Sunday, May 10, 2020



Through the recommendation of a Catholic priest, I studied one book after another on magic and witchcraft. I even met Lucifer after the Catholic priest did some invocation. When I was studying the book Ave Lucifer, I learned that human problems started when Lucifer revolted in Heaven and triggered an angelic war.

The Archangel Michael and the faithful angels drove Lucifer out of the upper Heaven to the lower heavens but the devil was not cast out lone. He was banished with 7777 legions of fallen angels faithful to him. You can calculate the exact number.

They all fell in the inferior heavens but in the aftermath of the war, Lucifer continued his hostility against God by attacking the new creation. He revealed to Adam and Eve the virtue of the forbidden tree.

The war between Lucifer and the kingdom of God started in Heaven, not on Earth. The war against humanity started in Heaven. The devil is the enemy of any good things God has reserved for humanity. This evil archangel came down to Earth with anger.

Today humanity is suffering the repercussion of the war that started in heaven. All the wars and conflicts and suffering on Earth are a result of that war and rebellion in Heaven.

I will speak about the origin of human customs and traditions. I will explain the origin of customs and traditions of the nations of the Earth and where they came from. I read and practiced all these traditions as I was a practitioner of black magic, red magic and white magic.

While I was still in initiation, I read an occultic book of Rosicrucianism cosmogony detailing the 6 worlds of kingdoms in space or inferior heavens. There are seven heavens including planet Earth but the 6 lower heavens are inhabited and populated by spirits that we call demons.

From the first heaven to the sixth heaven, there are diverse demons and demonic kingdoms ruled by the prince of the powers of the air.

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the world's rulers, of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The heavenlies are inhabited by demons of all kinds. Beneath the Earth there are demons, in mountains there are demons, in forests there are demons, underwater there are demons. This world is populated with billions of demons and if you do not have Jesus in you, you are not in security.

The rebellious angels who initiated war in heaven are the originators of the customs and traditions of the nations of the Earth. After the creation of man, the fallen angels decided to reveal to humanity the knowledge and secrets of Heaven kept by God.

These hidden scientific and occultic knowledge that God kept from men were revealed to Adam and his descendants. The first instance of Satanic revelation happened in the Garden of Eden when the devil said to Eve, “By eating the fruit of the tree, you will become like god.”

Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die, 5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

This brought about the fall of Adam but the devil continued his war against humanity. When the descendants of Adam grew numerous, the angels took human shape and they came to Earth to live with the daughters of men and they created new races.

Even today, men are marrying sirens and mermaids and women are marrying mermen and producing hybrid children. We must understand that on this Earth there are normal human beings and hybrid human beings. This abomination is still presently occurring.

Sirens are physically on Earth marrying humans and humans are traveling beneath the sea to marry mermaids and sirens and they are producing hybrid humanoid demons.

The fallen angels migrated to Earth and after marrying human daughters, they produced children in great numbers and each of these angels produce a particular race or tribe. As a result, many tribes and races of hybrid humans began to populate the Earth.

[It is not within the scope of this testimony to furnish biblical and theological proof of such a claim. Readers may do their own online research or read the following scholarly works on this matter:

It is written in Num 13:32 So they brought to the people of Israel a bad report of the land that they had spied out, saying, “The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it are of great height. 33 And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.”

All the tribes and races of the Earth had ancestors but their ancestors were those who came from Heaven, the rebellious angels.

These children produced by the angels on Earth were wiser and stronger than the humans. They were the heroes of antiquity. Genesis 6:4 In those days, and even later, there were giants on the Earth who were descendants of human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great heroes and famous men of long ago.

Their wisdom is diabolic and earthly and not of God. These fallen angels were deliberately revealing hidden knowledge to humanity and their progeny.

Many Africans accuse me of attacking African customs and traditions in favor of foreign traditions. This is a false accusation.

Customs and traditions of the nations originated from those fallen angels who came from Heaven. People were accusing me of rejecting African traditions and customs just because I am a Christian, claiming that Christianity is Jewish tradition.

Jesus told the Jews that they nullify the word of God by their traditions and they do so in many such matters.

Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

It is clear from this that the Jews had their own traditions and customs that should not be confused with the word of God. Today Jewish Kabbalah is popular where they pray to false gods and fallen angels like Samael.

Today many lawless pastors are in Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah and they are capturing people’s stars and destinies. I want to emphasize that the customs and traditions of the nations are evil.


