Thursday, June 25, 2020



Shalom Brothers and sisters, this is Dr. William Schnobelen coming to you with a relatively brief teaching on spiritual warfare.

And I'm going to start out with a true story from earlier on in our ministry in the early 90s.

We had a man that we were praying for, and he and his former wife were both believers. He had gotten saved while a nominal Episcopalian and his former wife, who was an Episcopalian was also a witch. She was a witch Episcopalian if you can believe that. So she was kind of a messed up wicked one. And she divorced him once he got born again and filled with Ruach, the Holy Spirit.

So anyway, he went through deliverance and we led him through the prayer, which I'm going to talk about today to break unrighteous soul ties. Literally within three minutes of him saying, Amen at the end of the prayer, she called him on the phone from Phoenix and said, “What did you do? What did you do?”

She just railed on the guy because she said it felt like all of these things like psychic rubber bands snapped back at her and hit her in the face. And she was furious as these unrighteous soul ties were snapped.

She had her hooks into this man even though they went through court proceedings and had a divorce and all that stuff. Those unrighteous soul ties were still there and in a simple prayer, they were broken.

And that's what we're going to talk about. We're going to talk about the idea of unrighteous soul ties today.

One of the four cornerstones of our deliverance protocol is to break unrighteous soul ties.

Like I said, it's a cornerstone. What do I mean by this? Well, if you go to Matthew 19:5-6, you will see that Yahushua said this, “For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. Therefore what Elohim has joined together, let not man put asunder.

Now, our Savior was quoting Genesis 2:24, where it talks about how the man and the woman when they get married, they become echad (one) basar (flesh) in Hebrew, one flesh, and it's a beautiful, sacred thing. Powerful. It's an amazing thing when it's understood.

Understand that within marriage, which is the intention of our Heavenly Father, is that when two people come together, that they are virgins. They have never known anybody else sexually.

But as we know nowadays, especially because societies become so debauched and even among many Christian churches, there are teachings that it's all okay to have sex as long as you love one another, you know, which is bizarre, but that's the teaching.

So anyway, when you come together in matrimony, it must be righteous, in a set apart way because we're told in Hebrews 13:4 let the marriage bed be undefiled.

But when people commit fornication, which is generally defined as any sort of sexual immorality, but most especially having sex outside marriage, when people commit homosexuality, when people committed adultery which of course means having sex with someone who is married but not to you whether you're married or not, all these things create unrighteous soul ties

This is a huge problem for probably the vast majority of people don't know about this. But if they do know already, they would have administered to themselves or had somebody pray for them.

When I wrote the book, Blood on the Doorpost, basically, I called this the Ark of the Covenant. But it's the Arc of the Covenant like an electrical arc.

When two people come together in matrimony, in this arc of love where basically two souls and the two bodies come together, they're one. And that never changes unless the Almighty puts them apart.

And that's what the prayer is about. We're going to talk about it later on. But here's where I'm going with this.

I'll give you an example. We prayed for a young man years ago who was a former naval seaman, and he had been in the Philippines, and he was a Christian.

But you don't always meet the most salutary people in the military. I mean, nothing against military people and some of them are kind of morally loose.

And they said, “Oh, you got to lose your virginity.” They put it more vulgarly but that's what they said. He was a veteran from the Vietnam era. And anyway, so they talked this guy and he was a Methodist Christian by birth and they talked him into going to a prostitute.

And he went into this prostitute and it was not a good experience, obviously. In fact, he told me later that while he was trying to do it, she was eating an apple and kind of ignoring him. So he was just totally devastated by the experience emotionally.

But beyond that, all of a sudden, he just became this walking cesspool of demons just like that.

Why? Because he became echad basar, one flesh with this woman, obviously outside of marriage, who probably had had sex with hundreds, if not thousands of men, many of whom were demonized. She was demonized.

And here is the profound, terrible truth about unrighteous soul ties. If you have unrighteous sex, fornication, adultery, whatever, with someone, you get all of their demons. They come right through the sexual act just like putting together two terminals on an electrical circuit. And they come right into you just as fast as can be.

Demons are the ultimate STD!

And it may not manifest right away, depending on the person, both the person you're having sex with and yourself. But at some point, it's going to erupt, it's going to manifest in some way and you're going to have all sorts of issues.

Since the sexual revolution of the 60s, this has just been a huge problem because so many people are having sex outside of marriage, so many people are having multiple sex partners, all kinds of immorality and because of this, this is just rampant.

Let me just make this more clear. When you have relations with an individual unrighteously, the demons that go through into you don't stop just because you've left that individual.

If you have relations with this woman outside of marriage, from that time on, you got all the demons she has. But then if she goes on and commits other immoral acts, never repents, never gets saved, never gets deliverance, you keep getting these demons through this arc, through this soul tie. They keep pouring into you.

