Monday, July 6, 2020



Good morning, Muslims of the world and everybody that lives on this planet earth. My name is Mahmoudu Jimoh Adua Bello. I’m the firstborn of Shehu Ibraheema Maikano Bello Adua. The Chief Imam of ...Ajumoni Central Mosque, number 51, Oshodi Road. I came here last month from Katsina, Gaura. I’m a Fulani by the tribe. My mother is a Yoruba from Oshogbo. I am the assistant chief Imam of the Gaura Central Mosque. By the grace of Allah, I will become the next Imam at the end of this Ramadan on the Sallah day. Now, this is my testimony and my encounter I had with the Lord Jesus Christ. I never believed Jesus or Christians. I hate Christians because I’ve been taught from childhood that the Christians changed the Injil, which means the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If they leave it the way it is, everybody would have been a Muslim. So for this purpose, I hate Christians. I don’t kill them, but I have nothing to do with them. I used to buy Bibles from them; I will confess that today before the man of God and tear them. I used to buy plenty and tear them. It used to pain me. Their matter used to pain me.

But until strangely, on Monday, about 3:45 am, I had an encounter with Jesus Christ. That was on the 23rd of the Islamic calendar. Which, in the, white man calendar ...or how do I say it? Luna calendar is the 23 of the Ramadan, But the white man calendar is on the grace of God ...on the 29th, sorry, on the 25th, about 3:45 am, April 2019. I was praying to lead the people in the mosque. My uncle was present and the two elders of the mosque and then seven other mosque members. That is Ajumoni Central Mosque in Oshodi here, number 51, on the way going to the market, it’s the biggest mosque there, and just opposite... the one opposite that, a Church called Methodist Church. They’re just the opposite. I was reading the first chapter of our Quran, which is called Surah Al-Fatiha, meaning the opening chapter, or the mother of the Quran. It is called the mother of the Quran because it summarizes the entire 6,666 verses. Muslims will bear me witness; they understand what I am saying.

I got to verse 4 of the Quran, because [rak' ah?] is done in Arabic. When I call the [rak' ah?], that is the full calling for the prayer, the first calling for the prayer, when I say, “Allahu akbar!” I was reading the first chapter. When I got to verse 4, immediately I say...[Arabic] Everybody says, “Amin.” That is the normal way of prayer. All of a sudden, a light from nowhere appeared. [Acts 9:3-4] It filled the whole mosque, and it’s brighter than the sun. I’ve never seen such a light, but it’s not bringing the heat, but it’s brighter than the sun. It rather brings cold. I feel cold and peace inside, but the mosque doesn’t have any air conditioning, it was just a fan, and they’re not on. Amid that light, a man spoke to me, out of the light. He asked me in Arabic...[Arabic] which means, he said I should come out of them. He speaks to me in Arabic; I’m the one translating it in English. But I know the reason why maybe He speaks to me in Arabic because I understand Arabic than even the Fulani and Hausa. I can teach the Arab man Arabic, those who are Muslims, they will understand by listening to my Arabic language. And the person told me that I should come out of the Islamic religion, I should come out of them, and I say, “Ah...who are you? All I know is this.”He says, no. I should come out of them. This is not the right path. He wants to bring me to the faith, the straight path and save the soul from the condemnation. And I say, no. That is Islam. I challenge the person. I told Him, Quran chapter 2, which is al-Baqarah, meaning the chapter of the cow, verse 257 says that [Arabic] ...meaning the only faith that is accepted by Allah in heaven is Islam!

