Beloved, I was
poisoned by my stepmother. When I died in the hospital the angel of
the Lord transported me to the celestial world, thanks to his
heavenly vehicle.
When we landed in
the borderlands of the Celestial world, I saw a multitude facing an
intense light coming from a throne. I could not see or identify the
one sitting on the throne.
Then suddenly, from
the light emanating from the throne, a voice sounded. It was a
thunderous and explosive voice. As a result, the multitude of the
redeemed and the myriads of holy angels fell on the ground. No one
could bear the thunderous and explosive voice. The living creatures
were on the ground. The elders were on the ground, the myriad of
angels and the multitude of saints were on the ground. I also
collapsed on the ground.
When I got up, I
noticed that the Lord was issuing decrees and orders and instructions
to the holy angels. As I could not bear the glory, I turned around to
check the tall and robust angel that brought me here so that he can
take me out. To my surprise, I saw this huge Angel on the ground just
like the myriad of angels here.
Humanity has no idea
about Jesus Christ. We are not dealing with a man but the Creator
Himself. As we were on the ground, I saw two powerful and shining
Angels. They were very well dressed in comparison to others. They had
a pot containing water, and they were sprinkling the multitude of the
saints and the myriad of angels that collapsed on the ground.
I was wondering,
“Why are these angels sprinkling water on people?”
But as the angel was
sprinkling water, the multitude was rising from their coma, then the
voice of the Lord Jesus Christ began to address the multitude who
were silent. I saw the myriad of angels and the redeemed with their
heads bowed. When the Lord was addressing the multitude, I could not
understand what the Lord was saying because this was in a heavenly
The power and the
glory of the voice of the Lord were unbearable and too heavy for me. I
could not bear the weight of glory. And the electric charge in this
place was too much for a mortal man like me.
When the two angels
that were sprinkling the multitude reached me, they sprinkled water
on me. When that water was sprinkled on me, I noticed that the fear
and panic that was on me disappeared. I felt an incredible peace.
Immediately my ears
opened and I began to understand the language of heaven and
everything the Lord Jesus Christ was saying.
The Lord has a
language. The closer we get to Him, the more we understand His
language. When my ears opened, I heard the Lord gave orders to the
angels to transport each and every one of the new arrival to His
place. Every time the Lord gave orders, I saw two or three angels
taking the new soul and settling him in heaven.
When it was my turn,
I noted that the Lord dealt with me differently. I heard the Lord
saying to the Angel, “This is not the time for my son Benjamin to
come here, you're going to return him to Earth.”
I came to understand
that there is a time set for every man on earth.
I heard the Lord
saying to His angel, “I am returning Benjamin so that the world
would know that I am God. I am above poison and all the power of the
The third thing I
heard the Lord saying to His angel, “I am returning Benjamin
because I want to demonstrate to the world that their breath of life
is in My hand. I have the power to take their breath and to return
it. I have power over their life.”
Then the Lord said
to His angel, “You will not just return Benjamin like that. You
will show him things that he will tell the Church and the world.”
Immediately I saw
four angels landing around me. They raised me up. One of the angels
of the Lord said to me, “You heard the order and instruction of the
Lord. We have to show you hidden mysteries that you will reveal to
the Church.”
The angels took me
back in the house where I saw three portals. After opening the second
portal the angel placed me in the middle. I asked them why.
They replied,
“Benjamin, you will see horrendous and fearful things where we are
They said, “Many
on earth know nothing about these things. You have the responsibility
to reveal and tell the Church what you see here. We will show you the
one who is tormenting the earth. We want you to get an insight into
the devil, his world and his strategy so that you can tell the Church.”
The angel of the
Lord made me visit the seven worlds of the devil. I noticed that in
his seven kingdoms, the devil is regarded as God, just like we
treat Jesus Christ on earth.
The Angel of the
Lord told me, “The devil dwells in the seventh world where he
cannot be reached by prayers of the Church which does not reach him.
There are barriers established at the portal of the seven kingdoms in
order to stop prayers from disturbing the world of the devil.”
Actually, we went on
the way with the two angels, when suddenly they told me to be in
their midst. I didn't know what was wrong.
The angel said, “You
are about to see terrifying things but we don't want these entities
to see you.”
