Tuesday, June 9, 2020



Hi, I'm Maya Naneth. But the day I met the Lord Jesus Christ face to face, He changed my name from Maya to Esther. The Lord told me that the name Maya is the name of a powerful mermaid of the water. The day the Lord changed my name, I was sleeping in the night. And I saw an unclean spirit leaving my body. This demon was in my body because of the name that I had.

Everything I want to tell happened in 2018. Back then I was at home because I had decided not to go to church anymore. I would like to emphasize that I am not a prophetess. I am just a simple believer.

I was at home when I began to receive visits from the Lord Jesus Christ. People can see that I didn't paint my face with powder and make-up products like before. In fact, I used to wear make-up.

But while seeking the face of the Lord at home, I started to hear a voice that said to me, “In case you die today, you will go to the place of torment because of vanity.”

Despite these words of the Lord, it was difficult for me to part with these things. When the Lord gave me the strength, I decided to abandon them. I cried when I threw away the many makeup items I had. I wondered what people would say. But four days after throwing away my makeup kit, after getting rid of pants, string, and thong, I saw 4 mermaids leaving my body. And I wondered where they came from?

The Lord said, “These 4 mermaids were in your body. They had the legality to stay in your body because of makeup, pants, thongs, artificial hair and nails. But I delivered you today.”

Jesus said again, “Any woman who uses make-up and worldly ornaments will not enter My kingdom even if she preaches My word. Even if she cast out devils she will not enter.”

Jesus said to me, “It is true that I hear their prayer and I use them. It is only by grace. But the fact that I answer your prayer does not mean that you have the right to enter My kingdom. I am dealing with My people by grace. It is holiness and sanctification that give access to the kingdom of God.”

The Lord told me, “Tell My people, any woman, whether she is a pastor or a prophetess, if she is attached to make-up, she will not enter Paradise. Women try to add to what I have already created. They must remain natural.”

Jesus told me, “The powder you put on is human bones. The nails you put are not yours. The polish on your nails is made with feces. These ornaments do not belong to Me.”

A few days later, the Lord who probes the hearts and minds appeared and said to me, “I must show you what will happen before December 31, 2018 in your country.”

Immediately I started to see in a vision the events which were to occur in my country. While the Lord spoke to me, I saw 4 angels descending and entering my country.

The Lord told me, “My daughter, the 4 angels that you see descending to the Congo are the 4 living beings who stand in front of My Throne. They are sealing the 4 corners of the country. In fact, I heard the cries of My people in your country and I went down to free them. The 4 living beings are sealing your country from the east to the west, from the south to the north.”

While the four living beings were working, I saw another group of 4 mighty angels descending to the country.

The Lord Jesus said to me, “Do you see the 4 angels descending to your country? These are the archangels of war, the commandos from Heaven. They came down for the liberation of your country.”

Then Jesus instructed me to read Zechariah 2:4-5 And he said to him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited, as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle in her midst. 5 And I, says Jehovah, will be to her a wall of fire all around, and will be the glory in her midst.

The Lord said to me, “Go and tell My people that I came down to deliver them and the time has come for Me to deliver these people.”

I listened silently to the Lord speaking because He was powerful and I was trembling with fear. I did not ask any questions. The Lord then disappeared. I thought it was over. But a moment later, while I continue my prayer, the Lord Jesus Christ returned.

Jesus said to me, “I am sending you to warn My people to kneel and pray but you don't do what I ask you. Let me show you more.”

Then the Lord opened my eyes. When I looked, I saw 7 powerful cameras that were turned towards my country. I was wondering what is the meaning of this.

The Lord said to me, “The cameras that you see are My seven spirits. The Bible says in Revelation 5:6 And I looked, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, amidst the elders, a Lamb stood, as if it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the Earth.

The Lord said, “My judgment will enter all sectors of your country. Everyone in each family would be measured.”

While the Lord was speaking, I saw the 4 living creatures building a new foundation for the country.

