Thursday, May 28, 2020



IYKE NATHAN UZORMA, prior to his direct encounter with Christ, was the Living Grand Master of the occult Order of Terrestrial and Astral Hierarchy; Defender of the ancient order of Lord Yima of Persia; founder of a secret society known as COMANS Order; Speaker of the Metaphysical Research Association of Nigeria, University of Ibadan, amongst others. Today, he is the Lord's empowered Harbinger of the Last Covenant; Professor of Christian Education of St Thomas-a-Backet University, Canterbury, England; Chancellor of Global Harvest Christian University in Nigeria; and founder of an interdenominational international silent prayer forum known as The Committee of Light, amongst others. He is the author of several books and the Spirit of God has used him to raise the dead in different occasions, amongst other things. He was ordained Archbishop in February, 2018. He is a Nigerian from Imo State, resident in Warri, Delta State, and has received different national and international awards.

To our viewers, friends, and partners, you are welcome once again to this platform. Today we are beginning a series of important exposition. But before we go on, Let us pray.

Almighty Father to whom all things belong, the Sustainer of all that is control of all manifestations. We come once again upon your divine platform to speak to the people of our world especially to those who have the ears to hear. As we go into the subject matter of this exposition, we pray that we'll be guided by your Holy Spirit. We pray that you give us the ear to hear. We pray that you strengthen and make us strong. So that in the journey of life and the battles thereof we continue to lift up the banner of victory in the Mighty Name of the Eternal One, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

I did say, on this platform that we will go into the exposition relating to battles in our world, battles in our solar system, battles in the universe. We are here to begin that exposition under the topic Astral Wars against Earthmen. This is part one of Astral Wars against Earthman. This message also is a warning. It will run in two different parts because of the nature of the battles going on Earth. We'll talk about battles, even in this space in the course of this exposition, maybe in the consequent parts. We do understand that even the battles that go on in this space are related to human beings in this world, the primary targets.

I want to warn that war is on. I want to say it categorically that some human beings in this world have risen to the highest dimension of wickedness that in all reality, they have no other names to be called than wolves.

Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I have sent you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.” He advised us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

If you look at it, we are sent as sheep in the midst of wolves. There in the midst of wolves, the sheep survived. The sheep made much damage to the wolves.

That is what the Lord said, “I have sent you forth as a sheep in the midst of wolves.” Now because He said, I have sent you forth, that means, that sheep is extraordinary. Sheep is not just an analogy of meekness and gentleness. It's a sheep that is capable of dismantling and destroying millions and millions of wolves. If you believe the supposition that the sheep are sent among the wolves, it means that the sheep lives on something far greater than it's own physical aspect as a docile and meek animal.

So I am speaking on Astral wars on humans. If you have an idea, a glimpse into the battles going on in this world, from the realms beyond, honestly, no one will advise you to be strong in this life in the Lord. No one needs to advise you to be strong in the Lord when you have a glimpse of understanding in practical terms of the battlefield.

It's not a matter of denying that there are no battles. Don't you see? Don't you see what is happening? The things you see in this world. These are manifestations arising from hidden sources, beyond the physical aspects, generally unknown. On a battlefield, the strong overcome the weak.

I am sent to you, Earthman, to give you this warning. And this exposition begins on the platform of the harbinger. The Lord sent me forth as the harbinger of the last covenant by His grace. The Lord called me from the deepest realm of darkness and He told me specifically that He allowed me to enter into the deepest realm of darkness in our time, that He used me as a spy. In those days I didn't know. But the Lord told me that He used me as a spy in my entire activities in the network of the forces of darkness.

Te Lord’s mission for me was that He granted me to operate as a spy. And today by the grace of God, I see the finger of the Almighty Father.

If you look at the life of the great prophet Moses, the Word of God says in Acts 7:22, And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds.

The wisdom of the Egyptians is related to the occultic magic. It is encapsulated within the network of the powers of the darkness. Whatever mystery in those days that flourished in the land of ancient Egypt, it was said that Moses was learned in all of it. When God called him, he left all the instruments and paraphernalia of the Egyptian mysteries. You know how God called Moses. I'm sure he didn't have the Bible. He stood alone before the Lord, he was transformed. And he came back as a great prophet of God.

