Wednesday, January 8, 2020



The revelation of the submarine kingdom and fallen angels beneath the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.

I am here to talk about the spirit world where the Lord took me. There are two Kingdoms ruling the world. There are the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan.

Thanks to the revelation of the Lord, the world of Satan was revealed to me and I saw unclean spirits at work. They are tireless and extremely busy for time is gone. And this is the final phase war. The Lord showed me how the spirit world was actively working and fighting for the souls of men.

It was at 3am when I was sleeping, that the Lord Jesus visited me and He told me, “Servant, I must show you the spirit world of Satan.”

Quickly the Lord took me beneath the ocean where the kingdom and the world of Satan was. Firstly the Lord took me to the spirit world that is under the Indian Ocean.

The Lord said, "I'm taking you to the world of Satan where they are busy at work to destroy humanity.”


When we arrived beneath the Indian Ocean, I began to see water spirits at work, and they were busy working in Lucifer manufacturing and production industry of the water world.

Brother, I saw mermaids, divas, and goddesses beneath the ocean. These beautiful ladies of waters had fishtail. I saw them in a huge vestibule. I never saw this kind of facility in our world, for it is was extremely huge and voluminous.

When we entered this enormous facility in the mysterious world of Satan beneath the ocean, I saw a lot of women having fish tails working in this production factory.

I asked the Lord, “Who are these women working in this industry beneath the water?

The Lord told me, “Servant, observe them carefully.”

When I looked again, I saw that these ladies of the sea had snake tails and fishtails. I was observing these water spirits when I noticed that one of them was holding a magic stick. I was watching her when suddenly she noticed my presence. As soon as this oceanic mermaid saw me, she was in dismay and furious. She was aggravated by my presence and she began to shout at me with anger.

She asked her colleague, the diva of Indian Ocean, “Who authorized this man to come in here?”

Then she turned to me and asked me, “Who authorized you to be here? You are infringing, you broke in this place illegally, you have no right to be here. You are trespassing. You are not supposed to see our secrets. You should not be here. This is our production industry where we are designing our rings and accessories and products to be put in circulation on the surface of the earth. But you are not supposed to be here. Who brought you here?”

It was clear that this mermaid who was furious and shouting at me could not see the Lord Jesus that was by my side. At that moment I took authority in the name of Jesus Christ and I rebuked this water spirit. As a result, she was cast away.

The Lord Jesus told me, “Fear not, I am with you. I am showing you this unknown and mysterious submarine world so that you may know. For besides the terrestrial world where you live, there are also submarine worlds of the devil beneath the sea and ocean and you will tell the world what his agents are designing in this water world. But I will show you step by step how they are working.”

When I looked carefully at the people working in this factory, I saw that these great ladies of the sea and underwater spirits were designing chains, necklaces, rings, and jewelry of all kinds.

When these mermaids saw me watching them, they were furious and they started to come against me. Quickly, I used the name of Jesus against them.

The Lord came and told me, “Fear not, I am with you.”

Brother and sister, when water spirits were designing chains, necklaces, and rings, very quickly I saw that these accessories were shifting to scorpions, snakes, and spiders.

I said, "Lord, why are these rings turning to scorpions and these necklaces turning to snakes?”

The Lord said, "These items and accessories that people wear are demons. They are not what people think. These chains, necklaces, and rings are snakes, spiders, and scorpions. These items are designed by mermaids to scatter on the surface of the earth, and people in the surface world are using them including God's children.”

The Lord said, "The Church must be vigilant and always praying for there is an unknown world beneath the Indian Ocean producing items and accessories that are demonic.”


Beloved, we were in this mysterious world of mermaids under the Indian Ocean.

When the Lord Jesus said, "These mermaids, goddesses and queens of the Indian Ocean are fallen angels. They were previously children of light and former residents of heaven. These water spirits that have fallen from heaven were angels of light. They joined Lucifer in his rebellion and were cast out of heaven. These hordes of angels have left their habitation and responsibility in heaven. These artistic fallen angels are nowadays in charge of beauty, cosmetic and hygiene products in the oceanic dimension. For in the heavenly world, these celestial beings were working in artistic, creative and luxuries of heaven. These fallen angels work in the department of aesthetics in the heavenly world.”

(Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty and taste, the creation or appreciation of beauty.)

