Saturday, January 25, 2020



Good morning, everybody. My name is Joelle. I live in Belgium. I gave my life to Christ when I was still very young. Very early in my Christian life, the Lord began to show me a lot of things including visions.

I remember the first vision that the Lord gave me. I was sleeping and I saw the heavens opened, then a hand in the shape of clouds coming down and it grew bigger. I saw people running away when they saw this hand. When I looked carefully, I saw a board on the palm of this hand. It was written on that board, “Everyone will receive according to that he has done whether it be good or bad.” (2 Corinthians 5:10)

Then in December 2011, I received the visit of a man of God at home. Together with my husband, we shared the Word of God. And before leaving us, the man of God said to me, “My sister, you're gonna have to read the Scripture a lot, because you will preach and you will need a notebook because you will have a lot to write about.”

I could not understand the prophetic word of this man of God at that time. I was asking my husband, “Why would I need a notebook? It makes no sense to me.”

Then on the 27th of January 2012, I was sleeping. Usually, I read the Word of God before sleeping, but on that day I slept without reading the Word. Then I woke up at 2am and I started to read the Scripture in the Gospel of Mark. After reading, I went back to sleep at 3am

Then I heard a voice calling my name, “Joelle.” I woke up and I tried to open my eyes to check who was calling me. But I realized that I could not open my eyes.

Then the voice said to me, “Joelle, go to Church and tell My children and tell the world. Go from house to house and tell them to prepare themselves because I am coming back.”

Then I woke up, my husband and children were sleeping. I began to wonder what is it that just happened to me. I said to myself, “I was not even asleep, I was conscious.”

Later I talked to my husband who said to me, “The Lord Jesus is trying to give you a message.”

In March 2012, as usual, I was reading the Bible before sleeping. It was 11pm. I always read the Bible that I have downloaded on my phone. So I took the phone in order to read the Bible when suddenly I saw the sky getting dark and black and on the right side of the sky, it was dawn. Then a hand in the shape of a cloud came down and grabbed me and transported me to heaven.

When I reached heaven, I was wondering where I was. I wanted to check what I was treading upon. When I checked where I was walking and treading I noticed that I was walking on a glass that was transparent and there was a lot of light in this place.

From heaven I could see people getting on with their lives on earth through this transparent glass. I saw houses and people walking around. When I lifted my head I noticed that there were six people dressed in brightening white in front of me, and they were watching me with arms crossed. They were barefoot.

As I was observing them, I noticed that each one of them had two wings. I said to myself, “These must be the angels of the Lord.”

They were just looking at me without talking to me. Not far from me, on my right, I noticed a poster and there were yellow inscriptions written all over it. I got closer to the poster in order to read. There was a Hebrew inscription. And beneath the Hebrew writing, there was another engraving in blue that says, “Jesus is the King.”

And when I touched the inscription, “Jesus is the King,” I noticed that it was like an engraving in a matter similar to plastic.

Afterward, I saw an angel coming towards me around that poster. He was dressed in white and his hair was black. I was captivated by his hair that was shining and sparkling like the stars in the sky in the night. I tried to look on his back just to contemplate his endless hair which went down his back reaching his waist.

Beloved, it is written in the Scripture in Revelation 1:1-3 AKJV The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him, to show to His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John: 2 Who bore record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is the same and He never changes.

He has actually assigned this angel having black hair shining like the stars of heaven to be my companion throughout this revelation.

The angel looked at me and said, "Fear not.”

Then he asked me, “Do you want to see more?”

And he said, "Behold.”

When I looked, I saw the angel of the Lord turning around like he wanted to show me something. I also turned to see what he wanted to show me.

Then I saw a long golden road. On both sides of the road, there were walls. But these were walls of waters, like when the Lord separated the Red Sea for the children of Israel to cross over.

At the end of the road, I saw a Man sitting on a throne. His face was shining like the sun, it was shining intensely like fire. No one could stare Him in the face because of the intense light. He had His hands stretched on a table. The upper part of the Man on the throne was covered by this intense and glorious light that also governed the throne. Therefore I could only see His hands and His feet, but His arms and upper part were covered by the light. His face and arms were shining like the sun. I can afford to say that His face was the sun.