Then He says that is a lie that I blasphemed. He says that He is the way, the truth, and the life. [John 14:6] Ah ...And I say, ah ...that is not possible. You claim to be “Annabi Isa”, which means Jesus. If truly you are Jesus, Jesus cannot be the way, and the truth and the life, Mohammed is the way. He says, no, that is a lie. I should listen to Him. The time has come. He wants to save me and use me as a platform of glory to deliver my Muslim brothers from the darkness of Islam to the light of the Gospel. [2 Corinthians 4:4-6] And I say that is a lie. If you are Jesus, I insist I want to see Him. I challenged Him. He says that I am not even worthy or qualified to see Him, not to talk of hearing His voice. I say oh...but people saw you during your time according to my Quran, chapter 19, verse 8 Suuratu Maryama, a chapter named after your mother. People saw you. Then He says, no. That time, He was not glorified. Now, He is glorified. I cannot see Him. I’m not even worthy or qualified. I say I am a righteous man. I fast every Monday and Thursday. I’m a Sunni Muslim. If you should know that, we are divided into 73 sects as Muslims. We have the [Ahmadiyya] Muslims; we have the [Tijania?] Muslim, we have the [Shia?] Muslim, we have the [Wahadya?], the [Murdariyah?], the [Qabariyya?], I named them. I am [Al Sunnah?]. So I told him, I am righteous! We claim to be the most righteous persons among all these because we are from the tribe of Saudi Arabia. He says, ah... that is nonsense. None of us is righteous. I said, O, I am righteous! I fast every Monday and Thursday, and every month on the fourteenth day, the fifteenth day, and sixteenth day, I fast! I never fornicate. My house, the women cover every part of their body, black black. They do the hijab. I’ve never fornicated. I remove 15,000 from my salary and I give it to charity which is widows and orphanage. I’m a righteous man! Then He said that that is not righteousness. He said, but He saw the sincerity of my heart and I’m zealous, but not according to knowledge. [Romans 10:2]

I said, Oh, and then you’re not Jesus. If you’re [...] Isa, if you’re Jesus, you should know that I am knowledgeable. Why do I say that? The argument was based on my Quran. Quran, chapter 19, Allah honored the mother of this Jesus as a virtuous woman and a righteous man and named Quran chapter 19 after her, Which is called, Suuratu Maryama, and verse 38 of it says that Jesus can heal the sick and raise the dead and open the eyes of the blind, even take a lump of clay and mold it in the form of a dove and breathe into it and became alive there and now fly away. That means Jesus gives life. So, I insist that, if truly He is Jesus, and He claims [...] Jesus, then He should tell me what I used to tell the Almighty God when I’m praying as a Muslim, every Muslim for that matter. Seven parts of their body touch the ground. Their hands, the tip of their nose, the tip of their forehead, their knees and their toe. Quran says they will be a witness for you or against you on the Day of Judgment. So I asked the person, there’s a “Dua”, which means a prayer I used to tell the almighty Allah [unclear]. I never voiced it; I said it inside my heart. If truly you’re Jesus, Quran says you can know what’s inside my heart, then tell me that thing that I’ve been telling Allah. I was amazed. I was flabbergasted. The person told me all the things I’ve been saying to almighty Allah for the past 10 years. [John 2:24-25]. And this is the same Quran thing Quran chapter four verse 80, that only the almighty Allah or God knows the secret things of men’s hearts. So Jesus was able to tell me what was inside my heart. Please my Muslim brothers if I want to be honest, should we now... we should disobey this Quran? Or we should obey it since you want to obey the Quran at all costs, even to the point of death? This is Quran chapter 4 verse 84, says that only God knows the secret things of men’s heart, but this Jesus told me what I was telling Allah, which I have never voiced for the past 39 years. I say it always in my heart; He was able to tell me that. That is the quality of Almighty God. I am sorry, eh ...I want to believe Jesus is God, but I still have my doubts.