Any demons that this person acquires, will keep pouring into you, pouring into you, pouring in, and then people wonder, “Why do I struggle with things? Why do I fail to get the victory?”

Maybe they become addicted to pornography, which is a very pernicious thing. Maybe they're addicted to something else, or maybe they have anger or maybe they have rage, or even if they're married, they're out looking around for other women or other men as the case might be.

That's because these devils keep coming from the other party. And of course, if you had multiple sex partners, you have different multiple channels for demons to pour into you.

So you can see this can be a horrendous problem, but Calvary is the solution.

Now, when you get born again, just like any other element of deliverance, when you get saved, your spirit becomes regenerated and set apart. But unfortunately, your soul and your body need to be sanctified. You're justified when your spirit is full of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), the Set Apart Spirit, but your soul realm, your mind, will, and emotions and your physical body still needs to be worked on.

We don't just instantly become a saint. I wish that was the case. But that's not the case. It's a process.

This can be an incredible weight on people because even though you're born again, and you have the Set Apart Spirit living within you, you can still have unrighteous soul ties with people that you may have fornicated with or committed adultery with before your salvation.

There are a lot of churches that teach once you're saved, all the demons have to leave. That's not correct. And in our book Blood on the Doorpost, we spent a whole chapter explaining why that is scripturally not correct.

You do still bring elements of your unsaved life with you into your walk with the Almighty until you go through deliverance.

So anyway, you can also get these soul ties for good or for bad, from parents, from siblings, from close friends, from mentors or teachers, you know, anybody who has a close emotional relationship with even if you never had sex with any of these people, but it's just not as powerful. It's not as powerful.

But we know people we've had to pray for that were mentored by some wicked individual. They were in a cult, and we had to pray and break soul ties with that individual, even though there was never any kind of sexual contact, inappropriate or otherwise.

So this is not just about sex, but sex is the biggie. Okay?

So the prayer is pretty easy, really. It's not that difficult to do. But I'm going to pray through a prayer and we have a more comprehensive prayer on our website. I've dealt with so many times, it's just gonna be a simple version of it.

If you're struggling, it could be any number of things that are keeping you from a full walk with Yahushua. It doesn't have to be a sexually related sin. It could be anything. It could be anger. If you're struggling with these things and you have never prayed this prayer, you need to realize that you're basically walking around with a ball and chain and at the end of that chain instead of an iron ball, there are probably thousands of evil spirits that you're dragging around, trying to run the race, as Paul said, that is set before you. Not good. It doesn't work. It just doesn't work.

But you could be set free with a simple prayer. When I prayed this prayer with the pastor who did deliverance on me, it was like, I felt just lead weights fall off my shoulders in a matter of minutes. And still, even though that was 1985, there are still believers to this very day who don't know about this. They don't understand it.

If there are wicked soul ties, you need to break them. That's why when we pray, we want you to break all unrighteous soul ties because the Ruach, the Set Apart Spirit knows what elements are in those unrighteous soul ties.

Let's say you have an unwholesome relationship with your mother, which unfortunately happens. Some mothers are kind of weird, you know, they're broken individuals. And so there's a challenging relationship with the mother and child. Now, there are good parts to that relationship and there are unrighteous parts to it and again, I don't mean that you're having sex with your mother, God forbid, although incest can happen in families.

No, I'm meaning that there may have been twisted emotional things where she was manipulating you or messing with you in, you know, mind games kind of way.

I'm not picking on mothers. By the way, I had a wonderful mother. But you know, anything like this, the Ruach will sort this out for you. The Ruach will leave behind what needs to be left behind just like a master surgeon and remove the things that are unrighteous.

And this is true, whether you're talking about sexual acts or whether you're talking about relationships of the non-sexual nature.

So, hopefully, this has been helpful. I want you to understand that the power behind this prayer is the Almighty. It is the Almighty’s will that a man and a wife come together in marriage in a state of virginity. That's the perfection of it. But that doesn't often happen anymore. And if it does, Hallelujah.

But still, we need to be aware that for most people, this is a powerful thing that they can do to have more victory in their lives because that's what Yahushua wants. He wants us to have victory. He wants us to have blessings and not struggle with besetting sins, or anything like that.

So what I'm going to do now is basically lead a prayer. I mean, I'm going to take the time to stop in between it, so you get a sense of how it works. And then it's already on our website, if you want to go there and download the prayer.

And, you know, pray it with your wife, husband, whoever it might be, you'll find great victory.

All right. This is how I would pray this prayer if I was going through deliverance.

Abba Father in the name of Yahushua haMashiach, I humbly come before Your throne. And I asked You to please take the sword of the Ruach haKodesh, the Set Apart Spirit and cut any unrighteous soul ties between myself, my human spirit and any person, fallen celestial being, entity or dream entity whatsoever known or unknown, remembered or forgotten.

Father, I also ask You in Yahushua’s name to cleanse those ties by the divine fire from the Ruach haKodesh, and wash them clean with the blood of Yeshua and with the Mayim Chaim, the Living Waters that flowed forth from His side, on the cross of Calvary.