As we were moving
forward, the angel of God said, “Benjamin, look over there. What
are you seeing?”
When I looked, I saw
in a relative distance, robust and tall humanoid beings holding
metallic shields around a roadblock.
I said to the angel
of the Lord, “I can see robust humans holding metallic weapons.”
The Angel of the
Lord said, “Benjamin, these are not humans. These are demons
although they have a human shape. They can take whatever shape they want. They set up this roadblock to stop anybody from entering
the seven kingdoms.”
The angel said to
me, “Benjamin, the devil noticed that churches on Earth are
multiplying, and prayers are proliferating everywhere on Earth. The
continual prayers of the children of God are threatening his seven
kingdoms. Therefore, he felt obligated to take measures for protection
and defense against the Church and prayers that are rising and
threatening his kingdom. That is the reason why these roadblocks are
set up here by the devil because prayer has the power and potential to
turn the kingdom of Lucifer upside down. The purpose of this roadblock is to stop prayer coming from any Church on earth from entering
the seven worlds of the devil. The humanoid demons at the roadblock
are instructed to stop prayer from penetrating the world of Lucifer
at all costs. These demons are armed with metallic weapons designed
to oppose and destroy the prayer lives of the children of God.”
The Angel of the
Lord said to me, “Benjamin, this roadblock is not just defensive.
When a Christian is piling pressure on the kingdom of darkness
through intense prayer, these demons will not just resist his prayer.
They will take proactive and defensive measures. They will initiate
an assault against the prayer life of that particular believer.
Actually, if you are continually praying and fasting, they will send
a delegation in your neighborhood, in your street and compound in
order to terminate your prayer life and cycle.”
“First they will
come with a spirit of sleep or slumber. They will start by attacking
your night prayer before you sleep. Then you will begin to notice
that every night when you start praying before sleeping, you will be
carried away in your sleep. You will start but you will never finish the prayer. If you still continue to pray despite the spirit of slumber,
they will reduce the duration of your prayer significantly. When you
notice that instead of praying for one hour, you can only afford to pray for half an hour. You must understand that you are under
The angel said, “To
overcome this tactic is simple. Don't wait when you go to bed. You
can pray earlier when the time to sleep is still far ahead.”
“The second tactic
is distraction and disruption. They will use your wife or husband or
friend to stop you from being in the presence of God. They will use
the closest person to you in order to stop you from reading the Word,
from praying and from attending the Church. People that are in your
proximity can be used as an instrument of the enemy for disruption and
offense. Your wife or husband can be used as an instrument of demons
against prayer life and Bible reading. These are essential moments in
a Christian’s life. These demons will influence people around you
to disrupt your program of going to church by sending you a visitor
when you are about to go to church or by creating an improvised circumstance and situation. Your wife and husband can offend you,
thanks to demonic influence in order to remove you from God’s
atmosphere. You must have the discernment to understand that the person
offending you is under demonic influence.”
I was told by the
angel that there is a prayer position that will get the devil angry,
which is praying on your knees. The devil does not like it because he
knows biblical principles. The devil knows that the Bible says that
every knee shall bow. These knees that are bowing are honoring the
Father. The devil knows that even if the man who is praying is not
born again when God looks at him in that position, He gets honor and
pleasure because He knows it's for Him. People don't like that
position and the devil doesn't like it either.
Later we breached
the first roadblock and we ended up before a second roadblock. My
companion angel said, “Benjamin, this second roadblock is for the
follow-up and monitoring.”
The angels said to
me that they protect believers on earth as it is written in Psalms
34:7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and he
delivers them.”
My companion angels
told me that apart from their positioning around the believers, there
are also two demons delegated by this second roadblock to follow up on Christians. These demons are called guardian demons. Their purpose is
not to fight or combat you but to monitor and to keep an eye on you
24 hours. If you will ever sin and if you do sin, one guardian demon
will stay but one will travel quickly to the seventh kingdom to
report to their lord, “The man who is fighting, battling and waging the war against us has just committed a sin, we can punish him.”
Dear brother and
sister, when you sin, you must confess straight away because of the guardian
demons who are monitoring spirits, they will publish the news in the
seventh kingdom of the devil. And he will urge everybody to take
action against you.