[John 3:3] I ask Him, what did He want me to do? He says that except I am born again, I cannot see the kingdom of God and I say that is nonsense. I am not stupid if you don’t know. I did my University in this neighbor-country called, Ghana, Accra, That is their first president University Kwame Nkrumah Science and Technology. I told the voice, I am well educated, both academically and islamically. I spent 15 years in Qatar to study the Quran in what we call [Arabic] Quran that means the interpretation of the Quran and the memorization. The Quran is 6,666 verses. I memorized it from Nas to Baqarah. The Muslims, you will understand what I mean by Nas to Baqarah. For Christians, it means from the beginning of the Quran to the end of the Quran, which in other words, the Christians call it, ...I don’t know. ...from Genesis to Revelation I have it in my head, I don’t need to open it... at the age of 15. So, I told the voice, I am well educated. He said, I am only zealous, but ...ah, not according to knowledge. He wants to bring me to the true knowledge that saves the soul from condemnation. So, I say, how do you mean? He says I should find out from the Christians the word born again. So, I say no. I’ve traveled. I’ve not seen a child going back to his mother’s womb, even a child born now-now, so that is not possible, it's nonsense. He says, no. It’s not nonsense. I should listen to Him. I should find out, but when my father asks the elder and his uncle who were present in the mosque if they saw a light. Eh ...they say, well, they saw a light. They agree with that, but the problem is that ...their problem is that they say they don’t hear any voice. So that means, this is a demon, it’s a [Dina?], which Muslims call demons, [Dina?] Then that starts to pollute my mind because you know at the end of this Ramadan, Sallah day, I will be ordained as a chief Imam of the [Aljura central mosque?] So I should forget the thing; it’s a disgrace, it’s a shame. I say I hear. We went to the ...mosque yesterday, I was invited by ...the grace of ...Jesus...I will not say the grace of Allah because I don’t believe that anymore, I will tell you why I came to this thing, though it’s the testimony I’m saying, now I’m talking based on my faith.

I came to the mosque to lead them for prayer ...not far from a Church, very strange ...ah, after the prayer ...oh, right in the mosque again, not in this, not in that mosque, In the Azuz mosque, which is just near the timber woodier and the Voice told me, no I should go upfront. I say, oh I’m going home. He said, no, I should just go straight as if, ...and climb up, so I come up, I don’t see any Church. I say, “Ah... But there is no Church here.” He says I should just go further. I’m seeing Churches sign-board, but it’s like nobody there, they’re closed. I go further, then all of a sudden, I hear people, speaking some strange language. I don’t understand. I was confused. He says, no my son, it’s not a strange language, don’t say anything, just enter there and ask them that you want to become born again. I say, how? He says, they are My chosen people, but they don’t know that because sometimes they’re wondering, ...ah, are we in the right place? Especially the congregation. He says the reason why their blessings are delayed and their miracles - it’s not His servant, the head pastor. The problem is the Church, the Church members; I should tell the congregation that their servant is His chosen vessel. His servant is His chosen vessel for this generation. So, their problem is them, they’re too familiar with His servant. They’ve become too familiar with him; I should tell them, they’re too used to him. I should tell them it is high time for them to come out of the familiarity and honor His word and His teaching. If they do, He will grant them the desires of their heart, and their blessings, which delay, shall never delay anymore. Then He said I should enter there. But when I came, I didn’t bother to say all these things. I only came and want to know “Born Again.” So, ah...because this one is looking like nonsense for that time. I came and I met somebody, his servant told me and then I think he told someone to come and see me. Eh ...His name is Godstime, and he said I should come out. So the man went and talk to me and he was so excited. Then he said okay, his servant said I should sit at the corner somewhere and wait, let him round the prayer, they were praying. I was still hearing that servant talking nonsense.

