Thursday, February 7, 2019




The Word of God declares in Acts 26:17,18 Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me.

Since He called me to serve Him, the Lord has done great things in my life. God sends me everywhere in the world. I noticed that in general, God sends me where sorcery wreaks havoc, where, most often, churches are attacked by wizards. God sends me by the invitations that I receive, in Africa, in Europe, and in America. By His grace, these churches, previously weakened by the wizards, are awakened after my passage.

How I was delivered following a four-month battle, the lives are then liberated, the demons come out of the bodies with shouting agitation, and those they held in slavery are delivered. Sometimes during my evangelistic crusades or deliverance seminars. the blind see, the paralytics walk and get rid of their canes, the deaf-mutes hear; those who have chronic diseases in their bodies are cured. All this is done by the power of the Holy Spirit that manifests itself unmistakably.

In Senegal

I saw how God healed the sick in Dakar, Senegal during my crusades. Before my arrival in Senegal, marabouts, wizards, witch doctors had made arrangements to prevent me from coming, but nothing worked: I went there twice. They shot me arrows but none of those arrows hit me (Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD.).

I had the opportunity to preach on the buses in Dakar and bring people to Jesus Christ forthwith. It is something that is not usually done, but the Holy Spirit inclined hearts so that the Gospel was successfully preached in these buses.

In Senegal

- Homes divided by sorcerers have been reconciled.
- People who wanted to commit suicide were delivered from the spirit of suicide.
- Anxious people have been released.
- Drug addicts have received deliverance and have given themselves to the Lord right now. People who were attached to cigarettes and who smoked four packs of cigarettes a day were delivered and confided to the Lord.
- Adult men and women convicted of sin have come to tears.
- Those who are pursued by wizards and do not sleep at night have been delivered from witchcraft.
- There has been repentance in churches in Dakar.
- Brothers and sisters whose life of prayer was stifled by sorcerers have found a normal Christian life.
- Businessmen and women had their business unlocked. All this through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- There was a young Senegalese who had damaged lungs. The doctors could do nothing for him. After receiving the Gospel with prayer, this young man went to see his doctor. The examinations ordered by him showed that this disease that gnawed his lungs was gone. Today, this young man is breathing normally and he remains attached to the Lord. What doctors cannot do, Jesus is able to do it, and for good.
- Many have been delivered from husbands and wives who come to make love to them in their sleep.
- People who had stomach ulcers were cured instantly; they are rid of this horrible stomach ache Sorcerers, occultists and religious have given themselves to the Lord.
- By the name of Jesus, I destroyed fetishes, talismans and magic books that people had in their possession. Obviously. they themselves brought all these things for me to burn.
- Infertile women who had painful periods were instantly delivered from these lower abdomen.
- People who saw corpses or coffins in their sleep or found themselves at the cemetery were delivered from this spirit of death that prevented them from sleeping at night. The blind recovered their sight. 18 people, blind for years, were healed by Jesus.
- Patients bewitched by sorcerers have been healed.

After Dakar, I went to another city in Senegal named Fatik, 250 km from Dakar. It was in April 1999. I had four days of evangelistic crusade where I gave testimony of the practice of witchcraft in my past life and how Jesus seized me. People were surprised to hear such testimony about fetishism, maraboutage, witchcraft. As soon as the call was made, the first in this region of Fatik, 228 souls gave themselves to the Lord This was followed by their deliverance. On the second day, 418 souls gave themselves to the Lord. On the third day, 475 souls gave themselves to the Lord, followed by their deliverance. God did great things; the people of Fatik were amazed.

The Holy Spirit has fully manifested in Fatik. During these four days of evangelization campaign, the people of Fatik saw the miracles of the Lord. All those souls won to Christ remain attached to Him by the grace of God. I am always glad to see that the glory of our God is manifested among Muslims who trust in the Lord Jesus. In Fatik, the journalists of the city radio gave me an interview. We put the package on this airtime where I gave the testimony of my past life as a sorcerer, marabou, witch doctor etc. Then I said how I accepted Jesus. This interview was like a bombshell in the city of Fatik in the camp of the marabouts especially, because I have unveiled all the works of witchcraft, maraboutage, and fetishism. Satan must be made to bite the dust and expose him so that he is always degraded, and Jesus Christ raised. God has shown a lot in Senegal where He sent me on tour to unveil the works of the devil. I cannot tell all the blessings of the Lord in Senegal.