I was staring at the Man sitting on the throne with insistence in order to see His face. But the light was so intense that it was even overshadowing His body. It was impossible for me to see His face. I would say that His face was the sun.

Then the companion Angel by my side said, "Fear not. Do you want to see more?” And he said, "Behold.”

At that moment I turned around to look where he was pointing and I saw an eye. Then I saw this eye opening. I realized that it was the eye of an eagle, a huge White Eagle that had yellow claws. Then I saw the White Eagle deploying his wings with strength and power. Afterward, the great Eagle opened his mouth. As a result, I saw a scroll coming out of his mouth.

The moment this scroll began to come out of the eagle's mouth, I heard the sound of a trumpet blasting. I noticed that there was writing on that scroll. As the scroll kept coming out of the eagle’s mouth, the trumpet also kept sounding.

I then moved closer to see what was written in that scroll. But I saw images on that scroll. Actually, I watched the image of a man dressed in white. He was sitting on the floor. I saw another man standing by his side with a sword. The man by his side that was holding the sword was dressed like an ancient soldier.

And this man placed his sword on the throat of the man dressed in white that was sitting on the floor. I had the impression that he was about to execute the man sitting on the floor.

At that moment, my companion Angel, who was some meters away, raised his voice and asked me, “Do you want to see the continuity of this?”

In my heart, I wondered, “Why is the angel asking me this question?”

I said, "It is apparent that the video I am watching would get violent and brutal.” I got afraid.

And I said to the angel, “No, I don't want to see more of it.”

As a result, the vision ended.

Many days later I saw another vision. It was early morning on just a normal day. The sun was on one side of the sky and the dawn was on the other side. Then a hand came down from the sky around the sun and it grabbed me and transported me to heaven.

When we reached heaven, I checked where I was standing, I realized that I stood on the cloud. Then I saw a rider on a white horse coming towards me. He was dressed like a warrior ready for war. I could only see his eyes because he was wearing a helmet. On his shoulder, there was a gray mantle. He was staring at me and I was curious and staring at him.

Then I noticed that white horse that he was riding had a crown on his head. This crown had a shining earring around the forehead of this white horse. The rider of this white horse was shining.

It was when I was wondering about the identity of this warrior, the rider of this white horse that I heard a voice reverberating in heaven.

The thunderous voice said to me, “Joelle, look up.”

When I looked up in the sky, I saw a sword in the atmosphere, which was turning around by itself. I noticed that there was writing, an inscription on the handle of this massive sword. I could not read the inscription on that sword handle because it was not an earthly language, but it was written in angelic language that is unknown to men.

As I was observing the sword, I saw it disappear in the cloud. Immediately after the disappearance of the sword, I heard a voice resounding in the sky and saying, “The warrior and the war.”

After the resounding of the voice in the sky, I heard someone calling my name and I felt someone touching my shoulder. When I turned around, it was the companion Angel having sparkling hair like the stars who was with me previously.

He asked me, “Do you want to see more?”

I said, “Yes.”

Then he held my arm and we began to climb a staircase of light. When we reached the top of this staircase, he left me there and he descended. I stood there on the elevated platform. When I turned right there was nobody but when I turned left to check, then I saw a tall and robust Angel dressed in white. He was giving me his back. His hair was shorter in comparison to my companion Angel.

He turned around and said to me, “I am Michael the Archangel. I am the one who exercises justice on the earth with the sword that you saw in the atmosphere turning round by itself.”

Then I observed Michael lifting his left hand with strength and power and he grabbed the massive sword that was turning around in the sky and he pulled it down.

Then he began to talk to me with that sword in his hand.

The Archangel Michael said to me, “Joelle, behold,” but I did not want to come closer to him and to see what he was showing me because I was afraid of him. In fact, I was trembling in his presence because of the extraordinary power and strength emanating from this angel. He was speaking with authority, and he seems intensely furious.

Michael said to me for the second time by making a sign with his sword. He said, “Behold,” and a video image appeared.