Among the fallen angels that migrated to Earth, there was an angel by the name of Orias. He married a woman who gave birth to children that became a tribe. He taught humanity and his descendants the secret of the stars that we call astrology, the observation of the movements of the stars, sun, and moon.

He taught the people that world events are related to the movements of the sun, the moon, and the stars. He revealed signs in the sky like the half-blood moon. This angel introduced the study of astrology to humanity.

When Orias was on Earth, he was living in the east and we know that the Magi came from the east. These people were able to identify the star of Jesus in the sky and they could unlock His identity as the King of the Jews, thanks to the observation of the stars.

These Magi had to travel to the geographical location of the star that was in the sky. The children of Orias were the first astrologers on this Earth.

Occultists have the capacity to see people’s stars just like the Magi were able to identify the status of Jesus and they can uncover your destiny through your star.

The Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem in Mat 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Beloved, maybe you don’t know who you are but there are people who know who you are and what you are supposed to become. Therefore, they will fight to get a hold of your destiny.

The life of the child Jesus was threatened as some people saw His star and what He was supposed to become.

Orias taught humanity that every time a baby is born on Earth, his star will be in the sky and can be tracked and studied, exactly like the star of Jesus that was investigated by the Magi of the east. As a result, the worship of stars was born.


An angel by the name of Martum migrated to Earth and married a woman. He taught his children and humanity the secrets and virtues of the trees as there are trees with special powers and virtues. Just like Lucifer revealed to Eve the secret of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

I remembered a mystical sheet of luck that we were using even in school to succeed during exams.

Many Africans use traditional medicine derived from trees. Of course these trees are created by God but the secret behind these trees was revealed by the fallen angel Martum.

There are trees used for healing by herbalists. There are trees used for protection and there are also trees called witchcraft trees. All these were revealed by Martum.

In Africa, we have traditional doctors using different trees for healing and health. There is a tree that priests and occultists use when burning incense as the smell of this tree attracts demons.


Another fallen angel by the name of Gaziel revealed to humanity the secret of minerals beneath the Earth like uranium, petrol, mercury, diamond and gold. He revealed to humanity and his progeny the fact that under the Earth there are precious minerals that can be a source of wealth and that can be transformed into many tools and instruments.

He highlighted the value of precious metals that God put beneath the Earth. As a result, his descendants became excavators of the underground in search of precious stones and metals.

But Gaziel insisted after revealing these secrets that a human sacrifice must be made before excavation. He insisted to his race and humanity that every time they want to unearth and excavate precious stones, metals, and minerals, they have to offer human sacrifice.

When Gaziel excavated the ground for the first time, he offered one of his sons as a sacrifice. In fact, he built an altar and he got his child to lay on the altar and he burned him as a sacrifice.

All this in order to unearth precious stones and that is why there will always be deaths when there is mining and digging for minerals. People were summoning Gaziel and his son who was sacrificed before any digging of the ground for minerals.

Gaziel also works with Mammon in terms of dealing with precious stones as Mammon is obsessed with wealth.


Today many people are signing deals with demons and there is a fallen angel delegated by Lucifer to oversee all the covenants and contracts signed by humans. The moment a human breaks an agreement with the devil, the angel Abaddon will destroy him as punishment to violators and a warning to others to keep the taboos and laws stipulated in the covenants.

There are many tribal laws and taboos today. When people break them, they suffer the consequences as the demon Abaddon enforce those laws by punishment and death.

Abaddon got many tribes and ethnic groups of the Earth to get into covenant with the kingdom of darkness. As a result, many tribes have taboos and rules as many of their ancestors have signed covenants and their descendants are supposed to keep those taboos.


There are people whose characteristics are dancing and comedy. There was a fallen angel who lived physically on Earth. He is called Kobal. He is the director of singers, poets, comedians, and actors. This angel also influences politicians. He is a marquis of hell. He influences artists.


A fallen angel by the name of Hermonie migrated to Earth in the Middle East and assumed human shape. He married a human woman and taught magic, occultism, and witchcraft to his children and descendants.

He taught humanity to summon the spirits of the deads. This angel taught humanity to summon spirits by burning incense of a certain fragrance. Evil spirits are attracted by certain smells, like of certain trees, certain flowers, certain perfume, and some of these trees are used for concocting perfumes like Julia, Soudan, Ahoussarabia.

Today some pastors burn incense, conjuring false angels and destroying people’s destinies through capturing their stars. Some pastors encourage their people to practice astral traveling which is witchcraft.