In Ivory Coast

In Ivory Coast where Jesus seized me in my practices of witchcraft, fetishism, voodoo and marital life with Mamie Watta, whenever I have a crusade of evangelization, God attracts many souls. My first crusade of evangelization brought together about 15,000 people in Yopougon. one of the communes of Abidjan, where some 3,500 souls gave themselves to the Lord, followed by their deliverance, healing, and repentance. The people for whom I had done the witchcraft to advance them in their trade and their work, and some of whom became ministers, deputies or others, are very surprised to hear about my conversion They have no other choice to confide in this Jesus whom I accepted. They say to themselves: if this man who impressed us in matters of fetishism, of witchcraft etc .. entrusted to the Lord Jesus, this Jesus is above all other powers; they trust the Lord and are happy today to have abandoned the works of the devil.

My second evangelistic campaign took place in Marcory (another commune of Abidjan). About 17,000 people were on a sports field, and about 2,800 souls gave themselves to the Lord, followed by their deliverance and healing. Demons fled the bodies, freeing those they held in captivity. I had evangelistic programs and seminars in all ten communes of Abidjan. On these occasions, many people gave themselves to the Lord. Fetishes were burned.

Sometimes families have problems with demons and they appeal to me for their deliverance. These fetishes buried in their courtyard, in front of their gate, in the name of Jesus, I dig them up and burn them. Other families are pursued by witchcraft, with prayer followed by breakfast, these families are delivered.

Sometimes people call me on the phone to explain the evil problems that torment them. I then command the demons to go out and these people are delivered by prayer on the phone! God has given me this grace: Once people have problems with demons and are thoroughly explained to me, God gives me the inspiration to bring the solution to these demonic problems. Since I was in the midst of witchcraft and I know how wizards, witch doctors, marabouts-occultists attack, I attack these demons accordingly through prayer, and human lives are delivered in the name of Jesus Christ. When a person explains to me the problem she is experiencing, if it is due to witchcraft, I am to deliver them from the spells and curses in the name of Jesus Christ.

What God has done through me in the Ivory Coast, I cannot tell it in detail. He did great things, wonderful things. He continues to do it.

Once God delivers a person from witchcraft, fetishism, occultism, He fills him with His power to arm it to fight with prayer, works of witchcraft, the fetishism of occultism. God has sent me many times inside Ivory Coast to towns and villages known for their witchcraft practices and confusion has always reigned in the wizarding camp. They have always had diarrhea. God commands us to preach the Gospel everywhere, to cast out demons, to heal the sick, and nothing can harm us. Most often, where God sends me for His work, it is in the places of predilection for witchcraft and fetishism. So the Holy Spirit manifests itself a lot in these places that God sends me. I never accept Church when I receive an invitation for deliverance programs. I consider that it is God who sends me for his work.

In Europe

After my tour in some African countries, God sent me to Europe where demons handle people a lot. Demons are around the world. The Bible tells us in 1 John 5:19, "The whole world is under the power of the evil one. Wizards are all over the world. Satan controls the world. Sorcerers are not only in Africa; they are in Europe, Asia, Oceania, and America. Satan is Satan; he operates everywhere. So I was in France where God gave me the grace to preach in Paris, Montreuil, Bordeaux, Juvisy-Sur-Orge, Villeneuve. etc.

One could think, on reading this paragraph, that all the old clients or colleagues of Bienvenu gave themselves to the Lord. It is not so literally and figuratively.

God did great things. Several people have been cured of various diseases such as hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, burns in the body, and vices such as attachment to smoking, or the pursuit of wizards during sleep, fear, the spirit of death, the practice of witchcraft, fetishism, occultism. Many of them were restored spiritually in the churches and later repented. In all these churches where I visited, Christians who were engaged in the practice of witchcraft against pastors were delivered. One can be in church and do witchcraft by hating one's neighbor, slandering one's brother or sister in Christ, hating one's pastor or a leader established on us in the Church, forming a rebellion group at the church against the pastor to divide the church. All of this is part of the practice of witchcraft in the church.

Refusing to tithe the Lord and become greedy is also a form of witchcraft that some Christians practice without knowing it. These Christians thus open the door to Satan. Many have been delivered from these works of the devil in France. Those who are weakened spiritually have been delivered. Sorcerers attack churches a lot to divide them, weaken them, push them towards apostasy, bring the revolt of Christians against their pastor, and neglect the work of God by Christians. These spiritually weakened Christians then become easy prey for wizards. My tour in France provoked a spiritual awakening in churches. By the power of the Holy Ghost, demons fled from certain faithful in the churches where I went.