He was talking something nonsense, it’s not Nigerian language, because it’s not Yoruba, it’s not Hausa, it’s not Fulani, eh’s not Calabar, it’s not Igbo, so I was confused..What is wrong what..language are these people speaking, are they not Nigerians? Inside my heart, so when he comes out, eh...he tells me that, time, let’s just pray, Jesus has saved you. He will do His work, my Lord will do His work, and I know He has saved you even saved a man in Saudi Arabia when he was on a sickbed, having HIV. He’s a Sheikh, and all of us Muslims know the meaning of Sheikh, final order, it’s the highest order in the Islamic realm and Jesus saved him. And I’ve not got there yet, but two years, I was about to attain to that position before Jesus appeared to me. So, his servant prays with me, his servant don’t know me, but why did he tell me that Jesus has already done His work? So I was confused, what is this man talking? Not knowing that he’s talking what Jesus is about to do...because ...he already knows that ... Jesus already told him what He is about to do So, I went home. I was ...was convinced, but at the same time, I was confused. I say that Jesus has already done it, He will do greater. So in his prayer, he prays for me, I remember he made a statement that this Jesus is going to visit me. He will fill me with His Spirit. So, all that is making no sense to me. I keep saying, “Amin, Amin”, so I went home. But Jesus told me, the prayer of his servant never falls on the ground, only ...the problem is that people are too familiar with him, that’s why He’s delaying. They should learn to honor him and stop looking at his outer appearance and He will change their destiny if only they can believe. So I went home, my father was very angry. While I was here, my father was even calling, saying that where am I? The people in the mosque calling, I should forget Church and whatever and come back home! He wants to know where I am, he will send the driver, but I cannot tell him. Eh ...Godstime was my witness, he was there. So, I say no, I cannot tell you where I am, so I went home.

And ...he was very angry, I tell him, “Papa, I hear.” He said I should forget everything about this Jesus; he doesn’t want to hear it anymore. Nothing of Jesus in this house anymore unless I’ll be digging my own grave. I say, “Father, it hasn’t gotten to that, I hear you.” I went to sleep. Around 1 O’clock or 1:30 in this Ramadan, we’re under [Arabic] which means the last 10 days of the Ramadan. All of us know that, according to the [Hadith] volume 22, it is stated that we are looking for only one particular day in the Ramadan, and it’s not found cannot say you will wait until the last 10 days and fast. Allah says he will not accept it. You cannot also say that you will wait until the 15th day and start fasting, he will not accept it. So he says, starts from the first day! This means you have to fast all the 30 days or the 29 days, but Allah says that one day is found on the last 10 days before the 30 days, which we wake up every night, some wake up midnight, some 1:00, some 2:30, some 3:00. Maximum 3:00 to pray to Allah. Allah says when it is accepted; it’s like 85 years of worship. It’s called [Arabic], which means the night of power, which means Allah says that you’re worshipping him for 85 years.

So, I Insist I want to see the person, again, he says that, “No, don’t worry my son, you don’t need to see me again, but I will testify myself to your family, but they will still harden their hearts.”I say, ah ...I don’t understand. He said, don’t worry. Well ...I told my father, I cannot lead this prayer. That was 1:30. I’m not feeling well because when I want to go to the prayer, that Voice told me that, “No, My son, My servant has already led you to Me. You cannot serve two masters: for either you will hate the one, and love the other; or else you will hold to the one, and despise the other. And I say ...oh, but eh...Allah also says in the Quran, ...I told the Voice that I’m too used to the Quran, I told Him that, but Allah says in the Quran 2, verse 27-28 [Arabic] That is, if there is no God, the next God is your parent! Allah says, never even say to them [peace] neither to disobey them, so ...I’m sorry... I don’t understand what kind of God are You? Why You don’t want me to obey my parents? He says because He is the true God of heaven and earth. My parents ...they don’t even know Me. My father only put that water inside my mother.

