Wednesday, March 18, 2020



Coronavirus And The Angel Of Death

Exodus 12:22-23 and ye have taken a bunch of hyssops, and have dipped it in the blood which is in the basin, and have struck it on the lintel, and on the two side-posts, from the blood which is in the basin, and ye, ye go not out each from the opening of his house till morning. 23 'And Jehovah hath passed on to smite the Egyptians and hath seen the blood on the lintel, and on the two side-posts, and Jehovah hath passed over the opening, and doth not permit the destruction to come into your houses to smite.

In this vision the Lord was leading me to a particular place and the Lord was telling me, “My son, look at My Church, look at My children."

When I looked I saw that the place was like a stadium, and this stadium was full of dead people. I saw that among those dead corpses they were from children to older people, and I was saying to the Lord, “Why are there even children here?

And the Lord gave me a Bible passage of Leviticus 26:20-22 And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits. 21 And if you walk contrary to Me, and will not listen to Me; I will bring seven times more plagues on you according to your sins. 22 I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate.

Brother when I read this passage, I understood why this stadium was full of dead bodies.

The Lord took me to see the shepherds' hearts, and He said to me, “Look at My children. They hear My voice but they don't listen, and I saw how My children cried for their sons, for their daughters, for their wives who were dead.

I said, “Lord, why all this?”

The Lord told me, “This is because they hear My voice but they don't listen and do what I tell them. Their hearts are far away from Me. They decided to be led by their own decisions. They are moved and led by their own emotions and feelings. This hurts Me to see My people and My children like that. None of them seek My way and My will. They are leading themselves. I am not leading them. They make major decisions without Me and calamity befall them.”

From there the Lord took me to see this virus that is killing people in the world.

The Lord told me, “Satan has deceived humanity, for this pandemic is not a virus coming from some animal. This virus does not come from animal. This virus was created by Satan to destroy human beings. The media and the people of the world are wrong. They are wrong to tell people to cover their mouths and noses. It is irrelevant to cover the mouth and nose, for if you cover the mouth and nose the virus can infect you through the eyes and ears. It does not matter whether you cover the nose or mouth, for this sickness is the angel of death. He is the one behind the virus. He is the one entering houses in order to strike members of the family with death.”

The Lord showed me how the angel of death was entering people's lungs and squeezing them and destroying them.”

I said, “Lord, but what are we suppose to do? How am I suppose to stop him.”

The Lord said, “You know you're a chosen son and you carry a vision since childhood.”

Brother, when I was 12 years old I trusted the Lord for everything. I remember in childhood one day an incident happened. My grandfather said two thieves wanted to assault me and all I did was close my eyes and say, “Holy Spirit help me. I know you're going to defend me.” And in that very moment those robbers ran and I gave glory to God,

The Lord said, “See if you were like that at 12 years old, wonderful things will happen again together.”

And from there the Lord led me to pray for oil.

He told me, “Tell My children to pray for oil. They have to anoint the houses with oil. They will act like the children of Israel in the times of Egypt. There is going to be a lot of plagues and there is going to be a lot of death in the near future.”

I said, “Lord, what about those dead people you took me to see in that stadium? What's going to happen?”

The Lord said, “These deads is what is already happening. All these dead people you saw in the stadium is what's happening already. Tell the Church, all the people in the family have to come together, and they have to take a drop of oil in their tongue and swallow it, in order to protect their lungs and all the organs inside their bodies from the angel of death.”

I was impressed as the Lord showed me all those scenarios.

The Lord said this, “It will be like the times of skinny cows. You have to be smart and you have to be wise.”

As the Lord talked about skinny cows I said to myself, “There will be a shortage. The shortage is what I understood although what the Lord meant that we must have provisions because the Lord said people won't see the sun for several days.

I said, “Lord, we will stay in darkness?”

He said, “One will not see the sun.”

But I did not understand. 

I asked, “Lord, what do you mean when You say we won't see the sun?”

I understood that we will spend time at home not seeing the sun. This means confinement and not being able to go outside to live a normal life for a period of time.

Then the Lord said, “It would be like times of skinny cows.”

He meant I was supposed to warn God’s children to start buying rice, beans, flour, water and whatever we are going to need at home because there will be a time where we will enter a period where each one will have to be confined at home. There will be a time when we can't go out to the street, as the Lord told me, “They will not see the sun.”

And all this revelation has left me rumbling. I was talking to pastors and I have been sharing this as the Lord has told me, “You need to talk, you need to talk,” and I've been doing as the Lord showed me, and the shepherds have understood and already they started to tell their sheep that they should buy the oil that they should keep at home. Everyone has to unite their families in their homes and every day they have to put oil on their tongue before going out to work, to school, wherever they have their activities.