Father, I now pray additionally in the name of Yahushua Messiah, which is above every other name, who is Yah come in the flesh, I pray that any evil spirits that may have come into me because of these unrighteous soul ties would leave me at once and also (if you have children) leave my children at once.

(Because this stuff can percolate downward into your children through generational curses. As Ruach leads you, mention certain traumas.)

I especially come against the spirit of bondage, the spirit of infirmity, this perverse spirit, the spirit of antichrist, (whatever you know and these are going to vary according to your own personal background.)

I bind you all together as one and I weaken you in the blood of Calvary and I say Yahweh rebuke thee. I command you to leave me and my children right now and to go where Yahushua should tell you to go by the voice of His Set Apart Spirit.

Father, I also pray in Yahushua’s name, that You would seal any doorways in my life and the lives in my family that may have been opened by these unrighteous soul ties. And I pray that You would seal those doorways shut forever with the blood of the Lamb shed on the cross of Calvary.

And I thank You for doing this in the mighty name of Yahushua the Messiah, Omein (Amen).

Okay, see, that's doesn't take a long time. Now a lot of this has to be tailored to your personal situation.

If you're someone who is a victim of child abuse, or a victim of ritual abuse, either Masonic ritual abuse or satanic ritual abuse, things of that nature, it gets a little more complicated, and we have a whole deliverance procedure thing you can download on our website,

Also, I should mention, you may have noticed I mentioned the word “dream entity.” What happens is that a lot of people have erotic dreams. I don't want to get into great depth on that. But you know, this is a reality whether they're men or women. And sometimes these dreams are the result of either an incubus or a succubus coming to you, if you don't pray before you go to bed at night, and asked the Father in heaven in the name of Yahushua to bless your sleep and your dreams.

Let's say you're a single individual, you're trying to be chaste. You're trying to be set apart and find the right partner for yourself and you're trying to not masturbate, or things like that. So, but you've got this sexual tension building up within you because that's how we're made as human beings, that these entities will come to you in the dreams and they will actually seep into your dream life and try and seduce you, to be blunt.

Many times people have these really profoundly erotic dreams. An incubus is an evil spirit that appears to be a man that will come down and try to have relations with a woman. A succubus is an evil spirit that assumes the appearance of a woman and will come down and try to seduce a man.

A lot of people don't even remember these dreams. So that's why I mentioned the dream entity because there is a reality there that you could have an unrighteous soul tie with either a fallen celestial being, in other words, a fallen angel, especially if you had a background in a cult like I did. Or you could have unrighteous soul ties with a demon that had come into your dream state to have relations with you.

So that's why I mentioned that just to clarify. That might sound a little strange or hard to believe. But believe me, we've had many, many people over the decades because we've been doing deliverance since 1987-88.

And it's like many people that are trying to live good, set apart lives while they find their partner in life. And they have these experiences and they wonder why all of a sudden they are having all of these weird temptations, why are these thoughts coming to them? “I go to church, I read my Bible, I pray and get these thoughts and I never look at pornography. I didn't ever look at filthy TV or movies. And I'm still having this stuff coming at me.”

Well, this might be why. So that's why we recommend that you pray when you're breaking soul ties and remember what I said in the prayer. I said, “All unrighteous soul ties whether known or unknown, remembered or forgotten,” because the Ruach knows.

You may not remember some of these dreams. I hate to say this, but I know a lot of people, especially when they're in college and when they get drunk, they do stupid stuff, you know, whether men or women they do, you know, they might not even remember sometimes who they had sex with. And that's unfortunate. It's a tragedy, but the Ruach knows. So you just say, “known or unknown, remembered or forgotten.”

Hallelujah. I recommend going on our website using the more comprehensive version, since the prayer I prayed earlier is kind of Reader's Digest version.

You will find you will get incredible victory over the sins in your life that are besetting because there is nothing that Hell has that Heaven can't heal. Hallelujah.

And it's so simple. And that's why denominational Christians say, “Oh, if you're a Christian, you can’t have a demon. You just need to get right.”

That's not necessarily true. The person is struggling with nicotine addiction or with porn or with gambling, whatever it might be, they could be having unrighteous soul ties from their unsaved life.

The fuller version of this prayer is found here:


  1. Thank you very much for this teaching. It clarifies a lot of things in my mind. It is scary to note that one can get multiple demons from multiple soul ties.

  2. Thank you @Chong Joshua for posting this it hep us alot.Thank you Jesus for your love to us.

  3. WHERE IS BILL? He and his wife appear to be missing? Where is he? Why has he disappeared and why has his website been left abandonned and his youtube archives pulled and disappeared? Does anyone care? This man has done so much for us all, and yet people care only for his writings and not also his flesh, blood and bones. WHERE IS BILL. URGENT CALL.