Hermonie taught humans that a man has 3 parts. The first part is the body in which there is blood, which is the seat of the soul and the third part is the spirit that is the breath that God blew into Adam’s nostrils.

The spirit is independent and the other 2 parts are connected which are the body and the soul which is in the blood. When the body is destroyed, the soul is also destroyed but the spirit also known as the inner man still remains.

The spirit of man is connected to his body and soul through a silver cord that transferred breath from the spirit to the soul which is in the blood. The spirit of man animates the body through the soul in the blood.

When a man is about to die or lose his breath, he will be breathing fast because the silver cord is about to break and there is a lack of breath.

This angel Hermonie taught humans that they can function as a spirit without the body. They can separate their spirits from their bodies at will and operate separately from their bodies at will, having all the functions and capacities of the soul. Their spirits can leave their bodies and travel in the astral realm or hyperdimension. The advantage is that they would be invisible to people.

The fallen angel underlined the advantage of functioning without the physical body. He told his descendants, “When you are out of your body, you can kill a fellow human and no one would suspect you. There would be no issue with the authorities and the family of the victim.”

The angel highlighted the fact that no one will see you when you commit crimes and offenses, therefore you are exempt from justice and the prosecution, as you can kill as you want and no one would say you did it.

In black magic, the witch kill and commit crimes while he is out of the body. Therefore he cannot be caught because he is functioning and operating as a spirit without body, and he can go anywhere like a spirit and commit crimes and come back to his body and no one will catch him so he is unaccountable.

The angel revealed to humanity that not only they can kill without being noticed, he also revealed to humanity that eating human flesh and drinking human blood will give them strength, power, and authority.

The Bible says that you shall not kill but this fallen angel is revealing hidden secrets and teaching humanity and motivating them to commit crimes in secret, thanks to astral traveling. Astral traveling is the capacity to leave your body and travel in space like a spirit without the body.

Our former President Mobutu used to employ this tactic. He was giving public speeches in public places but his true self was at home. He was always at home every time he is delivering speeches.

And the person you see there is an illusion. You can not even shoot it, it is not even real. This is called bilocation. I was able to do just that when I was in the occult.

These revelations from the fallen angel to humanity was in itself an initiation into occultism and witchcraft but people were unaware of this.

Astral traveling is dangerous and can cost you your life. That was how a popular musician in Congo lost his life. He was initiated in Mahikari by a Japanese guy. He learned astral traveling and he was traveling to the bottomless pit in a subterranean kingdom called Nekromania to play music there before releasing it on the surface of the Earth.

The musician told his wife before leaving his body that no one should enter his private room and no one should touch his body while he is out of the body for fear of endangering his life.

It was a custom for him to lock himself in his private room and lay his body on a bed and leave his body and travel to the kingdom beneath the Earth for 3 days. No one was supposed to touch his body. His wife knew about this.

Astral traveling is taught in Mahikari, Sekai, Eckankar, and Voodoo. Their followers are taught to leave their bodies and today many pastors are now teaching astral traveling in churches.

The musician told his wife he will be away in the subterranean kingdom for 3 days for his new album that is about to be released and that he will be back on the third day as usual.

The problem arose when he was told to spend 5 days in the Nekromania kingdom instead of 3 for his album to be worked on by the demons. When his wife noticed that it was already the 4th day, she was worried so she opened the door of his private room and tried to wake him up.

As a result, the silver cord was broken. The musician’s spirit was stuck in the Nekromania kingdom in the recess of the pit and during the funeral, the musicians were complaining about the mistake of the woman, that she should have waited till he came back.

Hermonie taught humans that the eating of human flesh should be done only in the night as it is written in Ecclesiastes 5:17 All his days also he eateth in darkness, and he hath much sorrow and wrath with his sickness.

Murder is a crime. The devil never wanted humans to populate this planet. It is written in Psalm 53:4 Will those who do evil ever learn? They devour My people like they devour bread, and never call on God. 5 There they were seized with terror when there was nothing to fear.

The Lord God gave humanity veggies and animals as food but this fallen angel came to teach humanity to eat one another like food, just like when the famine befell Israel and 2 women conspired to eat each other’s children.

It is written in Ecclesiastes 4:5 The fool folds his hands together, and eats his own flesh.

Witchcraft is transmitted through food which changes its taste when you eat it. In fact, by eating the mystical food, you will receive a spirit in you that will enable you to leave your body and travel to the spirit realm to execute an operation against fellow humans.