God sent me to the United States of America where sorcery reigns a lot and wreaks havoc.

I was in two states (Louisville, Kentucky and Rochester, New York). In Louisville, I discovered how wizards have weakened churches. Sorcerers go to churches by becoming Christians. And they infiltrate among Christians who do not have a good life of prayer to captivate and weaken them. These wizards are at the base of divisions in these churches. They provoke the dispersion of Christians They bring Christians to revolt against their pastor. On the other hand, there are homosexuals in churches. People practice pure witchcraft in churches in the United States.

Sorcerers in the United States make human sacrifices each year to enrich themselves. They kidnap children as they do in other continents. Sorcerers put pressure on pastors who do not have a life with the Lord so that these pastors are led to signing pacts with them. As a result, their churches are at the mercy of wizards, who are most often related to the vampire spirit. They suck human blood from people's bodies. These wizards often make their meeting at the edge of rivers, in buildings that I discovered. They have rallying places to fight against the churches and destroy them, knowing that Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil.

Despite this attachment of the pastor, the wizards attack this church, especially through Christians. I gave my testimony on my practice of witchcraft and my deliverance. I told in detail how I attacked churches through witchcraft. I also said how I was delivered. I recalled a few cases of prayer. Jesus manifested Himself in the midst of this people. Demons have fled the bodies. Many of the wizards who are members of this church have been delivered. There were demons of homosexuality, bisexuality, husband and night woman who troubled people. All went away. Addicts of drugs and cigarettes have been delivered.

Those who were pursued by the works of witchcraft were released by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who are sick and have consulted the doctors without success have been healed and fantastic testimonies have been rendered. Repentances have occurred. A gangster who had the easy trigger was delivered.

This man smoked four packs of cigarettes a day. Many have been delivered from the spirit of Voodoo and the spirit of a vampire. God has delivered many people from pornography, from this malignant tendency to watch pornographic movies. God has done great things in this church and has experienced a spiritual awakening. There are Christians in the churches that practice witchcraft, which endorse Christians, who are responsible for the spiritual heaviness of churches or Christians: even Church leaders practice witchcraft.

The Holy Spirit has fully manifested Himself, thanks to the pastor of this church who accepted to welcome me to his church. I truly bless our God for this pastor: for his humility, for his attachment to the Word of God and for his welcome. If many pastors could be like the pastor of Louisville of the USA, they would see a spiritual revival in their church.

My model in ministry is the apostle Paul. Indeed, the apostle Paul spent his time teaching, unveiling the works of the devil and casting out demons. Thus, he did a lot of work for the churches Many churches are filled with souls but do not know how the wizards, the occultists, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians infiltrate among the people of God to put the Christians into captivity, weaken and divide them later. Sometimes a church filled with more than 2,000 or 20,000 members suffers division as a result of the work of wizards, occultists, and others. A church that is content to teach without ever delivering is often attacked by demons of spiritual drought. One then feels the weakening in this church. People come to church but in the depths of their hearts, they have problems with the demons. The church must deliver. Jesus came to deliver the captives. We must know the secret of the devil to fight it.

God has established me as an international evangelist and has me travel all over the world to make this powerful witness followed by deliverance. I practice this wherever the Lord sends me. I thank the Lord who cares for me and my family. He is my security and my protection. I am always ready to fight the Enemy.


Financial temptations

My ministry, I have said, is to evangelize: to go everywhere to announce that I have been delivered, that I am filled with the Holy Spirit and that henceforth I give glory to the Lord. But that's not easy.

I had hundreds of millions of francs in my room, in a chest, near the bed; eh! Well, when I was delivered, this money caught fire. Rich as I was, I was reduced to my simplest expression. But what I am receiving today comes from God and is a unique blessing.

Satan handed me many traps through former friends with whom I practiced witchcraft.

Thankfully, I am totally delivered and I have Jesus Christ so that I am safe from their shenanigans.

When I went to Benin, these old friends who kidnapped children to sell in Nigeria tempted me with their external wealth: big houses, big cars and so on. I travel on foot. I did not have my big car anymore.

I had lost many things, but I was richer than all of them because I had Jesus Christ. These friends were making fun of me, not understanding that I am rich in spirit. My great wealth, my bank is in heaven. They tried to tempt me with their money but I always had in mind the word of truth and life. This saying constantly reminded me that the devil is prowling, seeking a fault to devour me. (See 1 Pet. 5.8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.) Also, I watch over my life in the name of Jesus Christ and repress these friends.