Beloved, when you
sin, you give the devil a legal right over you in many aspects of
your life, and things that were normally protected in the Christian’s
life was given the legal right to be touched by the devil. So the mandate of these two demons is to monitor and report when the
believer commits sin.
Dear brother and
sisters, there are things that happen to Christians that bother them.
They wonder why the Lord has allowed that to happen, but in truth,
they are the ones that have opened the door. As a result, the enemy
was able to touch and destroy aspects of their lives.
After passing these
two roadblocks kept by demons, we were walking when the angel said,
“Benjamin, do you see some things?”
I replied, “I can
see a city by far.”
The angel said,
“What you are seeing is the first kingdom of Lucifer. People come
to this kingdom from water. Water is the portal used by Satanists in
order to travel to this kingdom.”
I was thinking,
“What is in there? Who are the inhabitants of this kingdom?”
Then the angel took
me inside the city. When we got into the city, I saw battalion after
battalion of soldiers just like on Earth. Yet they were demons. They
were troops of soldiers here and there. The population was
exclusively demonic. They were no humans. But these demons had the
appearance of ordinary human soldiers and warriors, and each one of
them had a weapon in his hand. The city was inhabited by regiments of
all kinds of soldiers equipped with divers and various advanced
weaponry. Other battalions had knives and swords. Other regiments had
weapons similar to the ones used on the earth.
The angels said to
me, “These troops are not humans. They are demons and their weapons don't kill the body, but they neutralize their spirits. They get
humans to fall into sins. Demons can shoot thoughts into peoples’
hearts and minds that will cause them to commit sins of all kinds.”
I saw diverse kinds
of weaponry and ammunition. The population of this kingdom was all
soldiers in uniforms and they had guns in their hands.
The angel of the
Lord said to me, “Benjamin, this is the army of Lucifer and their
weaponry. The devil relies on them and his heart is on them. But
there is a difference between earthly army and weapon and the army of
Lucifer and its weaponry. All the troops in this kingdom are trained
and armed to confront and battle the Church on earth. They are
responsible for direct confrontation and war with the children of
God. All the tussles and combats faced by the Church originate from
this kingdom. As you can see that the weapons are diverse here. So
are the many human attitudes, sins and weaknesses. The weapons of the
army of Lucifer destroy the faith of believers. They can attack and
neutralize your prayer life because prayer is extremely dangerous to
The Angel of the
Lord said to me, “The first and foremost purpose of the First World
of the devil is to identify and locate the churches that preach
sanctification and churches that are preparing the faithful for the
rapture and the eternal kingdom. Once this kingdom identifies a church
that is preaching the End Times message and holiness, they will
declare war against that church in order to prevent it from
depopulating the kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of darkness will
come against any church preaching holiness and preparing the people
for the rapture. Revival churches that are strong in prayer will be
singled out as potential targets. Living churches that persevere in
prayer and fasting will face the full force of these armies and their
troops. They will try to attack that church in a systematic way.”
Then the angel of
the Lord said, “Benjamin, let us visit the ruler of the first
kingdom of the devil.”
When we arrived at
the palace of the ruler of the first kingdom of the devil, I saw a
huge and long snake but I noticed his upper part was that as a human.
He had two horns and in the middle of the two horns I saw a fire
The Angel of the
Lord said, “This demon is called Captain Flames. This is a demon
battling the Church. He is against the Church and prayers and
service. His demonic troops emerge to the surface of the earth mainly
from the cemetery, which is a portal to the dark world. A toilet is
also a portal. Satanists know what is a toilet. It's a place where
they do incantation.”
“When the first
kingdom comes against a local church, these demons will visit the
local authority and government office and they will try to confuse
the church documents. They will attempt to try to close that church
through the issue of the document. Every time a church has a documented
problem you just have to guess that the army of the enemy is already
deployed and at work at the local authority or government. The devil
doesn't mind dead churches.”
“If these demons
failed in terms of legal documents, they will enter inside the church.
