Friday, July 31, 2020




A meeting of the evil spirit world was held on 16th April 1984 at Burkina Faso under the chairmanship of Satan. The main concern of the meeting was how to introduce and instill the spirit of “it does not matter” into the church so as to annoy God. I attended the meeting as its secretary. It was believed then that if they succeeded in introducing this careless and carefree spirit into the church, the Holy Spirit would be quenched in the lives of the Christians who succumb to it and ultimately, those Christians would annoy God.

It was finally agreed upon in the meeting that the demonic world should introduce perming and jerry curling of hair into the church of Christ. Though a handful of those who claimed to be Christians had been frying their hair before 1984 but the number spirally and tremendously increased after it was formally introduced that year. It has since become the order of the day among the female members of the church to perm and jerry curl their hair. Essentially, the chemicals people use for the perming, jerry curling, and treatment are not just ordinary ones. They invoked some demons into them (the chemicals) and are dedicated to the queen of the coast who is the matron of the sea. You, unknowingly use these demonized hair chemicals and creams on you wonderfully and beautifully God made hair. You attract demons to your hair by using such chemicals and creams for perming and jerry curling.

The fact that you have allowed the spirit of “it does not matter” to reign in your life, all your heart's desire is not how to please and glorify God with your body but how to beautify yourself and look attractive and seductive. Know that you are doing this to please the devil and not God. You have turned the natural use into the unnatural (Romans 1:26). You are doing this to your own destruction. Beware!

Do you know that the hair attachment women affix to their hair is a snake demon hair called“ORIOVO”? By affixing such attachments (artificial hair) to your hair, you are assigning or attaching demons to yourself. Why will Christians not be demonized? Why do some believers do all these? It is because of their desire to be like the people of the world. The unbelievers perm, jerry curl, do attachment and makeup so they (the Christians) want to do the same. The Bible advises in 2 Corinth. 6:14 that Christians should not be equally yoked together with the unbelievers because they have nothing in common. Christians should have nothing to do with the things of the world. If you are longing for heaven, you must allow the word of God, which is like fire and hammer to burn off worldliness from you and cut you to the size of the narrow gate because it cannot accommodate you with your loads. You must absolutely deny yourself the styles of the world because heaven is a prepared place for prepared people and not an abode for people who receive Christ and live according to the spirit of “it does not matter.” (1 Peter 2:9).

We are accountable to God for anything we do (Mat 12:36). Christians are superior to unbelievers. The Bible has made this clear in 1 Peter 2:9 that Christians are a peculiar people, a chosen generation and a royal priesthood. So, show forth the praise of God in your body by your natural appearance. God is not stupid by giving you that natural beautiful hair.

Anyone who calls himself/herself a Christian should be like a Christian in all ways because the Bible says ‘Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16 -21). A Christian is not supposed to paint her lips, wear earrings, necklace, mini skirts, and hair attachments, perm jerry curl or use any other worldly adornment.  (Titus 2:5. 1 Timothy 2:9, Gen. 35:1-5) God has not changed (Mal. 3:6) neither has His word (Matthew 5:18) but men have changed (Romans 1:26). Neither environment, nor improved technology, nor civilization can change Christianity as people think nowadays.

Regrettably, some ministers of God have not made the people aware of the truth about these things. They have either knowingly or unknowingly misled their members into indulging in unchristian practices. They have lowered the standard of God by refusing to declare the whole truth that sets entirely free because they do not want to lose “converts.”They want a large congregation. They have made the narrow heavenly gate a broad way so that both those still living sinful Christian lives and those living righteous lives can pass it. (Matthew 7:14)

The epistles of Paul to Timothy contain all the qualities a good man of God should possess and how the people of God (the church) ought to be taken care of (1Timothy 6:12, 2 Timothy 1:7, 2:15-16, 24-26, 4:2) Preaching of blessings and miracles alone cannot bring full salvation to the flock. Blessings and miracles (though not bad because every Christian should enjoy the blessings and miraculous power of God) are just part of the total salvation message. People should be taught how to live holy, perfect, and righteous lives, which are preconditions for enjoying the blessings, and miracles of God as men whom God used in the past did. (Lev. 20:7, Joshua 1:3-8, Psalms 1:1-3, Matthew 5:48) Be a preacher of righteousness and not a worker of iniquity. Definitely, not all will enter the kingdom Jesus says in Matthew 20:16 that “Many are called but few are chosen”. Those who are for the kingdom will eventually remain while those for the devil will go away when you declare the whole truth (John 6:59-61, 66-70).

Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent and begin to live the life of holiness so that you can enter the kingdom of God (Revelation 2:4-5). Except you repent from the spirit of “it does not matter” you will not enter the kingdom of God.


The devil has devised so many means of quenching the fire of the Holy Ghost. The more he makes attempt to quench the fire of the Holy Ghost, the more it is kindled. Amen. There was a church in Australia, (a Pentecostal church) that was causing great terror to the dark world. The devil made various efforts to extinguish her Holy Ghost fire but did not succeed. Satan decided finally to send me to continue the work at the Australian Church. Before I embarked on this destructive journey, I drank a lot of blood to enable me to fly. Satanic agents that are going on far away operations do not go by motor vehicle because it will waste their time: they just turn into breeze so that they can get to wherever they are going within few minutes. I drank a lot of blood, turned to a breeze and started for Australia but I never knew that a Christian was praying and binding the demons in the air in the name of Jesus. The effect of this praying and binding made me to hang in the air – bound in Jesus' name. The Bible says in Matthew Chapter 16 verse 19 that “And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven”. Do not joke with the name of Jesus: it will wound if you are demonized and attempting to hurt Christians.

Since the demons were ignorant of what was happening, they started phoning from the spirit world to Australia to hear if a successful operation had been carried out but they could not get any feedback from me. The name of the Righteous Man had held me in the air and so there were confusion and uncertainty in the dark world as to what happened to me. After three days, I was loosed again and flew back to the spirit world. When the demons asked me what happened in Australia, I quietly told them that I was bound by the name of the Righteous Man. They cannot call the name of Jesus (that exalted, glorified and magnified name – (Phil.2:9-11) because it causes confusion in the spirit world. After some time, I was made to go on a second mission to Australia for the same purpose. I went with two thousand four hundred (2400) international demons after drinking the usual blood.

In every Pentecostal church, there must exist hypocrites. The devil has a goal for this. Since you do not want to be serious, the devil is capable of making you unserious but if you have decided to be serious, the devil cannot tamper with your will. Though he may try you within and without, you cannot be defeated “If God be for us who can be against us?”(Rom.8: 31). That church in Australia is a hot one. They worship in a storey building. As I wanted to enter the church, I could not gain entrance because of the influence of the fire of the Holy Ghost. I went to where the hypocritical Christians were and I tied them with black cloth (spiritual) and covered the church with a spiritual umbrella so that the prayers of the Christians will not penetrate. However, God is so powerful, and His power is able to blast every devilish umbrella. As demons were dropped on them (the hypocrites) they became worse than before. After that, I flew to the latter. But while there, the man of God sensed the presence of some demonic forces. He quickly got up and stirred the congregation to prayer. This made me run away because I could not withstand the name of Jesus. Amen. After their prayers had ended, I came again and was trying to tie the man of God with a black cloth but when he mentioned that unchangeable and authoritative name of Jesus, I was forced (by that Name) to fall down like an Iroko tree. Consequently, I sustained a bleeding injury on my stomach. Since I was unable to succeed, I flew back to the spirit world where I was taken to their demonic hospital and got the wounds stitched.

The devil sends his agents everywhere to quench the fire of the Holy Ghost. A crusade was held somewhere, so the devil commissioned me to go and quench the fire and the power of God.

As I got to the crusade ground with computers and demons, the man of God was preaching and the glory and fire of the Holy Ghost covered him. I could not run him down. When I could not get the man of God, I become aggressive and disguised myself and began to spray demons on people and even appeared in the crowd laying hands on people without the fire of the Holy Spirit and transferring demons into them.

After that, I saw one lady on the crusade ground who was not covered by the fire of the Holy Ghost, so I boldly approached her. I politely told her I would like to sleep with her. She asked for my identity and I told her I was a member of the Assemblies of God Church. This was a real fallacy as I was a typical agent of the devil. This lady concluded that I was a Christian and took me to her house after the program. That night, her husband was on night duty. Thinking I was a Christian, she asked me to lie on the same bed with her while her children lay on the ground. At about 2 o’clock in the morning (a very fearful and horrible time of the night when demons begin wicked operations: if any Christian can wake up at that time to pray, he will cause disaster in the evil world and he will be identified as a spiritual confusionist). I turned into a big python and lay across the woman. When she became aware and wanted to shout, the python turned as if it wanted to swallow her. Eventually, she and her children started screaming until the people in the neighborhood woke up and came to the lady’s house. But anyone who came in and saw the python ran away. Along the line, a spirit-filled, born-again Christian came to the scene and I immediately sensed the presence of this powerful man whom I could not withstand. He just left, brought a shovel and pulled me out of that woman’s body. Immediately I stepped down, I vanished. If the thought of using a knife or cutlass on me had come to him, I would have been dead by now but because God had a plan for my life and was also in control of him, that thought never occurred to him.