The Lord said, “These heavenly children of God worked to maintain the beauty of heaven and keep it luxurious. When they fell from heaven, they built a new world beneath the ocean. Nonetheless, they kept working in the field of aesthetics and beauty. They are responsible for cosmetic beauty and makeup products that women are using in the surface world.”

I saw these goddesses, mermaids and queens of the ocean working on cosmetic, hygienic and beauty products such as lotions, soaps, powders, lipsticks. They were producing all sort of items.


The Lord said, "My people need to be careful because these water spirits have placed marks and signs in clothes that people wear on the surface. My people must pray. When they bring these clothes and accessories designed beneath the Indian Ocean, they are paralyzing the spiritual strength of My children bringing about sinful life. There is manipulation and spiritual destruction affecting God's people when they are using these items. In fact, the rings, the necklaces and chains designed by the ladies of the sea give the enemy the legal grounds to intrude, infiltrate and invade the lives of the users including God’s children. These products paralyze the prayer life, stop God's children from reading the Bible and lead them to a sinful life.”

The Lord said, "My people are unable to pray, read the Bible and serve Me because of the satanic power in these accessories that is making them heavy. They are bewitched and kept in destruction. As a result, they have entered a sinful life.”

The Lord said, "When the insurrection happened in the heavenly world, the devil managed to recruit angels of different departments. In the celestial world, there are angels that look after vegetation. There are angels that work in the production industry and there are angels working in various sectors. Some of these angels of light had joined the devil in his revolution. Thus the production and manufacturing industries of the submarine world of Indian Ocean is controlled by former residents of the heavenly world that were part of the production industry in the heavenly world.”

Brother, the spirit world is busy while God's people are resting, relaxing and in distraction. When the Lord made man in His image and likeness and placed everything under him, the devil was angry and bothered by God’s love for man and opposed God for putting His image on man. The anger of the dragon that was cast out of heaven stems from the fact that God loves humanity while he is rejected.

The Lord said, "The water spirits are a class of demons that are strategic for the devil in this end time. These queens and ladies of the sea and the mermaids are crucial in the end-time strategy of Lucifer of paralyzing the body of Christ. These oceanic ladies of the sea are busy and they are working hard in the industrial complex of the Indian Ocean.”

The Lord said, "These ladies of the sea have entered the many churches on the surface of the earth, for they are sent with the mission of getting God’s people far from the presence of God. They are working to get God's children in distraction. These ladies are working to get the minds and eyes of God's people focused on the things of the earth. They work to get the church to be materialistic, thus they are bringing fashions and trends in the church.”


After visiting the production facility where cosmetic and beauty products were designed, I saw the throne of Satan. He was surrounded by mermaids that he was deploying and sending them to the earth and the church with a mission of destruction. I saw these water spirits coming to church in the likeness of brothers and sisters. They were sent with instruction of destroying men and women having the stars of God and people attending churches.

I saw the devil sitting on his throne and saying to these oceanic ladies, “I am sending you in mission and assignment. If you succeed, I have a great prize and a great reward for all of you.”

The Lord said, "My children should not rest. They should always pray and they must fight. The strategy of the devil is to win the whole world and souls of men that they will join him in the lake of fire. The devil is making sure that no one enters the glory where he was banished.”

I saw the devil sitting on his throne and ordering mermaids and ladies of the sea to join churches on the earth and cause destruction. This was a meeting of forces of darkness, a meeting on a strategy of the destruction of the world, destruction of the people and destruction of the church.


Among the class of demons attending the throne of Satan, I saw that they were a band of demons that cause earthquakes and tremors.

I saw another category of demons that caused volcanic eruption and demons that caused the floods.

In this meeting of destruction there were also demons that cause wars and unrest so that a great number of people would die and go to hell.

The Lord told me that many victims of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions and wars don't go to heaven. They go to hell for they had no time to confess.

In this meeting, the prince of this world came up with a strategy of distracting the church and humanity through worldly entertainment and fashion lifestyle that keeps the people in sleep and distraction.

For while we are sleeping, the enemy does not sleep. He is multiplying meetings and strategies to keep God's children in distraction through his program of mass hypnosis.