As he was insisting in order to show me something, I got closer to him.

When I looked, I saw a video image. It was an image of people who were rejoicing, celebrating and drinking and getting drunk. They sat around a table. They were already drunk, but they continued to drink more.

Then Michael said in anger with the sword of his hand pointing to the people in this image. He said, “Behold.”

When I looked, I saw people in the streets of the earth committing fornication and sexual immorality.

After that Michael said again, “Behold.”

When I looked, I saw an empty church. I saw the church leader entering the church office, and he locked the door with the key as if he wanted to do something secretly. Then he took a goblet out of his drawer and he put water in it. Then he turned the water with the ring on his finger. As a result, the water turned to wine and he was smiling.

Then Michael looked at me right in the eyes and said with authority and with a sword on his left hand pointing to the people in these images.

He said, “I am absolutely against all these people who have turned their backs on the Creator in order to follow and serve the master of the earth, the evil one. Unless they repent, they shall be punished and God will ignore them on the Day of Judgment.”

The chief Angel Michael was expressing frustration and anger against humanity and making threats.

I heard behind me a voice saying, “Behold.”

When I turned around I saw another angel dressed in sparkling white.

This Angel did a gesture with his arm and said, “Behold.”

I looked and I saw images of houses on the earth and cities of the earth.

The angel looked at me right in the eyes and said, “I'm the chief Angel Raphael. I am the one who watches and observes people on earth. And I am the one who reports to God everything happening on the earth.”

This Archangel was writing on a long scroll that was going down on the floor while he was talking to me.

The chief Angel Raphael said, “When men do evil, I write them. When men do right I also write them and I report all things to God. I write everything going on the earth, and I report to God everything happening on the earth.”

We were on this elevated platform with these Archangels. When I turned around, I saw a multitude of angels dressed in white garments and they were shining. Some of them had two wings, some had four wings. I was a bit intimidated by the numbers and the presence and the glory of these angels. I was observing from the elevated platform with Michael and Raphael.

Then my companion Angel came and held my hand. We were observing thousands of these angels from the platform. And then we started to get down the staircase.

When we reached the ground, we joined the multitude of angels. I noticed that they were making way for us. As we were in the middle of these angels, I heard a voice saying, “Go in peace. I'm the One who searches hearts and examines the minds to give every man according to the fruit of his deeds. I will be with you up to the end of the world. Bring this message to the world and fear not.”

Then I saw myself walking on a golden road. On both sides of the road, there were walls of waters, like when the Lord separated the Red Sea for the children of Israel. I tried to touch them to see if my hand would be wet but it was not the case.

At the end of the road, there was a golden throne and an angel that was dressed in glittering white was positioned around it in order to guard it, but no one was sitting on that throne.

Previously I saw the Lord sitting on the throne with His face shining like the sun, but this time around, it was empty.

At the end of this row, there was another angel of the Lord. He was the companion Angel having shining hair that was with me previously. When I reached the end of the road, I joined my companion Angel and we were observing the throne of the Lord that was empty but guarded by another angel.

The companion Angel said to me, “Joelle, what you see here you must tell the world. It is of absolute importance.”

When the angel said this, I said in my heart, “I have already talked to my pastor about these visions, but he is doing nothing about it.”

The angel read my mind and said, “Do not be worried about your pastor, he will do something about it, for he has a good heart.”

Then the angel made a gesture with his hand and said, “Behold.”

Suddenly the image of my church appeared and I saw my pastor sitting on a front seat. Then suddenly the pastor stood up like he was going away and leaving the church. And as he was leaving the church, my companion Angel pointed his finger to him to indicate to him to go back.

Actually, I saw the angel ordering him back to church, although we were watching the scene on a screen. As a result, I saw my pastor returning to his seat in front of the church.

Then the angel said to me, “It is God who has placed him there to teach His children in this church.”

Then I said in my heart, “People are not even coming to church regularly.”

The angel read my mind and said, “Even if thousands are coming to church, there may be only two converted believers out of thousands. It is not the number that matters in the church, but it is the people's heart condition that matters.”