We know that there is a war going on. So this is an exposition on the Astral Wars against Earthman. These are Astral Wars going on in different places, different families, communities, nations, our world, the different fabrics of one's experience which includes but not limited to our health, our marriage, our possible life direction, our spiritual life.

We have to be strong because even when our Lord Jesus Christ was on Earth, He said in John 14:30, “... the prince of this world is coming and he has nothing in Me.” That is what we should aspire, to achieve, not to have any entanglements so that when they come, they can be repelled. They will come in the fullness of time but when they come, they can be completely vanquished and banished. Until then they will come.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, “The Prince of Darkness cometh.” As the prince of darkness came to the Lord Jesus Christ, he will come to each one of us. I met the prince of this world, the prince of darkness. Hence this exposition of the Astral wars against Earthmen to help Earthmen defeat the prince of darkness.

The word Astral is used in the subjective sense of invisible warfare. The central text for this exposition is taken from Ephesians 6:10-12.

That is the Bible text for this exposition, no matter how long the series, in order to go on different parts, possibly for more than 10 parts.

Ephesians 6:10-12 says, Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Be strong in the Lord. That is the admonition to each and every one of us because we are fighting against powers that are beyond human beings. We can't fight on our own. We need the Divine Spirit of the Lord. We have to be charged daily by the Divine Spirit of the Lord so that we will have victory.

It is said that a tree that does not know how to dance will be taught by the wind. Please don't be such a tree. Learn how to dance as a tree so you wouldn't be taught by the wind. If you don't know how to dance, ask for wisdom, it will teach you how to dance.

If you say that there are no powers of darkness in the universe, when they come, what will become of you? That is why we are told to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

We are told to put on the whole armor of God so that we will be able to become wise to the manipulations, the devices, the tricks, the modus operandi of the network of darkness.

By natural law, you see that the stronger will overcome the weak. In every phase of life is a matter that involves strength. You check it out: the strong overcome the weak.

When it comes to political consideration, activity amongst others the strong overcomes the weak. In the spirit also, the strong overcome the weak.

Some of us are not serious with the Lord who came to shed His blood. What was the purpose of the manifestation of the Lord? It was to shed His blood. You can see some Christians. They don't even have time to read holy Scriptures. They spend just a little few minutes on prayer but spend a lot of time watching films, football, so many activities on different social media platform.

He said we should be strong because if a child is wise, he will kill what killed his father. But if a child is foolish, what kills his father will kill him. So we have to be strong so that we can defeat the enemy. We have no other business. We are concentrated on the battle against this war against the Earthman, against the sons and daughters of man.

In those days, when I was in the network of darkness, I was told to read the Bible until it became a second personality. The Bible is used by Satanists to bring about the basis of manipulation. For instance, like when you read the Bible, our Lord Jesus Christ said in John 6:53, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you." But Satanists misinterpreted it to mean some dimensions of human sacrifice. This verse that said unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man, they interpret it to mean the flesh and blood of a human being. But Christ was referring to Himself. But they misinterpreted the Bible to erase the contents of the Holy Scripture. That is the important point we're making. They read the Bible to distort the contents of the Holy Scriptures.

What about you that believe? How many times have you read the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation? Many Christians have not even done it even once. We have to rise beyond this slothfulness, laziness in spiritual matters. We have to rise beyond laziness in spiritual issues.

We have been taught to be strong. What if we fail to be strong? Whatever happened, are we going to blame anyone? Because that means we have failed to abide by that Scripture in Ephesians 6:10 that we should be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

We have to be strong because we are fighting against forces, against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The personalities, the entities involved in this fight and battle against human beings, they are not gross material beings. They fight from the astral order of existence. Their bodies are in the higher order of dimension and by law, whatever that is higher in the scale of existence, dominates whatever that is lower. That is so in the universal law.

This physical body that we have is made up of five elements, and all the five elements of this body are gross material. So, what we have here is, is the gross material body.

Now, we talk about principalities, powers, the forces of darkness, they exist not in the gross material body, but they exist in astral bodies. And on the scale of existence, the scale of life, the astral body is higher than the gross material body.

So, in any battle between the astral body and gross material body, the astral body will have dominance.