After witnessing demons getting orders from the throne of Satan, the Lord Jesus took me to the Atlantic Ocean, where I saw a sheet of paper, a report of a meeting that took place in the Atlantic kingdom. When I began to read the main points of this report, I came to understand that this was a list of resolutions taken in a strategic meeting of evil powers. I saw the decision that were taken against local churches. Among the main points outlined in this report, I read a resolution to dry out love among the brothers in the church. I read about the resolution to cause division, conflict, and misunderstanding among the brethren in the church. I also saw the resolution to cause brothers and sisters to fight for positions in the church. I read the resolution to promote racial hate and discrimination in the church and class separation so that the church will lack unity. There was also a resolution to cause gossip, backstabbing, and defamation among the brethren.

The Lord told me, “This is the plan of the devil and he is scattering demons all over the world to fight and bring down the church.”


In this report, there was also a resolution to instigate war.

The Lord told me, “War is a strategy of Satan to supply his kingdom with blood. You will tell people to pray in this period of the end of the year for the angels of death will be released in great numbers to reap souls of the innocent. Tell My people to be in My presence in prayer for there will be demons that will be released against the family to cause division, conflict, divorce. They will end prayer life in the church.”

In this divine encounter, the Lord kept talking about vigilance and prayer. For the devil is prowling around like a lion but you must resist him. Prayer is the key and the life of the church. Prayer is the weapon. Prayer must be the priority of God's children.

After we left the Atlantic Ocean, the Lord showed me a six feet tall, dark angel in crossroad roundabout in public places.

The Lord said, "He is the angel of death. He is here to reap human souls and people will die in accidents. The church has to pray. This spirit of death can cause traffic accidents, sicknesses, and epidemics including natural catastrophe.”

The Lord said, "The devil has asked this angel of death to cause fatal incidents such as traffic accidents. Even pandemonium and epidemics are the activity of this demon.”

The Lord kept saying, “Tell My children to be prudent everyday and prayerful every day.”


The Lord said, "Among the end-time strategy of the devil is the destruction of children. They are nowadays coming under attack. Children are going to hell because of poppy and animated cartoons, which are initiating children. These are movies and animation of initiation. These programs are initiating children in witchcraft. God's children must be vigilant and we must pray for our children. When we send children to schools and outings, the devil can come against our children and attack them. Therefore, we must always pray. On the other hand, cartoon characters that children watch at home are demons leading children to hell. We must teach children God's Word and prayer and we must show them Christian materials.”

The Lord showed me a politician giving money to church people for their campaigns. Later they went on to sacrifice these church people in rituals for human sacrifices.


I remember when the Lord was taking me to heaven, we were passing the second heaven.

The Lord then said to me, “When the devil rebelled against God in the heavenly world, he was cast out to the earth. But many of his angels landed in the second heaven. Some of them landed in the ocean, the sea, and the desert. They came from different departments and they try to duplicate the organization of heaven. The devil just copied everything that he had left in heaven, but the original is God. The devil just copied.”


The Lord said, "If and when My children cast out devils, they clap their hand. This does not work.”

I said, "Lord, what should we do?”

The Lord said, "Behold, look at the devil. He is coming.”

When I look, I was stunned for I saw the devil coming.

Straight away, the Lord said to me, “Servant, point your fingers towards him and rebuke him.”

Immediately, I pointed my finger toward the devil. I said, "In the name of Jesus.”

Straight away, I saw the devil being projected on the ground like a sheet of paper. I was stunned.

The Lord said, "You should be clapping your hands when you praise the Lord, not when you cast out the devil. Use your finger when you cast him out. For there is power in My children which is released when they use My name.”


The Lord then began to talk to me about people that are demons. They are unclean spirits that are born on this earth in human flesh. In fact, the Lord showed me a brother by the name of Chad. We were friends, I knew him very well.

The Lord said, "There is no point trying to win his soul for he is not a human being but a demon in flesh.”

When I heard this, I cried for him because I love that brother. The devil is sending many of his demons that are born on this earth with various missions of destruction. These people are the cause of suffering, destruction, and pain on the earth. These demons are in great institutions and great corporations. They are superstars and celebrities. These people will not repent. Still, the Lord is looking for people to repent but many are not ready. They prefer to continue in their sin.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing testimony. God save us help us to have a real encounter with you in our lives. Reveal to us your divine plans.
