Sunday, March 1, 2020



At Night of February 13, 2007

“Jesus, where is Mary?”

I was thinking of saying “Holy Mother Mary” like people usually did in the world, but “Mary” came out of my mouth. It was God’s intention that Mary is not the Holy Mother but a human being and that she could not be an object of worship.

2 Corinthians 5:16 So as we now know no one according to the flesh, but even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we no longer know Him so.

“She is taking care of children there.” I was moved to the place. I was soon standing in front of a school building.

The white square building contained many children in different rooms. A couple of women were standing in front of the door. When I saw the lady who was holding a baby on the left, I knew it was Mary. She had an elegant, slender, and beautiful face.

I raised my hands and said Hallelujah to her without even realizing it. She answered back Hallelujah looking at me with a smile upon her face. Then she bent her knees and showed her respect to Jesus.

He explained, “She is taking care of aborted children along with the women she used to live together in the world.”

I asked Mary, “Mary, people pray to you. What do you think about this way of praying?”

I never thought of such a question. It was God that led me to such a question. He wanted to have her answer the question by making me ask it to her. She had a perplexed facial expression as if she were sorry to Jesus.

“I am always sorry to the Lord because of it. They have got it wrong. They will know the truth if they go to Heaven.”

“If they go to Heaven” It means that not all believers of Roman Catholicism will get into the kingdom of Heaven according to the Lord. Only those who belong to the Lord will go to Heaven. I then realized why the Lord made me see a king from the Old Testament and my mom before I saw Mary. The king from the Old Testament served an idol while saying he served God and was thrown into Hell. Mary is another idol and serving her while saying they served God will make a sin. That is, the Lord warns that if we serve another human being, we will go to Hell instead of Heaven. There is no need to pray to Mary or say, Ave Maria.

As soon as Mary finished her words, Jesus put His hand on her head. I placed the other hand of Jesus on my head without even realizing it and said to Him while kneeling down, "Bless me, too."

Jesus placed His hand on my head and being pleased said, “Your greed makes Me happy. You shall be double-blessed.”

My heart was filled with huge happiness at the moment. There is no title called Holy Mother in Heaven. Mary is another person at the same level as us rather than the Holy Mother or the object of worship.

It was at that moment that I saw Mother Teresa behind Mary with whom I was walking. I remember her very wrinkly face in this world, but she had such a fair, wrinkle-free face in Heaven. She was wearing a beautiful crown. She was helping a baby to walk with her waist bent down. She was saying to me “I used to ask a favor to Mary because I didn’t know better. Once I got to Heaven, I realized I did wrong.”

Looking at the children, I got curious: “Lord, how long will they be brought up here? Do they grow up in Heaven, too?”

Mary answered, “Children grow up to be 33 in heaven, which was the age of Jesus when He was crucified. After that, they will go to places of their choice.”

I do not know why, but suddenly I was thinking about Mr. Maeng. Recalling his short hairstyle, I asked another question, “How do they trim their hair in Heaven? Do they have a barbershop, too?”

Everyone there burst into laughter including Jesus, who found me asking that question very lovely. He treated me favorably.

Looking at me with love in His eyes, Jesus said “There is a barbershop in Heaven, too. But it was designed to give comfort for the people who have just died and come to heaven. Once you get into Heaven, there is no need for cutting your hair or using hair salon service. It was an act of God’s kindness to help people get accustomed to Heaven.”


When I prayed to God, I felt the trembling in my body. I knew it was the same symptom before Jesus took me to Heaven. The Lord took me to Heaven right away. Jesus welcomes me. He walked a couple of steps holding my hand. He then held me in His left arm and walked up the stairs of the huge sanctuary.

“Jesus, what did you bring me here for today?”

Wrapping my shoulder with His arm and walking along, He said “You need to write about the error of Roman Catholicism. As I said before, I brought you here to move you.”

“Jesus, tell me about the writing by Mother Teresa.”

“You can ask her yourself. Let’s go.”

As soon as He finished those words, we were standing in front of the school building I saw before. Mother Teresa was doing something with her back showing to us. I was opposite to her with Jesus standing a little bit afar and watching us without saying a word.

