Thursday, March 7, 2019



Bro Dhinakaran, can we talk something about the ministries on this earth, you know, various ministries that are going on on this earth and heaven is watching what's happening? How does heaven or God recognize the ministries that are going on on this earth?

If you read First Corinthians chapter 12:28 onwards, it mentions various ministries that God in His great mercy has instituted in the church so that it may prosper.

So every ministry in this world is God-given. So there is no competition. Everybody is important.

And once I was fasting and praying, my main aim was to get more anointing and more power. And I was fascinated by the tremendous success of a particular ministry.

And I felt I should also go that way. So I was very sincerely praying, "Lord, this particular servant of God is attracting so many, many, many thousands of people to Christ at one stroke. I must have the same anointing."

The Lord smiled and I was in the spirit that's the most important thing. Every time the Lord would love to take you to heavens as exactly as He is filled with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 10:38, He fills you also with the same spirit in that measure. 

So it was in the Spirit as St. John says in Revelation 1:10. And He took me to a particular place in heaven. You must always remember that heaven is a vast place. It is a continent by itself, so great and with many different, different, different, different places, and it is never comprehensible.

And He took me to a particular place and I saw something like a tablet. Big tablets towering to the skies. We are already in the skies in heaven but you see these tablets reaching to the skies. I saw one then another and another and another and the Lord Jesus said, "Read what is written in every tablet." 

And I was amazed. In one tablet it is written "Salvation." That means people who preach only about salvation. Then "Salvation and Baptism." Some are specialists in these two and some "Salvation" and then "Baptism" and then the "Holy Spirit." Likewise, everything was different, different, different, different.

And one thing fascinated me that is when I looked at the tablet, on the top of which it was written "Salvation," I found the name of the world-renowned evangelist, Dr. Billy Graham topping the list and innumerable names came after him, but his name topped the whole list,

I have heard him twice in India 1956, 1977. So I know who he is, and he is acclaimed as the person who has given the Gospel to the most number of people in the history of mankind. 

And then finally, I came to a place where I saw a tablet and at the top, it was written "Love and Compassion" for ministries which are specialized in love and compassion.

Lo and behold, I saw my own name topping the list. And I was really taken aback because there are only six names. And of course, I couldn't read the other names. I could read only my name.

And the Lord Jesus said, "So I have given you a very precious calling, which I have not given to many people. So you should be grateful and you follow the calling which I had given, I bless you abundantly and right as you obey My calling and do what I have commanded you to do, you will also win thousands and thousands of souls." 

Thank God it has happened. So the point I'm making is every ministry is precious.


From Dr. Dhinakaran's book An Insight Into Heaven, I will quote from page 79 and 80.

"The very first time when I had the privilege of visiting the Third Heaven, Jesus introduced the Old Testament Saints to me. I was indeed thunderstruck to see the physical frame of the prophet Elijah and Enoch. As the Scripture says, they both were taken to Heaven without seeing death (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; 2 Kings 2:11). In Heaven, the souls of all the departed Saints look as exactly as they looked in their physical frames in the world. However, these two men of God have been in flesh and blood for a long time in Heaven and hence their bodies look like shining gold in appearance. Their faces glittered like the face of Moses after he was with God for forty days in the mountain as described in Exodus 34:30, 35.

While I was still with the Lord in the Third Heaven, Elijah asked the Lord a direct question, "Lord, has the time come for me to go back to the world?" Enoch too put a similar query. The Lord immediately said to both of them. "No, not yet. Wait." 

As in Revelation 11:4, both Elijah and Enoch are to come back to the world to die as martyrs at the appointed time. (Revelation 11:7-8)

The two witnesses are therefore Elijah and Enoch.

Hebrews 9:27 says, And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,

For the two witnesses they either have to be two ordinary men that are born on this earth and given supernatural powers or if they are saints from the past, the only two men that didn't die are Enoch and Elijah.


I never really thought about the second coming of Christ but then I think it's a year ago or six months ago where I was fasting and praying the Lord Jesus had come and I went to heaven and He told me, "Everybody talks of this sign or that sign. Don't be carried away by all that. I'll give you two signs. Look to the Middle East. Look to the Middle East. I'll pour out My Holy Spirit upon the people in the Middle East. My Holy Spirit shall come like a mighty flood abundantly and the nations in the Middle East shall divide. On one side you will see millions and millions of people will receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit not even knowing what it is and beginning to love God, love His son Jesus. On the other side, people who refuse to accept the Holy Spirit and trying to kill these people, massacre, destroy them, making blood flow like water." He said, "That is the time I've chosen to save those people. That's the time I'll come back." So He said, "Let your eyes be always fixed upon the Middle East."

And the second sign He showed me was a mighty archangel. There's a difference between an angel and an archangel. This is a very special angel and the first time in all my visits to heaven I saw this angel that also stood very next to the place where the Lord Jesus Christ was talking to me and I saw him with a very big trumpet. It looked as if anytime he will blow it. So through his mighty power, the Holy Spirit made me understand that this may not be long. This may happen within the next twenty to thirty years probably twenty. I may not go even to thirty so it is coming soon and our eyes should be on the Middle East. So we have a great task to do within these twenty to thirty years that lie ahead of us. 


  1. How sad. There are testimonies about this man, that preached to multitudes about salvation, that he lost his soul at the end because he stopped preaching the truth and became a freemason at the end of his life.

