Wednesday, June 17, 2020




At this scene, I cried and cried. Then I saw another division in Hell. I saw a group on the left side who never accepted Jesus Then on the right side there were those Christians who knew the Lord Jesus. They received Him, sinned but never repented so they went to Hell. (Please listen to those who believe in “Once saved, always saved.” This is a false doctrine that gives a false sense of security and salvation.)

I realized their levels of torture were different. The torture of those on the right hand was severer than those on the left.

Luke 12:47 And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

The people on the left were burning and clapping. They wanted to welcome me into the fire. At the same time, they were laughing at the people on the right side.

Those on the right were burning but they were reaching out for help. They tried to reach out to me to help them. They couldn’t talk but communicated with signs. They were telling me they needed my help to take them out of that fire which was impossible. I was in pain and crying because I know I was just waiting to enter Hell.


I saw another group of ladies with hair attachments, weaves, human hair, and braids. Those three types. Their hairs were burning and bursting into flames of fire! The weaves were burning continuously without turning into ashes. The ladies were crying. When I saw them being burnt I could feel the heat on my own head.

So I also cried bitterly and I asked, “Why? Why are these hairs burning? This is just a hair!”

Then I saw 1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with modesty and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

After seeing this scripture my eyes captured “not with braided hair” so I knew it doesn’t glorify God.

I saw another female group who were also burning, they were in trousers, mini-skirts, mini dresses, tumbo-cuts, bare-back, and those in sleeveless dresses were all in the same circle burning. Their trousers were bursting into flames. Those ladies were burning from their waists downwards. If your top is tumbo-cuts, you burn from that revealing level upwards. The same with those in minis. They tried to pull off their clothes to stop the fire but they couldn’t remove them. Physically any material we set on fire burn into ashes but those ones weren’t turning into ashes! They keep on burning endlessly. The demons were happy at the scene and greeting each other with “high five.” I knew I was being shown these because I was also going into the fire. So I kept on crying to Jesus, begging Him to take me out of that place.

I looked at the other side, and saw that woman who was with me in the same ward in the hospital who passed away. I saw this woman in the fire, her head was burning. She was surrounded by demons. I was seeing the difference between humans and demons. These men who surrounded this woman were in the form of humans, they were rastamen. I mean those with dread-locks.

Then this woman looked at me and I asked her “Why are you here?”

She replied, “I am here because of dreadlocks.”

That woman also had dreadlocks on her head and she died with it. The demons were pulling her dreadlocks forcefully; the demons were cutting her hair and scrapping her with broken bottles. She was bleeding, her hair was in flames! The demons were pilling her hair saying; “THIS IS OUR PROPERTY.”

This woman looked at me, and told me one thing, “When you go back tell my children not to put these dreadlocks on their heads.”

Remember what the rich man said in the scripture Luke 16:27-28, He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

I also saw another woman, she was a close friend of mine, she was my client, I used to plait her hair. She was a very rich woman, she was in the fire. This woman died in the year 2012. I was in Hell in 2017. She was charred black from the fire but I was able to recognize her. She looked at me because I used to tell her to accept Jesus when I plaited her hair because she wasn’t born again.

Anytime I shared the word of God with her, she was laughing at me saying, “Lillian, you want me to be born again and live a life like yours? This is not a life. I can’t follow you to your Church.”

She said to me Lillian, “Little did I know when you were telling me to accept Christ. If I had listened to you, I wouldn’t have been in this place in this torment.”

She asked me one question, “You, you’re born again, why are you here?”

I had no answer, I had nothing to say. I felt guilty when she asked me that question. She looked at me with grief. The worst thing is all the hairstyles I used to plait for her, I saw them and how she was being tortured with those hairstyles.

I saw the demons break bottles and cutting her hair and scalp causing her to bleed. She was rich so I used to make her expensive hairstyles with hair extensions. I was feeling guilty as I watched her being tormented with those styles I did for her. The demons picked her up high in the air and dropped her to the ground then other demons would pick up broken bottles and cut her with it.

She looked at me and said, “Go and tell my husband to accept Jesus Christ. I don’t want my husband to come here to this torment. My husband offered me as a sacrifice! Tell him to accept Jesus Christ. If he refuses, he will die and come here in this torment.”

She told me again, “Tell my husband to withdraw the court case he filed against the doctor who operated her while I was giving birth.”

During her delivery the doctor made a mistake and cut the little baby and her husband sued the doctor in court for it. Now she was telling me to tell her husband to withdraw the case from the court because it wasn’t the fault of the doctor. The little baby was also meant to be sacrificed as well. Now she came back to her senses.

This woman was going through torture but with all her pain, she didn’t want her husband to come there and suffer too.

One thing I learned is that those in Hell feel for those who sent them there. They feel for their loved ones not to end up there. Much like the woman in the dreadlocks who sent a message to her children to repent. This is in confirmation of the rich man who told Father Abraham to go and warn his five brothers.

Luke 16:27-28 Then he said, I pray you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house: 28 For I have five brothers; that he may testify to them, lest they also come into this place of torment.


After speaking to the woman I saw another person outside Hell now, who was preaching righteousness and holiness. He had a red t-shirt on with the inscription, “REPENTANCE IS A MUST" written boldly in white. When I saw him I now realized I had to repent from worldliness, robbing God and slandering the man of God. Those were the three things. The T-shirt of this man of God was written "REPENTANCE IS A MUST” 3 times in front of his shirt and on his back.