The Lord said, “I have to start from scratch for the new Congo to rise. Your leader has placed old foundations that are the cause of hardship and failure. I have to bring down existing foundations and structures in order to set up new foundations. As you can see, My angels are laying a new foundation for your country, which is about to rise.”

The Lord said, “The Rapture of My church is imminent. And very soon My people will flee the Western world which will become a microchipped society. They will look for a place to hide in the world.”

The Lord said, “Very soon My people in the West will escape their own countries in search of the hiding place and they will hide in Congo and parts of Africa.”

The Lord said to me, “You got to understand that I was dead and on the third day I came back to life. The first day is equal to a Millenium. The second day is equal to the 2nd Millenium. Now the world is moving towards the third day which is the third Millenium which is My resurrection for I rose on the third day.”

The Lord said, “Warn My Church that the Rapture is imminent and will happen very soon. We are no longer on the second day. We are going towards the third day which is the Rapture.”

The Lord said, “I have come down in the Congo in order to establish My elected leader who will swallow up the political establishment. He will run the country according to My will. The world will rise against this man but I will give him victory over the world establishment.”

The Lord said, “Warn My people. A major event will happen in the world in 2021. I must deliver your country now for it will be a hiding place for My people fleeing the West.

Then the Lord Jesus showed me a house with 5 rooms. This house was shaking.

The Lord says, “The house you see which is shaken is the world and the 5 continents. I will shake the foundation of this world. I will shake the 4 continents. The African continent will be exempted because they will receive My children fleeing the microchip system that is to be introduced in the West.”

The Lord said, “In 2021 a major event will happen. The mandatory microchip system will intervene in Western countries. And My people will flee the West. Your country is one of the places I have prepared.”

Jesus told me, “You must understand that the Congo is spiritual Israel. I chose the Congo because the Western countries will be in trouble. My people and Christians in the West will flee their countries because of the introduction of the microchip. Therefore I must prepare a place so that My children living in the Western world can find refuge. They will seek a place to hide by fleeing persecution. This is why I chose your country as one of the places that will receive My people who will flee the Western world. The West will face the microchip which is the mark of Satan and the seal of the AntiChrist. The Congo will be a Christian country and will have a Christian president.”

While the Lord was speaking, I saw His angels building a new foundation in the Congo for the persecution was on the way.

Rev 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, so that they might nourish her there a thousand, two hundred and sixty days


  1. this is serious Christ is really coming

  2. Wow! Really thrilling Message. 1260 days is about 3 and half years until Rapture. The saints will go through tribulation period before they'll be caught up in clouds.

  3. By 2021 we will see if this testimony will surely come pass. Is Congo the spiritual Israel? Would people rush to Congo escaping the west because of microchip implants? Is this the biblical scenario of the end times?
    Let's wait and see. 2021 is just 5months away.

  4. Смотрю вряд ли поверю, истина сбудется или вымышленое написано?

  5. Replies
    1. Revelations are in two ways.. Always know that..

      Yet we dont forget what God told iSrael abt the prophets, if they are true ones then prophecies will come true if they are not then they wont..

      But you dont have to rush, time of microchipping is coming if people stil dont believe in Jesus.. It may not happen this year as Christ stil delays for you as A Soul so you prepare & repent.

      See everything benefiting you to prepare yourselve not looking to prove what was said..
      I bet you not even ready for that trouble time coming of microchipping..

      Mandla _ MG

  6. Today is the 8th of December 2021. Nothing has happened yet about this Congo refuge revelation.
    This is clearly a false vision and a false Christ!
    Congo is not the spiritual Israel. That's just it.

    1. When Christ gives a warning He gives it based on the current situation at most..

      Should people pray & repent, Christ can establish a break through changing what ever that could have come according to 2 Chronicles 7v13-15..

      2 Chronicles 7:13-15
      _If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;
      _If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
      _Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

      So much Jesus gave the revelations in the Bible, but when people repent & be converted wil the harsh tribulations be there..?
      NO IT WONT.. all depends with our current attitude to determine the future..

      Mandla _ MG