He asks me, did my father know how it germinates or grows? [John 1:2-3] I say no, He says, yes. Through Him, all things were made. Without Him, Jesus, He says nothing was made. I should listen to Him. I should not go. So, I told my father I’m not feeling well because I cannot tell him that directly that Voice said I should not come and pray, that one, he’ll cut my head, so I said, I’m not feeling well, He says, what is worrying me? I say my stomach aches. He gives me medicine. He comes back the second part of a prayer, which was 3:15 am this dawn, I still say I’m not feeling well, he says, okay rest. Then he comes this morning 5:45 am, I should go and lead the Fajr prayer. All of us know that the Fajr prayer is the most important prayer of the 5 [led prayers], it’s the first prayer in the morning, before any of the 5 [led prayers]. Allah says that when it is accepted, the remaining four will be accepted. When it’s not accepted, the remaining four will not be accepted. And Allah says that the hypocrites cannot pray that one, also, and the last one which is done by 7:15 am, Allah, says hypocrites cannot also pray that a Muslim, this is our belief system. So, not to pray it means I’m a hypocrite. But I told my father, I’m sorry, I cannot lead this one, I’m not feeling well. He became very offended this time. He says that he is not a small boy. He wants me to know that the English man says, “Show me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.”He gives birth to me. If I’m sick, he knows. If I’m not sick, he knows. He wants to tell me that I’m not sick. He knows when I’m sick last year, I used to lie down and still pray. I don’t joke with prayer, because that is the instruction of Allah. If you’re sick and you cannot pray and you say you cannot stand, Allah says, lie down. If you cannot lie down, Allah says, sit down. If you cannot sit down, Allah says, people should still hold you and make you do actions of the prayer. No excuse for it. So, I told him, papa, I’m not feeling well...I want to say, my Muslim brothers, let’s ask ourselves before I continue. Don’t you think this is bondage? It’s like its bondage based on what I’m hearing from Jesus. If you’re sick The God of heaven, According to the Quran, Allah says [...Arabic] Quran chapter 10 verse 4 Allah says again [Arabic] He says that in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. If truly that verse is real and he is merciful, why is it that you’re sick and he’s still saying to pray?? The real God of heaven should not be wicked like that. You’re sick; he should understand you’re not feeling well. This God also tells us that in Quran chapter 8 verse 4, ... I’m saying these things to prove to my brothers that I’m not a madman, or I’m not stupid, or maybe some Christians have tried to bribe me or give me some money Because that thing will be going through all their mind. I know I was there before; this thing will be going to our mind.

No Christian or pastor from anywhere, ...all of you should know, that’s why I mention my father’s name, Ibraheema, and all of you know him, Adua Bellow, the chief imam of Ajumoni central mosque. All of you know him. He’s a car dealer, and he sells cars. He is also the president of the Sunni Muslims in West Africa. So I’m not a poor man ...all of you should know that by now. I’m a chartered accountant. Now the truth of the matter is that, you see, all of you know my father and some of you know me. All of you know I desire to go to Jannah [Heaven] and this Jannah cannot be found unless in this Jesus. I am sorry, why am I saying this? All in Quran... 2 verse 285 [Arabic] Allah says, all you who believe among the Muslims, believe in all the books and all the prophets; that includes the Bible! So how why all out of a sudden, the same Allah will come and say the Bible is corrupt, the Christian changed it, while the same Allah tells you in Quran chapter 2 verse 285, you should believe in all the books. That includes the Injil, the good news! And Allah says that, believe also I Allah has sent 124,000 prophets on the planet earth and this is the belief of every Muslim that the Almighty Allah has sent 124,000 prophets on the planet earth. Allah says all of them have fallen short of his glory, except Jesus Christ, The son of Mary! Fine, Allah did not say his son, it doesn’t matter, and he says the son of Maryama. But he says only he is without sin. And now Allah says that Mohamed will intercede for us on the day judgment in the Hadith volume 32 of Buhari.

Now, how is that possible, when Mohammed has sinned? Allah says it [Suuratu] with Maryama, verse 32 that [Arabic] …Oh, Mohammed, ask me of forgiveness and I’ll forgive your present sins and future ones. That means he has, but Allah forgives him. But this man Jesus, according to our Quran is without sin. So I think the man without sin is worthy to intercede for us on the day of judgment for God‘s mercy than any other person. If they give you a new set, my brother and an old set, I think you’ll take the new set. Not an old set. 

