus who had found me, they did not know Him. They did not fear God. They only had the appearance of piety. Finally, trusting the brothers and sisters and opening to them was also very difficult.

Young people preferred to gather to flirt, watch movies rather than pray or praise God. I was very naive at that time and very disappointed to see the hidden intentions of ladies which were not very virtuous. You know, I'm not a very spiritual person, but I love Jesus. He is sweet.

The demons and Satan threatened us in different ways. Satanists have attacked us and are still attacking us. But since I walk in sanctification, they stand apart. They attack at their own risk. Even Satan, when attacking, foresees a hidden squadron to flee from if he is hunted in the name of Jesus.

I also had to get to know myself because since birth I was possessed. So I was not used to living alone in my head, and I did not know who I was and what my personality was.

Why did you persevere in faith despite all the fights you had?

Because Jesus is the only way. It's not a simple verse, it's a great truth. I am in a boat, that of Jesus. I am safe and I am very very good. In the water, there are crocodiles and sharks who want me to eat me up. And you ask me why I do not want to get out of the boat?

What did you have in the Lord that you did not have when you lived in darkness?

All. Asking the question means that you do not know the world of darkness. This world is torment, Satan himself is tormented and angry. All occults are tormented and devoured from within. It's unbearable. Between the demons who claim blood, the dirty characters of the demons and their incessant arguments, it is not easy to live. Life in Jesus is very different. What peace than that of Jesus, what security, what deep and perfect love than that of our GOD. Happiness is in Jesus. God is not evil and even makes us participate in His life, His glory, His kingdom, and many promises. God comforts us when we are sad, He heals our wounds and uses us to demonstrate His glory. What a God and what a difference!

In what way is the Christian life more satisfying?

It is based on justice and the love of God. God loves us and acts precisely with us, He will not betray us and never abandon us. What insurance and what security. With regard to human relations, we have the Bible that should be meditated because it is our guide and allows us not to be abused by men.

Since when are you in the Lord and what is your present life like?

My first steps with the Lord began more than 15 years old (we are getting older now!). But I really gave up everything for him for the past 9 years. I let God strip me of everything. I looked like the most helpless little worm. I was really pitiful. But He later put me on a different habit. I am currently in formation with the Lord and by the Lord. I am married. I am waiting for the Lord's green light to work in His field. Before coming to France (I am of Belgian origin), I tried to serve God but He spoke to me through a dream to tell me that I was not allowed to do it. I'm waiting for Him to give me permission. I am really happy to know Jesus, I love sanctification.

What can you tell us about sin in general and about occultism in particular?

Sin should really afflict us. Already because it separates us from God, which is so unpleasant, but also because it is really something that deeply saddens God. Jesus is our fiancé and we, the Church, are His beloved. Jesus is in love with us, He never tires of looking at us, in love. It's like I'm with my fiancée and she starts looking and talking to another man with love. How sad! But sin is worse, it is spiritual adultery. That same fiancee has relationships with others as you sanctify yourself for her. Occultism is an insult to God and is so small. To think of yourself as gods when the true God gives you the air you breathe is pitiful.

Learn to know God, to know the sanctification and the absence of sin of long duration because that is the life with God and God honors us when we honor it.

If you had one message to give to men, what would it be?

Jesus is coming back soon, very soon. He comes looking for a Church without spots or wrinkles. He comes to seek men and women living in sanctification. He gave His life for you, He died on the cross to redeem you at a very great price. Convert and live! Let go of sin and live! Let go of the idols and live! He calls a new generation, Christians who live in sanctification. Christians of simplicity, sanctification, exemplary depth and with a message that has not been heard and seen before except in the Bible. Here is this message: Jesus is coming back! Prepare yourselves! Do it today, now. Tomorrow may be too late. Jesus will change your lives.


  1. You need to hace the testimony of Emmanuel ENI

    1. What is "hace"? The testimony of Emmanuel ENI in PDF is in the downloads section.