The family or Jesus

My father was very powerful; he was a great wizard. When I accepted Jesus Christ, he persecuted me greatly, he threatened the servants of God. Whenever I went to testify somewhere if he learned it, he went there with my mother and armed with a machete, to prevent me from doing it, but Jesus Christ is always victorious and I made despite all the testimony. In Jeremiah 17: 5, the Lord does not say: "Woe to him who confides in a man!"? Christians who consider their parents as their god and are afraid to offend them by presenting them the truth pay attention! This danger lurks even in churches: some people worship men in some churches. But it is Jesus Christ whom we must adore because He is the living God. I can trust a servant of God to help me in my spiritual life. But I will never idolize him.

As far as I'm concerned, I evangelized my father a lot. He even went to church twice. On his return home, he had problems with the demons. He could not sleep But he did not want to follow what I recommended to him, namely to surrender himself to Jesus Christ. He continued to practice witchcraft. So, once back home, the wizards attacked and destroyed him. He was then paralyzed. My young sister Beatrice and I brought him the Gospel on his sickbed but he refused despite our insistence.

My father gave up the first time. My mother took white percale to cover his body before going to notify the parents. Barely an hour later, my mother discovered my father was still alive. He had exchanged his soul with that of my little brother who died a few days later. He had also refused the Gospel. Despite this transaction, two months later, Satan finally ends up with my father. We were reunited after the death of my father. As the eldest of the family, the old wizards and witches asked me for a sheep.

"To do what ?" I asked.

"Following the consultation, it was revealed to us that we must kill a sheep. recover his esophagus, put it in your father's tomb before the burial," they said.

"In the name of Jesus Christ, I am delivered from these practices," I retorted.

In fact, it's my esophagus they wanted to remove diabolically! I was supported in my refusal by my sister Beatrice. They revolted and challenged me. I also challenged them - in the name of Jesus Christ of course - and asked them whether the sheep's esophagus could bring my father back to life. It did not take more to put them in a ball. Nevertheless, we persisted in our refusal, my sister and me. So they bought a sheep, sacrificed and buried my father, leaving the shrine open for other evil practices. I proclaimed the failure of all these practices in the name of Jesus Christ. Then a great sorcerer of my family reproached me for my too great assurance and, according to him, my insolence since I left their ranks. I replied that I know who I believed in, namely, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and that I was covered with the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus Christ indeed is like the bile of the caiman lizard. Once we are covered, the wizard cannot eat us. One becomes in a way "bitter"; on the other hand, the fire of Jesus Christ surrounds us.

The winner in the name of Jesus

I urge you to be very careful, brothers and sisters, when there are deaths in your family, especially when you are the eldest because the wizards are preparing accordingly. They make queries and if you access them, you give them the opportunity to reach you.

A meeting was called for the day after my father's funeral. During the previous night, my sister and I had confided everything to the Lord. We must indeed pray unceasingly because our security is in Jesus.

As the eldest son, I had to take it upon myself to choose the date of the next ceremonies, to make sacrifices of beef, pork and mutton to celebrate the death of my father. But I opposed that.

An uncle, youth president of his church, remarked, "We went to church before you. I have been baptized and confirmed, but we have never been told to oppose such practices at the level of our family. Does not the Bible say, "My people perish for lack of knowledge?"

My answer was this, "Today, I received the true Jesus Christ. I had indeed been baptized and confirmed, which did not prevent me from practicing evil. I do not attack any church but I want to emphasize the fact that a true Christian is recognized by its fruits."

Threatened, I answered by the Word of God. Five days after my father's burial, my little brother of twenty years died of a fever and headache. He too rejected the Word of God.

All the wizards have prophesied my death, but I am still standing in the name of Jesus Christ. Satan is very cunning. He disguises himself, and only the Word of God taught by His faithful servants enables us to discern. One must be humble in the church because "the Lord resists the proud. (I Peter 5: 5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.) Satan has no power over me. Satan's wizards, demons, and other ambassadors fear me as they fear all those who gave their lives to Jesus Christ and live according to His will. We have received all the necessary weapons to fight Satan and his demons in this spiritual warfare (Eph 6.10, 18). Many expected my near death, but nothing worked because Jesus Christ is with me.

This is a common practice of wizards. When they feel their impending death, they exchange their souls for someone else's, so that they die in their place.

As you know, I even sold my years to Mamie Watta. I had to die in 1989 because of material wealth. Every year, I was five years younger on the days I had to spend on earth. Well, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, after having delivered me, restored all things, and I live for Him.

