Thursday, April 30, 2020




The first time I heard this confession, I perceive this cold sensational feverish all over my body. While walking along the street of Port Harcourt, in fact, to me every young lady was a suspect.

Please dear, don't blame ooooo!

This Confession really opened my eyes to the mystical, tactical and destructive powers of Darkness over an unserious and careless Christians.

After Listening To This Confession,

The self-consciousness over my spiritual life was increased.

The spiritual alertness over my spiritual virginity was doubled.

The spiritual zeal over my Prayer life was also revived.

The purpose of sharing this confession is for every Christian to be extra careful and prayerful as you and I are the Church and the greatest enemy of Satan in this end time.

Once, again, I say, " My brothers and sisters, be sensitive in the spirit because not everyone you behold even in the church is a real human being."

It's an eye-opening Confession which was transcribed from an Audio Tape and you can read the full details below.


Sister Favour Celestine speaking...

"....My brothers and sisters, it is quite unfortunate that "had I known" is always the last word.

.....but Matthew 18:14, makes me understand that it is not the will of God for any soul to perish and that if a man confesses his sin and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, he shall be saved.

I, therefore, believe that God who knows that I did not go into this wickedness on my own.

God who is listening to the sound of my voice right now will surely have mercy and forgive me in Jesus' name, amen.

Brethren, I don't care about how you will regard me, I don't care about what you will say about me, but all that I am interested in is how I will make Heaven.

I am one among the 13 girls that the water carried at the bar beach in Lagos on the 26th of December 1991.

I was formally addressed as Ezinne Celeste sister Favour Celestine.

I am from Ayazu, Mbaise in Imo State (Eastern Nigeria), presently worship with the Great Pillar of Salvation Chapel in Serulere, Lagos.

Brethren, I will not want you to blame me much but my mother should be held responsible for this act ......for the Bible says to train a child in the way of God so that when he grows up he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

How I wish that she is alive to witness this day. My mother was so greedy, heartless and self-minding such that she forced me to marry Mr. Sunny Obi who had already gotten married to three wives.

Mr. Sunny deals with clothes. His shop is at Idumota, one at Balogun and one at Oshodi, all in Lagos.

My mother knew Sunny, my husband because she used to buy lace materials from him for retail.

I had no option than to obey my mother as young as I was and got married to Mr. Sunny Obi at the age of 16 years old.

But immediately I told my husband I was pregnant he dumped me. That was when I started to know what life is.

Brethren, I say life was not easy with me, no food, no cloth and the worst of all was my mother's shop was burnt down by fire and God brought a woman from where I used to worship at the Redeemed Christian church of God at CMS. Her name was lya Kemi.

She owns a restaurant. lya Kemi employed me in her restaurant and she took care of me till my delivery though I later killed her. I know that God will take her soul, in Jesus' name, amen.

So brethren, it was through this period of hard times that I discovered that I was sharing a husband with my mother.

I mean my own mother has been fornicating with my husband Sunny for the sake of money and clothes.

As the suffering and pains were too much, I had to abandon my son to lya Kemi and I ran away.

There was a lady who used to buy clothes from my husband when I was newly married. Her name was Vivian Epo.

She promised to help me and when I ran to her house at Ikotu Egbe, she encouraged me to go into prostitution.

Well, I had no option. She took me to a place at Aboju along Badagry Expressway and advised me to change my name to Angela.

She also took me to a salon where I secured a job as a stylist at 23 road Festac Town (Lagos, Nigeria)

There I worked in the salon from the morning and close by 6 pm and go back to the hotel for the night but yet I did not make the money as I expected but other girls who were not as beautiful as me were making money.

In order to make more money, I had to join Sandra at a night club at Apapa (Lagos State) and she introduced me to some men and some big time ladies.

She later connected me to some men who used to go to the beach by night but unfortunately, we went to the beach on the 26th of December 1991 and could not come back to the physical world.
Honestly, I did not know that Sandra is an Agent of the Marine Kingdom.

Brethren, though I highly regretted the shedding of the blood of the innocent souls but my mother should be held responsible for it.

Some mothers are happy to receive clothes, money and many things from their daughters without asking them how and where they got them from.

As from now any woman who is listening to the sound of my voice right now and is still encouraging her daughter to commit one sin or the other so as to satisfy herself with her selfish need should change or the judgment of God will fall upon her soul.

At about 1 am after meeting with those men at the beach, we were all tired and we decided to sleep there at the beach.

Sandra gave me some powder to rub and I did because I did not know that the powder was not an ordinary powder.

After rubbing that powder I did not know myself anymore but what I still remember is that I saw myself sitting in the midst of many people in one big hall,

I saw when the water was pushing towards me. I could not run as it was like a dream.

Inside that hall I saw people sitting in groups depending on the nature of their job.

I saw seven people sitting on the platform. On the left side, were some men and ladies dressed in suits.

On the right was only women while children were at the middle point.

Then at the extreme back, I saw some young ladies whose hands and legs were chained. Those people were crying and shedding tears.

Though I was a bit confused, I was able to recognize a few faces like three popular pastors based in Lagos.

Brothers and sisters, at about 15 minutes to 2am, there was a kind of confusing noise and one among the people from the high table on the platform stood up and started to invoke some powers, calling some names that I had never heard before.

The hall was odored with incense and some unfamiliar perfumes. Though I wasn't myself, I still had my senses.

During the process of the initiation, they burned seven red candles on my head.

They gave me a salty-tasting liquid in a calabash cup to drink which I later discovered it to be human blood.