We are told to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. What does that mean? When you are strong in the Lord, the consciousness of the strength that is acquired from the Lord is embedded within our mental pattern. And your mental pattern is correlated by your thoughts and your thoughts works in accordance with the universal laws. So, in this case, the law of homogeneity comes into play.

What does that mean? It means that if you are strong in the Lord, through the law of homogeneity, you are one with the Lord. Your thoughts and your consciousness of the Lord transcends beyond the social aspect, the physical aspect of life and the realm of the path of darkness. Whatever comes to attack you will not be seeing you in the gross material or physical aspect but will be seeing the Lord in your consciousness, your mental pattern, in your contemplation and delight in Him since you are united with the Lord.

You see, Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Where your heart is, that is where you are. So if your heart is in the Lord of the Universe, and if anything comes to attack you here in this physical world, using the astral body which is higher than your gross material body, will see you in the presence of the Lord.

So by that, you become free from the Astral Wars upon Earthmen. You see, that is the point we're making. That is the essence of being strong in the Lord and the power of His might.

You see the essence of being strong in the Lord is in the light of constantly abiding in the Lord Jesus and receiving His impartations. As Psalms 37:4 says, Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. The desires of the heart are beyond the desires of the flesh and pertain to the deep longings of the heart that the mind is not aware of. The Lord imparts His holiness, righteousness, giftings, abilities, divine characteristics into your spirit man and makes your spirit man progressively stronger.

When you are strong here on Earth in the Lord, if your spirit is united with the Lord, anytime you call on the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord will answer. You will not be found anywhere in the realm of darkness.

Your name is not mentioned anywhere in any dimension of darkness, in any realm of evil, no matter where you're in. Because your spirit has gone beyond the rudiments, the paraphernalia, the layers, the levels, the realms of darkness.

You are beyond the forces of darkness that devote their attacks on gross material beings. Your spirit has gone into the dimension developed by your thoughts. You have to think of the Lord at all times. That is the act of worshiping the Lord.

Remember Him. The Lord has to be present in you by your thinking. You have to be conscious of the Lord. You have to live by God-consciousness.

If you are found in God-consciousness, no power in the universe, no projection from anywhere, from any dimension, will do anything to you. Because when you are united with the Lord, you will be found in the divine enclave of Almighty. As it is written in Psalms 91:1 He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. 3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

That's why the simple advice for us is to be strong in the Lord.

If you remain on this bodily platform, and if you put on this platform, animosity, grudges, unforgiveness, etc, these things will hold you down in the realm of darkness and you will not be protected. If you have something against somebody, if your name is called in the realm of darkness, you are not going to be protected because you are held down by that sin.

And all the iniquities, the sins we commit on Earth through lust, through anger, through greed, through vanity, and through attachments to material things and if we have so much consciousness of houses, cars, airplanes, shoes, clothes, food, etc. If your consciousness is found in those things, if your heart is found in those things, and that is where you're, when darkness calls upon you, then you have to answer well. You are probably where darkness can find you and attack you.

So what we are saying is that this is the time for you and I to be strong in the Lord so that we can defeat the thing that comes to defeat us.

The Bible says in 1 Samuel 2:9, For by strength shall no man prevail. You cannot prevail by human strength but you can prevail a lot more if you are committed to prayers. Your prayers must be founded on the platform of selflessness. You have to play down the effect of selfish prayers and have to completely avoid retributive, retaliatory and vengeful prayers which will only contribute to the pool of the vicious forces in the Astral realm.

The introductory part of this message from the onset is that anywhere you are, you need the Lord of the Universe. Forget about charms, talismans, amulets, shrines, forget about those. Forget about even the witchcraft, mermaids and powers of darkness for they are in different dimensions. These things have no power over you as long as you're strong in the Lord. But if you're not strong, anything can happen to you.

This is an introduction to this message. And I pray that you will be blessed with this introduction and we'll come back with the second part of this message.

God bless you all in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  


  1. Hello Chong Joshua,

    Could you please add more of Nathan's expositions from his YouTube channel.

    Happy Sunday,
    May God bless you.

    1. I would love to but I have a hard time trying to decipher and transcribe his spoken words. I need a Nigerian transcriber who understands his accent.

    2. I can help you transcribe,I am a Nigerian

    3. Thank you for your offer of help. How can I contact you? My email is

  2. I want to talk with brother Chong joshua