Difficult childbirth

When I married in the Lord, my wife, at the end of her pregnancy, was in labor. It was her first pregnancy. With her sister, we went to the Cocody CHU. The delivery was impossible and my wife was suffering. I then remembered my old practices: the times when, by incantations, I blocked the pregnancies in the belly of women. Satan wanted to use this same stratagem to test me. But in the name of Jesus Christ, I began to pray. I was told that a cesarean section was needed. God intervened and my wife gave birth without difficulty because the demons were bound and vanquished.

After the delivery, what was my shock when I was told that the child was not breathing anymore. I then resumed the spiritual war, the doctor placed the child in the resuscitation and everything went back in order in the name of Jesus Christ.

Inspired by the Lord, we named our first son Solomon. The second is called Abraham. He came into the world without difficulty. This is to say that no matter what the attacks, the Christian who lives in prayer and in obedience to the Word of God always has the victory over Satan and his demons. This is another aspect of my deliverance by the Lord, our God. I would like to urge you to be very vigilant around you in your home because Satan can even go through your wife or a member of your family for persecute you once you are delivered. Let us be vigilant, watch over our lives.

My arrest by the judicial police of Côte d'Ivoire

Following a crusade of evangelization followed by a vigil of prayer during which I testified of my conversion, the Ivorian police, informed by the secret agents of the intelligence service of the judicial police arrested me. Some details of this testimony led them to stop: the fact that I sold drugs, that I killed by witchcraft, that human blood was at the base of my sacrifices.

These are the objective reasons. But these reasons cannot hide the mystical causes. Indeed, this arrest came after an evangelistic crusade followed by a prayer vigil from 9 pm until dawn, on a sports field, in one of the communes of Abidjan, which brought together 12,000 people. During this vigil of prayer, I delivered the poignant testimony contained in this book, by revealing the works of witchcraft, occultism, fetishism that I had practiced.

I said how Satan and his demons operate at night to kill people, to envy families, how occultists swindle people to make them poor. I said how I sold drugs to destroy youth. In short, I put all the secrets of the wizards naked. I revealed how, through witchcraft, I was helping people to be appointed ministers, elected members, etc. In addition, this crusade in the form of a vigil saw the conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ of about 4000 people. I cannot help but believe that the wizards, occultists, marabouts, fetishists - not to say Satan - whose secrets I had just revealed were behind this action of the police. Besides, I was expecting this arrest. The purpose of these wizards and company was that this testimony be erased. Satan believed that if they stopped me, I would be afraid, that I would deny Jesus to return to his camp. I will never give in to Satan. I will always reveal it to the grave for the salvation of souls all over the world so that all who live in the darkness will discover the light.

The Apostle Paul testified of his past life, was arrested and led before King Agrippa and the Lord took care of his servant (Acts 26.1 to 30) who won. Finally, this arrest of the Apostle Paul was helpful for evangelism, it caused confusion in the Devil's camp.

So I arrived at the judicial police, accompanied by one of the pastors of the Church where I was converted. After having questioned and listened to three of my cassettes recorded during the crusade, I was then listened to by the director of the judicial police who made us understand that order had been given to him by his hierarchical chief, namely the Minister of Security, to put me in custody in order to conduct investigations. The first day of my arrest when I was in the lockup, among them were thieves, high-class criminals whom the police had arrested. They wanted to intimidate me. But I told them the Gospel, and six of them gave themselves to the Lord. I prayed for those six criminal thieves who accepted Jesus. After five days, they were released. Their life has changed outside and today they are attached to the Lord. They no longer attack people with weapons because Jesus freed them.

The director of the judicial police entrusted the investigation to one of his officers who was in charge of my file.

He appealed to more than fifteen police commissioners who listened to the testimony on my three cassettes and that allowed them to draw conclusions. Following these hearings, a police commissioner called me crazy. He asked me to be taken to psychiatrists. I'm not crazy, I told them, what I say is nothing but reality. The things I'm talking about, I've experienced them myself. It was Jesus who seized me and who led me to abandon everything to follow Him; otherwise, every police commissioner you are, I was probably going to exterminate you with my witchcraft. Jesus is the only one who can deliver and transform a sorcerer, witch doctor, occultist.

In view of all these answers to them, they accompanied me to the doctors in a health institute. They intended to take me to a mental health center for treatment. But this consultation gave nothing, at least for those who asked for this review. As far as I am concerned, by the grace of God, it was an opportunity for me to preach the Gospel to the doctors. The doctors at the center, therefore, examined me by asking me many questions and suggesting answers to see if I really was mad. I answered all their questions.