All of you know that I am well educated in this our faith, my father sent me to Qatar, to study, from there to Saudi for one year. I am sorry, I’m saying nothing but the truth because Allah told us in Quran chapter 10 verse 15 [Arabic] accept the truth even if they are going to cut off your head. Allah also says again [Arabic] truth has come, and falsehood by nature is bound to perish. I am sorry, this is the truth. I’m not saying this to please anybody. I’m not pleasing any Christian, neither any Muslim.

I want to please my Lord Jesus Christ who has visited me on Monday, who has saved my soul from the condemnation of hellfire. I appreciate Him. I’m so grateful for Him saving me.... and this morning, as the story continues my brother, I was put inside the room because the old man was angry. What happened was that this morning when he persists that I have to go to the mosque, I said no, he said well he was going to take his bath, that was about 4:45 AM, by the time he finishes, he wants to see me at the mosque otherwise he will order Baba and the two macho boys to drag me to the mosque. I say, papa, it hasn’t gotten to that, I hear you, he left, I was worried, I was really worried, then the next 30 minutes all of a sudden, that Voice told me, my son, stand up from the bed. I say I don’t understand, He says I should stand up from the bed. I stand up from the bed. Then the Voice says I should say after Him just like I’ve said after His servant yesterday who prayed for me and who led me to Him. I say I don’t understand, He says there is power in confession, I say, ah... I don’t still understand You. He says yes My son, My servant didn’t want to take your time, he didn’t want to offend your father, he’s a man of honor who respects parenthood but he would’ve told you that My words say that with the heart, man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. [Romans 10:9-10]. I say I don’t understand, He says yes, what you said yesterday you were saved through My servant, it’s not your works. I say, ah…I don’t understand, just that word, only that I am saved? No! People have to do the right things, they fast, they pray, they give [zadaka]. They run away from fornication. They don't cheat, they don’t steal, they don’t [Arabic], and they have to do these good works to go to heaven, what do You mean just saying that I’m saved?? [Ephesians 2:8-9; Colossians 2:13-14].

He says, “Yes My son, you don’t need good works, all you need is to confess Me as your Lord and personal Savior. I took your sins and nailed them on the cross of Calvary that is where the Muslims get it all wrong. That’s why your people get it all wrong. No one goes to heaven until he believes in the finished work of Jesus Christ on this cross of Calvary, if not, forget it! It doesn’t matter who you are whether you’re a Muslim, a Buddha, or a Hindu, or whoever you are. This is truth, the hard truth.” [John 1:12] I say I don’t understand, he says yes, now I should say after Him, “As many as received Him, to them He gives the power to become sons of God, even them that believe on His name. I say I don’t understand. He says I don’t need to understand, I should just say after Him, just as I said after His servant who led me to Him. And I said it, one, two, and I stopped, He says no My son, don’t stop saying it, keep saying it. I will make it become part of your spirit. I said how is that possible? He said, yes, in Islam it’s not possible but in Christendom, in His kingdom, all things are possible to them that believe; I should only believe. So I keep saying it, as many as received Him, to them He gives the power to become the sons of God, even them that believe on His name. When I get to the seventh time, my brothers and sisters I don’t know what happened. Up till now, I am the one thing this thing is happening, but I’m not sure if I’m going mad or if I’m normal, to be honest. I saw something like a flame of fire, all of a sudden, the ceiling, and my room ceiling opened up like this… I’ve never seen anything like that [Acts 2:1-7]. And I saw something like a flame of fire coming from the sky, coming right from heaven all over my body, Flames! Real fire! My whole body starts burning, at the same time, it was something like an electric shock, I could not control it …I could not withstand the presence of it. The thing threw me on the floor. I started rolling. I started rolling.