When I realized that the angel could answer all the questions, I began to look for questions to ask him.

I said to him, “On television, they are saying that the end of this year 2012 could be the end of the world. Is it possible? What do you think?”

The angel was surprised by my question. He shook his head and said, “The people of God are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. Only the Lord God knows. No one knows the date or the hour, no one on earth under the earth in heaven except the Lord Himself.”

Then I asked the angel, “Why did I suffer a headache after my first visit here in heaven?”

The angel replied, “Your nostrils had inhaled heavenly air and your feet have treaded the holy ground of the kingdom of heaven for the first time. This is the reason.”

Then I asked the angel about my husband who perceives me as an obstacle in his life. I said, “My husband is asking many questions about his life because things are not going his way. He is assuming that I am the one stopping him from making progress in life.”

When I said this, I noticed an expression of a smile on the angel cheek. I found it strange to see the angel smiling like that. He took some time to answer my question.

Then he said to me, “Your presence in his life is a blessing, not an obstacle.”

While I was talking to the angel of the Lord, I saw a lion entering the gate of a building from which intense light and glory were coming out. Then I heard a powerful voice resounding from the gate of this place of light where the lion was entering. The voice invited me to that place. I was about to get there, but the angel held me.

He said, “You must be prepared before going there because what follows will be intense.”

I asked, “In which way should I prepare myself?” and he replied, “You must take time in prayer.”

Then the vision ended.

When it resumed my companion Angel who was with me transported me to the end of the staircase of light. At this elevated platform, I saw the Archangels. In this place, I saw an angel holding a sword.

He introduced himself to me and said, “I'm the chief angel, Gabriel. I am the one who brings God's message to men on the earth.”

Then Gabriel said to me, “Behold, this is Michael. He is the one to slay the beast at the end of time.”

When I looked, I saw the Archangel Michael, who was not far from Gabriel. Michael turned toward me. I noticed that he was dressed like a warrior with a sword in his hand.

He said to me with authority, “The time is near. Tell men on earth to repent, otherwise, it will be too late.”

In fact, when I saw the Archangel Michael for the first time, he was so intense that I was trembling. His height is like that of a tall building. I did not try to come close to him because of his energy and intensity. But this time around, I wanted to see more of him. So the companion Angel transported me in the spirit and I came closer to him.

My companion Angel was on my left and Michael stood on my right. He was dressed like a warrior and he was holding a sword. His sandals had the full colors of the rainbow. Michael was holding a sword upon which there was an inscription in an unknown language, and he was in a posture or body language of a soldier who is ready for war.

I asked Michael the Archangel, “What is the inscription on your sword? What is the meaning of the writing on your sword handle?”

But the chief Angel Michael would not answer my question. I asked again the same question but both of the angels kept quiet. Then Michael spoke in an unknown angelic language.

And then he said, “The inscription means I alone will slay the beast.”

I asked the Archangel, “Which beast are you talking about?”

He replied, “The devil, Lucifer.”

At that moment I saw another angel not far from us. He was writing on a scroll.

This Angel looked at me right in my eyes and said, “Men will reap exactly what they sow.”

Then my companion Angel said to me too, “I want to tell you something.”

I noticed that the angel took some time to speak.

So I said to him, “Please do tell me.”

Then he said to me, “Joelle, the signs of the end of the world are on the earth although I do not know the day or the hour, only God knows. But you have made a good step in your relationship with God. Yet it is only one step. There is a long way before you.”

As the angel was talking to me, I saw a dove flying above us. It was holding a scroll on its claws and a leaf in its mouth. The dove landed on the right side of the throne of the Lord that was empty.

The Angel of the Lord said to me, “Joelle, take the scroll and read it.”

When I took the scroll that was brought by the dove, I opened. It was written Revelation 21:6-7 AKJV And He said to me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him that is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.

A few days later I was praying to God to show me His glory like He did with Moses. I prayed for many days. I asked the Lord to show me the continuity of the visions. And I forgot about this petition but the Lord did not forget. So He responded.