They found nothing that proves that I would have a beginning of a mental disorder. In truth, the doctors were somewhat perplexed. One of them, a woman, had to reveal to them that often there are people who bear witness of their past life and say how Jesus saved them, which allows others who do not know Christ to give themselves to Him. It took this argument for doctors to declare the resulting negative on examination. I was in possession of all my means by revealing Satan and his demons who are fallen.

One thing struck me a lot in all these trips I made with these judicial police officers was that they had loaded machine guns behind me. Even to go to the toilet, these officers always kept an eye on me, arms in hand. They said to each other that they had to follow me closely: who knows if I do not turn into a fly to disappear from their sight. I then told them that I became a new creature and that I could no longer turn into a fly: Jesus Christ freed me, I told them, I can no longer do witchcraft. I live for the Lord.

If the result of my psychiatric consultation prevented me from being taken to the "Mental Disorders Center" for treatment, he would expose me to prison. Indeed, after the result of the doctors indicating that I did not present any signs of the beginning of madness, I was brought back to the Directorate of the judicial police. The report of my examination was thus given to the director of the judicial police by his officers. After reading this report which ended in a negative result, the director was troubled, he wondered what was wrong.

On the spot, he reported to his supervisor, namely the Minister of Security, who also disturbed by the result, ordered that I be deputed before the public prosecutor's office (the most competent court) to make the final decision. I was nine days in police custody, nine days that I transformed into a moment of fast and prayer. I interceded and cried before the Lord. God answered me and here is the word that he addressed to me, "I will make your testimony an instrument for the salvation of souls all over the world. Do not be afraid, I assure your defense wherever you will be dragged before a court." How wonderful it is to hear the voice of his God!

To bring me to court, these officers drew up a report that was supposed to trace all my past life: how, through witchcraft and occultism, I destroyed human lives, how I sold drugs, and so on. But in this fifteen-page report, nothing was said about my conversion: how Jesus grasped me and how my fetishes were burned by pastors in church, as well as my new life in Jesus Christ. They simply pointed out the wrong side. This report has been responsible for many offenses that have been attributed to me as follows: murderer, wizard, drug dealer, criminal association. With these offenses, I was to be sentenced from ten to twenty years of imprisonment. Our God who does not abandon His children or leave them orphans, would He let go? Does not His Word declare: "So there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8: 1, 2 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.)?

This shows that one who does bad things such as murder, abomination etc., and who makes the decision to accept Jesus Christ - the only savior of humanity and the only mediator between God and men - will no longer be condemned. His Word says, "If the Son makes you free, you will be truly free." (John 8.36) "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are past; Behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17). God, in His compassion, has forgiven me since I accepted Jesus who bought me at a great price. If God had not forgiven me, I would already be dead and sentenced to hell on the day of judgment.

These officers made me sign this famous report. I was waiting for my departure on the tenth day of my custody. And it is precisely this day that God chooses to intervene. Thanks be to Jesus, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the President of presidents, our advocate to the Father, who intercedes for us night and day, that authentic Son of God who came out of the tomb, who overcame the devil and who crushed the head of Satan, who only waved his tail, that Jesus who intervened on behalf of the Apostle Paul before King Agrippa, in the presence of a whole people, this wonderful Savior came to my rescue and destroyed all the plans of Satan and other demons of imprisonment.

I had to get into the van connecting the police stations and the prosecutor's office. Before I put my left foot in this van followed by the right foot, both wrists handcuffed for departure to the court, a phone call was made to the Directorate of Judicial Police, from the Minister of Justice. Security which itself had been ordered by the Presidency of the Republic, not to defer to the prosecutor's office, but to release me immediately. The entire Directorate of the Judicial Police was surprised at my release. On the spot, the handcuffs were removed and I was entrusted to the church where I was converted.

In fact, after having been informed, the authorities of the Presidency, in turn, informed his Excellency the President of the Republic, the late Félix Houphouët Boigny, to whom they had my tapes played. He would have rejoiced at my conversion and at what God did in his country, Côte d'Ivoire. This is how he decided to release me. That said, I maintain that the true author of these instructions to the President of the Republic is Jesus.

