Friday, February 1, 2019



LILONGWE-(MaraviPost) – Malawi is said to have four Satanic churches boasting of several thousand members and the cult’s worshipers who are behind the fatal road accidents that are now occurring daily in the country, The Maravi Post has learned.

Twenty-three-year-old Mathews Phiri, former Satanist, confessed that most Satanic worshipers are politicians, chief executives and prominent business people in society, who, among other vices, drink blood and strategies on how to attack Christians during their congregations.

Phiri, who had been an active member of Satanism for four years, claimed to The Maravi Post that the cult has churches at Namiwawa in Blantyre, Area 3 in Lilongwe, a secret temple along the Road to State House in Mzuzu and another along the road to Kuchawe Inn in Zomba.

The former Satanist disclosed that members meet in these places to drink blood and reflect on strategies on how to attack Christians.

Phiri said the buildings where satanic worshipers congregate, are heavily guarded by security personnel who are also practicing Satanists.

Mathews now a born again Christian, added that no single person who is not a Satanist is allowed access to such clandestine buildings

He also alleged that there are two mainstream churches with close linkages to Satanism and its pastors (names withheld), were performing miracles using satanic powers, although they disguise themselves as Christians.

The self-confessed former Satanist revealed that he met a politician at a rally in Machinjiri, Blantyre in 1998. Phiri disclosed that he was born a wizard but was introduced to Satanism by a politician, who was second in command of the Satanic Cult in the Country

“These pastors wear Toronto rings from Satan and the miracles they perform are fake, as they just remove one problem and replace it with another.

“I was forced to join the cult as I had no one to pay fees and the Satanists paid for my school fees. They used to give me MK2,000 every day, and they also promised me a car and more money,” Phiri explained.

According to Phiri, Satan does not tell his faithful that they will go to hell in the end, but they are blindfolded by promises of Mercs, good businesses, and money from Satan.

When asked on how he was converted to Satanism, Phiri narrated that the Former Deputy Leader of Satanists (also a politician) in the country, talked to him in spirit when he was addressing a rally and no one heard that.

“The politician was asked by the devil sending him to collect me. He even mentioned my name. I never responded. That night the satanic worshipers came around midnight. They took me to the underworld. In the underworld, we went into a room, where I was forced to drink human blood to enter a covenant with the devil. Then I met Satan who told me that he liked people without mercy and (are) hard workers.

“Satan looks like a white man and is always dressed in black robes. He lives under the Pacific Ocean. According to Phiri, during a service in the underworld, the devil sits on a high throne above anyone else and members bring reports and introduce new converts,” confesses Phiri.

Those who bring converts, said Phiri, are rewarded with higher ranks, given money; prosperous businesses and cars while those who fail to carry out assignments are whipped or punished in one way or another

He said just like any other converts he was introduced to the strategies used to attack Christians, which included the use of the designer clothes and other cosmetics that have demons in them.

Phiri explained further that some of the clothes have labels with peculiar looking beasts like a lion, a tiger, a dragon or a snake manufactured by companies in the underworld and brought to the earth by some businesspersons who are Satanic worshipers.

“Some of the posh cars we see on the roads are just demons gotten from the spirit world. Once Christians wear such designer clothes or apply such perfumes, their passion to pray and worship God wanes.

“The devil also uses his rich members to attack pastors by corrupting them with money or luring them to have sex with beautiful church members,” warned Phiri.

The Maravi Post has concealed more information of whereabouts of Phiri as he plans to expose more issues in the satanic world for the public to be on alert.

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