Wednesday, February 20, 2019



Making the living Jesus very real to a dying world.

Revelation chapter 1 verse 17 to 19
17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 18 I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. 19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.

We bring you the testimony of Saratu with divine realities that will open your eyes. Saratu was a special daughter of the marine spirit, queen of the coast who encountered Jesus and was set free.

When she was sentenced to death through madness by the kingdom of darkness for her refusal to kill a particular relative of hers that was so good to her and in the course of a mental condition and abnormal happenings Saratu was brought to our ministry.

Her deliverance was a tug of war after which the war still continued. This kingdom of darkness one day captured Saratu again and took her back to their kingdom while forcing her to take an apple meant to reinitiate her.

The finger of Jesus just appeared from a wall and struck it away. Immediately she saw herself escaping from their midst with great speed.

When she thought she had completely escaped from them she slowed down and very thick darkness immediately enveloped her. She at once realized that she had been recaptured by them.

Helplessly in their hands and not knowing what next to do something, something suddenly happened.

Please listen carefully to these and be blessed.

According to Saratu a mighty light such as has never been seen appeared a little bit above her. The mighty light began to speak and said to her, "Do you know who I am?" Saratu immediately said, "Yes, You are Jesus."

As soon as Saratu confessed that He was Jesus and mentioned the name Jesus the mighty light drew her up like a magnet out of the darkness and began to talk to her.

This great light said to Saratu, "Any time you have any problem, say 'One way is Jesus.' By implication, it's a one way and not a two-way route that leads to God with Jesus being the only way of salvation, deliverance and when invited in times of trouble those on that way receive help from above.

Jesus Himself said in John 14:6, I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through Me.

Jesus instructed Saratu to say this means also that there's a mystery attached to this confession.

Brethren, testimonies like these are given to enrich willing souls in many ways for many reasons.

Jesus Christ is alive more than many think or imagine. He says, "Behold I am with you always till the end of time." Read Matthew chapter 28.

He has promised never to leave or forsake you no matter what you're going through. Just like the great light that encountered Saul who later became Paul when he was out destroying Christians as seen in Acts chapter 22, Christ Jesus appeared to deliver Saratu from darkness and even provided for her a safety net and password anytime she had any problem.

That shows among all other things that Jesus is interested in all your problems and has intervention plans and all you need is to believe Him to be alive and able to keep His word.

Jesus is the only Savior and our present help in times of trouble. We are more than conquerors.

After deliverance and at a point when Saratu was giving her testimony and confessions before the whole congregation she began to weep uncontrollably. I told the ushers to let her be.

After such a deep cry, Saratu said that Christians do not know what they have. She repeatedly said this shaking her head to show how serious this issue of Christians not knowing what they have in Christ. She said that in their kingdom they are deceived to believe that they are the most powerful beings. Her encounters with Jesus in her deliverance has opened her eyes to know the truth that Jesus Christ is far above all and that nobody who truly knows this fact can ever be disappointed.

She turned to me before the crowd and said that Christians need to know what they have and that we don't know. People began to cry in the congregation as a mighty conviction suddenly came upon them.

She said pastors that come to their kingdom for power are disappointments. She even mentioned some of them and their churches. A day came after Saratu to join her parents in another city that the marine spirits caught her again and began beating her to death since she was refusing to surrender to them.

As the situation got quite intense and all of a sudden she saw me up here, a short distance away. Saratu said when she saw me she gave a sigh of relief that the one to save her had come but to her surprise, I did nothing just standing there and watching.

Then a voice said to her, "You have not said 'One way is Jesus'.

As Saratu said these very same words, she said that I moved with an indescribable speed scattered them and rescued her from their hands while immediately taking her on my shoulder and leaving the place.

There is a huge message to draw from this. Saratu was not delivered until she did what she was instructed to do as in saying, "One way is Jesus."

Your obedience is your deliverance. Your confession is your salvation. You cannot become prey in any situation when you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior.

Jesus is super alive today and forever. In that instance who Saratu saw was Jesus taking my form in coming to her rescue.

Saratu and the others were exposed by her deliverance revealed that anyone who engages in sexual immorality of any time - adultery, fornication, pornography, masturbation, bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism etc are connected with them in the water kingdom through demonic spiritual tokens which are then used to control and to finally destroy such a person.

This is the end time as foretold in the Bible. Be careful.

She spoke of a spiritual poison called Izana that enters sexually immoral people and makes them their sex slaves. Once it enters a person the person will continue to spread it to both male and female victims. One of the signs is that one becomes a sex maniac so as to spread it to as many as possible. She said that pastors who are themselves possessed with this "Izana" just cannot stop sleeping with their members and anyone they see. Pastors in covenant with them used sex to increase or maintain their power wealth and influence.

Saratu and Co revealed how they use pornography to destroy the world and how they go position themselves at vantage points to catch men and woman who are looking for sex partners, including in the churches.

She said many politicians businessmen and women and people in different careers who want riches and power in exchange for their souls and that of others are all their captives. They also added that many pastors are now their slaves through sexual immorality materialism and love for fame.

Saratu was taken to some pastors, Muslim Imams and native doctors at the height of her problems before they finally brought her to our ministry.

She revealed how some of those she was taken to for deliverance were overpowered and even made to become their members before finally being brought to our ministry.

On serious secret about Saratu and her likes which time and space will not permit us to go into details is that their conception and birth were mysterious. We surely are living in a world full of mysteries with only Jesus as the answer.

One day after we finished deliverance prayer for Saratu, I was at home relaxing in the morning when all of a sudden the queen of the marine world appeared right there in my sitting room totally naked to seduce me. She wanted me to stop attacking her kingdom and to come into a compromise and agreement with her and in exchange, she would give me everything I want in this world.

There are ministers today in churches who have been so entrapped with these being the source of their power, fame, influence, and money. You see them the displaying power and wealth as if that is the main reason for Christianity. Their influences over the crowd that they control or command and the miracles you see in their meetings are all from the Dark Kingdom.

To cut the long story short the Holy Spirit immediately raised a standard against the queen of darkness as I choose to call her here and she disappeared.

When the enemy will come in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard, so fear not. Immediately after that experience Saratu arrived with someone physically and told me that the marine spirit queen came to her a few minutes ago to tell her that she was coming to fight me to the finish for taking her special daughter and disturbing her Kingdom.

As if that was not enough that same night I found myself in a thick desert light place all alone not knowing how I got there and what I was there for.

Suddenly I saw a pack of uncountable lions coming after me. There were so many in number. As they got close within an arm's length and thinking that they had finally gotten their prey into a tight corner through their well hatched out plan, the very tall palm tree suddenly grew out of the ground from nowhere and I found myself right on top of it.

The voice came from the palm tree and said, "I am the Lord your Savior, Jesus."

This was in a desert place where there was absolutely nothing. The lions were so disappointed and looked up towards where I was relaxing on the palm tree without any fear.

Immediately the one leading the pack of lions turned into the same marine queen of the coast who came over to seduce me earlier on.

This message is coming from Witness Kenpaul Obieke, a living witness of Jesus Christ of Heaven's Mandate.

Jesus Christ is alive and you can encounter Him life! He's coming soon as He said to rapture His church.

Have you accepted Him into your heart with genuine repentance from sins? Many shall be left behind. Live ready always. The return of Jesus Christ our bridegroom King is here. How prepared by you? Share with urgency now. God bless you.