It is written in Job 20:14 yet his food in his belly shall be turned; the gall of asps is within him. 15 He swallows riches, but vomits it; God shall cast them out of his belly. 16 He shall suck the poison of asps; the viper's tongue shall slay him.

It is through food that witchcraft is transferred and children are the main victims. 

Proverbs 23:6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats.

When you eat the food of a witch, he will come by night to get you out of your body to the spirit realm. That food opens your spiritual ears and eyes and the person who gave you that food will come in the night to call your spirit out of your body and you will be able to hear him as your extra senses are activated.

Everybody will be sleeping and will not hear the caller except you as you have eaten that food and your eyes and ears are opened.

As a result, you will be transported to night meetings and the Bible says you will be eating in the night every day, the food you eat in the night which is human flesh will not go to your stomach but it will invigorate your spirit. Human meat and blood give strength to their spirit.

I always tell the believers that unless you read the Bible and pray, your spirit will be weak because man shall not live by bread alone. Our spirit grows through the reading of the Bible, fasting, and prayer.

There are people who are initiated in witchcraft but their eyes and ears are still closed. These are subconscious witches. They speak and eat while sleeping. Their sleeping bodies reproduce the action of their spirits in the astral realm of dreams.

These people dream that they are traveling to attend parties and gatherings with people they do not know and they dance and eat in these gatherings and parties in repetitive dreams. The faces of people they meet in dreams become familiar to them.

Then there are committed witches who are active and conscious of their activities.

There are also universal witches who travel the spirit world with their physical bodies, not in astral traveling but in physical traveling. This happens after the witch has managed to sacrifice 12 human souls in his career. He gets the ability to travel all over the world with his physical body like a superman.

The angel Hermonie taught humanity to operate outside the body, to kill fellow humans and to eat his flesh. As a result, people became serial killers and cannibals because they were exempt from arrest and prosecution.

This angel taught humanity the depths of Satan and killing techniques. There are 2 kinds of death that Hermonie revealed. There is the normal death and there is the staged death. God has allocated a specific number of years for each human being living on Earth.

But there are people dying before their time as their lives are cut short by witches through staged death which is a trick.

The angel taught witches and occultists how to cut short human lives. This is called staged death which consists of pulling human spirits out of his body. As a result, the body would be left lifeless and people would be tricked to think that the man is dead as he is not breathing.

But in reality, wizards have just removed the spirit of the victim from the body. As a result, the victim’s body would lay there lifeless. The doctor and the family would think that the man is dead because of the absence of breathing and brain activity.

They are all tricked as the consciousness of the victim is removed and placed in a location out of the body. In fact, the spirit of the victim will not be far from the lifeless corpse.

When a corpse is sweating or when you notice that there are tears on the eyes of the corpse, let me inform you that this is staged death as the victim's spirit is around and crying for what has happened to him.

In fact, the very day the victim will be buried, the witches and wizards would go to the cemetery in the night. They would hit the tomb of the victim with a magic staff and they would call the victim out of the coffin, just like Jesus called Lazarus and he will rise mystically out of his coffin.

As a result, the body of the victim will emerge out of the coffin on the surface again. Then the wizards will return the spirit of the victim inside the body. As a consequence, he will regain consciousness again.

Since the victim is back to life, the occultists and wizards have two possibilities, either to kill the victim or use him as a servant. But before that, the victim will stand trial and be condemned in the tribunal that is run by witchcraft brotherhood and organization. The victim would be sentenced and condemned either to be killed and eaten or to be sold as a slave. But if the victim is sentenced to death, he will be transformed into an animal.

This is done when a witch or a judge in the tribunal places his magic staff on the victim. As a result, he would be transformed into either a cow, a goat, a chicken, or beef. Then he will be placed in a reserve in a cage.

In the meantime, people in the physical world would be thinking that he died a long time ago. But when the time set comes, the witches and wizards will get the victim out of the cage and they would decapitate him and eat him.

The second option besides the execution is to use the victim as a servant or a slave. If the witches and wizards decided to use the victim as a worker, this is what would happen. Firstly, the witches and wizards will remove what is called in the occult, the “Inter-reflector” which in actual terms is the memory of the person. It is like a memory card inside the head of humans.

Inside that device called the inter-reflector, there is the person’s memory of his past, his identity, the memory of his family, and his wife. The removal of this device causes the victim to be lobotomized (that is, part of his brain will be removed). He will lose the memory of his identity, family, and life.

Most of the time when the victim is brought back to life, they would move him away from his region and place him in a plantation. He would be working like an animal. Others are sent to sell in shops, depending on the person who bought them in satanic markets.