Many agents of the devil had died in changed forms. One of such agents turned into a rat on a mission of poisoning a born again Christian’s soup so that she could die after eating that food in the morning, but there was a trap in the kitchen which held her and killed (the human turned rat) spiritually and physically. Satanic agents do turn to things like snakes, rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and other things. If you see such a creature in your house, just sprinkle the blood of Jesus and kill it. It will surely die.

The devil always sends his agents to Pentecostal churches to operate. These agents have familiar, religious and resistant spirits. You can only identify them if you have the gift of discerning of spirits. They could also be known by the abnormalities in their lives. They manifest when the power of God is mightily present. Their missions in the churches are to initiate people, spray demons, and run down the power of God in the lives of the believers. When the man of God is preaching, they would be charming him but because the power in the man of God supersedes their power, they cannot win – 1 John 4:4 says “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, that he that is in the world”. If any altar call is made by the man of God, the agents of the devil also come to the altar but would be resisting the name of Jesus during the time of prayer because of the resistant spirit they have till the prayers are ended. They start their tempting mission when it comes to the time of shaking hands with the new converts. If the man of God is not powerful enough, the little power in him can be quenched when he shakes hands with the agent of Satan, but if the man of God is very powerful, the power in the man of God will permeate into him or her (the Satanic agent) thereby causing the demonic power to fizzle away. In the spirit world, that agent would be demoted because he/she has trespassed the law. An agent of the devil is not qualified to shake a powerful man of God.

After this, they (the agents) would look around the church for those brethren that are very fervent in the spirit in order to persuade them (the brethren) to get their addresses so that they can trace them to where they reside. This is to achieve a goal: to quench the fire and power of God in such brethren. Their names are taken to the spirit world where they are written down. Thereafter, they will be watching over all the activities of their lives through telescope because of the power they possess.

They would also be visiting them, carrying expensive gifts, with them pretending to love them so much. Just because they now have their properties with them, they must pay for them and the payment is that the power of God must leave them. There is a warning for you in the book of Exodus chapter twenty- three verse eight that “And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous”. You may begin to say – what a wonderful sister is this that is displaying this agape love (the love that gives). As intimacy is developed with any agent of the devil, there is every tendency that the power of God will depart from you one day. The agent can cause a Christian to fall if not promptly and harshly rebuked on time. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7. If you are a man of God and have been tried in divers ways but still stand firm in the Christian faith, they would consider you an abandoned and wasted property. If they still want to try you, they would send a beautifully dressed and attractive woman from the water world. As she pretentiously comes for prayers, she would not wear any panty or brassier so that she can get you down easily,. There was the case of an agent of the devil sent to a powerful man of God without panty. She went to the room where he used for counseling. As the man of God laid hands on her for prayers, she fell and become naked. When the pastor looked at her, he became confused. He never knew when he removed his trousers and committed adultery with her. The power of God left him instantly.

There was one man of God that had been a terror to the demonic world. He had been tried in divers ways, but to no avail. The devil sent me to tempt and make sure he was brought down. It is usually very risky to try a powerful man of God. So I decided to risk my life to see that the power of God left him. However, this man had no wife. I turned into a breeze and flew to his residence. On getting there, the fire from on high was burning on the doorpost. There was fire everywhere. I risked my life to make sure that the power of God left this man. So, I quickly turned and went into the man’s house naked. He never knew what was happening, as he was still on the bed covered with the fire. The Christians are highly secured. I drew nearer the bed, woke him up and told him that he had been disturbing us and that I was sent. This was happening by 2am. The man could not run because the was locked until finally the devil through me made him to sin and the power of God left him immediately but he rose again in the arm of the Lord and never fell again - “If we confess our sins, He (the Lord) is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Amen. The devil has been trying and has always been a failure while God is prevailing and winning everywhere all the time. Amen.

To read the rest of this expose, kindly download Grace Iwhere Exposition of Satanism


  1. "you must allow the word of God to cut you to the size of the narrow gate" - well said

  2. Спасибо за свидетельство и за ссылку.

  3. Thank you downloaded today 03/06/2022 have being looking and searching couldnt find it till i come here thank you

  4. I finally have it. Thank you Jesus. I have been looking for this book.