They will target the leaders of different departments who will be
their prime targets. That's why I will ask you to pray for people
leading department in the church. If they tried and failed to
overthrow these leaders, they will try and use members of these
departments that are living in a distraction and they will shoot
them. The ammunition will not kill them because it was not designed
for that purpose. The ammunition will implant evil thoughts and evil
heart is positioned in the mind of the target. The victim’s
attitude will change and just like that he will turn against the department leader, he will start gossiping against the leader. Demons
will make sure that these backstabbing, slandering and gossiping
reach the leader so that he will be hurt and troubled. And as the
smear and defamation continue, the leader will be discouraged. If a
leader is not strong, he will give up and rest from his commitment to
serve. This will be the victory of this army of darkness.”
“The reality is
that the people who got it will never be able to serve the way that
leader does. As a result, that department will collapse. Then people
will remember the leader who gave up. If you are a leader of a
department, you must understand that all attacks from people in the
church or your department are not from people but the demons deployed
against the church.”
“If the regiment
of troops deployed in the church are failing to overthrow the
department leaders, they will then attack the members of the church.
Nobody is in the demilitarized zone, we are all in war. If you fail
to engage the enemy, the enemy will engage you.”
I was told by the
angel of the Lord that demons will go check the message that the
pastor is preparing in the day of church service. And if they
discover that the message will benefit a particular believer they
will battle to stop that believer from coming to church by sending
him visitor in the time he was supposed to come to church. I can only
tell you not to miss the church because of a visitor. I said the
entity ruling these armies in the first kingdom is a huge snake with
human head but on his head, there are two horns and between the two
horns there is a flame of fire. The name of this evil spirit is Captain
The angel said, “His main activity is destroying churches. If all his troops and battalion
are failing, he will leave his throne and come by himself. He will
land in that church and he will growl on that church, and he will
throw his two horns on the ground. As a result, the church will be
divided into two camps. Division in the local church is a manifestation
of his attack.”
Then we traveled to
the second world which is a place of mystics, native doctors, and
Satanists. This kingdom is ruled by a demon that is called Dr.
Solomon. He is called the doctor because he is responsible for occultism
and mysticism. This demon does not have hands or feet. I saw him
sitting on a table. He is an abomination. You cannot watch him twice.
This demon is the source of occultism power. I saw two gods behind
his throne. These two demons are the ones who came up with the idea
of establishing the throne of the devil in the churches around the
world. The devil noticed that people are going to church in great
numbers. He came up with this strategy of building satanic churches.
Beloved, the devil
is opening churches everywhere. He is giving money to occultic
pastors to build mega-churches. And these pastors are performing
miracles, wonders, and signs. They do perform fake deliverance and
they prophesied. One of the main tasks for an occultist is to steal
peoples’ stars and chances. They are people who were born to become
something but their stars and destinies were diverted and stolen.
When a Satanist gives you money he will steal your star. University is
one place where people's stars are stolen. Many University teachers
are in occultism and many doctors are deep in occultism. Many people
are living a life of poverty and adversity because their blessing and luck have been
The second kingdom
of the devil is the seat of occultic powers that is in the hand of
Dr. Solomon. It is a dimension where mystics and Satanists travel in
order to get power.
Then the companion
angels took me to the third dimension of Lucifer. They said to me
that the third kingdom of the devil is designing and controlling all
electronic operators we are using in this world. The angel said that
the design and conception of technological operators are here. Every
single technological invention is a channel of demonic power. They
have marks that bewitch the user.
We must understand
that scientists are not just dealing with scientific knowledge. They
actually combined scientific knowledge and esoteric knowledge. So you
can go to university but you will not be considered a scientist
unless you are part of the world scientific community, which is a
body that gathers occult scientists.
Most of
technological inventions have nothing to do with scientific
knowledge, but metaphysics and esoteric knowledge. The devil is using
technology as a tool of manipulation. There is occultism in Android
and Apple mobile technology. There is functionality in Android that
must be avoided. You can be initiated and connected subconsciously.
Smartphones that youngsters are using are full of pornography. Social
Networking is the seat of satanic power in this end time.
There are mystical
movements that are gathering peoples’ photos from Facebook and
using them in rituals. Internet means many nets and the purpose of
the net is to catch targets.
In terms of TV, there
are images that transmit viewers with demons and even believers are
getting demons just by watching TV images. A simple TV image can
transmit demons to the people watching them.
