Friday, July 17, 2020



Whatever you've done in your life, whether you've done yoga, or transcendental meditation, martial arts, whatever it is, there are demons in you, and these demons are there to take your soul to hell. Some of those things would be Eastern religions.

The Kundalini spirit is a spirit that pretends to be the Holy Spirit but it's the unholy spirit which is an occult spirit with supernatural powers. These evil spirits, blood sacrifice spirits, hex spirits, all kinds of devils have come to lodge in you and they pretend to be your friend. 

So what I want you to do is I want you to say: 

Jesus, I thank You that You're my Savior and I thank You that I've asked You to be my Lord and my Savior but I ask You to cast these devils out of me today and in the name of Jesus, I take authority over all the unclean spirits that I have and all of the unclean spirits and the religious spirits that have come to take over my life, in Jesus' name. 

Devil, I do not belong to you. 

I renounce anything that I've done, any place that I've gone that I've picked up these religious spirits.

One of the key spirits that is connected with this Kundalini spirit is the Python spirit and that spirit comes from listening to false prophets and false prophetesses. 

Lord Jesus, I don't want to hear anything from anyone but You and in the name of Jesus I repent for going places and listening to messages that You haven't told me to listen to. So would you please deliver me from the Kundalini spirit, all of the spirits that are connected to that spirit. I cut both of those snakes' heads, all the Python spirit connected to Pythia, Delphi, all of these spirits that have come to crush my wealth, to crush my health, to crush my children, to crush my wife/husband, I cut their tails off, I cut their heads off.

In the name of Jesus, I command those spirits that have come up from hell, all the serpentine spirits that have come to live inside my belly, the viper spirits, I cut their heads and tails off and I command them to come out.

Just take a deep cough and cough them out and they'll go into a cage and when they go into the cage we just send them to the feet of Jesus. 

Father God, we thank you in Jesus' name. 

I command those chakras to go which is called from the belly. I command the chakras right now to close that are open for these strange spirits. 

I bind all the soothsaying spirits, every spirit that has prophesied over me that wasn't from Jesus, I renounce them in the name of Jesus and I only want my future told by You Lord.

Any fortune tellers or anything similar that I've consulted, I ask You to forgive me in Jesus’ name. 

Satan you are totally defeated today and I command everything named, everything not named to come up and leave instantly. Come out of my mind. Lose from my mind. I command that spirit of fear, I close that third eye I command that spirit of the third eye to leave. I command that occult spirit, that witchcraft power, I command that subconscious mind that's filled with mind-controlling spirits, come out right now all of you. Just come out, you cannot stay every spirit that has come and lodged in my body has to leave, every one of you.

All the magical spirits in the name of Jesus, come out. All the eastern gods and goddesses, I bind all your rights, the magical rights, the witchcraft sacrifices, every ungodly thing that has taken dominion, I bind up all of my family's spirits ten generations back, ten generations forward. I command those spirits to come out right now everything that handles my Christian life, I command all of you to go. 

All those manifestations of meditations that are not of God’s Spirit, those psychic spirits, every ungodly thing that has come to put a barrier between me and my Lord, I break the barriers down, I break all blocking spirits that would keep me from getting deliverance today. 

Now Father God in the name of Jesus, Jesus is the Baptizer and I ask you, Lord Jesus, that You will baptize me. 

Lord Jesus, I love you. I ask You to give me the power of the Holy Spirit and baptize me with fire and I ask you, God, to protect me and give me my gift of tongues.

I give you praise and glory God here today. I belong to You and every devil to get out of my house. I bind every devil over my living relatives and in the name of Jesus I renounce every ungodly thing that I've ever done.

Forgive me for all strange sexual things that I did before I got saved and I command all of those sex devils to come out and go into the cage and I thank You Lord Jesus for saving me and filling me with the Holy Spirit. 

Now just open up your mouth and just let your new gift of holy tongues come in Jesus’ name.

I give You praise and glory, Father God in Jesus' name. Amen. 

To pray this prayer of deliverance in a deeper way, download and pray the PRAYER OF REPENTANCE FOR KUNDALINI.

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