I was about to say “Hello”, but “Praise the Lord” came out of my mouth.

She answered me back “Praise the Lord,” smiling. That day, she was wearing a nun dress (habit). Everyone is allowed to live his or her life the way he or she wants in Heaven. Just like Peter finds a crown bothersome and refuses to wear one, Mother Teresa still loves to wear a nun dress she used to wear in this world. Come to think of it, my mom was always in Hanbok she used to love in this world.

“I read an article about the absence of God in your life. Would you like to talk about it?”

“As you know, I had served people. However, I always felt a spiritual emptiness that would not be filled with my work. I often felt a risk that service people would not guarantee me getting to Heaven or meeting the Lord. I wrote down what I was thinking regarding those issues, but people would interpret in different ways according to their understanding. Now that I am in Heaven, I realize why I felt such emptiness. I used to pray to Mary on the one hand and Jesus on the other hand. The emptiness I felt stemmed from the Holy Spirit feeling sorry for me when I called out to Mary. It also derived from the fact that Mary occupied the space that should have been filled with Jesus. The Lord knew my love for Him. It is His grace that allows me to be here today.”

Turning my head to the left and looking at Jesus, I asked “Jesus, don’t you think that Mary should say something at this point?”

She was still taking care of aborted children inside the building. There were some children lying in rows and other children rising up from the land. He was bending over to catch the latter and laying them down one by one. I could feel what she was feeling. She was aching deeply. As I got close to her, she turned around and smiled at me.

“You saw me in a discussion with a sister who goes to a Catholic church, didn’t you? She told me that Mary was resurrected and went up to Heaven. Can you explain about it?”

[The Catholic Church, Eastern, and Oriental Orthodoxy believe in the bodily taking up of Mary into Heaven at the end of her earthly life.]

She wore a perplexed facial expression that I saw before once again and then said, “My body died in the world, and my soul resurrected and went up to Heaven. However, it does not especially concern me but everyone including Peter and Paul who served Jesus in the world. The same experience will be shared among those who received Jesus Christ in the world and passed away. Their bodies will die, and their souls will resurrect and ascend up to Heaven like Jesus.”

“Then why is it that Roman Catholicism talks about the resurrection and ascendance of only Mary and deify her?”

“That is the strategy of Satan. It felt a need to present an idol as a strategy after anti-Christ. It used me to deify a human being so that it could brainwash and train people to serve a human being instead of the Lord.”

Taking advantage of it, Satan replaced the role of the Holy Spirit with Mary as the Holy Mother in Roman Catholicism. 

At that moment, I turned my head and asked Jesus, “Lord, talk about the statement the Pope made a while ago. Why did he make such a statement?”

My questions concerned the statement that only Roman Catholicism is the true church by Pope Benedict XVI. Regarding the issue, Jesus said in a resolute tone, “It is one of Satan’s strategies to establish a world government. Roman Catholicism is showing its true colors to advocate and help him before the AntiChrist appears. Calling Mary was a practice to serve the AntiChrist as an idol. Now they declared that only Roman Catholicism is the only Church in order to muster strength and force to establish a world government."

“Lord, save the souls in Roman Catholicism…!

Jesus said, “Didn’t I tell you? I never lose a soul that belongs to Me. It is your role to spread the book among them diligently. I will make claim to the souls of My people reading the text and save them."

The souls saying “Ave Maria, Holy Mother” in Roman Catholicism will go to Hell after they die. The Lord’s heart is for the lost lamb. He let me know how the shepherd would feel when looking for a lost lamb, leaving the 99 lambs behind. I earnestly hope that they will listen to God’s voice, undo what they have done, and enter the kingdom of Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Mary answered, “Children grow up to be 33 in heaven, which was the age of Jesus when He was crucified. After that, they will go to places of their choice.”

    There's neither Day nor Night in heavenly paradise. The Time calibration of our earthly reckoning of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years do not exist in heaven. The heavenly abode is a world of eternity. No sun, moon and stars to manipulate Gravitational astronomy! So by which or what time frame is the age of 33years derived for these children to grow? Eternity is only One unending Day.
    This Sori Pak testimony needs much more clarification.