Then my companion angel who had black hair shining like the stars of heaven came, and he transported me in the spirit. We were climbing the golden staircase of light. When we reached the top, he left me there and he descended. I looked to my right there was nobody but when I was about to turn around, I saw an open door before me.

Previously, I saw a lion getting in that door and an intense and bright light was coming out of it. And previously I was about to enter the gate, but the Angel my companion told me that I was not ready. This time around, I stood there wondering whether I should enter or not. And if I do, what will happen to me.

Finally, I decided to enter. When I did enter, I ended up in the throne room of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah. I stood right in front of the throne of the Lord. This place of intense light was the throne room of the Lord. His face was shining like the sun with power. I could not watch His face for two seconds because of that power. The throne was surrounded by intense light. Then a powerful wind began to blow and threw me on the ground.

I knelt before the throne and I said, “My Lord, my God.”

Then the Lord said to me, “Stand up."

I stood up, my head bowed and my eye closed.

The Lord said, “Tell your pastor, I will not abandon him even if everybody did. Tell your pastor to stand on that pulpit and continue to preach until the day the trumpet will sound.”

I said, “Lord, only a few people are attending the church.”

The Lord said, “A few people in the church are enough for Me.”

When I realized that the Lord could answer my questions, I began to ask Him many questions.

I said, “Lord, why is the devil angry and desperate to deceive the world?”

The Lord replied, “He is angry as many are coming to Me and turning their backs on the Antichrist.”

I asked the Lord, “What would happen to humanity that are facing the devil?”

The Lord said, “I am protecting humanity against his destruction.”

I asked the Lord about the fate of unbelievers.

The Lord said, “They must repent and convert.”

Then I asked the Lord about my life and my children and husband, the Lord replied, “The things of the world are just vanity and they will pass away.”

Then the Lord said to me, “I will make you a prophet to the nations. You will prophesy in all the languages.”

I stood with my eyes closed and my head bowed. Then I felt the two hands of the Lord on my head, and He said, “My child, fear not. I am that I am, go into the world and proclaim the Good News of the Gospel in all the earth.”

Then I turned around in order to leave the throne of the Lord that was filled with glory and bright light.

I was about to get out of the throne room when I heard a voice saying, “Behold, I have placed a way before you. There shall be no sadness, no pain, and no opposition. Those who oppose you will see My wrath.”

Then I left the throne room of the Lord. When I went off the gate I saw a multitude of angels. There were thousands upon thousands of them. I stood on the platform observing them.

Then I saw my companion Angel landing among these angels. Some of them had two wings and others had four wings. The companion Angel then joined me on the platform and he stood by my side for some minutes.

And then we descended on the staircase, and we joined the multitude of luminous and glorious angels. I was among these angels of light when I heard a voice saying, “I'm the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

Then the vision ended.

Later the vision resumed after some days. When the vision resumed, I saw myself in the spirit. I was walking, then I heard a voice in the sky, saying, “Behold.”

When I turned around, I saw the golden staircase of light. Then the angel of the Lord, my companion saw me and we began to climb the golden stairs of light. When we reached the top of the stairs, he left me there and came down the golden staircase. The place was full of light.

Then I saw angels worshipping the Almighty who was sitting on His throne. They were like two columns of angels, and they were worshiping the Lord and saying, “Holy and worthy is the Lord to be worshiped.”

They were prostrating and face down and worshiping the Lord. These angels were standing and prostrating again and again to worship the One sitting on the throne. I saw the Lord God sitting on His throne and I saw His glory.

After the worship scene ended, I saw a powerful Angel showing up in front of the throne. He was dressed in glittering white, and he was holding a scroll in his hand and a pen. He knelt down before the throne of the King of kings. Actually, he was begging the Lord and saying, “When are You going to judge the nations and the people of the earth?”

The angel was imploring and beseeching God. Then the One who was sitting on the throne said, “There is coming a time where everything will come to a standstill. Everything will stop. There will not be the sounds of birds in the sky. Men will be accountable for their actions.”