Let me tell you that
I was arrested recently for exposing the secret of this third
The angel said,
“Once an electrical or electronic apparatus is designed in this
kingdom, one of their scientists on Earth will be selected to release
it on Earth.”
Beloved, you must
understand that many electronic devices are controlled from the third
kingdom of the devil despite the fact that they are being used on
Let me tell you that
mobile phone technology was designed in the third kingdom of the
devil. Do not get yourself too much in complicated options and
functions because there are hidden things there. You could be
initiated just like that. Demons are really advanced more than
humans. They can even use motion pictures to bewitch the human race. The
images of violence in movies affect people, the images of pornography
affect people, the images of horror movie create fear. As a result,
they can attract a demon just like that, because demons are attracted
by intense fear. When people watch movies, their minds and souls are
involved. It's like they are participating in those horror scenes.
Then we left the
technology world of the devil. We traveled to the fourth kingdom.
When arrived in the Fourth World of the devil, I saw many roads
underneath which were bearing the names of different sins that people
commit on the Earth. Each avenue and road of this kingdom is ruled by
a demon that is a personification of a sin that people commit on the Earth.
The demonic
population of the Fourth World of the devil is responsible for
bewitching and harassing the people of the Earth to commit sin. They
put humans in bondage of sins. I saw many roads in the Fourth World,
and each road was controlled by a specific demon related to a
specific sin.
I remember when we
saw the demon of fornication on his road. When this demon saw us
walking in his road he stood up. When he stood up, I noticed that he
had male and female sexual organs. He was male and female, or
hermaphrodite. He had the body of man and woman, he could copulate
himself to satisfy himself sexually. This demon was called man
mooner. When this demon was coming, he started to do incantation. He
was actually bewitching the world population to fornicate and commit
sexual immorality.
Beloved, there is a demon behind every sin committed on Earth. These demons are harassing
the world population in committing sin. All the sins that are
committed by humans on planet Earth is a result of control and
demonic manipulation of the Fourth kingdom demons. These kingdoms are
the ones responsible for the sins of humans. They calculate and
orchestrate them by harassing humans to sin.
I saw the demon of
lies in this kingdom on his Avenue. This demon is empowered by mobile
phone technology as people are lying easily on the phone. People
honor this demon on the day of April’s Fool. Even Christians lie
deliberately on that day.
The demon of
fornication is emboldened on St. Valentine Day, as people give
themselves in illicit sexual acts.
In this kingdom, I
saw the Avenue of the demon of drunkenness. I saw the demon of gossip
and his Avenue, the demon pride and his Avenue, the demon lust in his
Avenue, I saw the demon of divorce. I saw the demon of accident, I
saw the abortion. We also saw demons of drunkenness and smoking in
their Avenue. Just take that all sins committed on Earth are
orchestrated by demons of the Fourth World of the devil.
All sins are the result
of demonic manipulation because all sins are demonic. I mean there is
a corresponding demon to specific sin that people commit on Earth.
After visiting the
fourth kingdom that is causing the sin manipulation on the Earth, we
traveled to the fifth world. The angel took me to the fifth dimension of
Lucifer. This kingdom was ruled by three powerful demons. I saw a
demon with a big leg. I was told that his power and authority are in
his leg. He is the demon of music.
Beloved, for any
musician to become popular on Earth, he has to sign a pact with this
demon, otherwise, he will not be known. And when he signed a pact, he
gets a new name. These names are given to them after signing a
covenant. These names are given to them by this demon of music when
they are signing covenants. And this demon will make sure that their
names become popular, and every time they release new albums, they
get new names or new titles.
These musicians also
get the content of their albums over there. The demon of music is
called Sankey, and many musicians sing for demons. They quote their
names in their songs, but people think they are talking about natural
people. Let me inform you that the style of dressing of these
musicians comes from this realm.
The second demon
operating in this realm is the demons of sickness. Once sickness
comes, everything is paralyzed in the life of a man. Sickness is used
as a weapon by these demons against Christians.
Then I was shown the
last demon governing the fifth world of the devil. He was sitting on
a throne, but behind his throne was a tree with many branches, and
these branches had chains and padlocks around them.