I must say that having learned of my arrest by the judicial police, many pastors and faithful have mobilized and were ready to undertake a two-day march throughout the city of Abidjan to obtain my release. This is a beautiful demonstration of love, of the love that the ancients of the early church practiced for one another. Yes, this same love must be manifested in the lives of Christians today. If a brother or sister in Christ has a problem, we must support him so that those who do not have Christ know that Christians love each other. Let us not turn our backs on all our brothers and sisters who go through trials, who are in trouble. Let us show them our affection so that they may be strengthened. In Jesus Christ, let us practice hospitality, Love, tolerance, and forgiveness for each other. This beautiful demonstration of solidarity is further proof that God was at work. To Him be glory forever and ever!

Satan had planned everything so that this testimony would not be spread all over the world. But the power of our Lord is above all powers, so Satan failed. His defeat was total and Jesus won. As proof, thousands of people have listened to this testimony on cassettes and thousands of others are reading it today for the forgiveness of their sin, for their salvation, their deliverance, and their restoration. Moreover, since that day, I have been redoubling my efforts against Satan and his demons. During all evangelistic, conference and seminary crusade programs, I continue to unveil wizards, occultists, and so on.

Through my testimony that the Lord allows me to go wherever I go, former clients, sorcerers gave their lives to Jesus Christ.

The Lord gives me the grace to go inside Ivory Coast as well as outside to give this testimony and to glorify Him before all. I am ready to go anywhere in the world to testify what I have been given to believe, just for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ who said to me, "Go and tell what I did for you."

But I must say that I have not always had success; as proof, my own father and many members of my family who died in the rebellion against God. I preached the Gospel to my two disciples; they called me crazy. Subsequently, the first died of AIDS, the second hit a stone on returning from the field and died after four months.


The time is short. Sorcerers, occultists, witch doctors are without mercy. They will seduce you by making you believe that there is hope in everything they do, but it is only lies and theft because their father who is the devil is the father of lies. Sorcerers, occultists, marabouts, etc. are only crooks, deceivers, liars. They will do things to reassure you about your future. These things will work in the beginning, so that you will have everything at your disposal: money, cars, houses, but afterward, you will have problems on problems, until you are reduced to nothing. You will have problems. After that, Satan will claim all your possessions before ending with you. You will find yourself in the grave. If Satan gives you 10 000 000 FCFA initially to attract you, he will claim 20 000 000 FCFA at the end and will kill you. The power of wizards, occultists, marabouts, etc. is ephemeral and limited, but the power of our God is above all powers and is eternal. When God blesses, it is forever and this blessing is never followed by sorrow. With Jesus Christ, there is always hope.

Beware of going to the soothsayers, the wizards, the marabouts; they will strip you, ruin you until you are reduced to your simplest expression. I'm talking about things I've done with my clients. At first, they were in the butter. They were very rich: they owned cars, houses, and so on but in the end, they became miserable. I helped them with witchcraft and then with the same witchcraft, I made them poor. If you live in this situation now, you need Jesus Christ who came to release the captives; you must accept it with all your heart and you will see its glory in your life. No wizard, marabout or witch doctor can bring a satisfactory solution to your problems; only Jesus Christ can save you and bring you the true solution. God never disappoints His children; He is God: He does not change, what comes out of His mouth, He executes it. He is faithful in all His promises. My friends, come to Jesus Christ and He will give you eternal life. Satan is bad. He is a false master who does not forgive his followers. Satan has never done good to anyone. At first, he offers you life in rosé but in the end, decay and death.

To you, dear ministers, deputies, mayors, CEOs, directors of companies; entrust yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ and turn away from the path of sorcerers, marabouts and occultists. You who have entrusted your business, your company, your work, your careers etc. to wizards, marabouts, occultists or soothsayers to prosper, I urge you to turn around to entrust your entire life to the Lord Jesus Christ because He is the way, the truth, and the life. If you trust in Him, He will protect you, He will bless you and He will bring you His true safety. If you are in Jesus Christ, no wizard, marabout, occultist, or witch doctor has power over your business, your company, your career, your family, and your work. Please go through the true door that is Jesus Christ. "For wide is the door, spacious is the way that leads to perdition, and there are many who go in there. But the door is narrow, and the way to life is narrow, and there are few who follow Him. " (Matthew 7: 13-14). The wide path is the path of sorcerers, marabouts, occultists, and fetishists.