Then I saw a second Angel showing up in front of the throne of God. He was dressed in blue. He was holding a balance in his hands. I noticed that he was walking slowly, then he knelt down before the throne of God. And he began to implore God. He was begging and beseeching Him to judge the world and the nations of the earth. He was imploring God to do it.

Then the Lord replied to him, “There is coming a time where all things will be on the table. The good and evil that men did on the earth will be weighed on the balance.”

Beloved, we don't know when the rapture would happen. Even now, we must be on the alert all the time for fear of being left behind.

Jesus said, “Tell those who belong to Me that their garments should not be spotted. These spots are sins that must be removed from their lives.”

I saw the second Angel dressed in blue and that was holding the balance, standing up and leaving the throne.

Then the third angel came, he was holding a clock in his hand. He knelt down before the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

He asked God, “Lord, when are You going to judge the world?”

Dear brothers and sisters, when I saw angels imploring and begging God to judge the world I was stunned. I was trembling in fear. This was happening while many in the church are in distraction and asleep. This is scary.

The Lord replied to the third angel. He said, “There will come a time we shall see all on a screen every minute and every second, that good and evil acts of men will be on display.”

Then the fourth angel came. He was wearing a white garment and he was holding a measuring tape, like the one we use on earth in order to measure. He knelt down before the Lord and he began to implore and beseech God to judge the nations and the people of the earth.

The Lord replied to him, “There is coming a time we shall measure men’s actions from their birth to their death. Their good and their bad actions will be measured.”

Beloved, these angels were not tiring to ask God to judge the nations of the earth. Sometimes after this scene, I saw myself in a hall. There was a huge Bible, very huge. There were two hands holding that Bible that was opened in Revelation 21. I was about to read this Bible when I noticed a man dressed in luminous white. He was shining. I could not see His face. In fact, He was giving me His back, I noticed that He was wearing a golden belt.

He opened His arms and said, “Come, follow Me.”

This was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Then He entered the compartment where there was intense light, which was the throne room. I followed Him. When I joined Him in His throne room where glory and intense light were coming out, I noticed that He was already sitting on His throne. His face was shining like the sun. I could not look at it for two seconds. I saw His sandals that were in gold, I mean, pure gold.

Then He said to me by pointing with His right hand. He said, ‘All these nations..”

When He said, "All these nations..,” I saw beautiful houses of the world.

Then the Lord said, “I chose you to tell all the nations of the world that I am the only Savior and Lord. Whoever believes in Me shall not perish but will have everlasting life.”

I was standing on the right side of the throne. There was a huge multitude dressed in red. They were holding palms in their hand. I was wondering who are these people.

Then the One sitting on the throne and said, “They have washed their garments in the blood of the Lamb. They have moved from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. They have joined Me.”

Then I saw the Lord standing up. At that moment the multitude prostrated before Him. He was holding a white bowl in His hand. Then He let the bowl to fall on the ground, and it broke into pieces, many pieces. I noticed that the pieces of this bowl were identical in size.

At that moment, I saw a powerful Angel landing in front of the throne. He counted the pieces of the broken bowl. He was counting from six and seven. Then he took one piece.

After showing it to the multitude and the Lord, he said in a loud voice, “I have already broken six seals. Only one is left.”

This was an Angel who was speaking with authority. And when he was speaking, it's like the whole heaven was shaking.

Then the vision stopped. When the vision resumed, I saw the Lord sitting on His throne. He was carrying a white bowl containing water.

I said, “Lord, this bowl was already broken. Right?”

He replied, “You are looking but you are not seeing.”

The Lord said, “This bowl is the covenant I have with humanity. It will never be broken. In this bowl, there is the water of life.”

The Lord said, “Whoever drinks this water will never die, but he will live forever.”

As I stood by the throne of the Lord, I began to hear the cries of people in hell. The Archangel Michael, who was standing by the throne said, “These people chose their master and they have followed him, that’s why they are suffering.”

At that moment I saw a huge screen, there was motion picture scrolling.

The first image was that of people committing fornication on the earth.

The second image was that of drunkards drinking around a table.

The third image was that of people who hate their neighbors.

The fourth image was that of people lying and stealing.