The angel said,
“This demon is making humans to suffer. He is the demon of
The angel said,
“Firstly, this demon start by chaining people. If you notice that
they are still moving, then he uses the padlock. This demon won't stop
you from eating and dressing. But every time you want to break through and
achieve something remarkable, that's when he arises. But sometime he
might come after the little you have achieved.”
Then the angel began
to explain to me some truth about these demons. They said that this
demon does not care about prayer. I was hopeless when I heard the
angel saying this because as far as I know, prayer is the strength
of a Christian. And if we are winning, it's because of prayer. How
come prayer does not affect him?
You can try to
destroy the blockade in prayer, it won't work. Remember the story of
Lazarus and the wealthy man. Lazarus was God-fearing but he was poor.
The fear of the Lord will lead you to heaven. It won't make you rich.
Prayer will never destroy poverty, only giving combined with a prayer
that can destroy poverty. As long as you are not practicing the
principles of sowing, the demon of the blockade will make sure that you
are in poverty. The principle of blessing is sowing, not prayer.
In terms of the
demon of poverty. I said he is not afraid of prayer. You can be
stronger in prayer and be poor. The secret of material blessing is
not prayer but giving combined with prayer. This has to become a way
of life. That is why every time you want to give to God, this demon
will flood your mind with many thoughts about what you can do with
your money. The angel said this demon will be expelled only after giving.
The sixth world of
the devil is for witches. This world is the strength of the devil
because people who attend this world are humans living among the
children of God. They know the lives of Christians and their projects
and aspirations. These witches provide information to the enemies of the believers. The assumption about witches is that they strangle people
in the night; they kill people and they block people.
Often it is
difficult to identify witches. You can be living with a witch for
many years, but you may never know you are dealing with witches because the first character of a witch is affection. I mean
false love. Anybody that ever encounters a witch will notice their
kindness and sociability.
When the angel of
the Lord took me the sixth world, they said, “Benjamin, let’s go
to see where witches get their power.”
When we arrived in
the sixth world of the devil I saw the ruler of the kingdom of
witches. His throne was inside or above a lake of the flame of fire, but
he was not burning. I was told by the angel of the Lord that those
who practice witchcraft get their power from this ruler. That is why
witches are not afraid of fire, because their ruler sit above the
flames of fire. Witches enter the church even when the people are
calling the fire of God to come down. They enter while demons are
running away. You can even hear them calling fire.
The Angel of the
Lord said to me, “The first thing that this ruler gives the
practitioners of witchcraft is a transporter spirit. The demon that
is called transporter spirit enables them to do astral traveling. They
leave their body behind when traveling in hyperspace. When a witch
leaves his body, he does not get out of the house through the door or
windows, but he will place his face inside the wall of the house. As
a result, he will fly away in space.”
The angel of God
said to me, “We must note that when a witch is flying in space, the
transporter spirits caused him to be able to see beyond the wall and
the roof of all the houses except that of born again and God-fearing
Christians. Thanks to this transporter spirit the wall and the roofs
of houses become transparent. Therefore, when witches are flying in
space, they can see everything happening inside all the houses. It's
like people are sleeping outside houses.”
The angel of the
Lord said to me, “When witches and demons come in the night to
attack Christians, we manipulate physical reality in order to confuse
them. We turn the house of the believer to a lake of water burning flames
of fire. Therefore, they cannot do anything, they go away in
confusion. That is why when they come in the day to check, instead of seeing the lake of water they would see everything normal and they
would be further in confusion. They cannot see you in the night, that
is why they will come to check in the day.”
The second power
given to practitioners of witchcraft is the ability to wear a false
face and identity in order to hide their true identity because they
are afraid of the power of vision and dream that the Lord has given
His children. They can wear the appearance of someone else or the appearance of an animal. You may be dreaming that you are fighting
animals but these animals are just masks of witches, in case you're
fighting and defeating them. In case you are overpowering these
animals in dreams, you will notice that this witch will be angry at
you in the day, but in case these witches are defeating you in the
night, you will notice that they are kinder to you.”
The third power
given to witches is the power of bilocation, the ability to be in two
different places at the same time. The transporter spirit also enables
witches and wizards to modify or change their age and appearance in
the night. A youngster in the day can become an adult in the night
and have children. There are children that are witches, but in the
night they are adults and they occupy great positions in the world of
witches. These children have the characteristic of adults in the day.