When I started repenting from my sins I saw all these wild animals returned back into the fire and the gate of Hell closed

Then I saw my soul returning back into my body on the hospital bed. I felt like the whole building was shaking, I felt some glory and strength. I felt strong in my body and my eyes opened and I was sweating. I didn’t know where I was. I felt tired, couldn’t open my mouth to talk. I was covered with a bedsheet. I checked my phone to see the time, it was 3.00 am.

My spirit was still praying and repenting. I asked the Lord Jesus to forgive me.

The nurses on the night duty came, she was looking fearful. She called me but I couldn’t talk. She went out with another nurse running. They came back with a doctor. It was the same doctor who told me to get out of his office when I went to see him. The doctor was saying it was his fault. I heard him say, “I had to come and check on her, I didn’t know this would happen.”

He tried to examine me again but he was afraid, shaking and sweating when he touched the files that were falling down. He went back to his office and came back again to examine me again. He seemed more relaxed now. He instructed the nurses to give me a certain injection. Afterward, I was responding to treatment.

At around 3pm I could speak words only, not in sentences. At this point, I started remembering what happened to me. My mind was now thinking backward. The first thing was the tithe. I now remembered my time in Hell and Heaven, the scriptures I was shown were now coming back to me. That night I slept very well so I was getting better and better.

The next day when it was exactly I started feeling severe pains again.

Then I asked myself, “What is it again? I have repented from all my sins.”

I said, “Lord have mercy on me.”

All this time, I never remembered I called on God to judge me. I never remembered. God’s judgment is a righteous judgment. He won’t leave anything out. I started crying while lying there. I saw the pastor I slandered. I was still repenting, and then someone came and turned my head around painfully to look at the other side. Then I thought I was dying. I was somehow encouraged that when I die I will go to Heaven because I have repented from my sins.


When my head was turned, I saw boldly written on the wall “UNFORGIVENESS” written in red in capital letters!

I asked myself, “Is there anyone in my life that I haven’t forgiven?”

Then I saw the man of God I slandered with an angel beside him. So the angel spoke to this pastor. I tell you a man of God is a man of God. The angel didn’t talk to me, but asked the pastor, “What did you do to Lillian?”

So the man of God explained everything and how it happened until it came to the time we stopped talking to each other.

The angel turned to me and asked, “Have you heard what he explained?”

I replied, “Yes, I have."

The angel said, “But you must forgive him.”

Then I saw the same man outside Hell with that special inscription, “Repentance is a Must,” so I started repenting from unforgiveness.

As I was repenting, another angel came and shook my hands like he was greeting me. As I turned to shake his hand, my twisted neck came back to normal. This issue of forgiveness took a long time because God couldn’t forgive me unless I had forgiven all those that have offended me. As much as I repent if I don’t forgive my offenders God won’t forgive me either.

“Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who offend us.” (Luke 11:4)

The next morning, when I woke up I had the urge to go on Facebook. When I had the issue with that pastor I blocked him from my Facebook friends. When I went to check my FB I saw there was a friend request and to check it was this pastor I slandered. I shook when I saw this request so I said, “Let me quickly accept this request so that I will use it as a means to ask him for forgiveness.”

I accepted his request and logged out. The next day I felt much better. The doctor came to check on me and I was getting better and better. In the night when I slept, I had a dream. I saw a group of doctors coming to my ward. I know all the doctors who come to the ward so I took notice of them.

There was one particular doctor who looked different among the other doctors. He was big and tall. I tried to look at him and thought who this other doctor is. He grew tall and was very glorious. Now this new doctor came and examined me. After that, he took my file and changed my medication and went away. In the morning the clinical doctor came to me and changed my medication. Since then my health was improving. I was getting better and better.

In the night when I slept this new glorious doctor who was taller than all the others came to the ward alone. He came, pulled a chair, and sat close to my bed, When he sat down I looked up and saw heavens opened! I saw an angel opened a certain room like a storehouse. When I looked I saw the room was filled with human spare parts from the hair down to the toes! Even human nails were there. This angel picked a trolley and started arranging the body parts on the trolley one after the other.

I saw the angel descended from Heaven came to my ward and hand the trolley to the doctor who sat beside me. Then this doctor beside me started removing the body parts that were causing me pain and threw them in the bin then replaced them with new ones from the trolley.

He removed all the parts on my body and replaced them and the feeling I had was like drinking clean cold water after being thirsty for a long time. I felt refreshed. I realized that that was how healing took place. Jesus took the old body parts that hurt or isn’t functioning and replaced with new ones. Jesus is the God our creator and our healer. He recreates. I asked the Lord to heal me and He did but note this, healing comes after repentance and confession.


After the angel left, the doctor stood up and said to me, “Lilian, everything that you have seen and everything you will see, go and tell the Church.”

I replied, “Yes.”

He repeated the second time, “Lilian, I have said everything that you have seen and everything that you’ve heard, go and tell the Church.”

I replied “Yes.”

He repeated the third time with a loud voice. This time He even pushed me to the wall so I screamed.

He said, “Everything you have seen and everything you will see, go and tell the Church” with a louder voice now.

I also screamed and said, “Yes!”

After that, He left and I woke up. When I woke I started jumping and praising God. There were other patients on the ward so they thought I had gone mad. I praised and sang loudly and then I fell asleep and slept very well until the next morning.

The doctor came in and wrote a discharge note on my file to go back home. Eventually, I discharged from the hospital and went back home. I went to my pastor and explained all to him and what I went through. He said this is the message to the entire body of Christ and this is your message you have been sent to deliver to the Church.