Before I finished drinking the seventh cup, they quoted from the scripture, the book of Matthew 26: 27-29,

"......each of you drink from it for this is my blood which seals the covenant"

They later took me to one room, they put me naked.

Inside the room I saw seven living python snakes and a baby of about four days old, two white cats, cockroach, small rats, two blackbirds and a white basin with 21 rings and necklaces.

I was asked to swallow two necklaces and the 21 golden rings while the baby, python snakes, rats, birds, cats were invoked into my body through my private part.

Those of you who witness my deliverance can testify that I vomited all these things through my mouth at the Great Pillar of Salvation Chapel, Surulere.

All these things that I invoked into my body, was what I used to change into.

I was able to change into cat, bird, cockroach, rat, snake, any time I wanted to, depending on the environment and the operation I am sent to carry out.

Before they send me to this world again to start operation, they also gave me a mirror, two white handkerchiefs, a complete set of makeup and a set of white pants.

My mission was to initiate and destroy the lives of children, attack pregnant women, scatter matrimonial homes, attack churches and Pastors.

On the 13th of March 1993, by 12 midnight, I was sent back to the world to start my first operation.

I came in the form of a man. I opened a prayer house at Badagry. Then people used to call me Prophet Jerry.

I tried to take away the lives of five children but it was not possible due to some powerful prayers from the Deeper Life Bible church that was opposite. I tried and tried, no way, I had to leave back to the sea.

When I reported it to the Queen she asked me to make a sacrifice, so that I can gain more powers.

Brethren, any sacrifice for the Devil must consign blood, so I had to touch the life of my son and my mother.

I invoked my son into the mirror and struck him with the sword but in the physical world, he died by accident when he ran into a car. Though people blamed the motorist, this thing was done spiritually.

The driver had no hand in his death, so as I am speaking out to
clear my conscience I know that God will forgive me, in Jesus' name.

After killing my son, oh, my only son! ....

I was afraid that lya Kemi who took care of my only son would do something about the death of my son because Iya Kemi was a very strong prayer warrior in her parish at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, at CMS.

I tried to push her into an accident but she refused to enter my mirror.

I entered into her bedroom in the form of a small rat and remained in that house for six days and monitored everything in that family till I set a quarrel between lya Kemi and her husband, Mike.

Both of them forgot to pray that night and that night I changed into a python and bit her and disappeared. She died around 2 am.

I am begging you all members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God to forgive me so that my conscience will be at rest, in Jesus' name.

After destroying these three souls, my son, lya Kemi, and my mother, I begin to gain more powers.

Though I was still in circle 5 in the witches kingdom, I was made to attend a zonal conference.

Brothers and sisters, you may not know the burden that is on my head, though you may see me like this, but inside my mind, I am shedding tears.

When I was a leader in circle 5, I tortured and tormented the life of my friend. I want her to forgive me so that I can have peace.

This is an apology to you my friend, Mrs. Grace Georgin. I want you to forgive me so that I can have rest of mind and as I am saying this I believe that God would open your womb once again.

Please women, mind the way you expose your family issues and mind the kind of camping you keep.

Sister Grace, remember that you used to tell me every of your family secret.

Remember that you told me everything about your husband. It was the information you gave to me that I used to plan and get your husband.

It was that night you sent me to caution him about coming home late, that I used the eye pencil that was given to me by Queen of the Coast and immediately your husband looked at my eyes, I charmed him from my eyes and he slept with me.

Since that day, he started having low sperm count and sometimes watery sperm. For that, he cannot impregnate any woman.

And you Sister Grace, your womb was placed under a heavy stone at the high sea. That is why you always have miscarriages after two months of pregnancy.

I have tried to initiate your children, Chioma and Indubisi, but their spirits were too strong.

Please men, do not look the face of a lady too much because with this eye pencil from the Queen of the Coast, men are easily charmed from the eyes but God will deliver men from these charms, in Jesus' name.

And to you women, do not expose your husband to any third party because the life of your husband is in your hand.

If your husband offends you, please try and talk to him, caution him yourself, he will listen to you because you don't know who is who ......for the devil came to steal, destroy and kill.

Brethren, with eyes charm, I was able to get 517 men, 206 were married men, 108 were students, 14 pastors, 9 choirmasters from different churches of Aba, Owerri, Lagos, and Port Harcourt (Nigeria).

These are men who cannot control themselves whenever they see girls.

Brethren, all that I need from you is to pray and forgive me so that God in heaven will also forgive me because I am afraid of the innocent souls that I have tampered with.

I will also speak on how I used to cause people to sleep in the church while the pastor is preaching.

I will also tell you how I used to cause children to cry in the church, while preaching is going on and also why I used to sit at the back seat in the church.

Before I was qualified to leave circle 5 to level 333, I was asked to destroy the lives of 14 children from the ages of 1 to 3 years and the Queen Of the Coast gave me some powers to transform into Inchiki the wall gecko that is just like a lizard.

People don't kill it whenever they see it in their house. Please, brethren, do not spare this animal whenever you see it in your house. Please kill it and sprinkle the blood of Jesus, for it is very dangerous.

With this, I was able to destroy the lives of 17 children and I was promoted immediately.

Brethren, in the kingdom of darkness, in any assignment you are given, you must be very careful so that you will not make a mistake.

If you are asked to stand and you sit even for one second you will be seriously punished. It the only the Christian that disobey an order.

Sometimes, you may be asked to stand up and pray or sing and dance for the glory of God but because no punishment is attached, you will not. May God help us in Jesus' name.

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