Many images of the people of the world practicing their sin scrolled on this screen.

Then the Lord Jesus spoke with anger and anguish. He said, “Humanity has betrayed Me. But I will give them a little more time to repent.”

Then the Archangel Michael, who was standing on the left side of the throne of the Lord said, “If they do not repent, they will be punished and they will be ignored on the Day of Judgment.”

Then the Lord Jesus began to introduce me to some of His angels. I saw the first group of angels arriving before the throne.

The Lord said to me, “These are cherubim. I send them to earth when My children need Me so that they can watch over them.”

I noticed that some of these cherubim had four wings and the others had six wings.

The Lord said, “Among the cherubim, they are guardian angels. They provide protection to My children. And when you sleep, you often come under attack from demons. That's when My angels intervene.”

The Lord said, “Among the cherubim, there are those who have six wings. These are the strongest among them.”

Then the first group of angels went away. The second group of angels arrived in front of the throne. The size and height of these angels were twice that of the cherubim.

The Lord Jesus said, “These angels offer reparation. I send them to Earth to repair things. When the master of the Earth is destroying the earth like a plague, these angels put things back in order, they repair the earth and everything.”

Then the third group of angels arrived. They had white hair and they were roaring like lions.

The Lord Jesus said, “Their purpose is to restore righteousness. When My prophets and My servants are deviating from the truth, I sent them to punish them and bring them back on the right way.”

The Lord said, “I sent these angels against the false prophets and My servants who are living in lies and those who have double lives.”

Then I saw the fourth category of angels. Their wings were deployed up upwards. The top of their wings seems like sharp swords.

The Lord said, “Their purpose is to fight and wage war. They are waiting for the signal of the impending war of the end of time.”

Then I saw the planet Earth. It was round, but there was an angel. He was like trying to pull it down.

I was worried and I asked the Lord, “What's wrong? What is going on? This angel is pulling down the planet. Is he trying to destroy it?”

The Lord assured me that it was not the case.

Then I saw a wire coming down from heaven to earth, and I saw a group of people dressed in black. They were trying to catch the wire in order to climb to heaven, but they were falling.

I saw a second group of people dressed in white, but their white garments were like torn. They were trying to climb to heaven, but they were also falling.

Then I saw a third group who was dressed in white, but their garments were dirty. They were trying to catch the wire in order to climb to heaven, but they were falling

The fourth group was dressed in white garments that had spots. They tried to catch the wire, but they were falling.

I heard a voice in the sky saying, “Many are thirsty for Me. Others want Me by their side, but tell them to change their garments then I would be their companion every day because I am pure, more pure than purity itself.”

People who are in black garments are the unbelievers who don't have Jesus. People with torn garments are those who claim to be Christian but are not. Only those who do the will of My Father in heaven are real Christians.”

Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? and in Your name have cast out devils? and in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:22-23)

Those who had dirty garments are people who claim to be Christian, but they are living double lives. They are hypocritical.”

Those who had spotted garments are Christians who have the knowledge, but there is a persistent sin in their lives and they continue to live with this sin.”

Then I saw the Lord descending from heaven. He was dressed in glowing white. His face was shining like the sun. His whole body was covered by a shining rainbow. His feet did not touch the ground.

He said to me, “In a short time I am coming back. Are you ready? Have you kept your garment white? Have you prepared yourself?”

Then I saw a silver recipient coming down from heaven. There were two openings on both sides of this recipient by which vapor was escaping. As the recipient was coming down, I smelled the odor of delicious food. Immediately I found myself in a huge hall where there was a multitude of people.

I recognize a brother who prays in our church. He was alone. His wife and children were not there. I noticed that my husband and children were not with me.

I was wondering, “What is this place? And why are we here?”

Then suddenly someone shouted, “Behold, the Bridegroom. It's the Bridegroom. He has come to take His bride because the table is ready.”

Immediately in the twinkling of an eye, there was Rapture all over the world. Beloved, what comes after the Rapture will be horrific and terrible. It will be chaos and life will never be the same again, but happy are those who have kept their garments white.

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