You’re not there, but those who were with me, they could see my [dalabia or clothes], and some parts are dirty. I started rolling on the floor as if somebody was controlling me; somebody was forcing my mouth to speak. The words started coming, I don’t know their meaning, and I cannot stop the words... [Speaks in tongues – Acts 2:3-4]. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. This thing keeps coming. I cannot stop it. I feel like continuing, but I need to continue with my testimony. He said that no, I should not stop, so my father told me I’m going mad. My mother started crying, and my sister, everybody was crying because they said I was going mad. My father quickly ran out to go to a place called Yaba, at the Yaba Psychiatric Hospital to bring a man called Dr. Joseph. When the man comes, he starts saying, he’s amazed, and he’s amazed.

So my father became angry at him. I brought you here to check my son, and you’re happy that my son is mad. Then the Doctor said, no, Imam, I am happy, yes but not necessarily because …I am happy your son is mad. I am happy because you have been my friend for some time, last year I talked to you about this Jesus; I gave you a Bible, and you threw it in my face and you even warned me never to try that again. Since then, I’ve been praying for your family, I know that only Jesus can do it. Why I am laughing is because Jesus has done it, Jesus has saved your family. My father says what nonsense are you saying, Dr. Joseph? He says, oh Imam, your son is chosen by Jesus, and this is the Holy Ghost. My father says I can see you’re also going mad like my son. I understand my father because according to his view, that is Quran chapter 14 verse 8, the Almighty Allah says that… I mean Mohammed [Arabic] Mohammed is their leader and he is the Holy Spirit. That’s what the Quran says, Mohammed is the Holy Spirit. So, because of that, my father says that the Holy Spirit cannot teach my son that Jesus is the son of God. Because Mohammed is the Holy Spirit and Mohammed says God has no son that is Quran chapter 112, verses 1 to 5. Allah says to Mohammed …tell them that I am Allah, the absolute the eternal [Arabic] ...and there is no one like me. [Arabic]

That is the meaning of what I’m saying in the English version, that means Allah doesn’t have a son, neither does anybody helps him in his creation. But then before I go further, Jesus told me that this verse contradicts itself in the Quran ...I say, ah, the Quran has no contradiction. He says I should open to Quran chapter 2, I should open to verse 23 and I should compare it to this verse of Quran chapter 112, verse 1-5 where Allah says he is Allah, He has no father, no mother, he born nobody and nobody born him, and no one helps him in his creation. Then If this is true (what Allah says in Quran 112 verse 1-5, then why does it say in Quran chapter 2 verse 23) [Arabic] the chapter of the cow, why did Allah say [Arabic] that “We” created the seven Heavens and the seven earths, we have given them two lips and two eyes. We spread the sky for them like a canopy without a pillar, have they not considered this? [Genesis 1:26-28].

Now, the word used there is “WE” created the heavens and the earth. Jesus told me that this confirms the Blessed Trinity. That means there are three persons in the creation. My brothers and sisters in Islam, you see the Quran even confirms Jesus. Now Jesus told me again to open the Quran, chapter 8, verse 4. Allah says, [Arabic] that Jesus Christ is the spoken word of God and the spirit of God! [Arabic] means the word of God [Arabic] means the spirit of God! Jesus asked me, if I should separate your spirit from you, you’ll be a dead man. If the spirit does leave the body and the soul, then they say the man is dead. They become an empty container, they become useless, or a thing we throw in a place like a cemetery or a grave. Muslims will understand this part, more than any Christian because us they tie-tie with these clothes I’m wearing with rope, they just tie your legs and throw you in the 15 feet in the ground, Nothing like a coffin. Our own is terrible, so for this purpose, it’s why we have to be careful how we need to follow Jesus Christ before it becomes too late. I’m not insulting... anybody, discriminating nobody, but I’m saying the truth. My Muslim brothers, this is ...the Quran it says Jesus is the spoken word of God, the spirit of God. [John 1:1]


  1. I can not find in the Quran (ch. 8 verse 4) that Jesus is the spirit of God. Can anyone help me, plz.

    1. Q 4:171 The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him.

  2. Which church did the author get born-again? I would like to cross-check how true this testimony is.

  3. You can see his other videos on YouTube for further verification.