The coronavirus is a warning shot

Something happened yesterday at my house as I sat down after praying for the world regarding the coronavirus. I prayed and sat down to read the Bible. And immediately I was in the presence of the Lord. I became aware of His presence. He manifested. And I was happy to see that the Lord manifested.

When I saw Him, He told me something that shocked me.

He told me, “What the world is seeing now about the coronavirus is a warning shot.”

What does a warning shot mean? It is a signal of something impending, of something greater. It is like policemen firing off warning shots to disperse the crowd. So the coronavirus was set by the Lord to be a warning shot to the men and women of this generation.

It was made known to me that there is an impending global catastrophe in the likes of which the coronavirus is a display.

The Bible says the time will come when people will even speak to the mountains and stones and caves to hide them from the Lord. Human beings have been recalcitrant in this world. We abandon the path of the Lord. The owner of the vineyard is taking over His own vineyard. And because man does not want to submit himself willingly to the Holy Spirit, then He will force the man to bow because it is written that for as long as I live every knee will bow and every tongue will confess to the glory of the Almighty Father that Christ is the Lord.

Faith Will Decimate the Coronavirus

What Faith Does

Here is something new and important I just heard from the Lord regarding the coronavirus. He was there when the virus was being engineered and He did His own counter engineering.

In His tinkering, He has caused it to be the most “susceptible to be affected by faith” virus that ever existed. He put a drop of something into the sinister engineering and it absolutely destroys the virus when exposed to faith. Prayers of faith. Actions of faith. Stands of faith. The virus can smell faith and it is decimated by it.

I heard the roar of the virus turn to a whimper. This is a built-in recipe for an explosion of salvation and the miraculous and of every kind of spiritual encouragement.

God is Greater Than

Evil will pay a great price as fear and death will be swallowed up in victory. Haman will again hang on his own gallows and it will happen in more ways than one.

We are in the days where God will always be “greater than.” Whatever card the enemy plays, God will have the trump card to take the hand. Don’t bow to fear; crush it instead. Courage is your friend. Jesus is your King.

A Window Of Mercy

Listen to me, those who dwell upon this planet, but those of you who dwell in the United States for there is fear, that is gripping panic regarding the Coronavirus. Yet listen to the words that I speak to you at this moment, says the living God. Why do you fear, United States? I have spoken to you before and I speak to you again. I have extended and opened a window of mercy to this nation at this time. Therefore, the virus that they speak up, the prognostication, the diagnosis, the fear, My Mercy is the quarantine that shall be greater than what they have spoken to you. United States, I am honoring covenants of your forefathers who stood before Me and have prayed and wept upon the shores, the sands of your beaches, the very rocks this nation was founded upon. And because of the administration that stands in this land who honors Me, who honors the covenants of your forefathers, under the Constitution, and because they have aligned themselves with Israel, and because they have sided on the right side of life, life in the womb, life given outside of the womb, therefore I give life to this nation and I give mercy. Do not fear. This virus, says the Spirit of God, as I did with the bird flu and I cut off its wings, and I cast the swine flu from your seas and I stopped out SARS, I shall smack My covenant hands together, and I shall break the influence and the power for judging this nation in the way that they say. Therefore, fear not little flock, United States because of the prayers of the righteous, I stand upon this land at this time. Now I speak to you, says the Lord. Pray for your brothers and pray for your sisters in other nations. For there is a sin that shall grip them and bite them. It is your prayers and once you speak upon this land that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever, is what I honor. But it will be your words, For the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever that I will extend it even to the nations that are goat nations who have not aligned themselves with their covenant God. And I will extend mercy but I need My peoples’ voice that other nations would not suffer the consequences of what the enemy has sought to steal, kill and destroy it this time, says the Spirit of God.

Prophecy given in April 2016

Pestilence shall first go across the nations of the East, even in Greater China. When nobody else can help them, they will cry out to Me, says the Lord. As the pestilence goes across the land, My grace shall then follow and people shall be redeemed. My healing presence shall flow across the land of China. And they will know that I am the only Savior and their only Redeemer. As waters flow from the high mountains so will My anointing and grace flow from China, then to all the regions around. There will be a great joy. This is God's prophecy or word about China and the nations of the East, surrounding them.



  2. I pray for the Lord to save our souls. And rapture humanity Amen

  3. Its sad that some have already died without repenting, being victims to this corona virus issue which is a lie but just a demon thats there as a virus..

    For us remaining, lets hold hands in prayer for the faithless to Believe in Jesus & dedicate their lives to God the Almighty Father of all..


    Mandla. MG
    ( )