Many enter this way to get lost. The only way I would recommend is the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. Few people discover it, but it's the right way. It's up to you to choose my friend. Do you want to collaborate with Satan (when in the end he will destroy you) or with Jesus of Nazareth who saves, who delivers, who restores and who defeats the wizards, the marabouts, the occultists, the witch doctors and the delivered in the show. Jesus is the best way, and that's why me Megnanou Bienvenu, a former wizard, witch doctor, occultist, I decided to take it and follow it since December 26, 1987, and that for the rest of my life. It's up to you, my friend. The right choice is Jesus Christ who will come soon to take away His Church. The time is short.

They only create problems for people. They only make society sick. They only divide the families. They are simply destroying the country through war, floods, air disasters, and train collisions. The sorcerer is well aware that he is doing evil and that he will report to God at the last judgment.

With God, it is true peace and this peace is not given as that of Satan who kills.

Many associations and churches around the world have practices contrary to the Bible. Indeed the Word of God declares, "True worshipers, worship God in spirit and in truth." Do not go to those who claim to put the Bible forward, while below they practice only witchcraft, occultism and fetishism. Do not be fooled. Satan is unleashed against humanity. He invests in men and women to use them to seduce the world and destroy lives.

Some churches, as we have seen, sell candles. These churches know what I'm talking about. Some of the leaders who call themselves prophets, evangelists, visionaries, predecessors etc. are in contact with Mamie Watta, the siren of the seas. These churches sell the same package of candles to 1,000 worshipers in the church, just to get rich. If a devotee comes with a packet of candles, it is kept and if another comes, after consultation, the visionary tells him: you need a pack of candles, but we have here. And this is how these people use the name of Jesus Christ to trade. It's terrible. You have to give up all this to worship the Lord because the one you worship is not the truth.

But, as you know, there are convents in witchcraft, in fetishism. A married woman goes to one of your "churches" and spends seven days there. It is spellbound with the wit of Mamie Watta and that of witchcraft and we take the opportunity to commit adultery with her. I speak knowingly: you came to see me at Abobo station. After the consultation, I gave you more power than you would use in your so-called church. Hey! Well, you need Jesus Christ, the one who came out of the tomb. You have to give up your vision stories because your life is in danger.

I denounce these things because they are serious and abominable, I have practiced them just as they do. I reveal Satan and his accomplices. Satan only manipulated me too much; he has used me too much. It is up to me to tell all the secrets in order to deliver what can be.

Know it, dear "prophets", "evangelists", "visionaries". "Precursors" and what do I know yet, your life is in danger: you are there to deceive and betray the people. Hey! Well, God will call you to account.

Exhortation to evangelization

As for you who have accepted Jesus Christ, buy cassettes, testimonial books, and offer them to executives, personalities who are suffering today under the influence of demons, who do not, despite their position, have peace of heart. Evangelize also with the aid of these supports (cassettes, books). The Lord who is the same yesterday, today and forever can work miracles in their lives and free them from the power of demons. Satan has no power over a child of God delivered.

I take the example of the life of the apostle Paul, from the time when his name was Saul. He persecuted Christians. When Jesus Christ met him, he was released from his sins and became a gentleman, a humble man who went everywhere to preach the Good News. This must be our mission.

I have been spiritually enriched and, pushed by the Holy Spirit, I announce the Word. And that touches hearts.

God is wonderful! The grace that I have received, I must also share it for free so that souls are saved and healed, broken hearts are

I have the assurance of my salvation because I am hidden in Jesus Christ. 0, Christians take this grace. The Lord said in His Word, in the Psalms, Psa 91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

The powers of darkness may stand against you, but none of their arrows will reach you, for you know who you have believed.

In this respect, I have an interesting experience to share: in Benin, one night very late, I came back from the church while passing by the sea, the zangbetôs (geniuses) came out to intimidate me, but I praised the Lord by walking. They asked me, "Who are you?" And I replied: "son of God, the little brother of Jesus." When they began to split, I remembered their secrets, because I had also operated in this area where I had even received an initiation. So I said, "In the name of Jesus, let me go." So they asked for my name as a believer and claimed the name that was given to me when I belonged to the Zangbetos.

"I have no other name than what Jesus Christ gave me," I said. not that a name was not attributed to me at the time - but simply because it was a trap of the Enemy tending to make me return to what I had vomited. In other words, to give them that name would open the door to Satan. The Word of God says this: "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are past, behold, all things have become new." (II Cor. 5.17).

Suddenly a calm settled down and I continue my road. In fact, the one who does not have Jesus Christ, in their sight, is afraid and is killed. A Christian is no longer afraid of wizards, totems, masks wherever he is in the world because he is in Jesus Christ. Are you a child of God delivered? So you have no problem, just like me. Hallelujah!

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