In case the victim meets his family, he won’t recognize them as he is lobotomized. He will be sent to sell in shops or work in plantations or be a porter. He will never know who he is and where he came from as his memory has been erased, although he will have questions.

This is a global phenomenon especially those who enter in covenant with Lucifer. They died prematurely as the years of their lives are reduced. Once they die, they end up serving the devil in the spirit realm until they reach the number of years set by God for them. Then they would be transferred to the abode of the deads.

In Congo, this paranormal phenomenon is called FONOLY. It is well known in the northeastern province of Kisangani. People die and are buried but they are found working in plantations and reserves, many kilometers away from their region.

After receiving a new identity, the victim can even be bought and sent to Europe or India or China to work with no salary. They are only given food and shelter. They can even be turned to a white man.

I was explaining normal death and staged death. The Bible says that God has allocated a specific number of years for each one of us.

Psalm 90:10: “The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we have the strength.”

Let’s suppose that you were to live 100 years but because of poverty, you wanted to be rich and you went to visit a mystic, what he will do is he will try to determine how many years you were supposed to live on Earth.

Once he determined that you were supposed to live 100 years, he will then reduce your life to 80 years instead of 100 years and he will recoup the 20 years of your life. You must understand that this happens to anybody visiting a mystic and native doctor. The years of their lives would be stolen.

The money you were supposed to receive on that 20 years removed from your life would be given to you. In reality, this is your own money gathered from years removed from your life. Then the mystic will give it to you and you will become rich but your life has been cut short.

Once you reached 80, you will die and you will end up serving the devil or the mystic for 20 years in the spirit realm. This is what we call staged death which consists of pulling your spirit out of your body and leaving your body lifeless.

People and doctors would think that you are dead but it is a tricked and staged death. People will bury your body but you will go serve in the astral realm of slaves for 20 years that were taken from your life. If the mystic is a witch, he can eat your body by transforming you into an animal. If he is not a witch, he will sell you in the satanic night markets or dark market of witches and occultists in the night.

Hermonie taught humanity to separate the spirit from the body. It is the same principle used in staged death where the occultist would pull someone’s spirit out of his body. As a result, a victim would go in coma and be unconscious.

Through prayer, a man of God can return the spirit inside that body.

The Lord has calculated the budget for your earthly life and occultic people know that. There are spiritual markets where people who are supposedly dead are sold by witches, mystics, and native doctors.

It is written in Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book was written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

God has already prepared the days and years of your life before sending you to the world.

A mystic can either reduce the years of your life or steal your stars or chances and give them to others who buy them from him.

Mystics do not give their own money to their clients. It is just that they deduct the years from their clients’ lives and they recoup the money these people were supposed to have in the years stolen from their lives and they give that money to them.


  1. Bonjour fr Chong je suis bénie et continue de l'être depuis que je suis sur ce site que Le Seigneur vous bénisse abondamment. J'ai deux remarques l'un concernant le livre de OTHUSITE qui semble présenté une personne faisant des voyages astraux et "le Seigneur" qu'il affirme avoir rencontré est contre le message de sainteté et le football est acceptable. Prière de revoir ce livre et m'enlevé. La deuxième porte sur le témoignage de Veronica Menés où l'ange lui montre des personnes en enfer; il manque la deuxième personne. En attendant mes remarques prises en compte continuez à répandre la vérité car elle affranchi soyez bénis.

    1. I need to read over the book written by OTHUSITE. It is a very long book and I must have missed the part that is objectionable. Please let me know the exact page where you found it objectionable. As for Veronica Menes, I have amended the error. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Regards.

  2. Il traite ce sujet a partir de la page 171 à 188 avec un message du "Seigneur" à la page 184

    1. I see what you mean after reading those pages. I may have not read it thoroughly as it was a long book. I have removed this book from the page. Once again, thank you very much for pointing it out to me.

  3. Bro Chong how can I get the mail address of Jean mark mutumbo or any other link to connect directly with him.
    This testimony is very insightful and explanatory of occult mysteries. There's much corelation and agreement with Matthew Badjoko's testimony. I am from Nigeria in Africa so I can relate quite well in cultural thoughts of bro mutumbo.
    God bless you bro Chong for this post.

  4. You can check his Facebook
    and write to him.

  5. Do you agree that the various races come from fallen angels Joshua? What about the Chinese race?
    Do the customs and culture also come from the following angel s for traditional Chinese culture?