They do not respect anyone or fear anybody because they are great
people in the night, but their health is mediocre. They are also old
people who turn themselves to young people in the night.
The other ability
given to witches is communication through their hand fingers and feet
toes. Every time people are talking about their ambitions and
aspirations, these witches will start touching their fingers and
behaving uncomfortably. They can record your conversation with them
and even connect them to their kingdom.
When witches meet
for the first time, they do recognize one another. When a new witch
moves into your neighborhood, he would be received by witches of your
street and the neighborhood and he will join the Brotherhood of your
area during the night.
Actually, there is a
parallel administration of witches in the night, ruling each city and
country of the world. They are witches that are poor in the day, but
they are elevated in authority in the night and they are wealthy.
During astral
traveling, there are laws that witches must keep in order to avoid
disruption. They are not supposed to touch or steal material stuff.
They are not supposed to be out of the body beyond daylight.
Otherwise, the transporter spirits would cause their body that was
left in their bedroom to join their spirit that is out of their body.
As a result, they would fall.
That is why we hear
stories of witches falling. It's because their body that was left in
their bedroom has joined and reunited with their soul that was out of
their body.
The first department
of witchcraft is that of a mechanic. You may wonder what is the
importance of mechanic in the astral world. Actually, in the spirit
world of witches, there are aircraft and vehicles but the aircraft of
witches are different from planes that we have in the physical world,
particularly in terms of speed. Invisible aircraft of witches fly at the speed of light or the speed of thought. You must understand that
a witch can travel from Africa to America and come back in minutes.
Actually, witches
that are in international witchcraft, travel all over the world to
bewitch and cast spells on people. That is why they need aircraft and
planes. But astral aircraft and cars of witches travel by using
specific and established trajectories and they are guided to their
destinations by the stars.
It is when an astral
aircraft fly over churches and houses of Christians that they come
under fire. When an astral plane flies above a church it is likely to
be hit by fire because churches and houses of children of God are
where prayer goes up and mount to heaven. These are trajectories by
which prayer goes to heaven. Houses of children of God are also
places where prayer goes to heaven. It is a trajectory of prayer.
Whenever mystical
aircraft fly over these trajectories of prayer, they come under fire
and break down. Some of these planes are destroyed by guardian angels
keeping the children of God.
Therefore, there are
witches whose task and duty is to repair astral aircraft and astral
cars. But let me inform you that these astral cars and aircraft are
most of the time toys during the day. They are just little items like
toys but at night these little items and articles become cars and
planes. Witches that are mechanics do not kill people in their family
or environment. They are assigned to disrupt peoples' lives. They are
assigned to block peoples’ lives. You may have a witch in the
family. He may not be killing people but you will notice that no one
has made it in the family. Women won't get married, men are not
getting jobs. Witches that are mechanics in the night are dirty in
the days. There are witches that are not always dirty because they
are mechanics.
The second
department of witchcraft is that of drivers and pilots. These are
witches that drive astral aircraft and astral cars in the night. Most pilots and drivers in the world of witchcraft are children. When a
child is initiated into witchcraft, they will train him to be a driver
or a pilot. That is why it is difficult for these children to abandon
witchcraft. And the assignment of these pilots during the day is about
spreading witchcraft among children.
The third department
of witches is made up of chefs. They are witches whose task and duty
in the night is cooking human flesh and meat for fellow witches.
Witchcraft gathering is always like a celebration. They dance. They
eat human meat and they have orgy sex. These astral chefs have a duty during the day. Their first work is about getting people to eat human
food in the day. Most of the people living on Earth have already eaten
human flesh. These witches have been empowered to turn human meat to
animal meat and fish. The purpose of eating human food is to change the peoples’ heart conditions.
The second work of
these chefs is about destroying electronic apparatus in their homes and causing them to tear
humans' lives apart.
The last department
of witches is the department of the bewitching and spell casting.
These are criminals, they are deadly and they are filled with pride
because they think that ordinary humans are inferior to them. We must
understand that when witches paralyze and strangle people in the
night, they are not necessarily in the house of the victim. They can
be located far away and yet be able to do the act of murder.
