Sunday, April 12, 2020



There is the case of a Sister who happened to be a child of God. She was genuinely saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. She happened to be married with kids.

This sister noticed that each time she went to work and came back home, the body temperature of each of her children was unusually high. She did not understand what was actually happening.

One day, she left for work as usual, and the Holy Spirit gave her a strange message. As soon as she arrived at the bus stop, she heard the voice of the Spirit saying, "Daughter, go back home."

Initially she found it difficult to understand this instruction given to her by the Holy Spirit. However, she managed to obey and she went back home as instructed.

By the time she arrived home, she observed that her three children were screaming in a very strange manner. Out of curiosity she peeped through the keyhole and experienced the greatest shock of her life.

She saw the housemaid sitting at the center of the living room and surrounded by her three children who were screaming.

The housemaid was half human and half snake. Her head was the head of the housemaid while the rest of the body was that of a serpent.

The woman shouted "Jesus" as she opened the door. Immediately the housemaid transformed herself into a human being and quickly pretended as if nothing had happened. The woman was spellbound and could not conceal her shock, and said, "Young girl, so you are a serpent."

To the amazement of the Christian sister, the housemaid impudently replied, "Madam, with all the Bible you carry about and your commitment in the church, you mean you never knew I was a serpent? Who killed your husband?"

The sister could not believe her ears.

1. I pray for someone reading this post, may your spiritual eyes be open in Jesus name

2. Every agent of darkness staying with you shall be exposed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.

3. Whoever Satan has planted in your house, church, business shall be uprooted in Jesus’ name.


  1. Господь Иисус, помоги! Спаси и сохрани!

  2. Wow.i hope she was sacked.seriusly what happened afterwards.was she a real shapeshifter or a witch

  3. so much that People look ordinary & innocent, but wicked & devilish at most with devils abilities to do such..
    Holy spirit take control & stay with us..

    Mandla. MG
    ( )