    1. True, I came across testimonies that said in the end he was introduced to freemanson by Obama.

    2. Yes, sad..i came across the same testimony too

    3. billy must have repented. he had plenty of time to repent. i saw his last video done at his home and he seemed genuine for God.

    4. You all are literally fools.. Both DGS and Billy were, are and will be men of God forever. Wait to see them celebrating in heaven, straight from hell., unless you repent..

  2. Nonsense! He was a man who walked with God during his lifetime on earth and interceded for millions with his love and compassion, and stayed faithful to God till the end. He is in heaven still walking with God...and interceding for fools like you...

  3. People of God Deuteronomy 29:29 the secret things belongs to GOD our LORD and things that are revealed are for us and our children.we aren't to judge.Let's just look unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our Faith.....

  4. The day of judgment will sure come when our works will be revealed by fire, 1Corinthians 3:13-15. Then we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ where nothing will be hidden again. Billy Graham cannot be judged nor condemned by we mortals now. One thing is certain that many of these rapture stories are contradictory, fiction, conversational write-ups and wishful imagination. I enjoin the brethren on this blog to be always discerning by the Holy Spirit and be thoroughly equipped and test with the yardstick of the written WORD OF GOD.

  5. bonjour frère chong la dernière fois j'ai mentionné le livre de celui qui voyait le Seigneur lui contredire le message du dépouillement. Cette fois je viens sur ce témoignage avec quelques questions car des fausses revelations sont susceptibles d'amener le trouble
    1 Il dit Elie et Henoc sont dans la chair et le sang au ciel
    2 Pour Sa venue le Seigneur lui demande de regarder le moyen orient
    3 Chaque fois qu'il prie, le christ lui apparaît face à face
    4 Après la toute première visite du Seigneur ce sont les personnes du Rotary et Lions club qui se proposent à l'aider a répandre l’évangile c'est étonnant
    5 Il appelle Dieu tout puissant Dieu trinitaire
    6 Le pape jean 23 a apporté le réveil dans une église morte? Les papes sont devenus les serviteurs de Dieu?
    7 Pendant qu'il priait jésus lui apparait pour lui demander ce qu'il fait il semble que ce jésus ne soit pas omniscient
    8 Son jésus promet de l'aider s'il transmet son message à lui un dieu qui aide ?

  6. Je reviendrais avec la suite de question

  7. Dans la deuxième partie
    9 il est a genou et conscient de son esprit debout
    10 Des millions d’âmes entrent au paradis en contradiction avec les autres revelations
    11 Le trône de Dieu se trouve dans un endroit solitaire
    12 Le feu semblable au feu d'un volcan sort du trône de Dieu comme le phosphore et le souffre
    13 Le visage du Père ressemble a la glace gelée
    14 Il divise le ciel en deux parties
    15 Les morts viennent chercher les défunts
    16 Le roi David chante avec une voix rauque
    17 Les morts au paradis portent le même vêtement que sur la terre
    18 Dieu ne permet à personne de le toucher quand il est hors du corps cette crainte est ressenti par ceux qui font le voyage astral
    19 Le corps de l’apôtre Paul porte des cicatrices
    20 Il divise le ciel en 2 parties
    21 Il impose à JÉSUS ce qu'il veut
    22 LE saint esprit lui pose une question comme s'il n'était pas la lors de sa conversation avec jésus
    23 jesus ressemble à marie et une peinture reproduit partout dans le monde
    24 Il reçoit la révélation de construire un bâtiment comme une mosquée
    25 Le Père et le fils fusionnent comme DIEU
    26 Il ne sait pas pourquoi certains sont dans le lac de feu et d'autres en enfer
    27 Il n'a jamais vu la récompense des chrétiens
    28 L'ange change le message que le saint esprit lui a donné à la maison
    30 Il est orienté par son fils decedé
    Bref tellement d'incohérence comme les fleurs du ciel n'ont que la couleur blanche, il ne pouvait pas toucher l'arbre de vie à cause d'un film transparent.
    Je conclu que cet témoignage est faux

  8. The testimony doesnt say Billy is in Heaven..

    People that die this days, we cannot guarantee that they go to Heaven. So many Christians are fashionable looking like jezebels, pastors dress to kill while bragging. They can win souls yes, but their own souls are not won cause of greed & fame & lies & deception & wealth they accumulate from Tithes/offerings given by congregants..

    As for the two witnesses, something is wrong here. When moses was commanded to build

    Zechariah 4:11-14
    _Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?
    _And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
    _And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.
    _Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the LORD of the whole earth.

    Thus in Revelation we discover that thos two witnesses where always in Heaven, so was Elijah & Enoch standing before God before the earth was formed..?

    Revelation 11:3-4
    _And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
    _These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.

    **In moses times, the olive trees candle sticks where physically made before Elijah was Born though Enoch was raptured long ago before Egypts story, so was Elijah Holy of the Holies like the the two candle sticks of olive trees..?

    **the Heavenly Candle sticks wher there before adam was created..

    ** no Human that was born on earth stands before Gods Glory, only Michael & Gabriel stands before God the Father.. died or raptured Humans They worship God but they dont replace angels from their duties..
    in some other testimonies, the chosen to visit Heaven were not permitted to see Old testament Saints, not this.. 😒..

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