The angels said to
me there are ways to recognize witches. Witches are our informers of
the dark world. They have the tendency to be curious about minor
details about peoples’ lives. They want to be aware of things going
on in peoples’ lives and details. They have the spirit of control.
The second sign is
this: before a witch comes to strangle you in the night, he would
come first to test your spirit in the day. He has to test and
determine and establish whether you're a weak or strong spirit. If
you find that you are a weak spirit he will try to control you in the
day before coming to strangle you in the night. Often when witches
cannot overpower you in the night they will hate you in the day.
Witchcraft activity
starts at midnight when demons come to wake them up for the flight to
space. Promotion in the world of witches is through human sacrifices.
They always ask these people to
people dear to them like their fathers and mothers.
Then we left the
sixth world of the devil. When we arrived at the seventh world of
Lucifer, I saw men and women. These men and women were pregnant and
breastfeeding. I felt cold and fear.
I asked the angel,
“How come men are pregnant and breastfeeding in this kingdom?"
The angels of the
Lord laughed. They said to me, “These are not humans. These are
demons. They are Lucifer’s bodyguards. They come to earth to amuse
themselves and sleep with men and women in dreams. As a result, they
get pregnant. Demons visit the earth every night and they molest men
and women in dreams. Many people wake up tired because of these
molestations. What will follow is that these victims will start
seeing themselves having sex in dreams. When a male demon molests a woman on the earth, this male demon will take the responsibility of
carrying that pregnancy in the spirit world, but the human woman
victim will still feel the effect of that pregnancy.
These demons will
carry the pregnancy and give birth to a hybrid child. These children
will not spend most of their lives in the seventh kingdom of Lucifer
because they are part demon and part human. They would be taken to
the second world of the devil, the realm of Dr. Solomon.
I said native
doctors and witches come to this world. The demon Dr. Solomon will
distribute these children to native doctors who will give them to
women who are in search of children.
The Angel of the
Lord said, “There is a level in the spiritual marriage where the
spiritual partner will start appearing physically. A female demon can
turn a male victim to a woman in the spirit world. As a result, the
man will begin to behave like a woman.”
Then the angel of
the Lord took me to the throne of the devil. I was surprised to see
him sitting on a throne made of human bones, and he had chains on his
feet. There was no glory whatsoever.
I asked the angel of
the Lord, “Why is the devil having chains on his feet? Are you the
one that has bound him?”
The angel said,
“Benjamin, we are not strong enough to bind the devil like this.
It's the Lord Jesus Christ when He died on the cross that He
neutralized and bound the devil like this. The devil has been stripped
of his power on the cross. It is written in Col 2:14-15 blotting out
the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary
to us and has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.
Having stripped rulers and authorities, He made a show of them
publicly, triumphing over them in it.”
SHALOM. Thank you for the testimony , may you please publish the remaining part. It is really a blessing .
ReplyDeleteThank you remain blessed in the name of JESUS CHRIST.
The other part about his death was omitted because it was a narrating of pure witchcraft which I felt presented no value to the reader. You can go to YouTube and search for Benjamin Kikamona. He is a Francophone.
ReplyDeletemau tanya bagaimana cara kita terbebas dari penyakit diabetes ?dalam kesaksian tidak di kasih tau cara kita terbebas dari penyakit .terima kasih
DeleteVery deep. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteСпасибо Господь Иисус Христос
ReplyDeleteHe just detailed many things broadlY. some testimonies had half this & that.
ReplyDeleteSo eye opening..
Awareness is what makes us read this Testimonies..
supaya terbebas dari penyakit bagaimana?dengan doa bisa kah?
ReplyDeletemaksudnya bagaimana cara bebas dari penyakit spt diabetes ?dengan doa apa dengan memberi juga
ReplyDeleteTruly the Holy Spirit of Truth in our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to get godly knowledge. This message was posted to me barely six hours I explained what the Leviathan is to a young minister after Church service.
ReplyDeleteThe testimony is quite expository in line with the Word of God. I pray that all that Read will adhere to the warning of our Lord Jesus Christ believe and be converted.
ReplyDeleteGreat one, beloved.
ReplyDeleteThank you kindly finish the testimony we want to hear it all
ReplyDeleteThanks to Jesus Christ for the sacrifice of the cross
ReplyDeletePlease part 2 and three